1908-02-17 Regular CC Minutes2 001:;„;CiL 7The ro.1 r°,f .7)11 to to -,-!(374-C Ow771 Towc1 Lo7t Iivc! :o. ,Lc=3 !,w;:- 0-7:F.t7,1)-1:-:. to 4 41 t! On for H!-CJI 3,1 .111.1..-3:!:(Ce 44 1.7;zz're ZI *1 11 r 71. 2,11,1 713. Leet 3e. ]eeiles T.Jo 1:101M:$ TT forwe):- 111 It ::267.CO 7,e7t1:-hte 113.5C 1.15a,t: ) 15,(5C on:nn ¶'<& 11oe,7- ovef.7 the cav-,e-,e,!: 1):: the feTTo--et-el::- oe, L;:- 7.-- ?ilei.31o:e.TC) 72Cee'sc, t7t* yeee-e0 t'e leo AvT,eeC1,vy :toto;e::ioe of ,=(71 Itrs Le„,e 1,eo1oetee L,,elfeet leeeloti of ,1.1e:o c .713o . oi Ue ,„ to ■\) rcrsos of s,rrive,1 ,oso -sote0 Itrosest. wo,o reooiveJ f.ser. t7-.e .n:1 IO..0 os,sissios reocoLe-s- t7.,e o7.s2se of tw T f- :..Voso',o:9.se fc,s,vits, 7.-seJen fsvoro*le:: -eo r 2 osoo(7, ,Thtof - t'eo fftre IsrOss,}e tiost -fer-Lnlosion "s3 t7se tO ytrol.sse so-oscs,soonflo, - cor-.sio(7, fcl- lmstre: vote. :Thrtste-nsoo,Los,Thilloo7,-:,-2Tooe,f-eost sncl 2is7ser.(7). 21.7ssen4.. :jolsootlistes Loo-i ckom-im-e.totios -,too rcootlieffi frorc tilfI "o1-1,e ooC, 0 :Th7S-c-L3i1 tO St'),Th t2; 21.1al_eCla t7_13 cer.-,tton of all sflol-, o,o,ohiscs otloI° devtoo of E -fr', 7e to7ton 'eoei er ofser oucl, Toosorto. tTsflt 710 rI-r t11 to !,-o '..;ost.t...ttoo of L'. c13-osks7 on(.1 lost o ..ttornej f-,ss7o ow :Sortsone in 33`;,If1ionce tlo -.seocsmoso7o,,tton,o,seolo7o:7 sne, soJ e: netsC, :orese.ot, oclt ff tl o-Is olt - .......... 1 its aortioion eer n1eso 1 ow, oriysino; tme t:- t, an sloovtt -rot ftvs Cfollf.rrs for no ess- ,sso .2.—soLVED t'Sst t":e if.osssfl. of 'olio() o-ze 2estssic-ses 'so sootT-rfl 1.) -r, -,00so co.wero].. f_in_st:co roLiest sertin J' -.e s.w.,sooj'e otsfi esr-fieJ ne voc; 2.s.es:onoot1nos, Lcsowo-L,r,j:121istenoons0sf2;n1 sn('1 Loo(c.-) CLU tr. ltss r000i7 fro's. .2.1).T10„C2t r31ren,ose to e'e . f loon nse ,cTho o OZ Yurstf. t'ost tlso -ostto-o Ise -sefo-s:se:7, to to ss to tf.00 of tf,c, Cit-,; to °,ssItmc - -Y* st-ooti t fnc to n I.. ....... 4-4 in no L. c n oot s.72r-eoe-r lot. tlo (3-,20",' 017 .2..venno onf: wes on =tfon. ::'e rr," :se, no .-.;t1oest no o-scoE„ UCUl- to ne ]!-O,',"'JI.itiOD, of 4. vorions voeceso,:,00-71.n -wss oriere(7 lOt tliss of s f.itroot or-o rum--- 71s3 of -27el:olsor-,r Or-1 in ro:2,,,ssenoe t3 te Istion so to ooter worTh LeLtrovin: tT,e .rcrt". e-ofl of .:00t:,' s.treet Tocr,-)f:os n-sol t7o rs,s.::esstt of 70YTS w.froo tro.ffio ss t1.3 servic,o noir 7otwoes roo 2,11- a:oef.1. sosCs. ..;;tre coodorof: ft13,TL co t-it eL s toto..r lteo ros,Thss: woo orOoroff, ftle0. :The La's ocie=tostics of :fn refo-,-3woe to t7o or, oer :7:o 3f 1.7.e frsnoTtioe to t7ie :ectrsl 23oific to flisoo w-sCier wos crel'e6 - :7 it ft :he o1 w o o. 7. it ocsiostion 'eeetve(7i fro. 'to -frsticss zeferon.o3 to onetels for oo-Orosseji l'onneti i 10 I ties on:1'1e , 0.1:0.ore(" file0. it 1-(Ho woo reooivef frols tIo 2.1s: :1-..c.-soosw(! 7 ,-ionr,etl to Hit:- f.,ction :3 t7.1,e "-,ittlynt-olfs.f of so:nts ff:lowss ff0 53 110 loss -roc!,eivoJ; *IffoarCt of 723o7t's I roL:or(-1 to -yrovertion eroff',te,otio of ne itO Ilo IIC OrOorCI 2'1fIc;f1. Afniels,-eoorto ati-licatton to 1)e D.-sysotsteC, -,-,-,01.3ssts1or of :Llase:,Is 10 e11 o t71P, ,tCC- t o'1.7 of t7.0 O;tt's Lt,,'.7,1 lot, 1':-e s.fjtter --z'ef(f to L'ot' Lt. "oroccano,: ppe ,o -Toin:ht Ilant for the ]riont:Ins of becer,-,her 1C7 and too: 1ard of ot of irt.713. 22Fishor to ascertain the sprhablo cost. a con=mication 1T-13 received fro the liarhor ieco,ue ir reference to thn 1:ar7or dc. Orde.reci Tbe ..lioa-rtaent of Electricity preented reports of tbe i Face- ordered Tbo nlork rrosented cf-its showin, due postinL ace, Tublicion of 7otices askir for biJs nnde io]:ti1 O' Of Intertion Ho.713,arj two bids were received and oponej,ore, froY, Hutchinson Comi,any For repradin astacadanicin oiLjht inch. thick " o:utters rock straiabt onrbina concrete curved ourbin!.-o conlcroto o 7+7 culverts oast iron concrete Teent rer square foot conts per square foot 13-: cents or square foot 4C cents uer :linear foot 4.8 cents Tor linear foot per :linear foot re.r linear foot the say.e was accerci-Tanied bn a hond in no sri of 50.00,the otber hid vs fra Iowe7r7 73ros as follows, For hxcavatin,i2 “ 1:lacadaneizpin.,n Gntters aock Culverts Iron if concrete cents Tor square foot cents rer square foot cert2 per sqvare foot 49 cents per linear foot Each Ter linear foot. thn sar:n was accomnanied by a bond in the sue of C-300.co,tberouren Lr,Cbristencer offered tbc follow resolution and roved its adoption: 2FOICTED,Thnt tbc Council of the Oity of Llameda,havin ir oren session or the 1.7t day of Tibe1rnaryl90Copened,ex.anined and pnblicly declared all seal ed proposals and bids for the followin street work in said ciia,:?,to wit: That Iark ;Ctrent f or tbe northern line of 7,nena 71sta :t.L.vonne to tho ti line of Harrison L7(1):: sr C j61:0 san extended in a risht line westerly across lark ;.troot rne:i-oC-rj ll cross between said lires,be irTroved as follows: That the raoday thereof be re-raded:that concrete curhinLn c' ±; ekes bv fourteen inebes in cross section dirlensions be constructed on all curb tb.oreof and an all curved corners thereof, two incos ahove the official curb f?,rado;tLat cement ;7:routed rock gutters,three and ore-half foot in width of the flat pattern,bc c;onstructed on each side of said roadway contiguous to zaid curbin,excepting that utters constructed c,;ntile:- shall be two and one-half feet in width, and of the curved pattern;that the re- maining portion of said roadway be macadamized with a layer of broken trap roc ei311t inches in thicImoss;tht cast iron culverts imbedded ±mcaaam7ate and en- closed in concrete be constructed,ono in the eastern side ana ono in the west- ern side of each orossim° between the above rnntionea lines so so to cross tbo intersectins avennes;that at each curved corner to be constructed hereunder two •-otter briap:es of Tine lunber,,ix feet in width shall he constru,cted. All portions of Par L,treet or its orossirs ri this soiC Tines and elnded riLd:nt lines Coln narallei with the center llne (I said street anC distant ten and Ot,-1CC of a foot richt anTo 'easurennt on each side of the 2:Yid center line thereof are excaTtod f-2..°;/V tho oTaration of this rosoThtion all y rtions of bark, tree or its crossins within sr-id lincowobich -ro requ.irna b: law to be kent in order by the railroad bavini„: its tracks tbereon are also excePed fro the 0-per,otion of thT!,s resolution,horcby reects all of said bids excePt that hoists is,entionea ana hereby awards the contract for said wor to Iowell. Eros they beinL the "lowest resvonsihle hidaer:2 thereforot the prices ouccified in their Me( therefor on file to it Pou E-roavtin(,: ' Lacaaaaniziu C,('uttors,llock TI 6t1 aiL;ht OurbinL:,Concreto (? ')nrtter Culverts,Iron 1- cents rer s'71'''''P foot TI 13),:,;: " II TI IT 4? " If Linear TT 11,00 each 3,00 per Linear Yoot. Tho City Clerk to herehy direct-end to rost Eotice of this Award conspicu- ouslv for fiyo cdays near the Chfft(or door of this Couucil,aad to puhlish said no- tice for two (18 in the Ala((:eda Daily Arus,newsaperlseconed hy and adopted h:y the followinc vote: iiyec:,(Jou(noilmon d2rown,Christenseu,l'.aL:aLnos,?3ullock, Floy,idee,Irohst,Fisher snd :Lo (C) Eocc;Eono Absent;T:ono. v-erLierinco for ir,oved that ne ruldlte (7,vertis -IL: for the year eradin the first -wc rrintiao: auks Lc), LerJay drdTd,he awarded to the .)'.1ar(oaa Jaii ArL;us as per their ma presented Fchruarz:. TOCC as follows: For the first insertion of ar adevoutiso:ment ) uer soluare of two hundred ard forty (24() or:s alonpaue-t1 yocesuuculent: 7i'or the (OCro3 nsertion of aa evertisarent, 75 y per square of two iln(lroCi :and forty ;24°) ems nonpareil IT,casurenr(ent; For the third insertion of an advoutiseseat,50 per squre of two hurJdred sad forty (240) aim rouparell Ineasnue,oet; for the fourth insertion of aa advertioeent Uci rer square of two s o hdred • forty (240) eirs noarareil - For each suhsciont ieoertior of au advertiso]nert rer square of two hum- (11( ,71:)TIJI forty (240 ) cTs sonuaucir lacaourcrent. All of sal!.d oadycrtisin uhlishiu- to he done in the colu:,Ine of the Aja-ineds 1' I .inoes,a 'newspaper prirted,ruhlishe and circulated In ne City- of Alalseda. seconded hy Ecy and sauried the llorJin vote. Ayes:(JouncilIner Drown, 7hristersen,o,nos,73ullock,Eola,ce,2robst,Fisher ara IOOL Ebec:Zone' Aseut;Eone. In the T,later f thrritin f li hlar Lc, . noc fr(d tht o e n,J ouhc ks ,LrLaaa, ove a,t thC natter he rsifeed hack to the Trintirus Cofv:wittee,socondea hy kr.Throlost ar0 • teL solutieu ex- Lr.1.1azn0s offcrod the followins resolution and loovea its adoutton -,if n(r tio to vertise for ' LE-':,-.,2hT:', h:s the locuet 1» of the in of Li aroda: That tee resolution of t Co for hons.1e this Con :acrid. aor(ted or: the 5d ,-,T 0 Fe7yr a— u, l'OC , w1:ee: u!i.o Otto fo to sftle of honds authorieoed net provided for hy Ordinance To -0(' of said cit,,,' was fixed or dinenco a dates of Tnds. 3- In • in Tchunsuy,1O,ard whreh:( the lie::' of -This Connell wss directed to advertise s notice of said sede,ho and the 8111(.-. is herehy reecluod,sud. FI12,01.5]r) that c--id houd(o he sold on the 22th day of Larchal901,at C zJect)5 o 'clock '22:),",, at th o lo»-'oii Chaleher of this Couacil and that the Olerh. he and in is hecehy directed to advertise in the official uewerarer of said cit, a notice of net: sale invit scaled frolt:coals for ti)e 'r'mil' of Ti a or co: ':m portion of said ho-de and nocfnirimy hidders to suhioit with. 'Their .propossis a certified clice7: ahle to the Treasurer of tho :daily of a.laYeda for in leost two y.or c,ent of the hid, said chock to 1,e forfeit to the olt-y lf hidaer fails to take 'o:60 hid for ia esso C.)f ;.:71j; notioe lour successive weeks he fore date of an de. '-econded Lir:Fisher sml esruied vote L., 113: i fl 122 stens Jr.i. S "311110 :002 "frohoL,,Yisher arsd Ioop,(C) '11002; Ahseut;Eone introduced entitled "A for Crdinance Dates of F„xecution,for 2sDocut of '6c::,i-Axnual Interest AnIqual i-A-Istalits of Irineipad of the .,1 1:1 f. Oinl'Or'U:C set Bonds( provided for hy Onilaaree the :hit:: of A"larr,eda ana 1)..elatiloL,. to the EtecuLion of Oonrolio for said '21:3ous'''. wes oo,rer .-.1-'ovineions of OnTieeoc to 1 1n-2nistonooe ientrodolcoa ll tit711 'A Lill fa 11 Li n r r -nej7n71,- e.;11:.nmIlle-nee -to - of en otof 07:-stotions in eLt-:oot uIon 1unlio ov2) t"n• InEovieion of -1:2to Ort,71,1n=oo, SLz. aj.1:resc.2,o.1 the tl)c neoosit-- of or- 7:);t1h 11--,0000s_ —f.2C.-te On 2.:Jonm ,:.-*t3lorisoj to 1. • - , inneoo e.n6 lli-ss s e.. iio f :-lJim nitr c ton o oo iTitrodue'2, A Eill oaltitlo,,1"' Lill for arqi-nnnoe 1-7 tt,e 7ionjte.ot 4 JI Eat -o1.1.-!tions for t'ne OlnioTinoois '&e)no ovei Pfe7,or -21.0vieiuns orf i10 011=tor. L of .170:1 t1no recolntton on.2Y1, noo: fo-r -t2Lo ,eroo.toot mune-,e 14 --14 s1LoeTO. 1)e sc1ootej1 n" t"no 2ity Con,.3i1 of toro 1ero"py Fw-looto winn ftree-':s :11.1a-rorocij1 'i -._ f a r ,t e so irro oto 4_S '414 frnoten of 11o.)..11 in F=,o7 1 11i( o o of ,00eJ, 2ne1 Zee Elooe of over 1/2 aso-,e:-.o3, 1....i11j2eor t:11c Ta,-,7102 Elac -Ikr,"1 7.11. -" o.o lost .1n:.; -1Tho vote ...les!7o-enotlY.en t;-!A,t fOo Eolice C' .11I. oo soil one f 4.14 1, itte 11' 1 --or ot?l in ito o ros n , ne Co., soo anor s seoon:1ea I.A.LaL;aL2n3o:3 oneCt (ecrie6 lc:: followinLj 1.70to Awo,s: Co1- CO Eoe[:-1oin, A:t1' e7ntne. no tC) tLe refor (moo to tno of 7,nn-nninL e Tioo of •Jon: t.10 ,o)coos . reiort ,.)s to -Yee T2Ater j1,o oee,oro2 07f1:3 ttat tlo I )e1-71o11)orieCt to elylo..; ele-rten1 Zrsont71:o J i)1 fitC; B oo o E.]:7 rYn17oCe f017nne :zo*1-.);oti7.o.r 4,'1e: 11n: -- -, f-Trto 7o..sfnos tle r 2e7r-a * 0