1908-02-28 Regular CC Minutes1/4..) U. i t.) 6 1 .1_ .743 ,,S . ¼.) 7.7.34 H 1.7, 7) of LIa, oeJa,201)ruary 28th 11d08. The nieetifl s. was callod to order hy -fdse Layer. The 2°11 was celled and Councilr,e-L1 (:;Taristonse-n,Bullecla:, wore noted fecesent Ocanoilnen Brown,aL;a:mos and Illsher were noted al)sent. F.Astroic, freseted_ a retitioa for 1)ernission to /neve a hease frwc, i.e sopth ilstro, to t, cve ho))se. 4 side of Lincoln Lven-re letwoon. Everett and :readwa:o the -north side of Lincoln avers-le hetweerl the sere streets,the y titierl was aeocAirenied TT tl)e write" conse-st swif:ser S.c.0o (7,:cosins streets 'footed ir),/ -archise. )07Le 011 tO of e, walritv of the --.1)o-pert side of 'Mu street on which the Tiose is to -f)co novea. Lr.Trobst _r:oved that the -e-6ition he ,ranted subject to tho -yaro- visions of :'-di -eance Li3.22,soc0nded I Er-Lour and carried. A co)).. was received fro. the ;),ontherr donyea recines Ti` infor7:!atin as to T-7o,a!:, esirod) tO the street cross- ie:2; at EaLnie and 71T0ad3'ay v7-j1)17 is crossed said ir frnoh or h,th a w-: d TT hl- loriet ef tlo i t a i a c said cress-3n. info-reed tho 1.1ocnoil -uhat -110(7,0d ('-1 t7,0:r01,7,01-1 d i Cle-rh le 1 cona-;rociot o n1!ove tca e reded o ao t e H 3 01±,7. tlat H173 the aecl red was f .3.1 .4 wirT or e jo n-:I:rove tho Jterin;o: Lofer the u.se of .111e irfic HOC dic! -ncrf; (3,7 lio-e,m the ler“7 dedicatod to the lit--,,,secondod --cCeet ned w I-nvaid r ;nt fo tt urroly,dls co,elc4:_ieas reo fow, o.o.le;,e: r o L) d i och-ive eor-e-In 1-.1'61:327L--:.itDcl in reard to reyeoiri:e:-, or -id: to aec!widental.,,. 1wroeov. alatLor vas feared f:o thoH:1-fe e ld'! dlym7c e :1o, .3. .3 .7,',. .3 lf od )aCwe .ocov-o-F,ent, traotor in tho otatter of eonstrnotic o-oe-ct yovewont or tho +1, no .21ort oso_Jl )r ffdt hooi- dyhlicati of Uo t yacno aivisv ue v: os tiee o -.3 ‚‚.3 i orthn e nd ihnnn e hld w eid tht f tho 'oa t n er nd a oeLeon as reete ao L);sen Lavin oen no sawe hein accei)owod ;; n Ji of d of , c w:de Si ,ron th ) inioadoe '17T:o wes sr)e: of IcrWT:co.1)ot nj, refondf to 2)tof thh1hos sodded 1T :nllch and avrT:jwliteo e : , jor. .T. e-. titlod Lill -:1T» Ordinance ao Trovidir Lieors se,: for .:Le:):1!Tst-loo a 7 -1t771-, no License Teo: Iheror'or. o :77' finnl infs,;seL:e and cy;-:, t'oo oYler:on 1nr,LrInoo,Lttornes for tho cofolood 1r,ost2 os d2or .- addressed thc last'r of tha ssid r)en rowd Led 3""1 froa sea-1,o dla.ra Lroane sod statod that tf's orio; of slaelro the roadhod fnon santa dfle.:ra T,senne te 2an doao Lvooeva o con,enead Worro no a:och,. l 1n- then too:: v to )o to forw1-1-fe : r! to d-1n 7,1 .3-, :oil 000ss in, eeoncrn sea c) casCal:w ode_ nY Ld h11a self nod -wi a: -f osose on reeo Thet1noon)1ecd idL te: ; Ll rd that th 6i io sin, Trcawr.lros oe e J:snarcho ;assd on,tod seoends'l ho La.foe ond corriod no foiowls vote. ,J7,yo,.;orao:1:11re4 )ihristennes.0; o1deoeoee,ilo1,,s1 aad ;:nd Tfscw::n7 .4" ‚3 no 000ned of inderolow f'do o: oeds ord doenosts of tht-ril - ed nt th.t 'hllowd to e eoov rer cro reosod ,ea e e lorahese ow th on rs1n7 to th ny) to dt 1O 10 ess olo.o writ e sow oo,r,1or' • .7;0!AC:j. (Y that tile request ice .anted,secorided Try Lr.Cce and carried icy tiee s;Couactlmen Thr7istenan TealTholo 7 r Prol)st and Toon. to). .,:oos:i,one. 211)2 e t U 0 -U1 -J3r oval anse end ItIs1 ier.(3). icein no fnrnea: lerasiness to transact tine ,iosecii adjourned to meet Londaartain 2nd st 7.3n 1 City Cleri:n