1908-03-30 Special CC MinutesaiH::::CIIIL -ZEETIHJ JF ThE C017dCIL -71' I= CITY OF AIAHT7DA, 1:,arch 30th 190C. Le Council was called to order by the :layor. The roll 1,72 called and Council Brown,Christonsen,Lac.anos,:3ulloch,7oy,Coo, Irobst,Fisber and Loop.,(9),were noted rosorlt and none absent. The Clerl: road the call for the meetinL: which had been called in accordance with the ovisions of subdivision fie of 2ection 4, Chanter 1 of _Article II of the Tharter,for, the purr:ose of invest i. fj nL, char(es referred by the Layer aiaainst Dr.J.Ennet C7lark,d:resident of -ne r,ord of He lth,and which was sisned by Council- men Visheree,and Brown. 'i3amo ordered filed. Atterne7 J.A."i3arids addressed the '-'ouncil in iebalf of Dr. Clark and withdrew the counter chares in .)22.Clari:s ans-or to the 1:_ayor's chores, 550 thoreuyon the Clerk read a connuniccttion from the Llayor in which he stated that he was convinced that Dr.Clar7,,:. .had not intentionally violated any law in tHe p,resentotion or anro- val of any claim asainst tho City, and stiImlatinL: that all charL;es and s-necifica- tions [asst :Dr .Clark be disnissed and thot th:e suspension of Dr. C] as Yros- dent of the Iloard of ioalth he revoked and rescinded and that he be restored to nonbership of the hoard of Health and to and rowers incident thereto. hr Boy moved that the sane he placed on filo and the action of the Layor be a:;:proved,seconded by ]'r.1-robst and carried by the followinF.: vote. A7/eS: Council- t:Le frosidencay tLoroof and to all the ril:hts men Brown,Christonson,Laanos,Bulloch-, hoC e-,Yrobt,Fisher and Loop. (9). Does; Done. nsent; Done. Chore beilv: no further business to transact the council duly -Idjourned. City Clork.