1908-04-06 Regular CC Minutesansfer of 'ansfer of nds. 'JjL_1!, UY TIL1!.; CITY OF AL=DA,A=T 6th 1908. The meeting was called to order 177 the 7:,ayor. The Roll was called and Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Lagasnosullock,7oy,Cee, Irobst,Fisher and Loop,(9).were noted present and none ahsent The minutes of the regular meet-my of 1.:larch 16th were read and ordered ar,proved. The minutes of the reular meetin of ;:,arch 2 th were read and ordered a-eproved. The minutes of the Special meetim2; of :.,arch 30th were read and ordered approved. ::::r.:3ullock introduced the followins resolution and roved its ado-etion, Resolved that the sun o± zasnIteen Thousand hiyht- hundred and Eighteen /100 G18618.99) Dollars be and the same is hereby transferred from Eunicipal imrrovement Fund ho.0 (account of -:iebster Street Imnrovement) to the etroet Fund of the nity of Alameda to reimburse said street fund for demands heretofore made and allowed by the Council 8=Linst said fund on account of the reconstruction of nebster Street Roadwa as shown hy the statement hereto annexed and made a part of this resolution. Second- hy hr.Christenser and carried b7 the followinrf vote. Ayes :Councilmen Drown,Chris- tensen,ljagagnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,rrobst,Fisher and Loop).(9). Uoes:None. Absent: None. Er. Bullock introduced the following resoltion and moved its adoption, Resolved by the Council of the City of Alameda that the sum of Thirteen Thou- sand Four hundred and Twenty 7E1100 (13420.75) Dollars be and the some is hereby transferred from Yiunicipal Improtrement Fund. ho .6 (Electric Light Account) to the Electric light Fund to reimburse said fund for moneys heretofore paid out of said fund and charL'eable asainst said improvement fund as per conmunication hereto attach- ed and made a rart of this resolution. Seconded by :::.r.iToy and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Drown,Christensen,Yasasnos Bullock,Noy,Gee,i)robst,Fish- er and Loor.(9). Noes: one • Absent: 'None. y of Denuty 1/..Eullock stated tint the City Assessor had appointed two deputies and moved sessors. n.from 71)e,2-:;t, . P. arsiuF.: of arter. that their salaries be fixed at o each per month, seconded by hx.-iloy and car- ried by the following' vote, Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Easagnos,Eullock, Noy,Geo„Probst,Fisher and Ioop.(9). Noes: None. Ascot: None. A communicat-ion was received from the Deport-rent of Electricity requesting that the City Attorney be directed to take steps looking to a change in the Charter which would allow a different system of chaIT:in=: the City for liEht. After dis= cuosior hy the Earor, Council memhers Er.orham president of the said Departmen, ::.r.o-rham was requested to -eut a fiefure of what they estimate the cost of Ii tin: the City in their budet for the ensuing :Lrear. Claims aFainst the 'Jeneral Fund amount-in: to 12i3C.86;aFainst the :Police Fund anountinL to vt,t. 5;acsainst the Fire Fund amounting to 251.25;against the Street Fund amounting to 215405 53.eeirst the Electric Lisht Fund amountinE; to -,;',8217.41; _ aicinot tho Library Fund Ci11.5.07 and aainst Lunicipal improvement Fund ITo.6,Elec- tric Lisht amounting to -,:18114.60 having been audited and approved by the proper officials and committees were road as follows G2,11a= 1 Chas Insurance Premium 11.00 Salary as e uty :1.ssesor 75.00 Aicus iuhlishi:y Co. AdvertisinP: .fB Fr 8.80 Forward- - C 132.17 Ti IT It (1 It TT II Advertis rrintin Forward 132.17 11.90 20.33 97.25 (.3.90 5.00 TI 1 Ti u 41.75 IT IT If It 22.50 Ti II 1 4.25 IT II IT IT 12.50 If 37.50 TI I IT IT 6.00 BoeJe,F. Trnsoript for 1:.aroh 3.05 Britton 0 7ey T-Ithora-rh inn Bonds 265.00 Browriudward indexin records 24.00 :a1ifor:in Oil 0 ]3-urner Co :Parts for Heater 7.00 TT U Oil for heater 26.30 Leal servioe on Ions 700 .00 Insurance 7renilln 11.00 Salar,v as Jre-riir Asses,-or 75.00 Oakland Gas Lt.0 7eat Co Gas 4.00 Dacifie Tel 2 Tel Co. witches .70 7eor1 'Zater Co Cater City Hail 7.20 II Hound 1.35 Insurance frerAull. 11.00 aoaeni10 City Clerk 3.35 IT IT 11 Treasurer 2.10 IT Assessor 2.70 Vosbur.c-h ,,J.. 2urIlies 2.50 7iest,7.C. D(Tenses Anti S'nelter Con:flittoe 57 .39 F.eturn of Taxes 3.81 Coodielion n. Hells hanley,J.. r. Holland, 2 It Conrad, John .3tucker,Edv:in s. Anderson,. rE:us ±Tuel ci C TJTL LL t' hara.lond, Jaisou,J. 7 Total- 1250.05- POLICE FUITD. InciOental 7apenses Tr= FUND. 27.75 Surplies 1.25 1 horse 250.00 Total 1.25 S=T FUIJD. TeaninL); rrintinL; Teamin Drivinc; .3]) nkler Jor'if.enson,j. Blach.sYitinn IT 11 91 Lawten,J.C. rostaLe ',.;tarn:os He Icon Co.,The Chas IT Ti TT s 100.00 10.00 74.00 50.00 83.00 2C.0 09.00 5.00 Lurcher 465.10 420.37 Forward- -- - - 13507.-7- _Jolson Co. . -"ne Chas LunBer ft Ti ii ii if If If 11 fl Ti if Ti Ti Ti ples -e.r. Co Schneider,H. Shively Bros Taylor L Co. VosiLmv&h Water TeamiTy'' Books Stationery 7L-cle 1).e v limner Hardware Forward- - - 1350.97 246.13 483.24 479.86 473.00 311.72 453.00 466.10 483.20 496.30 442.89 469.00 127.50 1.80 1.65 airs 5.30 9.00 Total u 99,15 _03.53 r]I'ECT:IC FU.2). Associated Oil Co. Oil 2E76.26 Ti Ti 2081.24 Bah, ,ltto Horse-shoe ii 8.00 Board of F.lectricitv Incidentals 63.55 Insurance 65.00 BiLer Sucf:faies .50 Ernst, h.1 Atlas Tur,e Cleaner 60.00 Ershine,D. Insurance Irer.iuy 104.00 ua H Davin .ae-dc,rr ork 10.50 (:,orharr, ;3uriaies Lc 16.65 Hamon0 H La4n02 6 insurance frel.:iulc 104.00 Bore H jinchester Horse Boots 5.50 Co. Oil 44.84 Ti Ti Ti Prel)aid Carta,e 1.25 Hello&L: Exrress Co. ET,I,rossae 4.50 Horse-shoeinz I:onisshofer,8.2. Baslin 2.00 Locke, 2. Insurance fremiLE 68.00 Larshall-L; well 76.53 nerins Co I alert 5.4C racific Coast 'moiler '::Loirs Boiler Berairs Lc 354.5e r(ental 4.50 41.40 59.57 re rrles Water Co Water 1.00 Floor flates 202.86 B. Insurance S rothim. 67.60 Feed 61.95 Insurance rre/(liull-, 80 .00 Mcific Tel L Te Co lanea :t3oat Thrhs rhoenix Iron Works Bhodes Janie son Foraa:0- - 5961.14 Insurar,ce 52.00 U 1?1'eui-n o; 2e1 i 72ond 11.25 u 193 .40 u -,J111Th1irAcl 41.fl0 ff U 1.15 2 te2.1ins: 11 eo Co 48.41 aT.plies 16.17 11.88 flnion 11tator 55 02 Bros Exii.essay,;e 2.00 LaITT Co. LaIIJ s 41.25 U 4&.75 142 ; Co 61wlies 168.0 IT 176.4„ it 47 U 10.80 1 U 7 71.7ses 'T has.d1e :Coy oil switch 1.15 able switcft i:oard (5 Trnils-rory,e-r 581.00 lies 122.80 [r Col-f113.-n Go. TT t IP ,0110 Oil Oil 511.,11.1 r"C 0.7 11,.1:...e5a 1,-o1)le L1b-fa7. Eastern 1lail-s 124.82 u ,f _Lrclis --ablisi-,i 7,1 M 1:r17nti?„7,-; 11:: 2 Inna:HT,,y, C/Jrtiss ,'„. 'f'elch l'foo.Ths .47;"6 FielCin,.u. rja 7sraers 6.00 GloTie ',:ianilial--,:,,- ',-,:13-fl Co MY,:::,lies 1.20 hies Juqd Co "E'Endir, 42.65 -1.,e0oun2 'GEavk Oron6 2,-on,L2 ies Til„.:rar7.: DITre017,I:ne„ l'ooTL si:ITIoyts 9.0c 1cTfer,,,:.J. :Doo7ds 127.2 OaIsrlr(7, Gas 54.2 heat 0o, Sac .40 2eo-nles ':.ater Co ',':ater 1.15 Voll)er::::,C.':. Lo-l: ':,est :ins roE,C,M1 7coo-:n 25.00 Voshurfh Co.,J.E. 211-J_T:lies 2.0 :lleeler 18Plisi-n co i orae5,ins 86.40 515.17 e cr onsos Total oippod: 0_ osu:00TI :1-n02,Tu; oya,f, AnoTrT7--, pu0000'0Yao o; ;00cqu oq ; )A0,51 .zZ0g..z7 ;00II00 0; 0 l-Ju00TI T.. 7 0000 0o4 0; ;ooccLI.Lo L0 otT oq orT T)OAOUT. 901-q-oq. -0:jeA U7p0 CO C21J00117 0 c--4.-11:::413:7L. ; 00n7 ozu0,T07 Hza ,D0a00ocA0T.;:co," T..H00 7-777r0 00.1401.7. 7400 ouo'oT 0; 00;00.1.70 C p0A0:q .2o140,Tao L.Yi.0(L Zo 0LC 0:40 4.0004. OH) 7O oq; o0;u1L0 00040q 4.0;0J-.; ooTo 4.201A 0'Lf'i. 04 OUrjO127 1,30 770 ,:t:00000 OTH. 0. OSILOTI ',:1; 00.00 04 074.40 77 poAT000," 1).0I4 I10:i 7 popuof);)0 .::-JosooTa 00 I 00.0 0f1 oL;; 'J01;1; '0011_ 01 :.!„-c: ,,2LC LO p040;J:0:10„c too:Lo j' c't ..000 o:, ;00.7147 ,TO 4,000 oo 0.t.u0Av 41,co 1„1: .;)113I 0; 'o:01:0i--.:Tq,".0J, 00110000 OHIO ',1.0T;'-ooTon-0u.,100 120' 4007,,coo;00700 0u, OT-1, 4.10 777. pomyq :007 tC CC, ,407777C 770 00 oq; 40 L=01::000.1:Z;I1 0:14. .L;T:A 4.0ej ogI 4,10:Thx.7 II-0H 14T' c) 1.!.10c0 ,dox,-L J0 000TJ o.77a277100 9G,100 r4T-7 :) oq; 04. 'L COO 0; :7:uT:1:0,J:jo'0 FT1007 „:0.34 poAToou,T 00.0 0.14:a0TIL)iJI00 710,0 4.4. 40 77 L'160011- SOL;h:.CP't37*,7:7L 00 ,TO ,s0,1 too ;,o_000,ri: 07'.4 apoul'aiv 0'; 4. 7794'L "7777 4,03 770 00024. Puoq .1.)0T,L7,00 '0 q1,0L „10.0 Jo ILos 04'00 °TL1-1:3071 0i4-II30 Jo' - 770 J0 0T0 071:4 7oTul40000 pc: 'LOTT,YA CO" 1..7 204.774.40100 0077 0 N77 10Cr f1H.1.000:E 904.1,1,02010j :11:1:0TO e01-00 :4.cooq7 ou.01T :o00 .(3)*J00a. o00 H)H)1l> 5770077 *0!.1.0.1 7... 1-00777077 713 J.:7. 4,1:_ 00ACY'r. 4.s0,:t0ilq CO 7.0>7>" oT 00':)D0e0V Heos.,-; u:JoI 0-o*00'00;.T.,T. upe.;::T1.7 JO 100077 oqI 00.000 "0120=0 uT 00-J03' 7.1-1-00 a:11077 Dc4Tu-IT, C) A LI • ,TO Pu1.2 0-Hz)ua 0; LiA SV 10077770 777 770 ,410, oq; uoT;.004.-CJ:01- 090!)7:eqv 00:03 0721-1-007 0> 777. 4.0 4 ,i-300ci;3T0a >0213 0'[7' .7.13-4,4. JO 0.U071..1-000:7:: ,40007. -;Tc 0 4.0 00°T7-= acj 4.01. 7010,070000 j0 401.1-04.; q;:cood oq; 0 i1.1-07 p0AT lo-.,T2„-c,0T1.:aul„,„ "Gl:f.071: :4,1).os:7 *oao::" :200fl 0:0w.ITor.„:::10770 2077 -02,00 01.7; :q p01J.7.0 40700000' 300.1- oq 01.1; 4T 01- 771)7 0; 0o:," olaz; 071:=T_ ;uoc.t;las 0„T7 401700 .100U0703. 1.4 (:;Trx 013:400I77)-5-0 7737777 ===71. i777I07=7 :uT.AoLi,1 oqj 'f“c oq* jo - 2411.C: ,7aoTflu-2oTd:T0oM -ou:u yio::;;Ti'== 'ouoiT :C-30ou 1) .O -. 0044TLE -„, 4," c) ; 0 4-'• al. 0OLLL00LI poAou!: uo2uo:(2T07.Lou::: *I.1940001I MU':- Jo -0114.:i104 70': ITouuo oc4Jo-07,714.o: (:H *ood: (99-„;) :;:Ts 0:4 or *u:7:To„: u,u**ood: d:o au:TT uou,:q...Tou q*T22, (ot,I) ouo c'uTI 0ooL40q. opT• u0 ,100000 u 0-.1-)ouoo oq 00 :JUIti000 CU 0H. 0000:01 '"Cl ToEI-chuaJ ,2'o f:.I.ToujoLoG' 9,0°7: ou_TI pu-u u00 uco Jo ouTt uu:o,*fpoo or.Lot0 *ou..):4:3 do opT,;;; coEo4000 04. Lotu 00 uo ;coo -a000q_L oq ou 02-Louu0Av 1:,;040 0 ,:,: do ou i?.I.T.00u *cod: r1,0-,-,;) 44).4-u :o ouu ouTI puv , od: 0 *:71T:40 ouu:o u* ,To ouTI u41:0*„Eou op' 0100400 00.100 1242 do UppJ o;;A. ;:u.Ao'DJ uo .0:7:. 00004 ouJp=uroc, Ju.) 00 'fo-,auD o* uT_Ta '>1110 ,;() Y0::04000 0 0 T'404I000 0 4:0Ta uT 4.UJ 1 uoj'0::o47 .104' TUIOIJJO 0q:;. 20L07,:4 0011. 9,00 001 4,0:.: 001 104 vzao pom000 oL 1101000:410 0.010.000 o:co uT 00110u41 ouo*:Luo,T: oio-fouT 0:40:001.00 :1110 [41044 440 700011.111 0(1'20441I 400 ... 4404 0411T440000 -1 174,Too00'0uu24 1104. 00; JO ouTT :11'o 444400 ( 7,214) ;4 ,0000 00 20Ta4 0040 Gun 40.4T.0 of1_ ouuoA7 a';d:TouT JO uTI f7„00,714? LT :*4.1.04 aujuao-noj o:L4. 40n3 2;),oTioTJT.Qoj°,- sta;qj oq „zGi:)E :::upaonodr: 1114 44 000JJQ uol:s'uo*T:looLd *CIL jo.co 90I431 1.2010):=C -uoT00J:41T0 :> 41 04 44111 .401i= 401404 4OOU uc)oci. a00::40 0.0110A4" -04441A 0A7 '.11000 01 .10/0044 11 2u1:i_0nau4444;o L, 0:1* aoppoJJ 14004. 044 uuouE uT 120T,t:j=0 oiyou000'crLo;u:, Exi,j 0:7.100 0,04. 13 4 001:011 11L0401f77 047 '..oupuoo 01. 0:.G014 opuu: CO • 70441 01u000:I cp_f,* 131 00: '0-7 1,)op10004To4u7:: 0,4. 0,4 !,,:o.T.oso,T. 04 4% 1114. 70:0 LIoq. J:cd: '120-[:=0 pu'g poPT.J.co 4404411 0-; zH, .1011,0L!7'77,40.:;=;' 17-m09s.0 014.1004044 JO >300111 uT o'J'kuo 0:1 cmLooTI :too: uoy.lupT.1.":uTh 4opu00044 470.40 0::1 *1 oq:Ju.,, pai%cy u oud, 04. '40044110 fl.TaJj 0I740 a 021001I 4.0T0-007I:J3 0001111 001301:134) 11 oonu000'osaooTI 107.i10: iDTL!:;. 44. 440c144 700040 TOr:: tO 110 done in naid Cit,name1-: That Ca=d .-treet from the sonthern lire of -facific Avenue to a ri,ht line one hundred and so-vent 170 feet south. o and anal :: with the sonthern lino of La; ;on Avenue,oceptin all crossin- S betwoon said lines he impr ved as follows: :bat con- crete 3ii1: Ot -ht inches h,r- fourteen inches in cross section dimension bo construct- ed alon all (=I) linos within said limits where not hereinafter excepted,ad that said curhinr he constructed two inches above the official cnr non de;that cenent 2oented,rock Friltters of the flat Ipattern,fenr foot in wiathbe constructed,wbere not hereinafter ey:coi-ted,in the roadwau of said street within said lilits, cc ntiuous to the cnrhin;that no curhins: or ,nutter shall he construed herenclder on or alon the western side of said street hetweon the northern line of Central Avenue, as the EaEO exists with a width of e7ghty feet,and a ri-ht line two hundred and seven and one-half (207.:-) feet northerlu fron and -parallel with said lino of Central ilvenue;also nr; no curhinL; or a'atter shall ho constructo hereunder on or alon!- the eastern side of said street hotreen the southern line of an Jose Avenue and a ii Int line fift (50) feet sontherInT from and narallel with said line of an J020 ivenue;also that no curhir shall bo constructed heronnder,on or aLo n the eastern side of said street hetweeo riht line one hnndred Ci.:1C1 fort (lziO) feet northerlu fron and parallel with the :am northern line of ante. Clara 21venue as the sane e7;ists with a widtll of eiht feet, nnd a ni-t line two hnndred and sixtu si.7-:- (26C;) feet and eibt (C) inches norther- 1:- fro FlrC,. Parallel with said Tine of :.:anta llara Avenue,nnder f:esolution of Inten- tion iTo.715,aocited bu the Conncil of said Cit,October 21,7(:)07,he and the sane aro bereb:,: adorted and aroved. And the Clerk is directed to file the sane. Lr.Christonseo rove '1 its ado-otion, seconded 1::7 :1,..o.:-: and carried li the follow- in vote. Aa-es:Co-uncilT-on .Drown,Christensoo,Maanosulloch,Eouee,Irobst,Fisher nnd Loo,(). ',Toes: Hone. Aheon: T:r.lbristensen offiorod the followilis resolution and moved its ado ;ion It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that :esolution of Int- ention Uo.715 for to woric of curbirl and guttering jrand [.'.treet fro :::acific ',venue to a -ooint 170 feet south of the southern line of Da7:ton Avenne in the -jity of Alam- eda ndo-qted by this Council,Cctober 21st 19C7,has been ?posted and pullished accord- inr,; to law and that no loral objection to the Loin: o f said work has beer filed with the City Clerk of said City. ir-ESOLVYD,That the public interest ,:nd convenience require and the Council of the City of Alamodn hereby orders the fo7 lowir;7 described street work to 1)0 done in said City according to the plans and specifications adorted therefor,namely That Grand ;,tree t frolf, the southern line of Pacific Avenue to a ii; )t line one hundred and seventy (170) feet south of and parallel with the southern line of Dayton Avenue exce.ntinp; all crossings between said lines be improved as follows; That con- crete curbing eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension be construct- ed alonr,_: all curb lines within said limits wherenot hereinafter excepted and that said curbing be constructed two inches above curb grade ;that cement grouted, rock gut- ters of the flat pattern four feet in width be constructed where not hereinafter ex- ce-eted in the roadway of said street within said limits contiguous to the curbing; that no curbing or gutter shall be constructed hereunder on or along the western side of said street between the northeren line of Central Avenue as the cane exists with a width of eihty feet and a right line two hundred and seven and one-half (207) feet northerly from and parallel with said line of Central Avenue;also that no curbint-2 or gutter shall be constructed hereunder on or along The eastern side of said street he- Ordinance 4C. free licoicos. Ordinance 4fl, Oirado of 7a:le Ivenne. ovn. Ilnu 01 o:an oose ,ATO-1111.e and a riolt line fifty I b0) feet southerly fro t±i n0 parallel with said lino of Jose l'venue:alse that no curb shall be constructed hereunder on OT alonL; the eastern side of said street be- tween a ri;f:•t line one hundred and forty (140) feet northerly :[roi ini 1Dara11el with tbe northern line of r.anta Olara Avenue as the sae OXiSt8 with a width of eic]it feet and a nit line two hunared and sixty-six (263) feet ant. eitht (8) inches northerly fran and parallel with said line of 2Janta Clara Avenue. The )lerk of this Jitj is hereby directed to publish this resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Arus a daily newspaper published and circulated in this Oity ant which is hereby desinated for that 'purpose, he is also direct- ed to post conspicuously for five day8 near the Ohanber door of the said Ciouncil notice of said WO-TT_ with specifications invitioh sealed proposals or bids for to h: the v'orh ordered and to publish notice of said warh invi ti on sealed propos- als or bids for Joins the work and reforria to the specifications posted or on file also for two days inthe Said Alameda Tally Arcs the newsra-per hereby des- -ted for that purpose. 10th of the saiC notices shall require a certified chock or a bond either cc prescrihed by ion and for aa amount not less than tea pt of er cen tbe (,-;+(i, of the -pronosal londav the 20th Clan of AD i1,108,as the to hereby desinated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock Y.L.ho F;;;:ljd laronosals shall he received. seconded on ::r', 107; ,rati carried the :Folowini vote. Ayes:Councilen,Brown,Ohristensen,haarnos,Thlioch,7oy, Ci-ee,Yrohst,Fisher aad Loop* .noes: done. Absent: A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ::),elatins' to Gratuitous Ii- ---- censes.introduced :arch 16th 1308,by '::r .Bullock cane up for final nassan','e and on by the Olerk, i h anion noved its adoDtion,socondod by -Er.Lullock and adopted "m7 the follow inn: vote. m': en Lrown,d;hristeneon hull och, ho: ,Doe 'frohst,7;'-ishor and "Thop.(;)). does:one. Abseat:Hone. A Lill entitled 'A Lill for Ordinance iJo. Establishinys the .ate of — i-vonne between T,roadway snd Marl :IYcreets.",introducod hard 13th 7013,by Hoy cane up for final passao and read ly;.: the rilerh. Lir.Hoy 1:;oved its adoption seconded by and adopted by the folowinL; vote. Ayes: 0ounciln1-!en Trown,Christonsen,'Laaaos,Bullock,oy,oe,rrobst,7isher and Toop(o). mOOS .cone A' coat ho Divortin of 7n0 inattor'of tbo one of the rl_oard. of 7ducation rorardin: the di- Lond noney of Schools. \\ vertia;: the none: ,- voted for the school de-nartnent at he bond election of :::.opt- , ,:.., ober 218t 12C7carle up and thereupon Lr.:Srobst iatroancod the followin resolu- y: Ld.d2OT:= hy the r::ouncil of tho City of Ala i-eta that,Thereas,tho City of Al- aneda has assumed a headed inaehtedneas of Fifty Thousand Dollars amon,,,J other sunf,] for the nurose of m cDcii'i at a site for a nnhlic school buildiu,and [-,bo construction of a -Puhlic school hnildin theroon,and,whoreas,the Oouncil tool's no 02,-.penditure of said 'one' for said purDosos ipracticable 1:(117ie it is :beroforo,furber :xsolved,upoa request of the hoard of :Tdnoation of snit city tbat said sum should be OY*071'Thl for the follo h nocial =icira.2 aur- roses,to-wit: The construction ant accuisition of additions to and alterations of the Toniellowilson,7orter,:astich and Everett school boildinys and prenises instead of for the above noationed purposes :a that a sPocial election be called to ob- tain the consent of peole of said citw to use said moaev for said -,,-,uriosos :Looio,0 q:c; IL LIT/ :0C)UOt '4owt 0 Ei0toP EDdO0 0L 00J14 04 ;TJ.3oT01 .-cor.-fts. 00. PO00S 0 P.I0I 0. s.o aol?un pooLa -ou„; .4.i.[opuoq.c.cT.T,oduy ,JG4 0,;; 01:01.1L. _ „ 0 j.O L.1.0 \ 0 T. Or 13 1,) f';') r ,J.Tmoo o,TTLi.T QO ooTio-f c:10Tfl.oTI.mHT00 :q.t.coocLv px,1; *(9).doo7 1,)1.LJ J.ouTE'c,,,sqoa7'oo °0i.cA aq:A0IE0,1 O. 1?0T-IJa-:=0 ptOL 001.01-7.X,7 G,A, 00 O0 O' C. f)0A01 9,2coaj,..1.7:7„tooTI11.E.,T7, Doou000„:;'uoTLIrnIoso,1 ao uo-14.7.01) oT.1. p0&0111 7-,r7 0„2.6o 3.:C4A0 OIP 000t 1)T7.12A P0 TJ 0.TP IT 011.02J pofyaoF: P0 T414ro„.: LGJ 7Lq1..1 J,F.eT9,,oecx.uoo 0J JO °J.ofi=u ao oiuoTTAo.T.J. JODUU ,T0A0 P1J 01P , am- ?-aTpiTa': JO sIo „cos s,:,:ouo U0 JO oso :‘,L,T^cj, so o Tou 1,c0-1,qj0oj.0:1-.„17 aT'..3'.1-loo 1.)T1:::;.:1 a() w1,-chloft,00uT OH. O. IPTLIO o.. 'p JO ()iv. POJ PP T uoTooT: IT.3ToeJ ooc,cTp..7.0 :cos. v„ poIcI.Tq.cco 7 poollpoacl,uT -0110 :fp:.0211 uor.ITo0,1100:so,17 oo JUIJAOLtoj. c),L Du-U jco7..1 1?opa0o0'LcoTfTuT0007 OtEp JO oTi.; @A0(1.11: "JOT1-1:1 oonpoOp P0 El.:.