1908-06-01 Regular CC Minutes.C1.1JUJJ 199.111. „LJ.J CITY OF AiED2.„JUE 1c3t 190i2. The meetinc; was called to order by President Loop. The roll ''as called and Councilen Chri stensn, T[aaagnos Bu1loc:, iiO1 Gee, Probst, Fisher and Loop. (5) were notaa present and Councilman Brown absent. The minutes of the meeting of May 22nd were read by the Clerk and ordered approved. OlailEs against the General fand amounting to 0.015.60;against the Street Fund aiount- lag ,576.45;Against the Police Fund amountin 12.45;against the Electric Light Funff amounting to ::p1298.154 and against the Library Funa amounting to 625.57 havin w. been approv- ed and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GEYERAL FU ED. Ader, .H. Deputy Assessor Argus Publishing Co. Printing 16.50 71 11 2.50 .AtJ:ins, Olias Deputy Poundmaster ?.0.50 Boogle,F. Transcript for May 3.00 Bvowning,Edw. Viork on Index 07.50 0, Jr. Deputy Assessor 75.00 Yanlay,C.F, Rent Pollino! Place 6.00 Lazzini,L. Election Supplies 1.25 0Carthy,A.r. Clerical worT: for Auditor 27.00 1,)cific Tel & Tel Co Long distance switches .75 T'edro Deputy Poundmaster 19.10 Peoples Mater Co Cater Oity Hall 11.05 Pound 3.15 ' 5 .00 re :cCs!eidor, M Printing for Auditor IT It Stationery for :!rot,-';tor TI If 11 IT Treasurer City Clerk Blanks for Street Bonds SaiTlies for Janitor Rent Pollir,c. '"lace Annual Allowance as Mayor Yale ke T1 If Tot pn 5.60 1.95 1.75 9.00 5.25 6.00 600.00 .50 .50 4015.60 STREET FILM. Drift, 'C. Toising ;; 80.50 Acting City Engineer 130.00 Jorgenson,P.J. Blackm_ithing 18.00 Oakland Refining Co Oils 4.0P Olsen,Lrs.j. Gravel Poters,T.L. Toanin-, Pc 07.25 Schneider ,H. Stationery 2. O0 Turn', J.W. Moving building 155.00 Total- - 576.45 Conrad, John Anderson,F.F. Arus Publishing Co POLICE FUND. Incidental Expenses 12.45 PLECTF,JC LIGHT FUND. . Printin bugy 10 00 Printing 53.50 1.50 Forward 15 Forward- ,11 51.50 Associated 011 Co. Cil 2257.27 :Bahr, Otto Horse shoeing 5.00 Baird,T.F. Insurance Premium 65.00 Board of Electricity Incidentals 37.55 Fl h,E.P. Insurance Eremiclm 47.50 General Elect.Co Supplies 15.48 Hally & Co. Instirance Premium 193.10 Kellogg Express Co DrayLng 6.00 King,A.R. liorse-snoelnp. 5.50 , Hoerher,A.n.W. Food 23.70 Pacific Tel 6J Tel Co Phone Rentals 11.55 Payne's Bolt Works Supplies 50.20 Teorles Water Co. Water 1.00 Plummer P Son,C.E. Lumber 13.00 u IT Tt Cross arms 76,00 Rhodes & Jamieson Co Foed Pc 47.95 Rickerson,A1 llerairs Pc 3.00 Roeblings Sons Co.,J.A. Wire 115.05 ,, II ft It 120.24 I! If Galv'd Strand 35.65 It IT IT Supplies 100.70 Schneider,H. u 11.90 Sterling Elect Co ft 9.88 It IT II 2.76 u U u 46.50 IT TI TI 42.28 IT u 12.50 IT 1 5.61 TI I Torch 3,75 Union Machine 7:orks Supplies Vosburi.Th Westinghouse 7.& M.Co 77 IT TI Whittier Coburn 'Co., tt TT IT Wattmeters It Total- r° ,1" 0.42) 87.50 302.76 107.01 43.21 - 0.298.54 LIBRA= FM. Alameda Punic Library Petty Expenses 13.., II It tt Eastern Clains 55.10 Argus Publishing Co ., Printing .70 Blake,Tiloffitt P Towne Supplies 1.75 Conn,Edward E. (.:;--rindin ,_, 1.50 Cunningham,Curtiss S Welch Books 340.10 Davis,E.A. Atlas 3.90 Fielding,q. Daily iTewspapers 6.00 Ichelheiner Bros Beading Lamps 45.00 Library Bureau. Magazine Binders 24.76 Lubber Bros Fuel 17.10 Torward- _ ... • 509,7 V Forward- 509.67 Books 11.60 Peoples laer Co Water 2.05 Revere Rubber Co liatting &c 45.25 Robertson,'..7.% Books 4.50 e hneider I. Supplies ‘,.(3 Volberg,CC. Dent !est 7,nd ',eading Doom 25.00 Total 625.57 .Noy moved that the Claims as read be paid,seconded hy Lr.Bullock and carried by the following vote. kies:ouncilmen Christensen,Eagagnos,13ullock,Noy,Gee,2robst,Fish- or and Doop.(6). Noes: None. Absent : Councilman Brown. (1). e-.11.Suelflohn had presented a claim for the rent of the polling place of Precinct No.16 located at 5th and Central Ave .a claim had also been presented by 7.E.Shaw in the same matter which was accompanied by an affidavit by Mrs Damon the owner stating. that she had rented the place to :r.,3haw. "Mr.Bullock moved that the claim of G.H.Suelflohn be reocted,seconded by Mr.Gee and carried by the followingvot Ayes :Councilmen Christ- ensen,Magagno ,Bulloch,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (8). Councilman Brown. (1) Noes :None. Absent r-eo 7.Thite presented a petpdtion for a permit to erect a tent and conduct a shooting gallery on the lot adjoining the Dater Company's building on Park Street on the north, for one month. Er.Fi :ler moved that the permit be granted and that the license be made 2 .50 per month, seconded by Lr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Council- men Christenser,Llagagnos,13u1lock,Noy,Gee, obst, sher And Loop. (8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Brown.(1). The 3:layer arrived and took the Chair. A communication was received from F.J. roll,Deputy Auditor stating that owi the serious illness of D.Liinor Smith the Auditor he had appointed A.P.McCarthy temporary clerk in the Auditor's office. .Fisher moved that the action be approved and that the salary be fixed at '75.00 per month said appointment to be in force at the pleasure the Board, seconded by LIr.Magapenos and carried by the following vo Ayes :Council- men Christensen,aagnos,-P,ullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Brown. A communication was received from Rally & Co .refusing to entertain the offer of the Council to purchase the lot of 50 by 150 feet adjoining the City Hall on the north. for the sum of V2250.00,and stating that the lowest price was V2700.ob less the improvements or 275O,00 with the improvements. The same was ordered filed,whereupon LIr,Loop moved that the City Attorney be directed to commence proceedings of condemnation on the property seconded by Mr.irrobst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Counci nen Christensen, Bullock, No , Gee, Probst and Loop.(6). Noes :Councilmen IIagagnos and. Fisher.(2). Absent; Councilman Prown.(1). A communication was received from the Alameda Boating Club stating that a committea had been appointed to arrange for a celebration in Alameda on the 4th of July and inviting the Council to participate. Ordered filed. A petition was received from residents o _a Vista Avenue and neighboring cross reets between 8th and Sherman Streets requesting that said avenue be better lighted. Same was ordered referred to the Department of Electricity. A petition was received from J.H.EcCarty requesting permission to move a house from 2304 San Antonio Street to a point of the east side of Park. Street about 400 feet south of San Jose Ave.same was accompanied by the necessary permission from neighboring property owners and a bond in compliance with Ordinance No.222. Mr.Obristensen moved that the A petition was received from the property owners and business men of Webster Street requesting that when action was taken in the matter of grantin an electric franchise to (13 the Southern Pacific Co .that a station be installed, at Webster 3treet. On motion of T.,:r.Noy seconded by Mr.Frohst the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The matter of the request of the Police and Fire Commission that the Conneil. take steps looking to the securing another fire engine came i1 -rld Yr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for different kinds of Fire Engines, seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried. The CoMmittee appointed to look into the matter of filling in the marsh land owned by the City near the United Engineering Works reported that they had entered into a con- ditional contract with the Atlantic Gulf & Pacific C do the work. hr .Loop moved V that the action ofthe Committee be approved ,seconded by Mr .Gee and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Mae.agnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8) Noes None. Absent :Councilman Brown. Estimates of Expenses for the ensuing year were received from the Board of Health, y Pound,City Treasurer,Free Public Iibrary,and the Board. of Education. Same ordered filed. A communication was received from Mrs.Josephine Lawten,Clerk in the office of the Street Superintendent and City Engineor,requesting an increase of salary to 70.00 per kr- month. On motion of Mr.Bullock,seconded by Iiir.Gee the same was ordered filed and re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. A communication was received from Street Superintendent Frodden regarding the matter of opening certain streets through the marsh land near the estuary. referred to the Committee of the Whole. A communication was received from the Hibernia Savings and Loan boc1et in answer to a communication sent by t'ee City erk in which an offer of :1,;24000.co was made for the purchase of the Waymire Traet,accepting said offer providing the money would be paid by June 25th 1908 Mr.Probsu moved that the ma ter be laid over for two weeks,seconded by hr.Magagnos and carried by the following vote.Ayes:Councilmen Lagagnos,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(6). Noes: Councilmen Christensen,Ballock and Noy. (5). Absent :Councilman Brown.11). IV]r.l,00p moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society stating that the offer of '24000.00 for the Waymire Tract was preaiature , seconded by YLr.Magagros. The motion was ruled out of order by the Mayor. hr ,Christensen offered the following resolution: RFSOTED,that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and Specifi cations for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely: That a salt glazed vitrified iron-stone sewer,eight inches in inside diameter,with ninety-six (96) four inch "Y" branches, without house connections, be constructed in rjound Street from a point four and 20-100 feet above city base and vertically below the center of the existing manhole at the crossina of San Jose Avenue with said Mound Street thence in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole in the south side receiving sewer at the crossing of Front Street with said Lound Street where he grade of said sewer shall be three feet be ow Ci y base. Also that each of the crossings of said laYond Street with Washington Streot,Fillmoro Street, Calhoun Street and Clay Street,a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eight inch walls and bottom shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan Brick Ilanhole" adopted 117 the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11,197,and on file in the office of the City Clerk said city, except that the inside diameter of the manholes shall be three feet instead of four feet,and referance to said plan is hereby made a part hereof. Also that one automatic tank,of the siphon type,with cast iron top and fittings,with a discharge capacity of seven gallons of water per second,with walls and bottom of eight inch brick asonry be constructed at the southwest corner of San Jose Avenue and said Mound Street,and that the same be connected with said sewer by a six inch salt glazed vitrified ironstone pipe, per resolution of Intention fo.714,Adopted by this Council October 21st 1907. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution. l'Ilr.Christensen moved its adoption, seconded by Mr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christersen,Magagnos,Bullock,N ,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8). Noes . Mono A.e ent:Councilnan Brown, (1). Thereupon the City Engineer presented flans and Specifications for the said work and Mr.Christensen offered. the following resolution: 2..SOLIIED,That the Plans and Specifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, to this Council, for the following Street work to be done in said City,nanely; That a salt glazed. vitrified ironstone sewer,eight inches in inside diameter,with ninety-six (6) four inch "Y" bran n e,without house connections,be constructed in Mound Street from a point four and 20-100 feet above city base and vertically below the center of the existing manhole at the crossing of SanJose Avenue with said Mound Street,thence in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole in the south side receiving sewer at the crossing of Front Street with said Mound Street where the grade of said sewer shall be three feet below city base. Also that each of the crossings of said Mound Street with Washington Street, illmore Street,Calhoun Street and Clay Street,a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron top and co- ver and eight inch walls and bottom shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January ll,1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, except that the inside diameter of the manholes -hall be three feet instead of four feet,and reference to said plan sane is hereby made a part hereof. Also that one automatic flush ,anh,of the siphon type,with cast iron top and fittings with a discharge caracity of sever. gallons o water per second,with walls and bottom of eight inch brick masonry be constructed et the southwest corner of San Jose Avenue and said Mound Street,and that the same be connected with said sewer Ly a six inch salt glazed vitrified ironstone pipe,under Resolution of Intention Yo.714,adoieted by the Council of s hereby made and the said City October 21st 1907,be and the sane are hereby adopted is directed to file the same. Mr.Christensen moved its adoption, seconded by MR.Voy and. Ayes:Councilmen Christenson,Magagnos,Bulloch,Noy,dee, and approved. And the carried by the following vote, obst,Fisher and Loop. (8) erk Noes; None. Absent :Councilman Brown. (1) Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHERE e,It appears to the satisfaction of this Council,that Resolution of Intention No.714 for the work of constructing a sewer,necessary manholes,etc,in Mound Street between San Jose Avenue and Front Street, in the City of Alameda, adopted by this Council, October 21st ,has been posted and published according to law,and that no legal objection to the do- ing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city. RE2OLVED,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the fo]lowing described street work to be done in said City, according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: Tnat a salt giazeu V1-UT1I1UU iroll:Juune Inunt lu iiut ullaweue.F,vlue ninety-six (96) four inch "Y" branches,without house connections,be constructed in Mound Street from a roint four and 20-100 feet above city base and vertically helow the center of the existing manhole at the crossing of San Jose Avenue with said Hound Otreet,thence in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole in the south side receiving sewer at the crossing of Front Street with said Mound Street where the the grade of said sewer shall be three feet below city base. Also that each of tile crossings of said Mound Street with WashAngton Street,Fillmore Street,Calhoun Street and Clay Street,a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron top and' cover and eight inch walls and bottom haI1 be constructed in accordance with "Ylan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City o Alameda, nuary 11,1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,except that the inside diameter of the manholes shall be three feet instead of four feet,ara reference to said plan is hereby made a -part hereof. Also that one automatic flush tank, of the siphon type,with cast iron top ana fi tting s with a discharge capacity of seen aI1ons of water persecond,with walls and bottom of eight inch brick masonry hc constructed at the southwest corner of San Jose Avenue and said Mound Street ,and that the same be connected with said sewer by a six inch salt gla%- ed vitrified ironstone pipe. The Clerk of this City is herehy direc.ed to publish this resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this Oit37an d which is hereby (es1gnated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council,notice of said work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work orctered,and to pub lish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifica- tions posted or on file ,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,tho newspaper h hereby designated for that nur-nose. Both of the said notices shsli require a certified check or bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per cent of the a,cTregate of the proposal,and shall name Monday. the 6th day of Juily,1908,as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 0 o'cloch,p.m.,the said proposals or bids shall be received. following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Magagn ‹, i1] oc,TTo, Gee,Probst, isher and Loop.(8). Hoes: None. Absent: Councilman Brown .(1). Mr.Christensen offered the followi g resolution: FSOLYFD,that the City Mgineer he and hereby is directed to make 21ans and Specifi- for the followin Street work to he done in seia City,namely: That Santa Clara Avenue,between Oa: Street and Vialnut street be resewered as follows: That a salt .lazed vitrified ironstone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with 64 four- inch "Y" branches,ana without house connections be constructed in said avenue on a uniform- ly descending grade from the existin =hole at the crossing of Oak street,where the grade of the sower shaTT be 18.7E feet above city base thence in a right line to a point 450 feet right angle measurement easterly from the eastern line of Walnut street and 13 feet right angle measurement northerly from the center line Of Santa Clara avenue at which point a manhole as hereinafter described shall be constructed ;thence in a right line parallel with said center line of Sa ta Clara avenue to the line of the existing sewer in Viairlut street, at which point another manhole as hereinafter described -hall be constructed,and at which point the grade of the sewer shall be 14 feet above city base. The man1o7, to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry with cast iron and cover and eight inch walls and bottom and shall he constructed in accordance with 1,.:r.K 7 seconded the resolution and the same was adopted by the "Plan of Brick Manhole",adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda january 11, 1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,which is hereby referred and made a part hereof,as per Resolution of Intention No.716,Adopted by this Council,Jan- uary 6th 1VCS. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City _Engineer of the adopt- ion of this Resolution. Er.Christensen moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by ,:lr.Gee and carried the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Eaganos,:Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loor.(8). yeas: Hone. Absent Councilman Brown. (1) Thereupon the City Enineer presented Plans and Epecifications for the said work and Yx.Christensen offered the followin Resolution: 7--',FOTJVRD,That the Plans and 3pecifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, to this Council for the feD owina: Street work to be done in said City,namely: at Canto. Clara avenue between Oak street and Talnut street be resewered as follows: That a salt glazed, vitrified ironstone sewer,six inches in inside diameter, with 64 four- inch "Y" branches,and without house connections be constructed in said avenue on a uniform- ly descending grade from the existing nanhole at the crossing of Oak street,where the grade of the sewer shall he 10.75 feet above city base thence In a right line to a point 45C feet right angle measurement easterly from the eastern line of Walnut street and 13 feet right angle nesurement northerly from the center line of Santa Clara avenue at which point a man- hole as hereinafter described shall be constructed;thence in a right line parallel with said center line of Santa Clara avenue to the line , P the existing sev.ea in 7alrut street at 7z.: which roint another ranhe10 as hereinafter described shall be constructed aed at which roint the grade of the sewer shall he 14 feet above city base. The manholes to be constructed hone anion shall be of brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eir,;ht inch wadis and bottom and shall, he constructed in accordance with "'Plan ick Eanhole," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda January 11,1097, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, 'oh plan is hereby reffered to and made a part hereof,under Resolution of Intention Wo.716,adopted by the Council of said City,January 6th 1900,be and the sane are hereby adopted and approved. And the Thl,rZ is directed to file the same. Iffr.Christensen moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by 1irGee and carried by the following vote. and Loop.(6). Ares :Conoilmen Christensen:jagagnos,73ullock Boy, Gee, Probst, Fisher 'Zoos: Hone. Absent : Councilman Brown, (1) Er. Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHERTA,It appears to the satisfaction of this un, il,that Resolution of intention Ho.716 for the work of constructing a sewer,nocessary manholes,etc in 3anta Clara Avenue betweeh_ Viainut and Oak Streets in the City of Alameda adopted by this Council,January 6th 1900,has been posted and published according to law,and that no legal obection to the doing of said work has heeo filed with the City ClerI: of said city =01--VD,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the Cat of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City,ac- cordim.; to the -elans and. specifications adopted therefor,name That .;anta Clara avenue between Cal: street and, Jainot street be resewered as fed lows': That a salt g:lazed,vitrified ironstone sewer,six inches in inside dianeter,with 6,1 falzr- inch "Y" branches,and without house connections he constructed in said avenue on a unifor- ly descending grade from the existing manhole at the crossing of Oak street where the o:rsde of the sewer shad' be 7,i175 foot above city base thence in a right line t3 a point 450 feet riht angle mensnrement easterly from the eastern line of Iralnut street and 13 feet risiht anTe measurement northerly from the center line of Santa Clara anomie at which -point a man41: hole as hereinafter described shall be construotea;thence in a iwht Tine raraliel with, sf:lia center line of anta Cjara avenue to to line of the existing seer in ':;a1-nut street,at which point another manhole as hereinafter described shall be constructed,and at which, point the grade of the sewer shall be 14 foot above city base. The manholes to be constructed hereander shall be o: brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eight inch walls and bottom and shall be constructed t accordance with Tian of lirick V,anhole," adopted by the Board. of Trustees of the City of Alamedn,January 11,1C,97,ana on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city,which plan is hereby ref- erred to and made a part hereof. The Olerb.: of this :jaity is hereby' directed to publish this Tiesolution for two day2 in th1,- Alameda TaiI 7 Arus,a daily newspaper published and circuiated in this Cit ,and which is hereby desit;nated for that imrposo. Heals also directed to post conspicuously for five days or the Chamber Door of the said Coancil,notice of said work with specifi- cations invitine: sealed proposaTts or hids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice of said work invifing sealed prorosals or hids for doing the work and referring- to the specifications posted 02 on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the newspaper hereby desiKnated for that purpose. -Both of the saii notices sha7,1 revAre e eertiflea chee7,z or a honC,either an prescribe(3 by law and for an omonnt not less than ten per cent of the agr,:reate of the proposal,and shall name T:;.onday,the 6th day of July,± 1:)08,as the day hereby designated on which 'al, to the hour of 8 o'clock,p.m.the sail pro- ]oaals or bids shall be received. hr ,Lee seconded the resolution and the same was adopted hy the rote. A.yes:Council-men Christensonagamlos,Bullock,Doy,Coo, 2robst,Fishor and Lo. (o) Yoes:None. Absent:Conncill!2an Brown.(1). Llir.Christensen offered the fol1ov*ar esolution- T=LTED,That the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and :.3peci- fications for the follovdino Street work to be done in stid City,namply: That; a salt n:lezed vitrified ironstone sewer, ix inches in inside diameter,with 3C four-inch "Yu branches and without house connections Be constructed in I'dladison street in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade from the existing manhole at the crossine: of High street,where the grade of the sever shall he 3.75 feet above city base to the exist- inR manhole at the dressing of Post streetwhere the grade of the sewer shall Be 2.25 feet above city base ;thence leaving said manhole last mentioned at a. Erade of 3.1)0 feet above city base,in a right line and on a uniforml y. descending graae to the existing manhole at the crossing of :Peach street,where the grade of sewer shall he 2 t above city base,as per Resolution of Intention Tdo.717,Aderted by this Counoil,January 6th And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the C-it: En::;,:ineer of the adoption of this P.esolution. Lr.Christensen moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded hv T:Jr.Goe and carriod by the following vote. Ayes:Col-mcilmen Christensen,Lagagnos,Bullock, Y, G, Probst, Fisher and Loop (8) :Tees: None. Absellt:Councilman Brown. (1). Thereupon the City 7.ngi1e0r presented Plans and Spec,ifications for the said work and 1,:x.Christonsen offered the following Tlesolution: TTESOLVED,That the 'Plans and Slecifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alamoda,to this Council for the following Street work to be done in said City,namel That e salt glazed vitrified ironstone sewer, six inches in inside diameter,with 3E5 four-inch "I" branches and without house connections Be constructed in Eadison street in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade froT:: the existing manhole at the crossing of High street whore the grade of ti o sewer shall Be 3)." feet above city. base to the exist- ing manhole at the crossing of Post street where the grade of the sorer shall be 2.25 f Jot above city :)ase;thence 1 eavin said manhole last mentioned at a grade of 3.0 feet above city base right line and on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole at the crossing of Peach street,where the grade of sewer shall be 2 feet above city base,un- der Resolution of Intention 7 .717,adopted by the Council of saia City, January 6th 1M8, he and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. Er.Christensen moved the adoption of the T;esolution,seconded hy :ir.Gee and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Eagagnos,Bullook,Aoy,Gee,Pr- Fisher and Loop. (8). Hoes:Hone. Absent :Comneilman Brown. (1) Y.r.Christonsen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAc: It appears to the satisfaction n of this Council,that Resolution of Intention ITo 7l7 _ the work of constructing a sewer,ete,in Hadison L--3-treet from High 7,trect to Peach. 2treet in the City of Alameda, adopted by this Council January 6th 1908,has been posted and published according to law, and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has leon filed with the City Clerk of said city. R=1,V7:D,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City,accord- inp; to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: a salt-glazed, vitrified ironstone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with 36 four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections Be constructed in 'iadison street in a right line and on a uniformly descending grade from the existing manhole at the crossing of High street,where the grade of the sewer shall be 3.75 feet above city base to the ex- isting manhole at the crossing of Host street,where the grade of the sewer shall Be 2.25 feet above city base ; thence leaving said manhole last mentioned at a right line and on a uniformly descending grade to the existing manhole at the crossing of Peach streetwhere the grade of sewer shall Be 2 feet above city base. The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolntion for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper puhlished and circulated in this City,and whic is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council notice of said work with specifications in- viting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the snecificat- ions Posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the newspaper here- 'by designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a hond,eiuhor as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten percent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name ic:onday,the 6th day of July,1908,as the day herein designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock,p.m„the said proposals or bids shall Be received. 2 .Gee seconded the resolution and the same was adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Magamlos,Bullock,Noy,Ce ,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8). Hoes: Hone. Absent :Councilman Prown.(1). A communication was received from the Mayor in referrence to the quoted price of the Thompson Place. Er.1-Tobst moved that the same Be placed on file,seconded by .Llagagnos and carried. Hr Boy offered the followinf,: resolution: V:HE-REAF.,under Referendum provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, the Electors of said City, on the 2nd day of May,1908,by, majority vote, expressed their preference to pur- chase,"first:the Thompson Place of over eleven acres," „d WhERA,the price quoted for said place,at the time of said election and at the time of drawing, signing and filing the Referendum Petition for said Election,was,and now is,the sum of 4O,OCQ ,00,whi h sun is the only price which has Been quoted to the City of Alameda; THE=PnE,:F.ESOLNED that the City of Alameda purchase that property situated in said eleion acres of land,c for tIle sum of .:40,0e .00,and tha a warrant In the sum of 40,000.00 be drawn on the Treasury of said City of Alaneda,Dayable to the Executrix of the last will and Testament of 7.R.Thompson,decea-e ,and delivered upon delivery of deed conveying said property to the City of Alameda froo of all incumbrancos,and upon the approval of said deed and title of said property by the City Attorney. Mr.Bullock seconded the seine and it was lost by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Bullock and Noy.('8). Eoes; Councilmen Maganos,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (5). Absent :Councilman Brown. (1). r.Gee moved that the Clerk Be directed to address a communication to the Executrix of the -.17.ThomPson Estate offering .35,000.00 for the Thompson Property on High ''':treet, seconded by I:Jr.:Probst. On roll call the vote was Ayes :Councilmen doe,Probst,Fisher and Loop (4) Boy. (4) Noes:None Excused from voting :Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Bullocic and Absent :Councilman Brown.(1). The Layor declared the notion lost. The Mayor appointed Mr .Fisher to select two other members of the Council to act with him to interview the Executrix of the Lstate of 1-,.E.Thompson,deceased,in an endeavor to obtain a reduction in the mice of the Thompson flace. Mr,1?robst moved, that the clerk be instructed to address a communication to the Taylor 7sta,e,noti ying them that at the next meeting of the Council it would take the necessary steps lool:ing to the purchase of the Taylor Place at 8th and Central .Avenue for the sum of 45,000oo,seconcled by Mr.ny and carried. A communication was received from the Mayor recommending the creating of the office of Assistant City Engineer. Thereupon Mr.Christensen moved that such an office be creat- ed,seconded by Yr.Fisher and :ed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, 1agagnos,Bulloch,Yoy,Geo,Fr bst,Fisher and Loop.(8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Brown. The Mayor appointed to the office of Assistant City Engineer Mr.71.R.Poyzer. I,r.Ioish- er moved that the appointment be approved,seconded by Yr.Magagnos and carried by the fol- lowing vote. Ayos:Councilmer Chrislensen,:agagnos,Bullock,Nolee,Probst,Ficher and Loop. (€3). Hoes: Hone. Absent:Co-uncilman Brown. (1). Mr.Christenson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: -)/ REOLVEL,That it is the sense of this Council to grant a franchise to the Southern T',,cific Company for an electric car service on the route proposed by the Council, in part - from the eastern end of Clement Avenue, easterly to a point near San Leandro Estuary and thence southerly near the shore line to High Street :on condition First :-Upon the ty securing right of way for an eighty foot street the Company shalJ pay for street improvements thereon. Second :-The Company shall obtain right of way and shall cause Clement Avenue to be opened for public use, fron the eastern end thereof to High Street and the roadway thereof sixty feet wide from (21)11) to curb,be graded,ourbed,E;uttered and macadamized from present end thereof to High Street. Mr.Gee seconded the resolution and the same was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:-Councilmen Christeusen,lagano2,Eullock ,Gee,T2robstFisher and. Loop. (8). Noes: None. Ahsent:Counoilman Erown.(1). A f---'111 entitled. "A Bill for Ordinance No. Determining Water Rates and Fixing the Compensation for Viater Furnished for Y2rivate and :Public Purposes in the City of Alameda during the year commencing July 1,1908,and ending June 30,1909",introduced i;,-ay 22nd by Bullock came up for pas and was read by the Clark. Mr.iiiagagnos moved that it be laid over until the next meeting the same also to core Before the Comniitteo of the Mole at the next Committee mecting,seconded Thy Er .Noy and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amendin r Amend Section I of Ordinance No .151 Relating to the Numbering of Builains.",introduced May 22nd by Er.' ,cane up for Irassao and was read By the Clerk. Mr.Gee moved its adoption, seconded By Er.Noy and adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Fisher and loop.(S). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Brown, (1) The resolution introduced By Mr.Bullock relating to the purchase of the Thompson Tract and the 7:aymire tract, on May 22nd was ordered placed on file. The Jity Attorney was directed to prepare an Ordinance regulating the distributing of hand bills. A communication was received from the Mayor appointing J.B.Lanktree to the office of a member of the Board of Education vice Iouis V:einmann,term expired, subject to the approval of the Council. Mr.Prohst moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole,seconded By Mr.Loop and carried. Mr.frobst moved that the City Clerk he directed to address a communication to the Peoples W:71; r Company requesting that a water main he installed, on Pacific Avenue west of Fourth Street,seconded by Mr.Gee and carried. There Being no further Business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting Monday, June lbth 190e, at 7.30 P.M. 4 , - City Clerk.