1908-06-15 Regular CC Minutes3.
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zotiow'4sqoaI' Go
41105 t15 uhoaa u-TTouno2 U10 41105010. pol.ou 0,M4 ',TOOT 1,-)1112
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0001 114-91: alnf"=vriv
oqq. /N. Joio,lo 04 PLL0O :31211 21T400m -113
lay & BairO
Lubber: Eros
Oakland ,
It.& Heat Co.
Peoples Bazaar, Inc
Peoples ';iater Co.
Peterson & Follrath
Polk-Husted Director
rOlodes-jamieson & Co.
Vesta11, 0.
Associated 0±1 Co.
Goldstone Hmmond,C.J.
Lesser Jn.
veoples Vfater Co.
Peters 0.1.
lelief driving
Hauling g
Driving sprinkler
Fuel Oil
A sistir City 'Engr
J.::,ev.rel pipe
Driving sprinkler
Veork as 7:neineei'
Driving srrinhler
Polk-Husted Directory Co Directory
Total- -
Lr.Lulloch- moved that the claims be -naid as r&0L) 0000flCLOe1 by
8 .00
1,,7:r.Toy and carried by
the following vote. Apes :Councilmen ChristenserMagagnos,Dul.1ock,royee,Probst,Fisher
and Loop. (8).
Yoes:rene. Absent :Councilman Erown.(1).
An estimate of the expense of con5 eting tlae office of City Justice of the
received from 71.1-.5.1appan
Ordered filed.
A report was received frOn the City Auditor showing
J,cace was
the list of expenditures of the
various offices for te past year the last month 1-)eirs estimated.
A commimication was received from the Alameda
4, 4_, ,4.•
, :7i
Council in their eneavcrto replace
\ C315 I
and rac,le... ,,
Ordered filed.
Provenent 01111) endorsing the action
early and late cars tahen off "av the
A communication was received from the Alameda improveueint Club ststiTrtg fnat a resolu-
tion haz ieen passeel by thee favoring: the reaval of the Muni
'ne cor-aoration :yard at 46c, foot of ',:;:rand Street, Ordered filed.
A communication was received from, a corwittee of the Oakland 0oruf:cil requestin t7rat
a corittee of tm be appointed from the nem'cors of the Alameda Cit, Council to meet with
them with the ob,iect in view of consolidation of the cities in the immediate vacinity.
Y:r.r.oy moved that the Mayor arpont the comnittec,secom:led by Mr.Fullock and carried, and
therouron the Mayor appointed Councilmen Loop and Probst.
4 Electric Light Plant to
A communloation wa2 reoeivea from ::.7.7iadlaet al tLe Alameda treet TrIL:htiuE: Com-
nIttee releaina: and eorve71.ni-3 all r
, tlo and interest in and to the Thnoadway Otreet
'arm nots to the 'thit-y. Lr.:1-.'roost moved that the sure be aceerted,seconded Ly Lr.Geo
and curried_
7:r.:7.aganos moved that a claire: Le ullowed in favor of ::.7.71ddleer.,us ra7mont of
a Laiance due en the 'purchase of the ?roadway O.:treat I.amps,soconded ty
rie La the followinE,; vote.
FisLer and Loop.(2).
cCcuncilmen ChrtetensenannceDullani:ydcy frohst
oesa7onci. Absont:Coonoiln]an T3rown„(1).
A eomm7nnicatieh weds received Prom the Idayor in which he oertified that he had arprev-
ed in 'Y fl vurionE resolutions passed t7 the Council en iday 22nd and June :1st. Order-
ed filed.
coumnication addressed to the 1:ayor T:77 Goodfellow t EellsAttorno-ye at how, woe
reserited vdeich tLey' stated that tluey had examollied the proeeedine:s of the f,,C3Cb,cCrj,
Imrrovement Bond ioeao and that in their opinion the TroceedinE;s author
the issuance of the sad bonds were correct and valid. Ordered fiie6.
A conmunication was received from G.GutschresidinP: at 2122 Clinton Avenue,eoniai-
o-r a drain pine runnin into the Lay from the Alameda janatorium at 2C54 Clinton AVC.
Lr.rrobst 'novod, that the natter h no brood to -eno :dnuitary insr:ector and that he Le di-
rected to rerort to the Counoll,', dnesday oveninL; June 17th 1906,seeonded hy iir.viaganos
ana oarried.
J cormunieution was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce nresentin to the
Council certain resolutions reardi-hr the waler mire in the Cit. 5eferred to tl-ic Com-
mittee of tLe Ile le
A communication vas received from tLe i'.oard of 7.1ectrieity te retly to oomp alai in
rozard to eernectin a service with a one owhod by Adolph Hecker on Iincr.ln Avenue be-
tween sixth and Lindea Streets,stattn3. tbat thy Council had heon mtsinfonnbd ns to the
tone facts in tne oase It that they would ta7ve the matter up and settle it satisfuotorilt
to all ocreereed. OrCerod filed,
A commtafi.:It) wac roceved frote the Ti:oard of 7loctricity reo-ardin the loan that
had heer made to said board of -,:yri,eCe. lry the doanoil, hoforrod to the City Attorney.
prcsonted 0o vest for a reduction in the licence of nodeottooz a deli-
catesuor store nt OCT Central Avenue, .ter.ap,:neu moved that a frutuitots liicenn he
rante,seoded hy *Irrirchst and carrio.
of the Ala:oda Central Carnj,e asescated a ra,ost for a reJont5_c
io fLe license for cooduction of s Lerae statin, that no did no strinL: or reotina:
rof,nir vorb. i.:.r.1,'isber moved tbat a 0 atoho hs licence to :,:runtodaceonded by iir.Goy
and cnrried.
hjsc h.:doedc,cA.Ocheu hres.,and Tint Ciuerio yroseoted netittoos for froe
-licenses for various loosteesses thnt tLey be ;rantedseeendd hv r
Gee and carried .
lo o „iiinoLley rresonted a petition to for a freeltoensa to tabr.) orders for a fatont
apru-y manoLefuartalred 'ay himoself, i:ir.Fishor moved that tlafliconse he filed
oy and carried.
The matter of the ay-feintmeat of J..d.anhteee in a lb o'er of the heard of 76:uoation
v'no- Tents 7ainmann term oriirod laid over from the last moettro came Ldr.ralleck
moved that the a-fpointment he confirmod,seconded hy Lr.rhay and carried hy tbe fodlowin
vote. oryiea:n:Corancilmen -
.—onclmman Lo(1) ":1,01)st,(1) mcowr,„(a).
Ge,e' ovd :,hsheY.((d). Coo::
A communication lous received from the Board of Linrari: Trnsteos reeommendfm 2 thmt
the City "-lorla be directed to advert:se for hide for the ceustructior of steel sholvin
Is accordance with Plans and erecificcItions adopted by them and presented with their come
That the sum of be naid to b..i...Keyes for preparing the pilan2 and specifie,a,-
, .
'"het virchoff he onloyed to lay 12;50 foot more or Toss of concrete 1-.H
the hon's 17:eading tr the haser.:ent of the Library bnilding at a cost not te exceed :.1[0„
lr::drobat I.2:0T-OCI that the nisns and crocifientions he filed and that the recommendations
be approved and acted on as requestedseconded by Hr:hullock and carrto.l by tbe
vote. A:os:onrciir.on "Thristenser,haegros,hulJock,iloy,Ges,Lrobst,fish.er and Inoo-o.,().
Zoos:ono. .Ybsent:Councilman Brown.
Tbe mettor of the offer of the Hibernia C:avin.ras and Loan society's offer to sell the
",';aymire property to the dLt y :or ::2400C. laid over from the last mectin came up. h.r.Loo
moved that-, the matter be laid over for three wooke, to the next eoting. seconded by 1:X.
frobst and lost by the following vote. Aye's:Councilmen T.-ar,Jlos,",_lee,Irohst and 1E.00r,,(4)
Zoes:ColJncilmen Christeneen,Bullock,Uoy and 7-isher. Ahsont:Conncilmar Lrown.(1).
Loo ,
moved_ that the matter be laid over until Tednesday eveninP; June 17th,seconded
by 1,ir.Pr bst and carried.
hr Loon moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Hibernia
";avings and Loan ',Moiety .Pecr.:.est° zg on extension of 30 days from June 25t1 n their ortion
on the xrire property,and to have a rerly b;;-, :ednesday eveninp: June 17th l'D/:)8,secoded by
.P-aohst and carried.
Y.r.Prohst moved that the Clerk he directed to address a commT,:nication to the ,,yzor
Estate requestim:, that they have the Abstract of the Taylor Tract at Certral and Sth -ntreet
written up to date, seconded by hr.L.agagnos and carried .
hr .Gee moved to reconsider the action of the Council at its mooting on June at d
recting that the City Attorney be directed to conyilence condemnation proceedings to purchase
the lot or the north of the City Hall for the use of the Fire crati,:ent , seconded
:Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:ourcilmen Christensen,agar.oe,7ullock,
Troy,Goo,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(6).
foos:None. Absert:Courci]miaa Prown.(1).
The motion of 3 nectina the City Attorney to commence condemnation proceedings on
said property and the same was lost by the following vote. Ayes :Coarclmen Christenser.(1)
7Xces:Counciir aP:aprosullochijoy,Ge- Probst,7 shor and Loop.(7). Absent :Councilman
'X.r.D:iganos introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Y.esolved by the Council of the City f Alameda that the lot of land hereinafter des--
crihed he purchased b,y the y of :fLameda for the purpose of eroctini thereon a fire engine
house and that the sum of Twenty-sever hundred Dollars is hereby authorized to ho raid there-
for. The Auditor of the City of Lie: eda is hereby athorized and directed to draw a von-
rant on ::duicipal. Improvement fund ho,,8 in favor of the City Attorney and the City Attorney
is hereby directed to pay the amount of said warrant to the owner of said lot of land as a
deposit on account of said purchase nriee . And upon the receipt of the certificate of
the City Attorney showing name of awner and that title is clear the Auditor is hereby di-
rected to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the balance of n 16 purchase price to wit;
Twenty-nix Hundre d Dollars payable out of said Improvement fund. ITo.S to the owner of said
lot of land so certified and to de -Ivor • said warrant to such ownor upon the delivery of a
;a.06 and sufficient co-fivoyanoe for said land. All suhstti.'u tax liens to be paid by the
'aid lot of land is situated in the Tit[ 107 Alamoda,C;ounty of A1ameda,3tate of Oalif-
ornia and bounded and described_ as f ld on a ,to wit:
Seven (20
1!Crfl OI ea; street aistant tnereon Two Hundred and
feet,Eight () inches nrtherly from the intersection thereof with the Eerthern
line of Santa Clara Avenue as said avonne ey_isto since the w-idening thereof;rann ng thence
roruherly along said line of Oak 'Street Fifty- (50) feet :thence at right angles Vesterly One
hundred and Fifty (150) feet ;thence at right angles Southerly al ft (50) feet;and thence at
right angles aetcr1 One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet to the point of ,
home the outbern Fiftv (50) feet of Lots .7Tos.10.11 and 1C in Block ho .37 as said Totr
and block are delineated and so designated upon a certain map entitled "Lap of Lands
cent to the Town of Encinal.Ala'Jeda Co.Ca7.filed 2fl,lfsJ67 in Libor 19 of ::as at rage
53 the roof in the office of the County Edecorder of saiJ County. of Alameda.
The resolntice was seoended by I:i.rrobst and carried by the followine.: vote. 'yes;
Conned:la:Ion hiagaF:enos,ce,Probst her and Lc (5), Eoes:Couneilmen Christensen,T3ullock
and hog. (3), Absent :Councilman Brown, (1)
J communicption was received from the Idayor calling attention to the matter of a fill
that was being made on the Alameda 1,:arsh- The matter was referred to the Street Coecittoe .
commnnication was received free A. hellanAgent for the Sather and Brueghera
Estates req -ea- uesti that a
street known an Shell trect shown on an accompanying sketch and
running from Central Avenue to Johnson Avenue and laying between hound ::':Cl Grove Street
he -er-flanor la- closed. Thereupon 1:1r .Christensen offered the foliov:ine so o1 and
od its adoption.
RESOLVEDby the Council of Alameda,that Shell Street as shown on some maps of the
City of Alameda as beina; a street runninp; from Central A-ven-ae to johnson Avenue and layinf!:
between Grove Street and hound. Street never existed as a street of Alamea. The resolu-
tion was scorn-did by hr hog and carried by the following vote. Aye,1:Cosne'ilmen 0brist-
"s-abot Eisher and Toop.(C).
Yoos:Eone. Absent:oune
cilnmn Brown .(1).
The Street Sterol-intendant presented s written report that the work of arsdin,corb-
and macadanising Encinal ,!',/enu.e from yersailles Avoe to high Street done by Eutchir-
son Company ,under Eesointion of itention Eo.712 had been faithfully finished and completed
-ender his direction and to hi; satisfaction Ordered filed.
The Street Su-nerintendent teresented a written rowort that the wor1:- uC gradina;,ourb-
and macadamizing Park Street fron the n-rthora lino of linena Vista Avee to the southorn line of Harrison Avenue do no by rowel.1 Bros,under :esolutior of Intention do .713 had
been faitbflillv fd nished and corloted under his direction and to his satisfaction se„
de red filed
Hatchirsen Company and Powell Bros presented requests that they. he granted permission
to ,srade neerb mnendaniYe and otherwise inprove 7ehb Avenue free Eyerett Street caste sin to
the eastern end of said St eet. Ueither Company 'had a contract with all, the proreruy ow-
Tiers and thereupon 'h.r..(211ristensen moved that the City Attorney and City
od to draw np a Resointion of Intention to do the work ,seconded
Engineer be direct-
Yr.Idagagnos and carried.
The Clerk presented affidaylts showing an() Publication end Posting
‘.7ork invit
proposals in the :natter of Essolation of intention D.).718,and theranpon two
adds were presented as followsfrom:
--For Eycavatino;
" 1:lacadamising
" Gutters
" Straight Curbing
" Curved Curbing
" Gutter Bridges
" (Thlyerts
Hutchinson Company-For Grading
" Lacadanic'-ing
flutter's, Broken Bock
6-s- cents
7/0 cents
lOg es; nt
'Ser Square Foot
0 U.
" Foot
" Square Foot
" Linear hoot
" Each
" Linear hoot
I r
Square Foot
Square Foot
Square Foot
Straight Curbing, concrete
Curved Curhing,concrete
Cutter Bridges
41 cents Per Linear Foot
Ai. cents Per Curve
Per 'P:ach
Per Linear Foot
ii_r.Christenser moved that the bids he referred to the City :ngineer and ,Areet .-Juper-
intendent,seconded by Tr.aeo and carried.
The City 7d,ngineer presented a plan and specifications for the work of dreding to fill
the CC-foot right-of-way for road from the :,outh end
of Bay Farm Island bridgfe to the
land at the southerly edge of the salt marsh,a distance of 4400 feet, and for the construe-
tion of suitable levees where necessary for the retention of
ensen moved that the Clerk he directed to advertise for bids
dredged material. Lr.Christ-
for the said work and to file
the Plan and 2pecifiction5,secerded by I:.r.Cee and carried by the
flowing:: vote,
-2oercilmen Christonsen,LIagagnos7ulloch,Noy,-,-00,TTobst,Yisher and LO (C)
Absent:Councilman Brown.
co=lnieation was received from U-. ,Fit relating to a quit clailc, deed to the City
Nees: None.
of three pieces of Marsh land or the north side sold
for doll.nquent taxes previous to the
Decree of Distribution in the partition suit of the Pacific Improvement
et a1.provid no : the City of Alameda would pay hilt the sum
Company vs .Waymire
.00 for said decd.
Lr.Leop moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney,with power to have the mat-
'.porly settle, for the amount required, seconded by .7.,:r.:.:agagnos and carried by the fol-
lowing vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christenseaganes,Bullock'joy,(1
Absent:Cornet-tr.:an Drown, (I)
7robet Fisher and Loop.:(
A.S.MaA, Iellan addressed the Council regarding the ,:atter of placing the brides
across the tidal canal in areration and requested,that if the Government would place the
necessary equirment and the expenses of labor for the operation would be Paid by the County
and private subecrirtion,the City to supply the necessary electric power. hr .Loop moved
that the Council endorse the proposition and agree to supply the
a period of five years, seconded by Er ,Fisher and
The recoinmeodations presented by the Tj.ayor on May 22nd
matters was ordered placed on file.
1,:ir.Loop moved that the City .Lttorney no directed to prepare the necessary Resolution
necessary power free for
ring Ta--71.ous street m
of Intention to construct sidewalks on lincoln Avenue between Versailles
excepting where now laid, seconded by L.r.Cee and carried.
Li...Loop moved that the C7or ho directed to invite reprec
Traction Company to appear before the Cooncil on . onday evening:,
feranco in regard to the needs of the City with refererco to their service, seconded by
Probst and carried.
and Ei Street
.ntativec of the Oakland
June 22nd and hold a con-
bet introduced A Bill, entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No.
-,ulate the Keep-
ing of Cows and to Repeal Ordinance ho .342'. Came was laid over under the provisions of
the Charter.
Mr.Bullock introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for
Distribution of Hand Bills,Dodgers and Advertising Matter". Same was laid over under the
Ordinance o. To Regulate the
ensen introduced. A Bill entitled "A
Building Regulations".
Came was laid over under
Bill for Ordinance IT
the provisions of the Charter:
1:jr.Probst moved that the Police and Fire Commission be authorized to -ourchase noces-
sary books and stationery for the Police partmont
ame not to cosi, more than 575.00,sec-
onded by Y.r..ee and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Lagagnos,
Bullock,U y, dee, Probst, Fisher and Toop.f8). Noes :None. . Absont:ouncilman Drown. (1)
'1;:r.Bullocl:. moved that the license tax on Bill-boards he fixed at :;=.0C per
that the present area be not increased,seconded by T2.21r.oy and carried.
Er.Fisher moved that the Clerk be directed, to address acoimnunication to Varney and
Green requesting them to remove the bill beards at the corner of 2anta Clara Avenue ardc,
to remove the uprer deck of the bill-boards at the corner of 'z'anta Clara Avenue and
ster ":_treet,seconded by Er.Gee and carried.
Mr.Loop moved that the Clerk be directed to address cormunications to the various
improvo:mnt Dlub2,etc,urL-ing them to do all in their power to abate the bill-board
nuisance,seconded by Idr.hrobst and carried.
In accordance with reeen.'h f the Library Trustees and approved Ly the Coun-
cil the following claim against the Municipal Fund Ro.8 was presented.
Keyes,h.H. Preparing plans & specifications ;150.00
Mr.Bullock moved that the claim be paid as read,seconded by Mr.Uoy and carried by the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Eullock,Tioy,Gee,rrobst,Fisher and
Loop.(8). Iloes:ilone. Absent:Councilman Brown.(1).
There being no furtber business to transact the council adjourned until
Juno 17th 190S,at 7.30 P.L.
City Cl,rk.