1908-06-17 Regular CC MinutesCITY OF ALALEID.A, JUUE 17th 19G8.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Bullock,r oy, Gee,Fisher and Loop, (6)
were noted present and Councilnen Brown,MaL:agnos and Probst,(3) absent.
The Board of Electricity r,resented a report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant
for the month of Iday,19C8. Ordered filed.
1,(ir.Loop offered the following resolution and moved its adoption
Resolved,That whereas the Council has endorsed a petition presented by A.S.Mac Lellan
to the Hon Joseph R.Knowland,praying the Government to operate the briages,across the Tidal
Canal on the north side of Alameda,at Park Street,Fruitvale Avenue and High ','3treet for the
benefit of ravigation,and
Whereas it has been strongly indicated by the War Department, that the Government will
equip the bridges and put them in working order, providing the County will ray expenses of
Whereas it has been shown 'this Council by the retitionersthet the cost of operation
can be met by subscription and. County he In,
It is therefore Lesolved by the Council of Alamoda,t]lat the City o Alaneda will fur-
nish electric current free to operate the bridges for a period of five years.
Tho resolution was seconded by Ifir.Ley and adopted by the following vote, Ayes:Coun-
oilmen Christensen, Bullock, Boy ,Gee,Fisher and Loop.M, Toes :Lone Absent:Councilmen
Brown,Magagnos and Probst.().
Street Superintendent Frodden presented a written report that the work of curbing and
guttering Grand :.'treet from the southern line of -Pacific Avenue to a rip'ht line 170 feet
south of and 'oara]lel with the southern line of ayten Avenue done by Hutchinson Company
under Resolution of intention a0 7.1z had bee 2.1 faithfully finished and comy-eted under his
direction and to his satisfaction. , game ordered filed.
The City Engineer reported that he had computed the .„ Lures submitted by Hutchinson
Company and by Powell Bros for the work of grading,macadamiing and otherwise improving
Webster Street under Resolution of Intention Zo.718,and thereupon Mr .Christensen offered
the following resolution and moved its adoption.
TESOD,That the Council of the City of Alamoda,having in open session on the lEth
day of jure,1,:;0,opened,exaldned and public - declared all sealed_ proposals and for the
following street work in said city, wit :
That '::ebster ;:)treet from the southern line of Eagle Avenue to a right line 31.0.0f3 feet
righ angle measurement,northerly from and 'parallel with the northern line of Eagle Avenue
he improved as follows:
That the entire width of said street between said limits, including the crossing at
Eag le Avenue be graded to the official :;racle:that concrete curbing eiOit inches by fourteen
inches in cross section dimension he constructed between said limits on all curr, lines of
the roadway of said street and On the four curved corners of the crossin of Eagle Avenue
with said street, two inches above the official curh grade:that cement grouted ,rock gutters,
three feet in width, of the fdl?t pattern L constructed on each side of said roadway contig-
uous to said curhinthat the remaining portion of said roadway of said street between said
limits aud including said crossing of Eagle Avenue be macadamised with a layer of hroken
tram rook, eight inches in tickness;nat two ,utter bridges each five feet in width and of
,", 1", constructs „the four corners of
the said crossing of Eagle Avenue
wit5 said street ;that two culvets each o C ri-Jee and redwwoord lumber ord each havin[,: interlor
dimensions of two feet in, width by ten inches in clen be constructed across Eagle Ave one
u,!aoaE uoluITuor,:fcqV
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"..Lagagnos and Prohst.(h)
hrjdhristensen offered the following resolution and. roved its adoption:
1:OLVED,That the nnllic interest and convenience require and that it i8 the in-
tention of the Council of the City
AlarEeda to order the followina: street work to be
done in said city, rarely; That Bnena Vista Z,venue from the Thstern line of Grand treet
to tbe center line of 'halal Street be ire-proved as fo7lows:
:hat the northern half of said avenue hetwees said limitsincluding the northern
half of the croesiun of said avenue with HiHbard :3treet and the northeastern quarter of
the crossing of said avenue with urn Ltreet,be graded to the official grade ;that con-
crete curbinP_: d inches 74 inches in (3-foss section dirensior he constructed on the
northern curb Tine of said avenue between said limits and on the two curved corners
thereof on the northern side of the crossin
of Hibbard 2t., : averue and on
the curved corner at the northeastern corner of the crossing of barn ,3treet with said
av=e;that cenent grouted rock :-utters three ffeet in width of the "flat rattern" be o
constructed along the northern ide of said avenne botweer 8fT-Lid limits contiscrora to
said c7.3.1'hin ard curved corners :that the renairiny rtion of the roadway of said north-
ern half of 1.3nera Vista Averrae between said limits and in,cludin the norther s-. half of
said crossin nf Hi1bard -;3freet end northeastern quarter of said crossing of hamn
:ht:trect be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock oimht inches in thichrss:that
throe cast iT0-;.1 cmlvorts inneadea ir cenost he 7,E-id and corstrrotaa se felloweore
across -31).ana 7ista Aveaue in the eastorr side of the crossirr: with tarn :trect,one
across said a7creo in the wostorn side of its crossiriE-: with Hihhard -=:itreet and ore
across sa-id •veroe in tho oaotorn side of its crossirc: with hibhard ;;;troot;that two
Eutter hri ;oes each _five foot in width ard of pine lumber he corstructed in each o"
the ahovo curved corners,
The Alaneas nras is horohy aosianatea as tbe daily newsrapor -nohlished
ard oircrlatra ir -tis City irwhich this rosolutior,ord the 2r:root Zoaocrin-r,t's
The 7lora- 71,2
tice of the essage thereof e el
shol he
ho rely airectea to -rah-
lish this h:osointion b-7 two successive insertions in snia nowsranor,and nost the sane;
for "en da,,o conspicuously near the abersber aoor of this Councid, .
seonaca tho :resolution ard it uas odo ted by thr, followirL:
aonnailloon ..ftristonson,r1locb,-,..1oy,ec,2ishe.r and Io(6). Absent:
-3rowr 1::a6.agnos ara Irobst.().
lir.ahristensen offered tTe rosollatior ana moved its sdoJior
".:7Ol That the prblio irtoreot ond corveriaran roalsine aad that it is the i
tentior of the a!onmoil of the of Llalmoda to orace the followinL: stnoot worh to ho
dolle ir onta dehh 'o're from tha certer lire of -1-‘tverett :a.,troet to a
riEht Tire 14C foct,':a irchas,ria-bt arino moasnrer,eaestorly from ara narallol with
tho 'iastern lire of aroadway be improved as follows: that tile entire width of saia avraL.
rue betweer said liaits bo a:radea to the of ,grado;that corcrete nonhisL in
ches irche2 in cross-sootier aimerstor bo corstracted two inches tono the
c':.1.rb act-ado or all co']' lines of sald anerre between said linalts,ard t-'e.e two
cnarved corners at the easterr siao of Ldie crossirE of said avenue with Tverett 2(root;
that cemert grontea,roch: autters,thnoo feet in wiatb,of the fiat pattern,be centroeted
on each s'L0 of the reado:.a-Li of said a'r'e betece eLCT liits,centiornons to said
1 to said carved eorrors;that the tomainirs portin- of said roadway and of the
crossira lverott :atreet w-ith said aveousbotwocr said limits be maoadanized with a
la,yer of hrohaa trap mach eisht inches 'La thichmeos;that two a'attsr 4cos,oach five
feeI in width aad of fine luher,bo corstrueted at each of the two hastern corners of
the orossinz, of saia, avorue with Tiverett 'aitrect;and tbat a cast iron oh] vert inbodded
ouni, L-Ey.lya JD.OLC J044.1.3 0,14 L)0A0D-1 JOOT*.T: F„16
aG41.1 GG14oGuuoo aT ITo“uo oL4 psGaYop-e
p6Glajo,I P.G1c4. OZ aJoJ 021 GTT
- — '
U0T4.10 S U0 TIG72 OUllf (.TUT aia7,°O Cy.7; u04 47:T040 ve 77' T4seabG." so
cyG LG60ri poY ,J;u:torl1H 0:1.4 og. fl.aos o4 a0401: t o -6 1-ym
*poTJ6 pu.y IZA
70putpoo2GJGJ: GL:; o4 o-6 :o:ut o. oT4.ol-60 r sppr! p4f)G.TU,;
4-0uq po&c-JJ oTL4 e4 “T u04.47' yo G53.6zAo7,4 0:24 jo ouou pu-6 o:1,uTo
06 2.11q 04 LT 073,,21_,:raa0 0UL1, q.13144. paY 004.10r ,io 0114. 1:0A0 .7,I I1,130 :DUOS p-6G.1 413q4
T;',,J.T.4.1:42'17.111TJA:14Tur; TrooutrI7 ou_ osIAJGyz Jo /,:rci, (-4uT G.PouoTp ao4
Jo 41.Gi_YIj:Joo 0.L4 70 0 14.a.g. G-,14 :L04o,D0ds0i
(c)''Joo L)u-Y sou:3y216-:, yo,JzITouno7:1,uo2oy *017:07
so- I 'py),Joo JGDTisTrooc'oE47GLGo-unrd'uGi-ilia-qc acTiTTQuyo,::::soy 7'-'c';
04,; 0,:4)T0-AU00 1j)U:U -1?Gpu000'6'0G4GY-00 DoAom
,JojUAGJo:..;q pov aGJoaJ uT S7O -6'c°; jj.16 zu4urlouzy aoj pu-6 os
03JOL0j UOTfp011i '800O:.1 OUA. 46G,4
O00T 004.50 o.4sctGiA
-pu-c GuuoA7 IT-;z!po 00Y000To7Jc.7
ao,uGAv puy
,GiauGAy ulLo'J.T goo'732
-GauoA7 oljr,013
GryaGA7 pore ;coof u4.u161137
T2'..,:q4T2i-Pc6T*7".1A qaToPWIT
7ey_17'1 7'7'W.00 cliZC U02201-17'V
;OO:g.',"! :7-1:137
qzad 7'2(7'L'A-3:100 oDT1.1
4000 OJ0 ‘puu 1,,au.oAy' 0I0 ou-vi JO
ou6:GA7 [0( 070 Du.y 7.,T,T:3d: Jo
aucav I-culGuc J:01-7,2CUA'L'U.024,0
fjuT.U:LOII04. 3114, g.O, -1?of1.J.GsoaJ ono sosuooTI oab;1- aoj su01 4y07
:4uosqv .(,...-,)doo57 put. ETry:::Y;osuosTaT uoGruLoulloc:
:so:17 -04.00. 7'uTAcT4.oj Gyi L;;cop'E; 1::0 y :107' (7 pouc000 Joiy-IALIosoJ
IT0:611o;-,) 8T:04 JO aoop ayou .1s0c7-3i.,1J60aeo
o:4 o:[4 fl.soJ puy'GIJ 121:6,:4 Gzuolq_Gsu-T. c;,,-,TscaGolus Rq 0074.07000 2
TjuPTIq110 1",:0Q-P0d.:TP 003L PT -=..coo 0={11]
LLO [0 7E09,7'4 7)7,4 JO
1:fuy'uoT4zul:GE;'G LIGTqi,A ;%To uT pogocInoJTo
ccoo pov;TIquu o04.ny53153p jGaGLIL no 2,6.21,v acop
Jo GpTs ¶71 37;)00 7 4.q0700 1:DI.00LO0 c.*) Gc,,JG-uoG
the LFen.sation for liater furnished for Private and Public Purposes in the 'ity of Al-
ameda during? tbe year commencin Ji1y 1,1:.300,and endi-nF june 301009"introduced
22nd by "oir.Bullock and read in full I y the 01ork June it lCO3ie lip for final ras-
sase. Mr.Bullock moved its adoption,seconded by 1,11-.Cee and carried by the followin
vote, Ayes:Councilmen Christensen:Dullock7ey',Coe,Fisher and Poop.(6). O000 0110.
About :Concilmen Erown,asaL:nos and 2robt.(3).
There -heirs ro further business to transact the Cou ncil adjourned until l':',onday,
June 22nd 1908,t 730