1908-07-06 Regular CC MinutesJ:J12= L]:=1- :22 02 THE CITY 02
"d 190n.
r_'-eetilig. was oalllej to Oh Jer "s:o the
The roll -wa oalfted asd Couaollxed
and Fis'aer were reptej preeet arJ Goo,n,e1"00e a 131ow1 and Lour absert.
The ffiinutee of the Iflootin of Jame 15th viere road add orjered approved.
niautos of th,o -,electirr of Jude 17th were roaj add ordered osHyrovee-.7.
The 1-:riunte or ibe Isaatin of Jena 22nd. wore read and ordered ap-proved:
net tdco laolioe 'Turd
a.rnca,Int-lr:a to :2770; aainst t'ho Jtraet Fora:i az,eaat t :::4050.j2;aain5t the Eloe'trie
•i0at 2vmd a,roonti-d to Nd557.96;aa ast tho 7,ibrary Fond mneuntin
af3inst ]1uni0 ip01 71.7onj Cl; C L01 bees aloprovej 'by the proer offls a-ad oc,itteee
wera reaj 1 tre Cler as follows:
dir;:,nue 71do1shis Co
California Oil Cl Eurner Co
OaIdlaad Gas LtaFG Leat
Le-pqty .7Courduastor
J71 C
7:ater uit
7001; L
I'Lsfusd of Isieonse
Co-nrad,Jolid D]eideritale
aC Oil
2-ischor :Plui.lini,s .-o.,0.2. T.:orohandis,, C.01
.....1,..,_,,,.,,,.u. LTiviniz; cr-;.. in7:1e-r 120.00
, --, -,
HutiMnson ::!,. 'r.acadanizing cross ,::: 93.7
on Crossins
Rf If (f ,, 62.2?
jamison,,7.6. Lviving .7,ra nk1r4r 125,00
Jorgensoli,I!. Illa3Msmithirp 27.00
Is251Den Oros Co-,1
11ervy-71e1l Co -21alk..-head 131.35
.1.1eser,J.O. I]ns-ipeering '02*k. 64.75
7j-ac.f..-ic mel L Tel Co. rl'ellephone switohes .15
I'eoles 7,11.,tr Co. .vato-::: 026.00
r,c:xs,o.I. Icial-flin n,r, nr
,1 Oivinb, .2 ni.r7!,-1er 125.00
Iowell -,,ros Flxj-fic; ctross.ings 104.03
'..ansoli,e, Constr-Jn.tio,-; Co. 7.3ooli 3'.1 .72
7.1ode0-miesor r: Co. 0017,,,nt 0.00
o2neiqer,Kenry 5tat-!oner ,3: Irint -s, 12.7G
.,1LiClL 1120S -Iiicele 3e'pairs 4J7:0
Taylor C Co. LuLlber 6.15
!T ft 05 .00
Thurston,C.7. t,),!-,t,illn; S5.70
VOSMIY:1°: (:).,J.,-..,),I..,lo, Haraare
,... 37.30
TT II If If .12.H.Ci:
ft If 'I 34.30
Total- - ::, 4030.2
ELECT:LIC 71-311C FU7.7m,
Argos IC o3 Co. 2rintins .. 21.50
Associated 0i7 Co Oil 1000 .00
Boa-,d of Tilecttrioity IneiJerito.ls Co
Clar.k,2.1). Ins13.7.r'ance -IrEnriun
Crossw,T,I.O. Boilr CoTrcfeacid 52.95
& ;7,;on,0.1-1. LIzine7f 9,00
Oercal 2lectrio Co. Corrected bill 2.13
7:La1 ly c',:- Co. Insn.r.anon "f7r,:r_rium 05 . 0 C
nelion; 7, fress Co. haul in 7.25
Zornlshofet,J.J. Merchunjlie
Littleton, W.3. Insumcf, Ireim ;5.00
Coo re (3 0o.,Chas C. -Final 2a-if:Ile-ill', 2030.50
oon ,!-,.. 'i3on'Ica.. L11.1,_,Thior 117.00
r., r,e-,
Cole Eloolm -'
aulim,.. y:oles
f,.)well 732:os 7Eauling rol.es 12-15
7:Tho0es-jaieson L Co, Feed 56.00
scloA. Iron .3 LO(.-!o.3orks 65.00
3eTilins jons -'o.,J.A. ..,trana 23 U0
oter1ina 71e3 oo.
rr r?
Westinhouse -f].&
I5nitticne Co'norn Co
fetty 7xpensee
,I, n
Eeehs 7C4:,.7i5
CanrloeeThaTe,,Curties and e'eleh
Fi,oldi1,0-. JTeiesearors c.or
alo-ho „.:,c,,,nit?-.ry 3up-r,1-,7 'Th.,Inc 6rcnplies 9.50
holshouser,1,1:::, r,,,,es 3.00
fLaehen,id:.J. Eocloo 20,00
reooe - 7ater Co. ,:Teter 2.05
Lon--niustej LArectolr7 u.o. :eireetor77'.es 12.00
.-Jencooluerveenry -forint-!n,e; Co 29.15
ichrenor,kssust 7-echs 70.00
ejtroL,Cerl -C, Electrical ors171 es 45.25
Theo7er Pulel-Ishi'nene
Liedoo Tram. Loco:Thrl,:s _a, on Heine Eoiler
Total- -
::Cr.7u171ec:it ereseed that ti-:e olair:s as read 1,-,o raid,secondec7, on„1 carried
Cr the forowi-n6.7 ,eote t c C e Thrinteroser:i:_asnos,LrdiloedoGoo2.0o-ht
anc(1 Fle,hor.()). Jdoes:7one.
f:esent:Couneilnoens Crown or3 Leor.(L).
affi,7,avit ::::olse!ncs due .n.o.M7ication of the relineuent CC'- List h7 the
11r.nuo vies rresenteJ ard ordere flaced onfi7le.
i:Cri3 -C L.Kruffb,et ed7,—re2iorts of tlao -noorhod, of Tfourltein ;enf,7
:nadison reenestin that or 7sc, lisht he inotlelled CC "Cr CCC nor. -Zsofere to ne
fetitionc for ,e;ratuitos icensos worn receive;q fro-. tIse 2.11edn r:ocren,tle-o Tae
cendriet "oase-1 ,r&o]es7fs-oil 7ioi„17ailton to sell -nrod -Cl" of hiz own raisins suhfect
to tine we,,,:eon license arcd fro.: ->f--'cm to sell pic'tles Le -,Ijrceered cen,f1
rot to 'ae sub:lected to the -oreo'n lioerce, novna that the: -co o_;a-nted,
secended-t Td:r.M,IlloeTh and carriejJ.
0 esol7 preserte retition fol. tine p'!!IHrrle,e of worhic[,; three Inen velYier orce
lieene for one ::,coath CC sol7ir'o 71re 7-t10seIrTphers 'Lr,Dulloct me7ed CC CC the re-
quest 1-,o F,:ranteteecesodtsd by i OlCOOrOSi r6 ca7cri.e.
'Me retition of 'til's.L',wten,ClerTh Ctreet ul)erinto-adent's office for kn in-
crease in salary from '60 cc to 070 cc per month cane up for ection and -.'1,r.Lagagnos
moved that the request he E:ranted some to take effect on and after Vly 6th 1000,se-
condea hy Id.r.EnClook and carried hy t},e followirp' vote. Ayes:Councilmen•Christensen,
IYnos,Bullock7,Tey,G Probst ana 7isher.(7) Thes:None. Aheent:Councilm'en
Thrown ard Lo3r.(2).
commnnication wac;' received from 70.1,:arriott residinfe at 1100 Fe: :trot ca'nes
Of" the attention of the Council to the lack of Fire Kydrents on 7ey 6treet between 'ean An-
tonio and the hay. Tr.Gee moved that the matter he referred to te Chief of the 'Tire
Departmeet,secondea hy and carried.
A commanication was received from the layer ce:etf: im that he had approved in
writing certain resolutioris that had been passed by the Council at the mectins of June
75th1 17th ana 02nd, Ordered filed.
A connurication was received from. the Cfreater an 7rancico Investment '-',ompany
cormonding te action of the Council in errocsinc to desire to eten a street over the
marsh land and thereupon Fr iToy moved that the City Attorney and City hrinoor trepare
the rocessary raters looieirs to the oPenin of Cleimert levenno from Crand --treet to 'Thh-
ster-Ctroottsecondod hy 7Ir.r..T:.aai--mos and carried,.
communication was received from hihornia Cavinss And lean -:ociety refusin to
':rant an- 'further option on the
ire prol,e
hut statin that the price of salT.e
was :241,000.eo at which it wenla he sold to c 0r3ero0. filed.
0. communication moo received from h.jelly of the Oahland Traction :;on,-any
raplyinE: to a cc'-: nnication from the Oity Clerk wit reference to niacin's the tracks
on 1:chstor and 'ark trer,ts in order and e.!.se reoardinp: the early and late car. 1:r.
'70-J eve-d that committee of three he =feinted to cenfo-e Tith the officials of the
Company;seconded hy Ir.'jore and cerriled. and thcreurzln Councilmen Uoy,T;,:aanee and 'et at
were anointed.
A oe,,unication —es receivea, from Verne v 'hroce res-ardine.: the hill-hoards )wn-
ed bv thee' ace beinT7 in answer to a communication sent the:: by the Clerk. Ordered
received from tire Mayor in which he made certain recomend-
ations roa1'dinl. the care of parks de. Ordered filed.
A com,nuriication was receiliea from tt of the Southern Iacific CoriTany re-
gardinu the right of ma,-;v for the franchise to place their roads under electrioity.
hr.11oy moved that the matter he no to the ComlAtteo of the ',holo to be consider-
ed with the 7:::aia'oaCt offieial or: ?.o2-a::: evenil-„ July 7th. -)o ordered.
The nayor presented hie '4() tLe taesc6 T-
the cc nil or: 1mm 1
vhieh ii c , their ialtenVe]; to r=ee -ne lofc 0:7 Tend adjoir4ng the City
Hall yroycYt on the north, in a written cure as foileTa
Jnno 23ra
To tac lionerahle,
lit of Aica6oOoliforda,
retmr-n,without approval,a adep,ted ty the Council for
the purcha.so of a let on Cah- ".Areet,aoihin proper—u
.'inc the CHta daired to buy this propert several months ago it could hmo icon
rurohysed for :.1700.o,hat-ing In-er I ocold heon offered for :;:cli50C.00,with no takers.
lioma ' demerit Lee no corded q —en: qo mhech ,e, smheoaconci] reduced
0 cc
sahsequenfly ascertained that the no nerty comic he purchased for very
men le2s,on ci notlfi6 the :2nctl to that effect, 7overtheless,no nehher of the et. ever called to see the own, ,Aco onanover the natter Wfll'..3 1.-rou1 t efore the rodreil
en ore or yonr honorable 3ody insisted that co was a cheap .rice the.i no rene
1on conid loe had and ever offered to testify for the defendant in of condom:nation
This conduct did not have a tendency.- to cause the owner to reduce the -price. Cr
o ono*n hand,it did not cause the owner to increase the price above 'r:n000.coand lona'
after the City was in the market ,„). hr: this rroperry,ard on the 17th of llay,the ow-neer
sold the property: for 20(::0,00 I no inforwed tha it was varehasod by a ro II syndi-
cate,whe wanted the property for no purneso exes-pt to sell it to the at a theusand
dellar advance,
The Thitle panised t- dhes toad for a,t1l)C to last -.1onday no nerd er of the Co roil
had :interviewed him or ased hin, for a reduction in price,
objection does not asoply to cases whore the owner increases his prices hut
hellove 1 is tine to onrh the hahit,which none of our citi:,:ens have fallen into, .
curio; ortions or property- desired hu the City herni,y acaddl the price,and usin po
ical nethode to isdnoo the Ctty to buy at increased prrses
The waT the -matter Tas uresontod to the City alcounts sirrly and solely to a hold-
the rh ty needs preerty will se-
0 Or ,:YD.11.1o!--It to 01,-,E) City heir c," held n-la.
Aside fro' the question of price, and the very sus]: ions otreunsfe:nces attendth
the deal,lt is questionable tf an-o benefit will accrue to the Ci'* by
lot on 'Jfehh Avenue and huilrji !: a fire house on a narrower street betroen the stear and
electric ',Ines. an Inielled to advise your honorahle Body that our sitisens,whes
then voted for the hends,expested a latT:e -increase in fire protection,arisi fro
rurchnneof nea nrIerstus.
'co h:Du,,o• anly ono hooh-and ladder cotfit in Alanedaaud in additton:o the stearer
and now hoo-k -and -ladder trneh we reed considerahle euirnent,aod under prnsont oironme
taheesit is wtse to secoorsize th tho matter of rn inn ow land and bui.ldin expensive
luildinhs,nrlase we lr'!;',,,70 for oar new eqnipment.
A Lreat 16an of the harh Street maronants have orpressed thoir Jrefere to have
the location of the tino '20-1:20 ,J.,:n:O[J,-?.-rft*::5ot:C there are wany reasons wby the itvonne
Ion:-. in Iroferabrio to the
hlowsv.cr,L case ny veto on the transantoc,and rot lapon the lcation. T o- -1
letter fe.aam the lady- -who dyrned the property for many months after neactiationa ivore an-
wore ortared ina (with sows ono else) for the purchase of the propaEryhd she inforna
me, .:,der dats of May the 1(1,?ththat her price was ltLOC.00,and her letter shows
"optto n' was of receht date,
hieuon s very truly
Attached to the said veto was lotter,addreseed to the mayer,froln Lars donthorine
TwiL:r,statin that she had sold the said oroverty to re,,,Charley hr-0 :702 'tPeCC.co,
The vote was ordered filed ford therenca dr.apaos 'moved that 4,:e
bG directed to tahe steps to cod:: n the .property for .pahlto uses secoded hy hr.Cee
aad corried
The 'ilerh prosented an affidavit of the Alameda haily O$-n:
of notice ea1ltar fGr yrepossls for steel shelviu etc. for the Alarcals Free
Sams ordeled filed add 1he Jloadh Escorted that fonr bids had been rece1ved.
hr.Zisher moved that the oponins of the case be 164_1,1 ovor until the hc-xt meetlesecond-
ed 'av5v,anos and carrie6.
Tbe Clor orecerted or affidavit C tbe ILlamCC a aeII l3 sho,iins ua,o 1:ooe.,oect.ea
of notice of I'r0f0Ef-211S for -Tire aoa therenrou reported that.three hias bad heen
received which were or,erea aed read as forlows:
From Thterone
eorrs o.,Jne ;;arcrour" "2.1orleer" List° Fire "dranine :CC( 00
,o ,„„ .
said hid was accompanied by speeifications anJ strarartee,
'Troy. Alnerican-LaFtrance Fire ldnsi e Co.,One secerd size 1.1.0trop,o itaa ':Oa:. Fire En-
ire 5O oo was accompanied h-:c Frpecificatiea
Fron Anerican-T:aPwarce Fiwe CL e ,%.,Cne third piac Idetreopolitar ',-jteart Fire Eo-
ine 00,said hid was accon-panied hy srecifications.
:Mc! c,170 t000
'd75C.co,caid hid Was ac-
onuaried hy seeificatious.
ilott Fire Ersine 'do .,Ono L:teari Fire Ersire 3rd size :A500„co,snia hid was ac-
conparied snocificat.ors,
Fr oroo moved that the hids he i'efcrred to Me Fire ara Police Committee •
of the CourciT ana the Police end Fire Cotamission,secordea io»e1 or 7,:r.3n.11och
moved to anena suhstitntins the on: : of the no lo instead of the Fireater and
7-07.t1 ec Comli,ittecc000raca 1-Jy Fr.Floy and carried.
The -freserted an afddavit of ibe Io Th TJaoliv Fr ra ednowir
of Ectice to Controters calllas for rroiesa-ls for the worh of Ira sir to fifl the road
leadief from Farm, Island IFilFO to the matr land of to ieland ard the Clerh: rerortad
tht he had received two *bide which wore °Toned and read. Ore was fro the Americar
Dredsins and the other roo from the CaJlf,ornia Ecclamatio Ccnnan.th,both coterarice
made two ce-earate rropositioes which were ordered referred to the ','Ltreet '&utperintendent
ftra, City :,,:]nsineer to report hacTh t the cauuoil ot the roxt mectia„
ft/( F: a:ocoe attendance at the meetirs,
onvolore rel,ortod to certain a ua for fire ers'ines was rreserted, j2w„T'ishor
moved that it he not rec.:cited as it W%3,2 I-Jeut no hour fixed for receiviflcc soch FiI, se-
conded h— ;;;;:r."':u7rioch ard carried F, he followirt-.; vote‘ Ayes:ourcileren dhrictersen,
cool Fisher. (4) L forclacilmor aee and 2robst.('e„). ilbsect:Oorrejdinc-r
rownaanos and Loop.(3).,
A petition was received from faes Tyson,ct al.reenestioe -permission to 1.17rrOVC
at their expose the south ead of Foroo: Iieo I rooF to he done urder and to the sat-
isfactio of the ;'Cioroot iurtrirtendort, 1:.,r,Pilloc-k moved nat the matter be referred
r,n;cornet- ar".
ineer to 1vc8t1s-te and rerort 'each: to the Council
scooraed lo erd (,)Tried.
A cenratmicatten was received fron Lt,ary ir.Jrttd tonchia the matter of the I rove
ment of the south era of ',Merman t;treet„ Icr.nrieeh. moved that the natter he e-i7erred
to the City Attor-oe:y ard :silty Lnireer to irvesti- 0. te and re'port haol . to the :a oil
seconded hy LrOie arr--, carried,
i ocnnunieaifor was receied from tbe Doard of LeaTth recoLoN,ctradiar
streets he cowered— Lr:Prohot moved that the matter he referred to the Ce!ty Friacer
',etreet rduterintendert,seconaed "2,rbrLoit,her rod carriea,
x folcLo n sined hv hdward F,ohaaet rreserted rolnostia that laeific Ave,
hetween lat ard fl Ltroct he macadeartzed and otherwire im-arere,ao(", F rt-tter
l'n)npary he reuested to irsta17 la-or rot; s io satid atreet, :loved ‚I-rat the
Clerh he d,ireced te earriaricatloa to the water Co0-y ''C •F00 that suit-
able water service be Iriotoilol arcl that the City Iliterrey rod dity T:r,aincer r•rer,a-re the
recessara- Eesel-atior of Intent:1m to ir.prove the street,scconaed 1Y7T "dr„frertaat ard carried,
The 7eity in' yreseated a nonecIficatios and ciaautity e-stite in tho at-
tter of :1000lution onfl intention -0,70C, od tboreaTen IS-rw,Jhr'istensea offered the se-hTelne
i: reselation and Laved aii, ade,ien:
7-afweViChe,That the :Th8 and ofccifications furnished by the 7 oa hIon:L neer of the
dity of inaweda,to this fonncil fer the followin ,Ltrect wort: to he de' in said deity,
eaTeoly: fltaI II,oart fetrect fron the southern Tins of faentrC!, 2,,,,,nenleo to 4;r1:e nort'asre in:ori
of Ohca Jeoe Averae e ;s at .',an DIrE, :ctreet and Jach.son catcoet E 1 he
-hinreaved aa follows: Ihat tbe entire veidt'h ef said 7)oloirt Throet los reExreded to the offi-
eial -ernde;that conoret corbir - ei inelses ty i.onfteen Lnehes In carea tot,'. Jineen-
slea he coatrteted on all cart, lines of the roadnay said stroot two irchea aleove thn
offi-la,„1 ,o,n,„ es oe ' -
.eas, case, Li,,:ausnena-, n sre etee reeIt .-:1.347 foot ie lui.c:in,of the flat ioatterns
he consirreted ,c. each side of tto -reajwa7 eortignor:s te said crirtinthet tte re:5in-
in:_: rortion of said roRdway he nonnanteioed with a layer of c-IL:ht inches of trol'oen traz
rch;tbat fear (20t0 ef-V,1 corners toti: a cross, section dieension of oi ht inoce
by folorteen lonees each and havn;:o eaoh two ,Jiitter trides OL r-1..1 lortono aad fivo feet
to width ' -,e co notrveted ono at each of the fo-'or corners of fhe "f0SPi,:7 at 7ca•t treet
ana i:adse; etreet and that four oonerete coryed corners as ahove s-eeeffic wilds wettor
ort, .,;ne, of ro re ltrahor nre ahove enocciflind aed doiceried he corotroete ono at eaeh of
wtat O:lj,i be the fora aornerfe of tto ores:sine: ret 7,eart Street road 7acianh A-vrenno had
a width of fort:: feet on eaoh side of its etroseet center liae at oaid t] two
eaat Iroc en17,octs ieholded In conenote he nenettneted across :ladisor, dttreet one on the
(_:f:L:ltr. 6ICIO of o.laid 'esin- at 7eurt ^treet nod tiaai two :ei:1-;or 'o' .----t. he I7si1arly
oonntreoted nor; dnelwal .Aterrac cce ou tte eastern 0Ide and ono oa the western aide of
t 7-at det C1 , ie :7the cicossin eertroas :63C; COV
Ti171t the -jerotion ef erid 7o-arrt .-trost or any crosfr'Jin theroef required hy law to
he kort in order i-n- the rails-end colweany tavir its trachea, thereon i2 hereby osecefto
o- tion f t oti, elti of Tttisin dc.C2,atd r e iera otis reolaonedcr esaow ae 7 oo Ins-
tha 7,enasoil of eaiel 7; ne Moo 17th •rdC710 and the craco are heret:e .',A.4- and ayiereeed,
.'o:-l' thc lor" is directed to fiTh the sales,
, if.,,a the Itoselntion and it was ado- to] hy the followisa voto Ayec:
,Joeobifln,en fftiristeneen,7Irlloch1r7oy,Gee,2rotot and 7isher,(G),, reessdeneii Atesnt:
Coennilne:o TroynAIdiananos read Teein(ICin.
hrWItrloteasen offorod tto fol7nwn reeclotion ned ,ne'oed its aec00'
—'—'---' ' '''. ''-----',' 4-' -'1— ''4'1e,'0-1-4,fl '.4' 4-.1-4,:, (1- -447 ,14- '-,c,,-,,4,4 , oc“ , , ,Th ofite,ca_
tion 70.7CC fol- tho wort of ,seradiwL„carbin:n,L,--tt-e-nninncada-raia,tr- andi otherwise i:ry.r.-C::)-
in; Oonart :lreet,few -Icanasl lin,i'enee to i-I.:an Jose Ilvontre io tto 7ity ef elaeda,a),ted
i Cl.,',, ",,),4.' 4'A 1C7hos hn poted and uhliated C70i ' tO lnwand 4.,'A,,.,4. otby ,Ja 1 , oo:s r t=7 lY
to the doin,y, of sni,id wort, fii.ed -with the Cit: 71erh of said elty,dated j.Tni 1,
1(2T7,an::I after duo nnd loal Tjetiee of bearin and ofter said hoarina on Jolt- 13,-PPCri4
a l'ioaelof ica Overralle Ohjeetios was adorted 7r'7 t-flr' f'Crk;'!Oil, ',"Cf"' .'''.14''",.1.".,,--'''
hIlie interest and een.-,2nonee re,nire nrd ite 11. fl:') of tho
Citze of ilawcia here r enders the folloinn d':'Or:-A, d street -wort to Ie dose in said
Cit,aocordIe to the rlans and stecIficationo adoted thorefer,nalaelyn That, 'Mort
Ietreet froo' the ocenthern line or 7contral Avensle to the =there 1i0.o of 0.0' Jose Ltenao
exectotir tto eron2Irees at Van Iteren ;d,treet anIiI Ja(ion 2treet he laroved as follows:
That the centire width of s'aid 7cny2 direst he reeeeraded to the offieia7 erade:tht con-
crete enatiniJ cin:ht inclines leT fotarteen teT,!hon in crone seetiow dicrne-esionia hn covert-no-
ouolsaoAT poTJT,T4TA uT
AoJ spT pao siLssoqoAJ po:17:es
TT I poasIoesp tpeaToHa..,:epoaoJoIIop joo
uo acid° uT :ITA'aq''al.)17-1.7 J=0 airf .10 Fa!-O".;',=:0=
uoT4loys 1,yd uoTLluIcsoa poEz,:=Jjc: ousuo4,sTaqpa.a7 uodaoaoT4
1a,4 so,3L ',;:aooJ'aoc oosuIdL7
pOr."Cl ;TSO
AoJ r uu.'s oo) , aoJ a0 soTo;Lo'TL17 Jo 4.7.;:apT paoo, s ooTol000s Toso
ul71100 a aoj 00.0a
OLTY aeJ oc.rge
ooj asoaT1 zoa sapo
otoqay7 zoj
OOU' :msaT1 AoT claoo
'- J
13{ xoiv pos
0 q-odIjoosoLoqa.s7- ao,E
sog,oloap: aoj
o-r:: r-IduT-$q5:T7 z0,21
J7-JaaLc aosaTu.]:.00j CTJ LLE 0O sp;,1 L0 LC oat.; aod-noaoT.i, pao piooraosoal aooq
sHToL ez.v.)„ poT'ofTs pa-c Tfu.ca 17_01-4aIoso:a_ aopTa 4L C»C4C .20d
-corT sooll,orL acTfrooTITLA oo„). sTTL-spTjJoo 1.7m
-r -
(c) oo7 p-as COLE 1Th CC JO uo.:-ETos'o_on
'ouoiT :soon • po:o Tsqoaj'oon',7.cooLI,a:'oosoasTaa, aosTIToaoc
-CT J ol-os oqf;j.::—d'oc!o,o j
Tao pflosu3Tsu G114, STID6r
n2 Jo o.-op 074,1,)0C:j issodoad odL.T Jo o;s::joaC.Olo Jo 4.uao JOi uo;
COO j ;0a 440ula 00 Aoj. pus L6.-cI Logi:Aosoaj 21r; Joi-.o4p-ao(4. ao OO52 oi.JT:Taos
GAT-a-boa U LL sooTfToTa p-1:02 04; Jo L40O: 000 doj poq.so.so-p aodds:aoo
ooO:t i40 1:2CY.a;TV 004 aoj 1:0 ao 0q.
SuTop LL J JO sLssoj:oad poIoos p,:ss JO 00T2i.00
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0;D'il;0"aITO-a'ne ;)',JLL' JO ,Tood 000 OAT„;
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0:0; j:0; 742;-1 PO;0°aTP 21'j°.7-0q 21- ,;0
00o0 T4aLos00 sTq. Lo u0T47.aoj.o oLoaj
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.00T300as q,00af4.: 4aft0 pTT.;s Jo 00 (4000. 014 404
000c113 ;ooa.1, q.aorto :ja-cssoao uLLI. Jo opTs aao4000 ol.p; ao ouo pas opTs 00(4300 014 uo
ouo CLlLL0JT -1-7.la4ouL sscao p04.0a0'..Tsu0s .O:$61 sf;.ao-PoLao aT2-LTurTs ofAT pudJ
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piaos 4 .13 ouTi aofTss.00 ;aaosoad 044 J0 opTs 1000 ao ,o 14,10,1. JO 7.14p-Ta o pug onaoAv iouTo
0. pooTAoidi poa o0uoiu7 pla.6 40004 iano;-:; 40 :3aT00003 Jo 0I0110:00 as.ej
;VT )7`,0
ol-fe Ts 000 p0fT00a4.su00 poqTapsop pa-o poTJTooIs ao,..porL aoTd
14T20 poTJTooIs ol.oLco os, T-ENf-1, p0s3 T000307
(WE 443, pu.s IL2300.0 :300L1,L00 oaaoj (3 0] jo co-Yee 40 oao 1;3401:1,14C.Z100
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oo0;J.:-.1oJ, soTioal ;'LT' jo -ocTsvaola:Tp acT4000 sscao s a40.131L poAaToo 1" 00001(00
ooa;oao Jo so.00aT 0140 JO ao:.S.st pos1.0Op pTos
Jo ao-1-4aoj ToTooA 0Idoa:7T4003...Tas'oa "L--E' Jo UO
,0;011TJC);7; T.J,10Q,L5 VOL"; C Jo'
`C" " '
,OrL.DT 00,T,U(' iooa
-* er •
oLauo EvToTjJo 01.3 00(043 soqoaT 0114 ;=21:1::10 ollg. Jo souTE a,allo 00 po
Out honee connoctione he conetrnetod in LonnE z;troct frols e point four tanaf 20-10rf: feet
above eit base ontl verticall-t: below thc center of the existsio toanbolo at the croes4n
of 2,aa Jose frsentic with said F:enHd :Areet,theroo in e mmo I antforT:ay
Oescorlal t =-;raae to the e-Kistin; ttenhele in the saath side receii ;tffor at the orose:-
irs of froat ::.1frost rittb coid LonsJ Street whore thLo srajte of soitt sewer shall bo three
foet entt base,
!Fifso that each of no croesi.nes of eait:: b_oen,f] Sircot with -,es:taLe{e.ton
nano 'ftroet,Calhoun Street and GIhi,: froota anhole of brick loaesnry oef,,,,t iron
'bt inch walls and, f: a: soarl bo coo strneted in accordance with
'flat', of Erich: Hanolo" adorted 727 the Ttoard of Trnstece of the itf of LJared: Jannar
7'1 in on file in the office of the C ftv C-Jorh: of EIP"7('I cLfj ttept that the inside
aianeter of the teanhoacee o roe foot instea6 of for feet,aml roforereo to seiG
heroleT tt,ade erd tbe seac is horehtz, toad& a rart hereof.
Also that ono anten,atie flasb tanT:,of the siI fon t:/ne,itb cast iroo tor an:1 fit-
tinge,itb e Jisebars (,it of 00:O' f water per seconditb wells an0 bet-
L;ht inh h oer of toe rc o crn 3s,n Jot=;ot
nre end or. :t 1:tfo41ftd titroct,ar that tome satoo be connected Of ttb OP iti sower be a six inch
salt ,,;71.nerte,7; v-itrIfted ironstone piro,horchy rejecto all of 211 7fliCiC excert that berois
esna herc1; aretrias the centrae,t for 2,::J.: ; worh to Hntohinson Caaaorhe,e
the loot biacles tThereforet the prices srecifio ir their hid therefor
on file to wit:
for ,dteineb
for Lanhles:',oarlete
Yor Flt4 r3h :andfae
cente T.tear foot
d cone, Hech F:Ltra
per ibaoho7ac
ca, n,ana. -sue:
The Gaity Glorb.: is be-rely tltrectod to rost Yotiee of tbic 2rttar-t, cersnoet
da-ce neer the Ma:fiber deor of tbis 'onbeil ant'l to rnhlish of notice for two date-e
in the Altn'tede .Aranc,ococrap,Jr,
seconde:1 ibe resalotion etd', ttee aJ!ortcji , tho fellowinj Toes:
Oorneilnon Mrietoneno,ratflocho-:, Fre'ect :r.3 Fisher:(C,)„ foe's: Nene, Aheort:
GoasoilYen lf:rown,:Caaj,noo anei
Tho OT : Ircsonted, affidavits shew:nir ,The rnhlicetion of flot.ice 0 rroics-
a7e ir th tin of en 'ander elnti 71t: nd rentoe er e eatrso a wer _'44444_', 44 . a o1 ,-71
tb ton of ':hoo whieh c precebet .r inero opened, ard rest': aufoltowe:
fre.ln lattebiason fGtuntran,'::
For Six:einch rte
2cr Y r!onanchee
For ff::anholes oc-raleto
sasla5 hljj was accoDonarled
ront, Alice La Flat
Fer pc
For chino-inch l'rencinte
CO L0101he]es,coar7cto
G4 eante tei lt r Ltneer oo
eente Each Feetra
ror :ranhole
Tond: " tbe otea of 2,--10,0o
90 cents per Linear foot
60 cente ach
eatG wae accolnearieq h-2 a ben3 in the ',TT.
0 .F.Fi2cber te:
For ;G,tneits-rub hipo -
r ;ixeb Y 1rane7tFot In .: ee,
For u_anhe7co,co:nrlot
67,, per jecer Foot
G4C cents Tacb dtfnctro
5C:CM per :Lanbolo
1 10 acconaniedi by a certtfic-a cheeb- for ::[G175too
tbe „it-feet ‘anslor!otondent reportod that the hi3 of rtntehirceo ttotran[ wan the loest
and thererpoa :LT:Christensen 01'7fo.o1 tbe 2T10 -t.te aostion:
-.=tfd)LV:Ff.:,That tbe 'Jowooll of the C;i:2 of filaleeda,havinn ia clam session on the Gth
de,; of Jnl,irefatoonod co-fnftinod and nhThcly ,-:.',-o-Aesonj! all ecate,tt prorosals and
for the followirstreet worh lu said city,to wit: :bat 'eanta Clara Aven!ec,beween Oah
.:3'troot and 'filn-at &treethe resewered ae follows: That a salt o-laued,vitrifisd ironstono
sowersix inehos in inuide diamoterwith 64 foureirch "lT" branches,and witbort house
connections constructed in said evarne on a rtnifori:ily descondinfj n,,:radte from the
existin rcanhOle at the erossir,3 of Oah: treetwhore the ,s,:rade of the sower shall be
ic:75 feet abo7o elty hase thenee in a
t line to a -lrlut 4:30 feet rins:bt or oLe :seas-
nreliert easterly from the eastern lire ef halnnat 3treot and 15 foot riht anis nossure-
ynoat northerly from the center li-ne of :Cantu. Clara Avoune,at which roint a manhnhe au
hereinafter described shall he corstructedtberce in a iebt lfne en:id
center line of Santa Clara Avenue t the lino of tho oxistin sowor in Thlrant ;,Aoreet,
at whilt roint another manhole au hereinafter descrihed uhall be constrroted,and at vdnjoh
roirttbe onl7ade of the sewer uhaldl bo 14 feet above coil: hnso.
The manholes to be eonstrateted herennder he of hrjeb wasonry with east iron
I or and cover nnd 0Loi OrO lls and hottom and shall be constrntoted in aecordauce oit}'
'21an of Erjch Lanbole",ado d by tbo ".500r6 of dirneteeu of the t Of nrameaa,vanrary
1.1,1=7a-oil. on file io tbo office of tbe City Clerh of said oil;,: hich -elan is herehy
referred to and made a rart horeof,hereby rejects o1 of said hids exce-lt that heroin
m ,Yntohioson Corany,the o ey
the lowout resoneible bidders therefor:at rriccs s-i-)ecifjod in their bid therefor
or file to wIt:
2or :',jrx-inch ,
2or Y Ttranches
2or leanholes,ocanrleto
C4 cents COY near Foot
It cents I.;ach Extra
E,Sle rer :Ianhole
The City Olerh Jr 1,,Ore4) directed rout ;Tot ice Of this Awad. conurielno7ltsly for
five days neer the Chamber door of this Coanciland t, 1:1maii.2L said notice for two d
TIT the Alameda Daily AriTtsnewerpar
ler.ijoy seccundad the resolstion and the same was adorted by the foldowfv: vote
Ayes:Uerneilmos Christenson,fullochZoyee,-frobst and Fishert(C). 1Toeu:orie, Abe
ocnt:Cosnoillo,or :Srown,aLanos and Loo-r,(Z)
The ClorTh rrouontod affidovits dne r-ohlication of Lit too cailins for rro-
-1.:.esa2s for the %sorb- of carstructin a sower in TradiEon otrect -'diesoltion of Tnten-
tion 7o.717 and nerorted that fou-Ishids bed been rresented ease =nero ordered received
uad orened and :;Co: followe
"roc. Ilotchisson Comrany
Yor einelach Tire
For Y -3ranchos
said hid accomy:anied
from Alex -La Ilant
dfZ cents •er Linear loot
centos ULutra
a bond in the sa;t1 of :::;^1Croo
7or •lx-fch sto {C cents rer Iiooer Loot
2er h;ibt Inch Y 60 cents Each Eatra
said hid was 7T 9. 1 t110 S0.0 2. of 5&:eo
from y.-2:2iecher
For ;Cixeich 4C cents nor Linear -2oot
.or Cixeireb anchos 40 cents 'Ech :ixtra.
said bid was accompanied bv a certified cheesk in the n-s n''
from J.I.Lconard
Yor Uixsieleb rir•to id)1 ceots ren Linear Csoot
2or rranehes conte Each •Entre.
sojd hid wss aeotan-:_ oied 'ft - cortifod eboch I- the or of ;:12:co
thto etroot enoer-inteodent or "3101 t's - the hid 1,r1004y Crant- was the :not,
and there'nton Jr Christoxsor offorod the foilowino rescThtion and nnved its adcytinr:
ISa0Sl,:ed,:nat the Counoil nf the City of AMIneda,havira in oteo session on the Cth
day o Jn7y,190C srouod,nyaminod and rublicly declared !',11 sealed nrorosads a;TI bids
71:at an1lt offalso,vitrifed ir000too
:.1ianster,wt1s. 7C, foror-sell ".:7" :1-:.oqo eon-
retior ee'et-zoso.ta to: Laf,.iso 2.stl-eot io os o
• froln oloola on-1:j at ne c Ti .troot,w1-1(sce no of
senres's loo foot. Co,ove 1ot2A7,3e to t1os oT.,,dsttL at t1oo C7i:-.2): of Jo)st
uhe-s,s tfos oncs('-',,e of tloc 2loa:11. 1oo foet aloovo oity 10.at1:eo
at of foot a'oo,:e -5a•:o,io nriat lino coo
ara.Th to t1s Han1oo7ci nt t110 escosina 1nes. Ot-000t loloo-ro
rreet;-; ef ss1, s:sooy:t
t1-.at 'Leroiin an',1 t1foo oo-r:trot for Llni to .i-Satol:i.owon
1-efn-7 foe loyet tLerefcr,at t1se nri3o Lo's:ec.:ifie1: in
tLer torEfo.-1° to -.ott:
f-lro 2fl c: :oo-Js
11.01' ocoilts
71to:.,7 :":11o,o5-Th is 11,,s-,:c.:1)7 diroote:::: to -12ost 2ot5s2.e of Awar c!.onoTicnsa f-vo
(1,s ne.sr 77oan1,---or Oeco-r of t:his OnDrmei7n'o(1. to rsotieo for to is tt:o •
soon.(1eci tfse ra's7, it 7.6s aoTte(1:. vote.:
Oonollic-er 7111eor.
Co,asoils•oor 73yovonaos nr,C
15-:oec:iJone4 111::sont:
1...111,iloe10 o'oyseJ tlot the 7er: 1o0 o5-.5 o to rot. tts, onseeessfsl 1o:H77oro;
4 1Le 't.attor of tto ceosotrnotioo of :0 92otc5 -.20-5-r2.
t'so 17ns refso(:1 tc t1o:=: Lo: to fsport tO ot :1conoil,
• t: -ttor of t116 :aru
e rref: to s -1:11or:eo Ta-f'os,r to 'III 'C) -''1
Llo,Tho lo:o5e:1 to —.f.'col:ersls,f tlae 7:oto t1oe oa:aino's to tta)
'o.isit.too of t'os Me1to t1:.e 111o7iol oner7
1e tLon
tL otr to re 1o:itte of o o
e t1no
To7ico aa2, 71-co :=:_ssion 7ef0t.
o-i,n.~A7 1oo t0 :1e7oo no(1 !'s The-looto
t e7 is Tht;Ittcse :eF1J 7v=71: sIy 10 : ,i ; ,r .y
1e n to n
1 S
A 't.Yi " Tai:T1 f&.loML:n oie A. or zoa.o o
J,.ne 5- 8 ' !
oor1 real nntil no noxt
tiootiol,s000:11 1,y noA1 oattsle.
os,,o0 ..._JA0
loz:Ateoo,looe ,11sEe r7a2:Is
for • no 1-fy
AecE;.a:oae At)::Jot:..00ssfUs17 11-)wnlOagfno ao,f'
oLn4,AAeat. t1.at o!l'G nQ,
at t1lo aossr of A0000n oo'
' Thstral 7:aifto
norolcoo . I s.o-
tiorTorotioo,aad to ita Asal -1rd
to :',eor:,,te a .Doa,..hle Trao .LailroLd,be !orir,-. at cyr aoar tae
7—jao of 2,;ona Evcroott trect fec
Lla'aoda,olmt:: of 1.,.larooda,,jtat:, aai(7 witT: 7e
Co'atral tlloa!or- a -CU1 iC2.f Ja:,a)actior,
a°.r.roaa ilLht,.11 e lo Lyeteroawa:y'ile.,a.orolt
1alaJftirea ad a-nd f.) a ,00n,a-tioe laitt tl
o-at lire of 7ortra71 la"lwaL.-.1aat-aod-oed t.v7
fo,r filei zmd toad "of t.eo LLUO
a t: t1r3
aod 712her.(6).
Zoes.:Zone. rp-O)
no.vefl I. Crane,o V„at.y.-itiort of Tl:a
lt to offt tliat fto "aolicc odor:,-;:i to .:3trict712- e-raforCI
77re.ro. o f.artTir Th3a-Ino., to traot 7ouocil rooa to fhe