1908-07-20 Regular CC Minutestbo ef the Tia-,;or the tooeti-o o;,;;l101 to orr:hor I;y -.1:resiorlt;Loo„
The roll wo;:,-3
h-,rohst ntIC. woto -ootc Torcot aho!et.,
.iiYT1 "Joctir, of wo;oo rforc:. ,';,,o-terec7eiL
of the :';T:tol IFith a:TY7(h:J.
tho m-,-;otootTIrh: to 2:,1.17)(I :ar;aint the ',13tret
ano-000tfo; to :41.,,t havi-o.L; zorto;:ovef-7, thc rrote-o offThile
,ecte,n1tteoF: were
eItc T
Ho!oan tO!o;
=if= FUhI
oo; lieo7:3(o
f t
f:Afh„,- 1 •
hoc:Be:I-Lochs loovelf! t1tef ffho e7elo:o nea(T., 1.)o
h- tho fel7ot--!,rz
Iroloet c0:h:eno, A15feerlte.10-enoilz,:te ,),
The Jler toeee (Weot:'. to oew. the r:t:•:-1- :eeeei.ved at the rootfro-i of
fon 1eli-oL fot the earitTh t:et:17,1c iineery; lhow of:eoc te reee:-3 th•e
alteerote itf.„Ltqlloo: teeeto, t1eat t1ne ,,::treo 'he efey.no: to tleo Lit,ra2ny
to -pe.top..ct 'eaok to tfe
:20"0. aa=3112L,Th::;0-f', tC Oil i1eo 1::at;-,e1- of 461.,, 1efeoe6
at tl,:e ith; of ret th 5 yeoo of Aele e e rete, oe the i;,)or,e., Af -
tor eoone tle,) nattes IeaE3 -,);-efe-Jore)7, 1wto10- to fowcthe,1- invoo-
A otrAleooicaton -cet1'e6 forn, eoTo_o;oti-n,o, the :et..!ii 1,-lot to ta1,:e
et-:)o-l-,1 on, Lee -1,et-!Troa- th,e t2;--3I;T:f,o.,; of tte htt to :;o2r,l-ot 1t- two weret::o Thrtben
to teht: ;:efort; f6 yleoe, Lovo(7 t1eat the til'eo he
Lr;e'ftlloe• wotel to ;-,e‘,oe:1i tn fo7:- o, tete Dfl.
the ±7-10 tre)-iontewa et the -Si
oo TZth2e0000d r,1o'foo3,; tr:he resolr:t thet 7otea on ao:1; lo2t t:,• tho
fellowto veto, ,Aes:',2otneHef,,eo r,:jhriteneen hollook
:etnoww ,oeOee,f2cott
Al2ont:'2o:o'flLon ttiehe:r,=N
eo tee leotjoe to fLoe two Yoco:e:; flwe wee then otee on
;;tro:Let exe:1
77trheh f,
A ooret4ntetio,.; artital: re6 1, whee
ffo3t it 7 • iletood on. e',eeeerfi;6 111'.1:A1);:nee ee,rfic6.
A th,o ,.;oen,)„• e:oetoor:,tcvv feic 2lD - nooett-
ed to 1,L'7 o eot_eiezoltion ArA;nrolet tLo rewarn-
oJ to t:ee lof„5,5L,•;:'2n2o,o0 aeCi ee,,-'teefooa.
ILtto'-f-nez rfn-;:o t7ot-J '-‘,-fctt, of Ifoo Iro.:',7nsco :of a scTf- firs,
-3 t'rto -looae o :-ol,soflti- tt)2ta t f i.cao:2 s or
t7.1at Lb), ac.t}lorisea to n ocstrat
yaoro'o',:coo an ine r,
4 t of ',20:SD000 for ff-o, r:,orfor,an.o,o of to not
t7oe a(floatcson:o:000-nJo c.“,:loriclo,a To;
rto :Lacif-!,o Ltfcsonts rn a[:-1,-..T.ioaticon for s
occ-,rr,,.ote ne-12: 1-1-o-os a7a:cao-n'A Tt c,loctIolc Itao-csdo of stoot.
7Lo 2aolffc fco:s: fo'r
to c:Iro,noto tTs.,,frr 'to ,:11a'oodo: c3c.s,:rt,ric
'oco,o 'To? 'ftlon f'o tr t ,c s o o'Ho-rotr2
n.r ccoolst,no, st-o-ootn i tT.t! ot;-,;o,:c :co-or to T.,c
loovo ',too
cor-:,oro,toa toT,
of t-o ,Otato of 5 5,.I _n6 do-dr cc a coD;,r,co f-
,t'f :11fzz--oTt o .- of fTht Oasoo io o vso1 a
-,: f 1ol!:, of Tsffc-fooJoclo; to_rstarc t -ot7orltct o.2.aoc. L t o ,
"ot 'os-T, of frtso'--:> of cf
.4, •»' to salo. atthoYt%,:ra ono =y,711ron
is 't o-,!to ,o-o!coratet3
7Loo, 4,coc
lt±-,/ - of ts ', -L7 t-7o" ro1 t1-oat tit to it j I ,cLi ,c :. tO
ty,os c ococer or -717i- af trtr !,Llscstr! j foop, n a on s,
it!,3 atof traffIc w.74or ta,t -o-'orfoo,o.t'ocri: to
cdoti, isoThswirosltco
o oo 4o>oo, iCI:O±afo oto7
t10-o ,:'oTootoo:5 ' 7-triott's:aa, -.00-sfon rl , to c c , o o r ro-
tc co= 4r2olos on Tonijncs 1-
. o,
o t'oe
.os soc' on74nts tfoo frsso:is,os,
flfsrollor„, :,-„DT!, to H. ths, ool-ia of :-t.1,tJ Cnall
tn co oe'.to,' of ctri-no or :-ts or
-n 1 -1- of t7" 1:o.t: "1 ,; ir3o is w„3 : :ro, ,ts
-o:,sotot of ntct ' e ffIt to : s
tTs: :ncnc to o,:o-Y to to f L;tortE2 ocO
orotc to f"no 'tlfootos of _,00riHJ000t of ta.
ri_,snoTht'7c ±yr:o:, coorris
tce ITro:st
7tov4 o to7el
t'n ‚44, '4' rt-Tror,(J
coF ojnnrsa f c,tj! rrcsa;:,nt o 'sr o ,
t':naity Taj' 3ov:fad of :71:12Ce;E; C)17 tL. of 1:12-11::CC.1a,
Cl at-Trov(7: Ldooty
ysoolfsA',.t to :said n-n7oli-y:asoltocl ns': afaaaid ,17nroad 1,112
ond 1 lory
"2:0.A..;0T 2010:ZZY 7.1a witlo t"ao Coloacil of
tihc ':ity of ildta-1,a-,-7,da at:o, aTazliootion and -sotition 4,-.717nt 0onncil ::--ona-at to it ofno-s.-
it-t to tzso nClet.:Ita-ifil,t:.,aB a 1.i7r.re foln and, trala or: its
i7Indoodt,for Yr! and ,d,foft : -raie r a
ts nrano:t arad diaintain neceal;:
in tiac
IT sn'.:d'ddi'L-So,tai t*;:lo said ,000.1. 002:.:L12 IS'a=.[S'o
and iis 1s. ,a!fniLo" d :o t --7 Thotiity, a :t7t 3 nT): :,Jora'; anaFTwoed o e a .oie -j-,,ova]no Cl pra-
::::7:11inL; oa: r, its o!oid of 1 d7 :1 o in =, ,foa7
7ocol'es osoro7leJ and onaoose27od to sioevat ;1 Titao,
to :e nsd io '4h Cl-:t', of s7oald 1. looatnd
7cv:anly sHoi'HI,o in tTo Cl(''-C' of t"rla sta..oat o:n oa ;„o,
cantrl)(lted 71-,atvJeon -no taa:31: of aia nfoiThaDa. A11
ononot-'°- of aid a71 to
tts: Jfontsd to a.oid.
a„ad Zad'i c:; ' stisfotioT of -no
and orylod t7n
2' ft:7al-od fo7d=4„no :nsoldtfa-s a's" 7.7
a:ornotatiao ood oosist-:!7oH nrdo7r
lav:s of 4,1 t. iOtaCde (Yf no:odn con-atiati-- to t7ns onsai'l of t' Ho dtit,,, of !loon-
o foT to -Yoit a'n6 ano '12' CH"': and .0 CC.,'',
coHod ondi- an, ta d anr1 c:ja:)yinto
CV of ft,--ada:n:2 ,31.77oinnoa„nsoanoitls.
siOnotTnao,:onnctionsno'os,rils,os,fsa -oo and
'oas!.1-road, to a T,
7or.:'t71Jtity of
as 7,crass *t:o .coiot F:ite!ns and -ton t'he
fs:lounT -as sod snd dasari'od ard, Trivato vo,-2,-.7 in tfia,3 s-7
21)ondat,.::: sof Californi;a,to
Cons-oci dnioao of 0if±.10 ;tact ross fhira If.:a
ta:rsaatian aitT I'inco7n Aveno-onoanina: toTa7oc1 essoto3,1:- ond 'fioo]n 21.11:1,-C.J to
a n.:0-sono!otjoo t-o Toa-27:trnd. -co0tfio - dotr.,nr:. at r'soaa-
inds 0tatio- ,,CC' 2,.vonne,n,dal° t
-'C Cl' H'- -Jto4t aan an"I "'-l:, ‚‚‚2'," t7o af Con-
t-za-S locdfic 'Lanva "nc.tTeon fisodon L.voana),7oa's Lotiolo7
sontioerossin lsiafoodn 2:ovn-,to 'froect trn,a-nd
4.1 -l"' al1at7s ITsoioat L,traot ta s ooiaaoot-;oa xailra'j of
tlno „ciat aei-r:i Coast Toida-:- Coaittnsj 0nntn7:)T 2'r1:: :on on Iro,3-
aat Liolooln ta 0oatfsi ,Ayeo,00,to 7C`
- doy,Ltica:o ot s voiT)t on aad tcao saidnas of
0an4 vsd facifTh 000ro foo.7
wit.h of 77.00at mstelndsoon7,'; (o,/
nonoo4),4o-e1,-; eoro tsi7eo -)T to ne oost llr- of "l t -o oest o o ; : .ea 2,o
aloe a'nj -imoe eov: re:-"r7at crorrt
: L;toectsoe on s onnoe to eov tytorte
tTat te —a:J 1 :c,, )-',ocTet JoJn4.-tton 7sit't t ?o o e,f
a o
tfic 'beei :)oel-jTt;o of or eaT- Io)eThoAs on to ;:!oo of ir2') HoT2to
4 - :en,eoctot et ice 'ThInr 000Y,eet-
t-4 ttlo, 7.1ee of 7;'ailloa,t. -horsIe'tefore
S e ac'oE;
ront7en-ef.et(=..,,aoy,oe:e to4n[otyo I eol'tief,4 Into I:o1fno OLoTeetoe at or -n-efr tts tr-
teeetlen) oIt't Zee'zt .tveninoere,-! aThno o'a Z;eetfie
21.tealee t-) 2)of" Leto '21-enet ;_,-.feot I.) a e,ernoct-le oth no ratTee-2,. of tte
2tiest _het -ror stot,
Thla-Lo-el:oo sl.n.oTh ttne.t.:
)o-nn4r!_7 of tto -f tt fo.nr tto tooto-noet of
)-T1t- f 141-eta:Ia not -ne feeo,00 -nito-11 for r7
-e-oet tt -e t tt 7.73. ti ' r
'en o--;:osel eoe, aaif4
t7ts,1 aeTseo-rt1e1: "- )"loC tt 000 J-: te 7 _sI e 5555.. '‚55
357)2Tt:2. -aettor1-4 en 1
'lt f tla t'ne t of ""ltf "L,„ 2ot o , la.e ayn.
e of -t -).=t77:a3 12 eltior tto sel tefo) ,a eeres
fen to -olortine of -1* fna-ea:,tor TThtite
t' fsTea:
4 -4- ents,, - of Jelj 7H7Hat"o-,
7e.ssoso_l5esIto 5tsa:;--a5ee oo.oItie::
oP t'e e)f -enf.-ootTr,to 'ThoneeT of tIle ef o-Itt of :Tht:osTe.„..). nto
C)f oicsiato 2 55o5 t7-5' oe ni-To.o:! of etaa-Tee 5.
cner e-o elInnes,esonooe 5na4 iea7 tc njoo-natI
Eoteti oIfeoT. eY7-2Y.'. of " s's.ti i "o 75' :oe55eHt
ae0. ,71esri"te-!(.1 sfree-h:),
to 'eit:
t: eei loo f j-j of ".ef;e we, : o -'5' C51' r. :1. e,
— 11-oo of :4txt7. (o:o :v:::,rs3e) at Its trtner
t'npnee nalon- 11.-venr,e te a
0(:).nr;et5'n rni'lrol. of t'no, Cet-oa"_ Y:atfIfo 4-!)
tetio5 4)14 T,I.nooTn .Ave!]Tle,rear Iro;=,Toct ::.;troet
2 - Commerici at a .point on an6 connectinL with the existin railred of ti-lo
tc,il Pacific 1).ailway Coinpany between Pacific Aven'J.e and Lirlcoln Ave=),r Idastic: ,3ta-
tion;r5.Lan4 tn(.:!e 5.3outher1,3:ros5'..::;-.; LInoln Lv3n-ue4t-3 (yr: ?-_5'o3)cot Otst4ect,e:ea
thenoe southerl EiL:ht71 or roo-1.:eL :otroet to e oonnotionl tbo railro of
tho nth ,Thzoot oflran- 31'" Tnentrl 2::venue;tbe trnors: on 7,t,ohIsL or Tros.leeet
34reet,fror-, .Ae7noe "coctr:ol 21.venue,te o ,,
tr:o.oh- -
3 - ;fit yoint trn oo-nnetir,o velt: the eiitirrr rat-,Irou(-1 of the faen-
tral etc‹.)terl:-/ frolo 7,-ro1v.,a7re.ar tbe i-nterection of saitl railroaol
,:rettb thle ,-::ontherly line of Cle-!_ent Aven-Ae e:::!terin,;o;rn-otnirt the.eee -nprthoterly
-m,7= 7.1tIne of Ti.-isnteet 21.von,ue 1or0 eTo!,,:o.9 e,c.:,!eteflythence alonf
rpon Cnat now private rreerty ht whi(211 ho Cleirl,ont Avenlfe,to ee,rees ThiLfn
'.2,t2oet;thonc;e or a
Cr' to tie:, rint throro efoat i2 now rivae nro:perty but ifbiob wiTi
be a :prtbile stroot,to a ir3onn,n',tio with the ratTro,aJ of the Soellh 2a3ific Lailway
0oaroany at of near its terlilirloa-,!, ot! the sleoro °nee of ,3an :Leandro
at -7b latr:e of :al.:1*i. ,Lost (or Mira oolvnei,rt-
ieh th i--terC of rail 7 bthfroo, r r o
an Irloon ieeuln tu an,t1 1::3:ro 'tt :J,-.20o,r,J orn);t"::eL o ,;r (or nee
northeoter-aL,e,reLrs loto at of noar its in-
tersoetin with l'onrth trooL "t 'Lea
- irto 'first Streel to
o, epneetio- tbe e:iF,tinL reilroe:' of tLo
tkef.±;t Goaany o-a 2Ifst
oC rotte 7:h:ore ar stinrie CCI.00O. trooh lo now lala:oni:: tro7o,
she71 he 71,f,niC,
tho of iLlaojia orart
the .on; the te:,,o-,s ao77 ett; trjler the toentrietion oo
'!aL-rt .701- fre,:alotoo,ao it n awrh_e7: to tho 7
afji,l or 7 f-a th,000etr ttioe lai.„Lh*, e or e o: iao , ito
with e7,T7 nonoe-
t railfoort to he o:yyfel
e::.et.-t-Lt7 .4.4...... 4.. 3-fh othor nr10
trtvto itbooe on r o alt ov-
1' operation te, e an
foor oot forth.
n:a7,ieL: on tho of Jr.1;;;,it ont; r.eote to ho travere 4,'5il4--oo in,=! that
oot fer;',
;frff:a libtht 7f frathtnn will b iour: ta ; e roo
/ -
T 7
. „
Lon-oria,at hio eff-Iteo in te, 7;ito-
_tty of Z,Tatee.a totll neot et tbe ohz,AZcer -.12o
ret,elnt' '4 1- oe-1 nselon t:boti tore. rF24 tl
hiJo, hot tT,orcaonon frenhio 4C 'CC'.,) 7(7, anj awarfoo to the proor,
• or eorIoratio ,fro hi6 therefo vr), , hat et , rIe,o%,
tho t, th, -in,:e 7 rs ir fi tee f rof aic eIopo ,fn or 3or[orion reont
o-r rerreo,onted 1,7 for freefe olflvft,L; a stn not 1eof2 th13t -eir oent
heve the Mta:heot see-leCt thereor,an,:, 04i,5 h4.6 a,aCo he rairsod not tban ita
f• ren,t an- ote:se resoniblo ontln,ae Ontil
awared Co.Lne= to the
t'Ler,-)for 'in of t' tt 'lj o-ti he ho e 3aes. so;ae In y
t- L'oZ
doA, 1C t'oc
t*he "oo
':7 at
.1' sjoi
1 ,
f,Dr tofr:,;r,
'7,1orT: 112
it t;)
f-:1.777 7
F,•.) :f7
to) 7,1 co:7 oo7
7ot tv:o to
r" tl
f -J,-oc: cf o!o*„-,-H
111o,oE cof
IP.OZL-., H_L::..HOZ
1 T t !)-cr"
.!-;o ,:?rr-:
'r" 'oc?
oveet a ei 21so fareL.oca oal:y far tl,o coetlalaaws tTans'icartat.fon cf a orisr sala
railroaa aaa, the saia! ona. fe hotween the Tity of 2,,clanf..iida ana the ait.„,
- - 2rercib'c,c,in either LirectfoTI shall 'act oy:.0-,:a ter, cents
-,os,tntion tfc7et;--, ,ntitLtso! each -1-,nrchaser thereof to rota:a trin th.e en-1-
onaer anenth for v,aloich sach Ushetz arc raflroaa ana aia rilroad a-ea •
nlanoas nra 'aft and r_7,ourty of can llararcisoo,
net caoej is cost :533,C(a each.
storLz sisoes far ttnirs shall ho otahll-coa at ssch convoeiat
:reofeta on roto of saia raialroa ac the ae.; —.too of sata f;1Ir th,c seccesers
of saia o.rantee,esall actorr„tne. asch niaces or stoofian yaHces,rehen ore-no
estalea,,tThea shall -act le ohasned 3aa to lscoton,cs af:scntfTseao-it1'0-3-3t fl cso -":,,onseet, of
the ,Thnocil ef
I. City of lanceroace,
- raf-treaa shs,_ ha c3nnrncHa af; ac,tatena so as to easar, as nsnily as
Lossf7fla to the official arnaae of "
sa caso eraea aha he at eery ttas chnnsrca,tho :trade sf seta
ratlroa sh:ell chanyea to cocforT-: earrlioy as lasfalc: to st.ch ch_se.nena Jtoakos,
- cafe L:r ntas ;aha77 ,:afas,csrh race35a1-.fce C feat o!ac 'e3i3as esia
reto hey'efs'acfcra aescseihof,,herestrs at tea ,soef,ori-,', Tiro of VolssallTos .;i:voorac,
ct7,tesano: thesco tc saia cerneetio-n 3sIt"1 th,c r:sf:hocaa, of tine :,snath :aactfic acat
nI shore of ar Leanaln ISay;t warh.f -loocsa_a-fftotocas sarttaa orf saia
street hotween snia lfae 7e2szoillo Lvenns ana he, -caterly 7:ins
to he -j-,,errea, atrtro ths corstrtectica of sail ra-7-1s7,t7-,e Torinioen of sola
eTh of 1) :-10,Ar8 after t7s coay,stfn nea canstrn
tior ceC tho 1:3s tfss in orsrattos of ssta 7.4= of ralsan.
co,ta crsntc ,rna th_o of aat,:a valer.sn ca
:1:-,arc or rernve,:3-:aceaaref2,e or re-isasaa3:3izelac er,tie loan:— of t'so 'tiaras; of ssfa
streets os
III erses sBea Ti7 rafTraea traeh: or trnoslectwoce the rails aIC for two
feet or each sa lct,aseo t:Le, trnoh-etf t7e,:ro le noro tac3n -se,aea shall hs::
sasle II I nstant:7y ia rea.air crostr,:;aan oostrct los:it:tate
aer sefa tarefcs at csof stncet ro3sny cc the ro-ats so,t 1 rir-sa a72 secesselry al
er'-'s for tho e'sses,: of ssasfaso watoes, .tinet rh rcriroa to
assf,aessha.-11 ha aono vott7 the sero httna of r-atorie7 as ie asca es t.ho
of the street or tC the atifo2ttcs of t'o,
street St etntoaaeat of the 71ty of a_laneaa
stric'Th fnre sartinera frcrn - rat-treni",
in saia ef oilascanto a7a7 other stejir, face cn saja reilroaci saia
rot es:Ica ftva conts
a,s1: .srastaro th,c r,-3--eccca'soc3 sea ?I- III af a:cif ,a,cantsc rreostao fes.ffi-
cier:t ears ea C----C; h n,:s--oloicen train eforotoa on sail raeifroaa to scc7noaste I -LI cc-
?asor,-,-:er cars ala-11 lee of t!le Yost sery:rovea accstrnetfan foe- th:s
clnotonveleoc , ,o of eur a 2all -c----------------------- -1 .W ofrac as2es,a 70Y air 17ra7o_es 2.
E'tC sroe eert;-:ooa with 2tcsan oc'erltiros
traolcs of saia railroaa shall he of atandr ja,e-co,ofna7:1 (Thvar, sra
coestrnctea is e:caa an' shstatal, leareor,asa shnil leanto, Eer:fflent srace hetween
TI- cfloT cars to II Gael': other free:17:c nere stract asa a7enrea,r3aia tracks
sh17 loce so Ti aa to ocoxery the ceater of sch streets -III at'oesecsa!,o toar7:o
sloall he sa laia I t 1 1 41. Mast -aasihic c'estrratten ta tra7c7
'37 -- Thr12l1 t T,olos to he ssoa, is the cycratfes of osta railreni,", sh,a71 "re leatea ono3
I s c3notrsotoe-1,and l'Y0000s the t:raotte of ratlioaiL 1i -sites •e:::;h1 in essneat-loh
with the exereiso of frarehise ho :lae,e(i et a ssffiotest hainar ohoto the 99,reend
to avoid olestructis to the orCeisarr'; use of streets aul s-oes-hoc. e-.cea wires she'll
he ersto. to ne satisfae:ion of the Street :itrjoert-n_tesLlost of tho r7)ity of LlaaeL:aea.
7C: - eorla 3f - failreaC L-2-oHt te sor:,,eno3J -97n L-o ,OL. faith ,sitl-sln
f2OIL the taloin,o: effoet of thls otelihonee,teriL ht, ecro2aolcsri. withs thre 2,--o&rs
theteafterilsloas the tilto for ,sesch eolefictios he oxe,o t - the Couhefl ef tho of
La 1. the ae-nnor rrortfo3ll la. if ;Lye,i6. ytorle le not oeh'-osoe(ll 3oeseletef-L': so
herois ixo'st,ioL-1,sselft franehlse sha'7,1 ferfettod:,
11 - Fire'lscon while in tentforal,f!resseen rfralflo tr: unifory. cr -set hes te sa6 fror
fire,9:eliceltes is usiforaelootfians Lthile 3n is the orsolo 3f tho f•tty of Z.:ha:sees,
isith ajL,es or ootaleents sho,siaL their offiotial oharsote,ae(l all s,ail le ths -
of iho 7eite6: States of Sorotalses,at all tiaoes ohat.LLof, fe the setoni ilLtseharo of tho'lr
(l:ot7,shf,TT hs sllo\so,:l to rl-te fres of oharo os saij, )9.,,,A1T1oLl ‘sithin the f:i- of
7- of the Llouol3i1 of the of 2i.laslot(M.
SaLt roltork asil '31s:fell:I of the L7Lossoti
of tho ef 2,1aueien,
i:.1f,::tel,772,D,FeZih'.'l'Ia,that the er]: ef he ars::: he is heroh;u atothorios(l, a:teLL7:
lrltoetoC to causo adv(eritsenent to he I1 - 2 hersinshlve proted.
-Letrftistonson seeonjod the 'resoltstsiett asf the saso yfao a,Th
-fot,J„ ittets,:,h-lstessen les:22-aLsos,71l3,1-lech,iToy,Llee,r3h,L,Lt :an6
senstsSioLtnoillsete shot'
a-,uer thte: hs haf c os a 7sos,tiet
for sot hotae treset tho ,Lelestts, Of;-ttes'l
1rf' !Loatioss for Lratel-Ls. ]iecoose were leceitef. ftee lc conC,ect a
toaeh-"ne Line$: es!loroh'llo re]nair ho..i9 at Saate t-lata itvestio saC floe ans.e:ana
Lt. ':Isaoo ear:,:ofL
eoIe oatest-lon aos froH the --s 'eter 7f:se5 s:: stah!n
-cis::: 2tessl'ile sens to er:eo6fte the isstaliatios 92 ths ionsh sereos
frot So-in ro t tl: u,
„is fer ro cf th9
the hese:Lent of the ntt fLiTofferlas: to inn-a9e the ssen9 fc9ar one rear fe-c
a oeshhhteationl ws.o reocivo 7o"s LonshcLYnalh2 o.,roqsootlon tfto retore of
e eortleflo-J: shl thJt tsr: o. tholr fo so,ln9 stss. hoioe c r a al r Ii nLt
' 7trtrt a hct the tLer::: he :171,:eetll to(fr Ie r t eo retsrr
tho he is._Thiistelser: as2' carieJ,
:he Toatter of tho uLtaiuollecstte79:: .osestoa it the ittst :rf61,! ts
reforesoo e. the resoetes: rees
shell :.Liot,,horooion :osliehst tels-;t tho
1e:) ifiirosto to ac,1-yertise tho oa9to 'L.se raquestOr:it:olet.e to Tat for is27os,:-
tiosstseoMs hr,_Shrisses oarriC.
autten.sf: retort of tOc iolioe s Otassisslosor was -jrsosell re-forfeit!
to th Thte:71::teo of the 7solo,
:resoote cefflf.as'Its oe i.hThooios
OLeaot '
rtos of Csf tLy ooeii .e n h.
hat.: 7to eiro oL,fiere,f s000iooll !",0
7'0'[0 refsl follows:
-rofor frootcSiliosor :2onTfrocy,7or 1-:aearstt-r % cents ler scit::.aro foot
" 1Sacadis-i 7 ccnts r:er s(:".7.ore foot
• ttets 11 eerts lo:er si:m:cre foot
• iThrlf!n wlitT: osc-oetc
sos:e oo.s
iowell ISfro
7:7 oc,nts for ii-s':- foot
ror eae'r
• Ctive-ts esst corloseto rer
:For fSr.a-vat-'!
',.;s).1-serts Iron
-.2 costs -1er cifsfo foot
roO -r.,•,()Jr
(2.unts ,bqursoe foot
C:r 00i
cents' -r,er ltslee:r feot
2:;/1, cc-sits rer linso:n foot
e:c Tine;,rp foot
was ,:,00os:-:Tnto(1 o 10fl1_ l t7:o iro,
to t!ity Yon:L:treer rer,ors tlso 11(1. of Lowell • tH.? arol tfsereo,ron
offercf: t'oro followtost 2flflfl oc,'S sx:ove,5'.
2.7°..rJf:LVI,.,rat foe Thwolcil tlro 4_lase lo:osotros is seslsion os tI-e
faa.,o, of Jul;I:1(:',Corsc'lo.:,:":fr,:s • joclsrl all sosflsd 1i('‘''x for
t'se foliowInE: 2troot wor-s so:it,to at Dosrt Strot f.r6lo lofoo sro:ter-s lloo
f 7orotn:f.1 _foesso.e to to rort-sors ljose of "os, .,ross,uo oss-oostio-- trloo crosoirrs at
'Tan fors „of.rsct snit flacl:sor street "so nat t'sse caLire w!CIAS" of
los noLnLs7ef to t' so roosorte orsols1o::
fori:teso '..roclo,os oross scstfLor rossto.ns fl,oA of
of ost strost two -nolro sc-ove fl • offioq,:fl o- fifi fl Lf,
toss,t-ro foot fo fiat 4o.ftesc fl fl fi fifi fl fi fi fi. of to roojtoso
oott=:_ooro to ssoi. os3rTo'f[oz: o
of sfLt ioe,:;s of - ocr,t-sa foor osrto or_rso1 oernons fifi
fl-fl- fi flflflflflflflflfl4 .
orsostrrots'l ,fl) fl
too:: Tri,loso.
oor,wnf: of foo oross.irj: :ossrt .reof fiyflflfl strooS t'ot forr ornsorto orr,:of,
ooroors as fs,o-fl t7:.fo sl.:tter Tr-loloss o os
: of wlort woolC o t'so fosf :C112f of tse
-Soort „:,tree fo:o:s.ro r ns" :voeo rosfl fifi wi'jtT of fl_I fl4fifi fosot or
of its osstor Tiss :ot nf/l orsssisc,:;ft osst erlysesto T!r-
'1eCiff cosoroto los osotro-7, sossoo.s oos oo fro esero s-:He os0 000
tf,fl vooste.r sio csoosiss,j ot Mart street two swoffIr c7.:eotts t.o si
77.1sr1:;-- -ooso fscrss ilver000 ono sn t•Sflflfl si-lo oss
ot S:ssoor • -Hrorosol for.
fl 7-Ls.t to o:,rrtioss, of so-!-7, .;rsotor stoo csoss 7s:o
',00rt 2oo oror tro roTrosf= sosossr: !s tor000 is U fl strl fro:
roz:srotls of f:4..s Yosoltot7'-s,:7oroTo: ro:'s:ncts oll of 8:11_ t'nst noyt 7serein
ost-ro to -,o nsrfs foo sootoct fsc " to ws7 o w$ r .o1 low-
est m::Isj:ossrols ros,s is t7etr 1t-1 t'crofor
to K'il:
-for fzore.no:ti-:o:
for ,:-oft-sss
.2or :Sor1,1n
for foorse-1,:
• c.st sr
seots feot
4 II 2oot
c(r.sts neas. foot
Istno:ss 2oot
TriVe ilr'1i 4fl flss!-fte-r locs of tfrio ::sorce,ol to -17te-s flflfl1fl note for fr3
fes 21.7:aso
no rosolt:lois wo,:s fifififi : - tfl -slr.Jeo .H solootef: voto.
cif tc.,
:;? a 7ot 0-c:
!::)f lot :;7!,
L. 7:tJ
• , , le