1908-08-21 Regular CC Minutest:71 C7 ALA=A,AU'jU27 21st 1700.
The meet in was called to order by Councilman :Dulloch,in the absence of the La7or
and Council 1residert -Loon.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Lasaflos,P,ull ,and aee, 5) were
noted rrose-t and Tenncilmon 13rown,Pr hst,Fisher and Loon(4),absent.
The minutes of the meetinF; of Ausust 3rd,_ CfO road and ordered aroved.
The minutes of the neetin of Au:s-ust '7t5, were road and ordered ai.r.roved.
The lAnutes of the Heetir;-; of :m:-:ust 1St h were read and ordered al-Troved.
Claims attains the (Jemeral Fnnd amountir 152.50;aainst ne Street Fund a:neunt-
i7n,?: to -535.20;aa.ainst the roljce Fund amo-nntinT::' to ;',81.20;aainst the Fire Fund aHonntirs
to ::721.70 and aainst ILTrovenentr Fund 1.8,(Librar havinL: been ainnroved Sr
tho -.:roer officials were read asfollows:
Towel service July ;;,; 5.00
Plumbiu Tit y :al) 8.50
21.1am,eda Steam Laundry Assn.
Iark Garao
I:efund of License
Andorsorl,:. s-nrinh:ler
TureT,T.P. 5a1;lies
Aldsto-ne,j. Gasoline
FamLond,C.J. ::'rinhaer
Total- -
Goldstone, 0.
Oah:land :41.s 'Heat Co.
Tacific Tel T del Go
:Pntzma Hoffnan
-=10'7, PUTS
:Toddlers 'aces
}hi.c:cie :erairs
Fe ale
Shalom, '1. :;ervices
Total- -
Andersonhars 77Yrn uure
T,oesch Ta. o, Re'nairs
Callahan ,T Co. John 5m,nlies
Tona7,77:J:. Ijorse-shoein
LI .45
Oul)Hou Feed 162.40
Oah:Tand Gas Lt 5 Heat Co. Sac
Peoles Tater hydrants Thter
Ieters,T.L, Coal
onnt forward- -
205 .40
Amount forward- - 628.25
1ote•son Follrath Horse-shoeing 5.50
Modes-Jalnieson '; Co. 2eed 150.16
ichersou Al . cuFf..lies 2.715
:ichnoider,Henry TrintiY, 8.1C
11 7.60'
5uther1and's narmacy Hodicine 0 60
6apylies 1.80
etall,Chas 8.00
Total ,721.70
Foster Plans Le .hen's I:eaJing room.(Iihrari:- 100 oo
i:2' .Toy Loved that the Claims as read be p d,secondod Hr.,00 anu carried hy the fol-
lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen C1ristonson,Haga,gnos,73u11ocl: 7oy and Cree.(5). Hoes:
7one. Absent:Coucilmer 7rorn,Irobst,7isher and Toor.fl).
A comEnnication was received fron };1.1diulhausen,conlainin:-; persons ridin bicy-
clPs on the UC1 The same was referred to tce Yolico 'hoT:artl:ent.
A cainmunication was received fro h City Justice H.7:.Ta-fran,accomPaniod by. at peti-
tion sined by- August 'flinrichs,et a7,comrlainjng of a vicious bull dog owned by the
t,e0y10 residing at 22130 Puena Vista Ave. The Orer00 referred to 'Dr.T.Car-
;nento,muperintendent of the it :1-oun0 .
A communication was received from the Hayor regarding the leasing of lard on the
south Bide f the Tidal Canal between the T'arT: ,treet ruitvale Avenue hridges,same
heing accompanied by a letter froE John 72,i601o,Ilieut.Co*Ionel Corrs of ng4neers,U.S.A.
stating that ho would not recommend to tbe ijovern=t the leasing of any such land with-
ont the consent of the City of Alamoda,and gr to Lae ciuy- estahlisll
a float for pr:hlic use,rrovided it would not be of a pernauont nature. Thereunon hr.
of-r!ered the following -2_csolution. -1720LVHD by the Council of he 0i; of
Alameda that apwrociation is due to -Lieutenant Colonel John 7i601e,0orps of -Crigineers,U.
:3.Army. for the consideration shown 7)7 his office for the interests of the ruhlic of said
city. in onnection with the ranagoment and cortrol of the Tater front thereof, and the
Council hereby acknowledges tno many courtesies extended hy him to the City of Alameda
and its officers in the rreHpiscs. TH*r.hartagnos moved that to resolution he adopted
and a copy forwarded to Iieut.Colonol iZdle, seconded by Hr.Christenser and carried hy
the followirg vote. Ayes:Th-unciimen Thristensen , Uayaynos, 7CullocTh Thy and The. (5)
Heos:Zone. Absent :Councilmen brown,lrobst,Yisher and Loon (4)
A communication as received fro.m the H.F.1:aor accoliTanied hy a letter fro John F.
:ha comIlaining of the aproaches to the north end of the :hay Fern island hridre
The Street huyerintcndent re,oPted that the conditions cor.p ained of had hoer attended
to. The sane was ordered filed.
A -petition WU2 received from :Cowell 72ros.,requesting rerLission to move a horse
from the 5,5. corner of Sal: 5treot and C-1 Antonio Avenue to the c.W.corner of :earl ';2,t.
and 1:arrisen Avenue. 'Hr.Cbr-istencon moved that the request be granted,seconded by hr.
and carried.
]'etitions were received from d _ayrisch,, .,City Hall ClorH and 7.J.Croll depaty
S,ssessor S Auditor for an increase in salary from ':400.00 to ;1l5 .00 per month. Sr .5
moved that the increase asla)d for be granted,seconded by Hr.oe and carried by the fol-
1ev/inn vote.
Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Haa,c3nos,lT'ullock,Hoy and See. (5)
Absent:Councilmen :5rown, LrohsH , Fisher and Loo';. (4)
d , L¼ 1J Li L. 3.1
9th ad Caroline to have an are linht install e0 L said street. Sane ordered referred
the the Berartment of hloctricity.
The City Assessor presented a statement showinr:: the assessed valnation of ie Olt-
for t1e year 1908. ame ordered filed.
The rerort of the treet Superintendent for the year ending June 7)0,1908,and which
was presented and filed Au Lust Zrd was ordered referred to the street Comittee to report
hack to the Council in a conderced fornl.
A con=ication was received from the To co and ?ire Commission recernerding that
the hids for feed for the horses of the Fire Department he rejected and *tat thoy ho al-
Jowed to purchase srch surplies in the oen market. moved that the recommenda-
tions he adopted, seconded hr carried.
A co=nication was received from "Jity Attorney ::impson reardirg the dimensions
and titles to the Taylor ?state i-roperty and the Thoinpso site on.high Street. oane
was ordered file d. and thereupon Lr.ILagagnos offered the following resolution and moved
its ado-ption:
7,=)LvEr y •ho Council o the City of Alameda that the sun of Forty-five Thou-
sand (4!1:,0('C) Dollars he and the sum is here arrr priated out of tho Tlunicipal Impro7e-
men t Fund To .6 of the City. of Alameda to he paid as the purchase nrice of 1,hau certain
tract of land in the City of Alameda known as the Taylor Tract.
The Auditor of said city is herehy directed to draw a warrant for E:'iCT amount up-
on said Fund in favor of Auustus Taylor and E.Taylor,Jr.,Executors of the last
will and testament of H.Taylor,deceased,and to deliver said warrant to said par-
ties upon the presentation of a good and sufficient deed conveying said rrorerty to the
City of Alameda,ard upon ,he payment of all 'State and County and City Taxes which are
now Cue or constitute a lien upon said property, such conditions to he certified by uhe
City Attorney of said city.
The resolutior was seconded hy and adopted and passed I.)y the followinc; vote.
Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,1:agenos,Bullock Goy and Gee.(C). Noes :None. Ahsent:
Oeunciltien Erown,Probst,Fisker and
Councilmen Brown arrived ar,(11 was noted -,resent
Lr.Bullock offered the followinfj resolution and moved it adoption:
l':EOLVEr, By the Co, acil of ho tt7/ f Alameda that the slim of Fort Thousand
('to, COO) Dolla-os is herohy offered and hid 1)7 the City of Alameda for the purchase of
that certain tract of land known as the Thompson Tract, and extenetin from the I,astern
line of High Street cas orl; to and includins a certain rortior of Vce hide Lads in the
Can Loandro,and the Clerk of the it, of Alameda is Gore hy directed to 'resent
this hid to the lean representativos of ?,.:::.Thon-pson,deceased.
hr. Gay seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed Tay the followt 'ot-e.
Ayes:Councilmor Brown,Christensen, 1e15 :agnos,Bulloch:,11oy and 5oe.(6). hoes :hone, Ahsent:
Councilyen roist ,Pisher arid Ioop.(.5).
A comunication Yas received from the rolice and hire Commission recon]mndir that
then be emP2we1ed to anpoint
?rronpferu at i,re,rt-o. temnorarY renlar Police officer a Permanent re elan officer;
that permission he granted to have the telephone switch hoard in the police office nove:1
ardi tat other charF:es he rnode ir the said office and tha e aaio e ranted to re-
rair the sheotini: male used hy the rolice.
City Justice L.B.Tappan,Fire Colmmissioner Latham and City Attorney. Simp,son address-
the Council on the at,rointnent of a regular r licoan nd also the appointlent of a hai-
liff for the Thstices 'Corn.
Llapor Taylor arrived end Councilman T'.2:ullock resined the chair to
hr .Goo moved that the Police d Fire Colrmission he authorized to
a7eoint lE.7hren-
rfort as requested,seconded hy hr.-Zoy and carried by the followin vote. Apes:
Councilren 1;]: wn,Christenseu,IT,aasnos,:F.ulloc,rov and Geo.(6). hoes Absent:
Councilmen Probst,Fisher and Loop.r.l.
'2,1r.c..4eo moved that the Police d Fire Commission he empowered to repair the shootiu-
rare as requested, seconded in and carried hp the fol.loir vote. Ayes:Council-
men Browr,Christenser„LaL:enos,:ulloch:,Uoy,1/..nd Uee.(6). hoes :Iore. Apes:Councilner
hrobst,Fisher a-na Lo'. (7)
moved that the natter of the chanes in the office of the Police. :Department
he referred to the Committee or 12ulnic Buildins,seconded bp hr. hay and carried.
The matter of the Annual report
the Police Fire .:nissior cane ut,.
missioners Chipman and Latham addressed the Council reardinr:: the buildin of a new
fire house and recoml-ended that the lot on '::ebb Avenue be desilated. Ar.Christensen
roved that the fire house be erected on the site of the presort house on held. Avenue,
seconded hp and carried.
The natter of the re-advertisinn: for t e netal she ivinp cameup. 1::.r.astich,Tres-
ident of the '3oard of Free Library Trustees addressed the Thuncil reenesti 'ip that ac-
tion be deferred until the next neetir.
ed seconded by Ur.T:oy and carried.
The Street Superintendent presented reports on Street as folloir-,3:
Ar.71-M7Ilock moved that the reouest be Erant-
hat the
word: of corLstruct±uy a sewer in 7nourd Street under ::esolution of Irtention do .714 and
the we': of construetlip a sewer in liaison Street under esolution of Intention J .717
both done 'in Entchinson Company:that t:lo 'cord, of radin,1:lacadani in,r and otherwise in
1:rovin h'ebster direct
under I.:esolutior of intention ho .717 done 1)7 Eowell :1'o; .Con-
struction Company and the construction of a sewer in Santa Clara Avenue between Fountain
ard Court Street done under Private Contract bp C.F.Fischer Igunbir Co.,had eon con
nleted under his direction and to his satisaction. The reorts were ordered filed.
A laetition was received from RansoEe Construction C .,requestin that Yebster St.,
hetreen and iucludim-.? the southerly cressin of the Southeru Pacific Ylailj.road a line
one hundred feet south of and parallel Id Alameda end of the cvi "n . e across
the estuary as improved bp them with. Fassam paveent,Le accented. Ordered filed,
The Clerl,: presented affidavits showin: due publlcatior and nostinF.; of ]Thtice of
Street irvit p,ro-rosals under -..:esolution of Intention Co .7Th and reionted that
two 7A(12 received. dame were ordered opened and were read as fol ws:
Pro Autchinson Co-nrry- acconranied
For .7xcavatirg
Gutters I.Dck Jrouted
Straiht Curhin Concrete
Curved 7;urbin
Gutter Brides
a bond in the can' of ;%C0 .00
7/6 cents ter
and fro': A.C.ranser- accoranied hy a bond in t-,e, sn-L
The City .
For .7,7cavatinE;
1 Lacadamizin
Straiht CurbinE,:
Curved. Curbins
Gutter :'irides
square foot
' Curved
Linear Foot
rer linear foot
p.ineer reported that the bid of Lutchinson br .'Tany was the lowest and there-
on :r.Christonser offered the followin': resolution (n0 noved its adoption:
=SOIV7D,That the Council of the City of Alameda,havin in open session or the
21st dr,1 t,10,otered,=anined and publicly declared all sealed prorosal2 and
bids for the followin,-,: street worh in said city, to wit: That huena Vista Avenue from.
That t:he norteryi said avenne sai6 ILAits,includirl the nor-ne-r.n hylg og
the crossin j said avenue with Hibbard street and the northeastern auarter of the cress-
ins of said avo=e with Paru street,be sraaed to the official rade;that concrete curb-in
f.), inches b7 14 inches -L; cross section. OL;:-:ension be constructea on the uor-norn crrb line
; said avenue between said Units and on tbe two curved corner thereof on the northern
side of the crossir of Li-' ard sr neb with saij avenue and on the curved corner ”t the
northeastern corner of tho CTOSSiY of raru street with said avonue;that ceent grouted
rock sutters three feet in width of the "flat rattern" be constructed along the nortLern
side of sTcid avenue between said linits contiuous to said curbina; and curved corners;tht
tie rolnaihir , portion of the roadway of said northern half of 73uena Vista avenue Lotween
so Id 1iits and includina; the northern half of so id crossins of Hibbard street and north-
eastern Quarter of said crossin of Peru street be macadanizet with a layer of broken trap
roca eiglt inches in thickness:that three cast iron culverts irThedded in cenent be laid
and constructed as follows :One across Th.lena -Vista Avenue in the eastern side of its cross-
ire with Yarn stroot,one across sale avenue in the -western side of its crossin wit Hib-
bard street,and one across said avenue in the eastern side of its crossihs with Eibhard
stroot;that two autter bridges eacL five foot in width snj of pine lurnber he constructed
in each of the above Llontioned curved corners,herehy rejects all of so ii 7-1(Th eX'Ort
next herein yentiened and horehy awarjs the contr,act for said wor7z: to Hutchinson Confanv
the e in the lowest respo sible bidders therefor,at tie prices snocifica in their hid
therefor on file to nit
For 7.xcavatin'o:; srajing
7or Gutters Lock srouted
73r ;.trairht (rrbins concrete
For i::urved jur7-iini-; co. crete
For hotter bridses
For Culverts
7 1D cents
0 cents
14 cents
rer square foot
nor square foot
den souare foot
cents eor linear foot
cents or linear fool;
per linear foot
per linear foot.
The City ::,ler71: is hereby directed to post rotice of thjs Award consPicuoos17,; for
five days near the Chamber door of this Council and to Prblish said notice for two days
in the Alaneda ilOilT Ar[sus,nowsi:aier.
The Fesolution was seconded -y Ca do, and adopted by the following vote. A: cc;
Tonscilen "Paoown,7bristonson,aL:anosh;:ullocL::::ey and oee.(6). roes:';:johe. Absent:
Councilmeh Yrobst,7isher and Toor.().
The 7Lerh: no affidavits showirL dne p-r_blication and -:nostin of Tot ice of
Jtreet sco_noofnadls nn(er Fecoln 'ion of Intention :To.72 r-e.(1 reported that
two hijs had icon received .
,an:o wcue ordered o-powed and were rsna no follows:
Fro:: Powell T:ros.,7nstruction d;o.,acem:Hanied
For 7.xevatlo-
For :Liacadaizing
For Gutters
For ;:3traiht Curbing
For 'Thrved Ourl)ina;
Ton dart ter 'Erijges
Ton Culverts iat iron
a lad in the sun of 0_75.00
1 cent or Cubic 71nrd
cents per „.,quare Foot
710 cents yen 13quaro Foot
:'d4, cents rer linear Foot
4 cents por Linear Foot
linear Foot
tOdd or Linear Foot
ana. froli: Hutchinson `Co; pany accopanied in a bond in the sinf; of -";175.00
do:: F7cavatina;
For Lacada.;sizing
don 7utters
For ,;:etrainht Curbins concrete
For Carved CurLinL concrete
For Gutter TriL:-;es
For IT:] vests
7/L1 cents per CuLie, larJ
1/2 cents -nor ,;].cinare Foot
cents per cquare Foot
cents or Linear 7ot
cents per Curved: 7oot
rer linear Foot
The dill- hngineer renorted that tie bid of done] Bros. Construction Co was the lcw-
ost and thereuron Lr.Cilristenseo offero( tho toil( riossh:esolution and move( its adoption;
TH7OLVITD,That the Council of the Ci y of Alal-leda,havin in open session on ta
da-r of 01,0: a,nd -rrblic17 declared nil sealed -2rorosals and bids for
the followinc; street work in said city,to wit: That ':ebb avenue from the center lire of
Everett street to a risht line 140 feet,2 inches,
measuremort,westerly from
and rarallei with the estern line of Lroadway be imrroved as follows; That the entire x
widtb of said avenue between said csraded to the official Esrade;that concrete
curl)ins,oi:Tht inches by fourteen iuches,in cross section dimension,be constructed two in-
ches above the official curl 2j7cado on all curb lines of said avenue between said limits
and on the two curved corners at the eastern side of the crossin said avenue with
Everett stroet;that cement ;2:routed rock futtors, three feet in width, of the flat .attern,
be construeted on each side of the roadway of said avenue e cc Srn. d limits,contia:nons
to said curbi In and to said curbed corners that the remainin -portion of said roadway and
of the crossin of Everett street with said avenne,between said limits be macadamized with
a layer of broken trap rock 6 inches in thichness;that two -:11.tter brides, each five feet
in width and of Tine lumber,be constructed at each of the two eastern corners of the
crossinr: of said avenue v;itL. Everett street; and that a cast iron culvert imbedded in con-
crete be constructed, across e1 avenue in the eastern side of its said crossin wit Ev-
erett street,heroh7 rejects all of said bids once t that next herein mentioned and hereTy
awards the contract for so id worE to rowell ID:nos-Construction Co.,they ein; the lorest
resronsible bidders thorefor,at the 'ices srocif:ted in tleir hid therefor on filo to v.it;
For 7,2cavatin
For ljacadamizina
For :cutters
Ton Straiht C'.urbins
For Curved Cnrbin
For G-utter "rides
For Culverts Cast Iron
1 cent yen Cubic Yard
cents :or cjuare Foot
10 cents yen iquare Foot
54 cents nor 1,inear Foot
34 cents or Linear Toot
rer Tinear Foot
aor laincar Foot.
The City ClerE is hors" y directed to rost Botice of tic Award
consicuously for
five days net tobe Chaffher door of this Council,ard to rublish said Betio° for two days
in the Alal,-.eda Daily Arus,newsrarer.
The fesolntion was seconded "iv Er. Joe and adonted by dl c followin vote. Ayes:
Councilmen E.rown,Christennen,asn s Bullock:Bey and foe. (o) Uoes:Bone. Asent:
Councilmen :Pr0bst,7isher and. foor.(3) .
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance lIe To Amend Oection 24 of Ordinance Uo.
142 of the City of Alameda TImiinIn, Bei!nht
Tre Branches above :ildewalks and ,.:reots",
introduced Aucust 3r6,100 by h.r.TOrost can ur for rassase and was rend ",v tie Clerk,
.Thristensen moved its adortion seconded_ by ]=Lr.,,:aasnos and lost by the followins vote.
es :Councilmen Tiristenser 07i,? hsn.arnos.(2). Bees :Councilmen Brown,Bulloch,Boy and
Absent :Councilmen Trobst,Fisher and fooa.(C).
A Bill entitled 'A Bill for Ordinance Uo, To Consent to the rurchaso of a eon-
'Loin lot of lend for ,chool furrosesand arrrorliatinr..; mone:7 to he aTTlied to the purchase
Thereof",introduced Ansust 3rd 10C, by Unr.Loor, came no for nassase and was read by the 2
Clerk. T.:r:Bulloch moved its adoi:ntion,seconded b -'r .1201; and carried ! the followis
vote. Amer-l.concj71-,on Frown, d!hristenser,,sannos,Bulloo,Uoy and -'ree.(6). Uoes:Uone.
A:bsent:Councilmer irobst,21snor and Loor.().
Er.Bnlloc moved that the followirs claim be raid fro
Oltmann, John E. fart rnrchase rrice school lot
seconded by lanc..Uoy and carried by the f llowin vote. A7es:Councilmen Frown, Christen-
on, o,:a1':loos, JluJ,d ccl ,hoy and lee .(6). Uoes:Bene. Absent :Councilmen 1=robst,-Fisher
and Tooy.(S).
A Bill entitled "A -Mill for Ordinance la-) bibit the Use of ';iater for
Trriation after Fire Xlarms",was introduced hy T.Ir.frown and was laid .over under the nro-
visions of the Carter.
luLluvvin resolution and moved its adopt on:
RE2OLYED that the 'Eayor be and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with
the -iamrtonitch e Co.,for the construction of a concrete seawall across the southerI y
end of Weber Street in conjunction with a seawall to be constructed by adj 'ring 'proper-
ty owners, the cost not to exceed 0250.00.
.hoy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Brown,Christensen,hagagnes,Bullock:foy and Ccee.(6). Tjoes:7one.
Councilmen hrobst,Fisher and Loop.R(0).
:.a-.Gee addressed the Council on the ma ter of the -petition of residents of Taylor
avenue for additional lights and finally moved that in the future all petitions -for such
lihts be referred to the Public Utiiites Committee,seconded by Er.riullock and_ carried.
Yr.Christensen rresented a diarcram of a house located at 1912 Clement avenue show-
ing that the smo.e from the chine: of said dwelling blew into the windows of the dwell-
ing numbered 1914 Clement Avenue,and moved that the matter be referred to the Chinne7
Ins-r,ector,ses ndedhloy hr hJa;anoe and _carried.
Attorney Boynton, and Y.essrs.Drew,Tyson,Wr Ps:it and others addressed the Council re-
garding the obstruction in the st7coet at the South end of 2herman 2treet.
moved that the matter be deferred until such time as the ownership of the
end of .2herman '2treet be s ttled,seconded by Mr.Magagnoc. the ia or declaring the motion
lost on the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Dullock and iloy.(E).
CounciTnen Brown and Gee.(2). Excused from voting Councilman '...aainos.(1). Als
) ent
Councilmen hrohst,Fisher and Loor.(0).
hr.ullock ofTered the followin6: resolution and moved liC adcmtion:
RE',OIVED that the 0itl, of Alameda se the frame build ng owned by the said City
and used by the Fire Department thereof,located on the south side of Viehb Avenue between
hark 2treet and Everatt 2treet,and
EESOLVED further ,that the Pity Clerk Be and hereby is authorized to advertise for
Bids for the purchase of said building.
The successful bidder to remove said buil P within fifteen days after being noti-
fied TT the Clerk so to do.
Bids to be received ln the sai6 Clerk up to the hour of 0 o clock P.Id.on honthyo,
sertember 21st 1908.
hr. Boo seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the folloTing vote. Ayes:
Council en B-rown,Christensen L:aF;agnos,Bullock. T and Gee. (6) Noes:1Tone. Absent:
JocnciJren Probst,Fisher and Loor.(5).
Lr.Gee novee,I that the Clerk he directed to advertise for the removal of the earth
or hound otreet between ventral and Canta Olara Avenues to the Bay Far: Island, 1Thadway
Between the Bnid .Le and urc uyJ andl. of the Island, seconded hy ard carried.
There hoing no further business to transact the Council adjourned to neet Fr
Septenber 4th 1900 at 7.30