ALALLEDA;SEPT=M 21st 1908.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor
The roll was called and. Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Yoy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and
Loop,(7),were noted present and Councilmen Brown and Bullock,(2),absent.
The minutes of the meeting of September llth were read and ordered approved.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 504.30;against the Fire Fund amount-
ing to .552.81;against the Police Fund amounting to $58. 0;against Municipal Improvement
Fund no.8,(Fire Department) amounting to 38.55 and against the Municipal Improvement Fund.
Vo.8,(Bay Farm Isid Road) amountinR. to β15.30,having been approved and audited by the pro-
per officials were read as follows:
Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Towel Service for August 4 8.00
Atwood,H.W. Extra Work 10.50
11 On Contract 160.00
California State Board of Pharmacy Fines 40.00
Coustier & Picot Repairs to pound wagon 4.50
Davis,Arthur C. Cleaning Powder for Janitor 9.00
Furey,F.P. Plumbing 6.00
" .,a g of H.W.Atwood On contract 125.00
Hally,F.W.,Agent Premium on Surety Bonds 30.00
Lewis & Shaw Rent of Temporary Fire house 100.00
Perata,A. Removing Garbage 1.00
Rhodes,Jamieson & Co., Charcoal for Pound 1.00
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 6.45
Argus Publishing Co Advertising 12.65
Bahr,Otto Horse-shoeing 15.50
Coustier & Son Repairs 8.00
Furey,F.P. Plumbing 1.50
Gardner,W.E. Services Rendered 12.00
Koerber,A.H.W. Feed 140.87
Library Bureau,Inc 12- cost card index 5.25
Lomax,R.R. Horse-shoeing 5.00
Lubben Bros Feed 16.58
Mazzini,L. Supplies &c 6.75
Oakland Gas Lt & H.Co Gas 18.99
Peoples Water Co., Hydrants & Water 254.65
Phoenix Milling Co. Feed 35.12
Riley's Drug Store Medicine 1.25
Shively Bros Repairs 6.50
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 5.00
Viestall,Chas if 7.00
Total- _. _ ... .... 552.81
Alameda Stables Hauling Drunks
A gus Publishing Co Printing
Goldstone John Gasoline
Amount forward-
Amount forward
Library Bureau, Inc., cost card index
Oakland Gas Lt & H.Co Gas
Pacific Tel & Tel. Co Telephones & Switches
Futzman & Hoffman Bicycle Repairs
Roberts,S.H. Carpenter Work
Schneider,H. Stationery
Vosburgh Hardware
Argus Publishing Co.
Argus Publishing Co.
Advertising 38.55
Advertising 15.30
Mr.Noy moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Iir.Fisher and carried by
the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Noy, e,Probst,Fisher and Loop.
(7). Noes :None.
Absent;Councilmen Brown and. Bullock. (2).
A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of
July,1908. Ordered filed.
A report was received, from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the Fiscal year
ending June 30th 1908. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce requesting the
Council to take action and set aside a sum of money to be used in celebrating the 4th
of July,1909, The City Attorney advised the Council that it would be unlawful to take
such action and the Clerk was directed to so inform the Chamber of Commerce that the
Council could take no action.
A communication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce requesting the
Council to take action and open Blanding Avenue from Oak Street westerly to Webster Street
Mr.Noy moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and the City Engineer to
take steps toward opening the said street,seconded by Mr.Gee and carried.
Alfred E.Sussex presented. an application for a gratuitous license to peddle fruit
and vegetables.
Idr.Probst moved that the same be granted,subject to the wagon license
seconded by Mr.Gee and carried.
Robert Bowden presented an application for a gratuitous license to sell an electric
flat-iron from house to house. Mr.Fisher moved that same be granted,seconded by Mr.
Gee and carried.
A resolution presented by Mr.Bulloch on September 11th came up for action and was
read by the Clerk as follows:
RESOLVED,That permission IS hereby granted to property owners at and near the
southerly termination of streets on the Bay of San Francisco to make such improvements
looking to the protection and ornamentation of such streets at such terminations as may
be approved by the Council and the Street Superintendent.
Mr.Probst moved the adoption of the resolution,seconded by Mr.Loop and carried.
A petition was ..eived from the property owners in the neighborhood of the south
end of Sherman Street requesting permission to fix up and beautify the end of said street,
Eradagagnos moved that permission be granted,seconded by Mr.Frobst. Mr.Ioop moved to
amend by directing the petitioners to present a plan of the proposed improvement before
permission be granted,seconded by Mr.Gee and carried.
The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of Notice of Sale of Frame
zuiing,o1c.aflct reported tnat two bids had been-Presehted:- βMe same were ordered receiv-
and opened and were read as follows:
From Joseph Mazzini the sum of
From C.J.Hammond the sum of - - -481.00
Mr.Gee moved that the bids be rejected and that the
the same be returned to the bidders,seconded by Mr.Probst
Mr.Probst moved that the Police and Fire Commission
certified checks accompanying
and carried.
be authorized to sell the build-
lug at the best price obtainable above the sum of the highest bid offered,seconded by Mr.
Gee and carried.
The Clerk presented an Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Building Cont-
ractors in the matter relating to the erection of a new Fire Engine house on Webb Avenue
and reported that seven bids had been presented.
The Mayor object d to receiving the same
on account of the general provisitions of the specifications claiming that it put to much
power in the hands of the Architect. Mr.Probst moved that all bids be rejected and re-
turned unopened to the bidders,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote.
Ayes :Councilmen Magagnos,Noy,Probst and Fisher.(4). Noes:Councilmen Christensen,Gee,and
Loop. (3). Absent:Councilmen Brown and. Bullock.,(2).
The Clerk presented
the matter of removing th
-ported that five bids had
as follows:
From E. Schumacher
From L,L.Pag
From C.J.Hammond
From C.Johnson--------
From Hutchinson Company--
an affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Contractors in
earth from Mound Street to the Bay Farm Island. Roadway and re-
been presented,the same were received and opened and were read
---47 cents per cubic yard.
69 cents per cubic yard
65 cents per cubic yard
---55 cents per cubic yard
-80 cents per cubic yard.
Mr.Goe moved that the bid of E.Schumacher be accepted and that a contract be entered
into with him on his filing a bond in the sum of 00.00 for the faithful performance of
the work,seconded by IiIr.Loop and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christ-
ensen,Magagno ,Thy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (7).
Brown and Bullock.(2).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No.
ground Commissioners and prescribing the Duties
Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen
Establishing a Board of Park and. Play-
and, Powers of said Board",introduced Sept-
ember 4th 1906 by Mr.Christensen came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.
Fisher moved that the same be laid over and referred back to the Committee of the Whole,
seconded by Mr.Magagnos and carried.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Declare the Abandonment of the Way
known as Shell Street",introduced September 4th 1906,by Mr.Christensen came up for final
passage and was read by the Clerk. Nr.ProbstAthe adoption of the sane,seconaed by Mr.
Fisher and it was passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,
Magagnos,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(7).
Mr.Gee moved, that new specifications for tree erection of a Fire Engine Building on
be drawn up
Webb Avenue/ h, the Police and Fire Commission acting in conjunction with the Mayor,second-
Noes:None. Absent;Councilmen Brown and
ed by Mr.Probst and carried.
A petition was received from Albert G.Burns et al,requesti
tion looking to the construction of a sidewalk on the north side
tween Everett Street and Broadway. Mr.Gee moved that the City
he Council to take ac-
of Santa Clara Avenue be-
Attorney and City Engineer
prepare the necessary papers to construct a sidewalk on said block where necessary second--
ed. by Mr.Fisher and carried.
Mr.Bulloch arrived and was noted present.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to the Southern Pacific
Company,a Railroad Corporation,and to its Successors and Assigns,the Right,Privilege and
nchise,for the period ending on the 26th day of July,1949,to construct,maintain and
operate a Double-track Railroad,of Standard Gauge,together with all Necessary Switches,
Cro sings,Sidings,Sidetracks,Connections,Poles,Wires and other Necessary Appliances,Ap-
pendages and Adjuncts,said. Railroad to be operated by Electricity or such other Improved
Method of Operation as may be Authorized by Law,Except Steam Locomotives,Over,Across,Along
and Upon Certain Streets,Avenues and Private Ways in the,City of Alameda,County of Ala-
meda,State of California",introduced September 4th by Mr.Christensen came up for passage
and was read by the Clerk. The Mayor addressed the Council objecting to certain
orovi2lonz of the ordinance relating to the time for the completion of certain Street work
Mr.Magagnos moved that the Ordinance be adopted,seconded by Mr.LOop. Mr.Noy moved, to
amend by laying the matter over one week and that when the Council adjourn it adjourn Un-
til Monday September 28th 1908,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried.
Mr.Gee moved that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer for 1.50.00 in favor of the
City Attorney to be used by him for expenses and costs in the case of Davoust vs The
City of Alameda, seconded by Lr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Coun-
oilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,N
Absent;ouncilman Brown. (1)
The communication of the Sather 7state regarding the grade of Court Street between
Central and Santa Clara Avenues was referred to the Street Committee and the City Engineer
to report back to the Council.
A protest was received from property owners of Grand Street representing 2640 feet
protesting against any further improvement of said street at the present time. The same
was ordered filed and the Clerk directed. to communicate with Mr.Geo L.Dillman that in
view of the protest that the Council would take no further action in the matter.
The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of Notice of Street Work
Inviting Proposals under Resolution of intention No.721. The same was ordered filed and
thereupon one bid was nresented from Hutchinson Company the same was ordered received
and opened and was read asfollows:
r7Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8).
Noes :None.
For Grading
For Macadamizing
For Gutters Broken Rock
For Curbing concrete
For Gutter Bridges each
For Culverts
2 7/8
58 v β’
cents per
cents per
cents per
cents per
Square Foot
Square Foot
Square Foot
Linear Foot
per Linear Foot
the same was accompanied by a bond in the sum of 300.00,the City Engineer reported that
the bid was fair and thereupon Mr.Christensen offered the following Resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of Alameda,having in open session on the 21st
day of September,1908,opened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bids
for the following street work in said city, to wit: That Buena Vista Avenue from the west-
ern line of ranci Street to the Center line of Paru street be improved as follows :That
the northern half of said avenue between said limits,including the northern half of the
crossing of said avenue with Hibbard street and the northeastern quarter of the crossing
of said avenue with Pam streetbe graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,8
inches by 14 inches in cross section dimension be constructed. on the northern curb line
of said avenue between said limits and on the two curved corners thereof on the nothern
side of the crossing of Hibbard street with said avenue and on the curved corner of the
northeastern corner of the crossing of Paru street with said avenue ;that cement grouted
v, Ror()Ilern
side of said avenue between said limits contiguous to said curbing and curved corners;that
the remaining portion of the roadway of said northern half of Buena Vista avenue between
said limits and including the northern half of said crossing of Hibbard street and northens-
tern quarter of said crossing of J2aru street be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock
eight inches in thickness;that three cast iron culverts imbedded in cement be laid and con-
structed as follows;One across Buena Vista avenue in the eastern side of its crossing with
Paru street,one across said avenue in the western side of its crossing with Hibbard street,
and one across said avenue in the eastern side of its crossing with Hibbard street ;that two
gutter bridges each five feet in width and of pine lumber be construced in each of the above
mentioned curved corners,hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned
and hereby awards the contract for said work to Hutchinson Company they being the lowest
responsible bidders therefor,at the prices specified in their bid therefor on file to wit:
For Grading
For Macadamizing
For Gutters Broken Rock
For Curbing Concrete
For Gutter Bridges each
For Culverts
7/8 cents per Square Foot
8 cents per Square Foot
14 cents per Square Foot
50 cents per Linear Foot
3.58 per Linear Foot
The ity Clerk is hereby directed to post Notice of this Award conspicuously for five
days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said notice for two days in the
Alameda Daily Argus,newspaper.
The resolution was seconded by Er.Gee and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Coun-
cilmen Christensen,idagagnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fi her and Loop.(8). Noes: None.
Absent Councilman Brown. (1).
Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED,that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and Specifi-
cations and quantity estimates for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely:
That a salt lazed,vitrified,iron-stone sewer,six inches in inside diameter,with four-
inch "Y" branches and without house connections be constructed in Mastick Terrace from the
point of intersection of the center line of said Mastiek Terrace with the existing sewer
in Lincoln Avenue,thence along said center line of Mastick Terrace to a point therein dis-
tant 395 feet southerly along said line from said point of intersection;that a manhole of
brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eight inch walls and bottom be constructed
at each of the terminal points of said sewer herein provided for. Said manholes to be con-
structed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of
the City of Alaneda,January 11,1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said
City,which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof.
Also that one automatic flush tank of the siphon type with cast iron top and fittings
be constructed and placed in the manhole at the southerly termination of said sewer,as per
Resolution of Intention No.726,Adopted by this Council,August 3rd 1908. And that the Clerk
be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution.
Mr.Christensen moved its adoption,seconded by Lir.Noy and carried by the following
vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Lagagnos,Bullock,Noy,Oee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8).
Noes: None. Absent :Councilman Brown. (1).
The City Engineer presented Plans,3pecifications and Cuantity Estimates and the fol-
lowing Resolution was offered. by Mr.Christensen,
RESOLVED,That the Plan d and Specifications and quantity estimates furnished by the
City Engineer of the City of Alameda,to thts Council for the following Street work to be
done in said City,namely:
That a sa1t-giazed,vitrified,iron.stone sewer,six inches in inside diameter,with
four inch "Y" branches and without house connections be constructed in Mastick Terrace
from the point of intersection of the center line of said Mastick Terrace with the
existing sewer in Lincoln Avenue,thence along said center line of Mastick Terrace to a
point therein distant 395 feet southerly along said line from said point of intersection;
that a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron to and cover and eight-inch walls and
bottom be constructed at each of the terminal points of said sewer herein provided for.
Said manholes to be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole"adopted by the
Board. of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January 11,1897,and on file in the office of
the City Clerk of said City,which plan is hereby referred, to and made a part hereof.
Also that one automatic flush tank o the siphon type with cast iron to and fit-
tings be constructed and placediat the southerly termination of said sewer,under Resolu-
tion of Intention No,726,adopted by the Council of said City August 3rd 1908,be and the
same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same.
Mr.Christensen moved the adoption of the Resolution,seconded by Mr.Cee and it was
passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,
Ioy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Brown.(1).
Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEEEAS,It appears to the satisfaction of this Council,that Resolution of Intention
No.726 for the work of constructing a sewer with manhole and flush tank in Mastick Ter-
race from the existing sewer in Lincoln Avenue to a point 395 feet south in the City of
Alameda,adopted b.β this Council,August 3rd 190E3,has been posted and published according
to law,and that no legal objection to the doing of said wor,, has been filed with the
City Clerk of said City.
RE'SOLVED,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the
City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City,
according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely:
That a salt-glazed,vitrified,iron- one sewer,six inches in inside diameter,with
four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections,be constructed in Mastick Terrace
from the point of intersection of the center line of said Mastick Terrace with the exist-
ing sewer in Lincoln Avenue,thence along said center line of Mastick Terrace to a point
therein distant 395 feet southerly along said line from said point of intersection:that
a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eight-inch walls and bottom
be constructed at each of the terminal points of said sewer herein provided for. Said
manholes to be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January 11,1897,and on file in the office of the
City Clerk of said City,which plan is hereby referred to and. made a part hereof.
Also that one automatic flush tank of the siphon type with cast iron top and fit-
tings be constructed and placed in the manhole at the southerly termination of said sewer.
The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days
in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City,and
which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously
for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council notice of said work with specifi-
cations inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice
of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the
specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the
newspaper hereby. designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a
certified check or.a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less that
ten percent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name Monday,the 5th day of Octo-
ber,1908,as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'cloc said
proposals or bids shall be received.
Mr.Noy seconded the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote.
Ayes :Councilmen Christens
,::agagnos,Bullock,Uoy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and LOOp.(8). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmn Brown (1)
The Police presented modified specifications for the construction of a Fire Engine
House on :ebb Avenue,which were approved by the i'Llayor.
.ILagagnos moved that the same
be adopted and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the construction of
the said building in accordance therewith,fixing IJonday,October 5th 1908,up to the hour
of 5 o'clock P.::.for the filing of bids with the Cler.0:,seconded by I,rir.Gee and carried, by
the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,U,agagnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fi h-
and Loop.(8). Noes :None.
Absent :Councilman Brown. (1)
lr.lagagnos offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, That the
es for the City of Alameda,be and are hereby levied for the cur-
rent fiscal year as follows.
On each fil.00.00 of the assessed valuation of all property both real and personal, in
the City of Alameda,and all property assessed on the assessment roll of said City for the
current fiscal year a tax of :1,32.
Resolution was seconded by Er.Frobst and was passed by the following vote.
Ayes :Councilmen .7,agagnos,Gee,Frobst,Fisher and. Loop.(5). Noes :Councilmen Christensen,
Bullock and Noy.(3). Absent :Councilman Brown.(1).
There being no further basineos to transact the Council adjourned. until Mond
September 28th 1908 at 7.30 P.R.
City Clerk of A_ameda.