1908-09-28 Regular CC MinutesADOUU1:1Ah.1) UULI[jiL oh' T1_11; CITY -F ALAIiIEDA,3EPTE..= 28th 1908. The meeting was called to order by the :,:ayor . The roll was called and. Councilmen Christensen,M sagnos,Bulloch,Noy,Geo,Probst, Fisher and. Loo, (8) were noted present and Councilman Brown,(1) absent. The mayor addressed the Council stating that he had had a conference with the City Attorney and the property owners along the right of way in the proposed ordinance i-rant- ing the Southern Pacific Company a franchise for and electric railway over certain land in Alameda,and, that satisfactory arrangements could he made regarding the time in which roadway ofthe theAstree'Le, should be improved. _e,(f An agreement made by the Southern Pacific Company-Ain which they agredd to macadamize ' the roadway of the street to be opened in a spe fled time. hr.Christensen moved that the agreement be received and filed,seconded by Mr.Noy and carried and thereupon A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to the Southern Pacific Company,a Railway Corporation,and to its Successors and Assigns,the Eight,Privilege and Franchise,for the Period ending on the 26th day of Jaly,1949,to Clonstruct,Maintain and Operate a Double- track Railroad,of Standard Gauge,toge her with all Necessary Switch s,Crossings,Sidings, 3idetracks,Connections,Poles,7:ires and Other Pecessary Appliances,Appendages and Adjuncts, said Railroad to be Operated by Electricity or such other Improved Method of Operation as may be Authorized by Law,except Steam Locomotives,over,Across,Along and Upon Certain Streets,Avenues and Private Ways in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of Calif- ornia",introduced September 4th 1908 by Mr.Christensen,taken up for final passage and read in full by the Clerk on September 21st 1908 aed action deferred until this date was again taken up. Mr.Loop moVed that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr.Probst and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,MagaPnes,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probet, Fisher and Ioop.(8). Does :None. Absent :Councilman BT 0 VC" , ( 1 ) A communication was received from ,:i.Hearn,Superintendent of the Postal Telegraph! Cable Company protestIng against the payment of the license fee imposed for oonductinp, the business he represented on the ground that they were operating under a monthly loSs. The sane was ordered referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mrs ,B.Belmont presented an application for a gratuitous license to practice palmis- try. e .Probst moved that the application be granted,seconded by Mr.agagnos and car- ried. An agreement was presented from Oonpeny regarding the supplying the Alameda Fire Department with Hay,same was accompanied by a bond in the sum of ..500.00 Mr.Noy moved that the same be accepted and filed, seconded by Mr.Dullock and carried. An agreement was presented by E.Schumacher for the work of removin,,e and hauling the earth from Mound Street between Central and Santa Clara Avenues to the Bay Farm Island Roadway,same was accompanied by a bond in the sum of 300.00 for the faithful performanc,, the work. Ex.Christensen moved that the same be accepted and filed, seconded by Mr. Noe and carried. Mr.Tyson presented a diagram of the proposed improvement of the South end of Sher- man Street. Mr.Gee moved that the request of the property owners in the neighborhood of the south end of Sherman Street for the improvement of said street presented at the m meeting of September 21st be granted the work to be done without expense to the City,se- cond d by Mr.:',Tiagagnos and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club regarding a salt wa- ter system for the City of Alameda. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred the Committee of the 7hole,seconded by Mr.Cee and carried. A petition was received from Howard A.-Toy,et al requesting that steps be taken by the Council lookinf:,: to the macadamizing and otherwise imnroveing Fountain Street from the south line of Lincoln Avenue to the north line of Van Buren Street. Mr.Christensen moved that the the same be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney to draw the necessary Resolution of Intention, seconded by Mr. 1:7 obst and carried. A petition was received from the Geo.E.Dow Pumria- Engine Co. ,requesting that the Council defer action in the matter of opening Blanding Avenue from Oak Street to Webster until the next meeting of the Council on October 5th 19CO, idr.Loop moved, that the re- quest be granted and that the Clerk be directed to notify the Dow Pumping Company to have a representative present at that tine,seconded by 7.r.2robst and carried, A7. Simpson, atA-2-1-m„1. City Attorney presented a st „ne; ap7x0r lation and costs of Condemna- tion suit of the City of Alameda vs J.E.Oltmann,for the lot adjoining the Wilson School on Court Stree ,accompanying same were the vouchers,certificate of search and other parers re- lating to the same. carried, Mr.trobst moved ' the same be filed,seconded by Mr.Loop and communication addressed to the City Clerk by I.L.3ordenSoie Surviving Executor of the Estate of Robert 'a:. 'hom-c,son,de,eased passed August 21st 1 Olthe same ,9pting the offer o the City of W,000.00 and stipulations regarding making certain reservations certain buildina's located on tho Thompson Estate Property on High Street. The same was ordered filed. A communication was received from Sheldon Borden,Attorney for the Estate of F.R.Thomp- son,deeeased regarding the acce-etance of the Offer of the Council to purchase the Thompson Estate rroperty on High Street, same was accompanied by certain papers of a legal nature reardinR the sale of the said property to the City. Ordered filed. A communica tion was reeeied from the Mayor advocating the completion of the improv- ment of the Webster Street Roadway and 'oting from a report of X Lr.j:11.0.harris giving the conditions of the material which composed the fill made by the American Dredging Co. Mr.Noy moved that the matter be referred to the City Eninper and City Attorney to draw up the necessary papers for the completion of the wor. After discussion Mr.TToy amended his motion to refer the matter to the City Engineer and Street Superintendent to examine into the condition of the roadway on the east side of Webster 5treet and report back to the Council at the next Committee meeting,seoonded by Hr .Loop and carried. A communication was received from the Mayor in which he vetoed the Resolution of the Council fixing the tax rate et SL.32 which was passed by the -11 on September r.ast,the same being read by the Clerk as follows: September 26th, 1900. To the Hororable, the City Council, City of Alameda, California. Gentlemen:- Herewith I return resolution fixing City tax rate for current .Qn:1l year at '1.32, without my apiorowl. 1,-y reasons are those fully set forth by the Chairman of your Finance Com- mittee and concurred in by several members of the Council and verified by my own in- vestation. The City affairs have been and can be liberally conducted on a revenue wro- duced by 1,1.20,but '1.29 would not be objectionable. Sudden raises in tax rate are always prejudicial to land values and the r raise of five cents at this time would be lnoppoltune and particularly ornressive to mortgagors because banks have recently raised rates of interest and require bor- rowers to pay all the mortgage tax. I believe that the improvements requested by the Departments are all necess- ary,but during times of sepression,even Cities must practice that "Economical Ad- ministration" to which all candidates, exceptin the Mayor ,pledged themselves, Incidentally the resolution is not in legal form Very sincerely yours, E.Y.Taylor. 1.1ayor. The communication was ordered filed. President Chipman of the Police and Fire Commission addressed the Council stati that in compliance with the request of the Council they had sold the Old Fire House on Webb Avenue to J.H.Young for the sum of 1,50.00 and presented s check payable to the Mayor for that amount. Yr.Loop moved that the same be received with thanks and the action of the Commission be aprroved,seconded by Mr .Noy and carried by the following 7i vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, ganos,Bullock,7 Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (8) Noes :None. Absent:Councilman Brown. (1) Hr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to Varney & Green demanding that they remove their hill-boards from the property recently purchased by the City from the Taylor Estate, ocated at the southwest corner of Eighth and Central Avenue ,by the 10th of October, 190 , seconded by Mr.Dullock and carried. Mr.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to address-a communication to the Oak- land Traction Co.,and ascertain what action if any they intended_ to take in the matter of extending their lines west of Webster 3treet,seconded Thy Mr.ee and carried. Takinfjfpup the matter of the recommendations of the iiayor in his oommmicat1on of Septembeixthe following actions were taken. Regarding the widening of -EncinalAvenue,Lr.Loop moved the matter be referred to the City- Engineer and City Attorney to prepare the necessary plat and papers to widen the same, seconded by e .Christensen and carried. Regarding the pxading,nacadariing and otherwise improving the south half of liar- risen Avenue. Ifter discussion hr Loop moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to investigate the conditions and report as to the approximate cost . improve- ing the north half of said street, econded by and carried. Regarding the repair of sidewalks in various places in the City. The natter was ordered. referred to the Street Surerintendenu with rower to order the work to be done. the depressions in the cross-walks along the roadway of Central Avenue. The matter was ordered referred to the Street Superintendent. The City Enineer reported adversely in the matter of the request of the Sather ate to change the grade of Court Street between Central d Santa Clara Avenues. The Council decided not to take anyaction. There being no further business the Council :erned until the next regular meet- ing on Eonday,October 5th lOO,at 7.30 2.51. 2 City Clerk.