1908-10-19 Regular CC Minutes11)JOU=D 1.11ETII:G 02 TF'-] C=TI, OF
CITY 07 1.J..,L77,DA,C0T0= 19th 1900.
The meetin was oal7ed to order bY the 1aYo'
The roll was called and Couneilmen 7:_rown,Christensen,EaR;anos,:P,.u.711001,:,7mGee,
Probst,7ishor and 10012,(9),were noted present nd none absent.
The minutes of the meetir of October 5th were read and ordered aprroved,.
Claims as-1- t the Tenexal fu.:nd amomitin to :255.05;aainst the Street Fund
amo=tir-: to ;':18.00;aainst the I alice Fund amormt-in to 62.60;against the Fire Fund
Fund snountrO to 2;,12.00:against Munic Ira?
.Lnyrovement ud No.8,(Fire amountin 371.98;against I.lanieipal Improvement Fund
y Farm Island 7.ondwa7) ano7Intin having 'heen aroved and audited
by the proper officials wore read by the ClorT7 as follows:
O,2777:AT, .7777)
Towel Service
Alameda St ean Laundry
Argus Publishing Co.
Whitton,Chas F.
Aational Mastic Roofing Company
Derby Co.,E.M.
Oakland Gas It H.Co
T'acific Te1 (%; Tel
Radke & Co
illan.cda Central aaraFe
Lamf. (jo
crawforo a
hay I Baird
71 f1
Interpreter Fees
Supplies for Janitor
Removing garbage
Repairin money drawers
Reporter's fees
Total- -
n r
1:oofIng y 18.00
Lumber .90
Gas .10
Telofhones 3.40
Star 6.00
',3tatio.ner:7 1-in11. 9.95
Lcab s /%50
:e-fairs to 7h•niead 7flgine
lie a
Kno-a-Pf Services ronde.oed
1:racke S Brunje Acid
KrauthFred ;;ash advanced_ fo-r... supplies
11 E.y.penses inc131.ved
T taT
F 99 9.) rn
1 7
Fr, nn
r rm
Ay/loll-at forward ,:. 3669n
Oakland 'as Lt .& E.Co, Gas 19.17
10 0105 VaLor Co , ',Voter 2,85
3Thoeniy,: Mi ri ...hi.K: Co. 2eed 52.95
Rhodes-Janioson 2 Co. If
:JtroC.V? Cleat cloch-, 1.80
Sutherlands Zhamacy Sufilles 2.00
Total- -
LL 211D,
Ala06t2 InlIo Librflry s.,,,resc.rirtion to (::,lote
Ltrdi,ICIPAL IYzizovELErT F8T,1)
Freenar,7,172ene 8 Or Contract
2551 20.8 Bay Far m Isla lIsad
Bennott,J. Labor
Lotir V.
Olsen,Lrs Jetn
hauling earth on contract
- - - -
1635 .21
17r .Bullock noved that the Plains as roodk he paid,seconded and calacied
hy the fo]lowina' vote. Erow-n,,ChritenE:en,MaarosEnlioeb,::Je-y,Gee,
2robst,Fi2hor and loep.(9).
i1oors:D)Y2e. Ahsent:::,one.
Lirshhid::.Laslin of the 73ear6 of library 'Irnstoes :addressed tto [7,osneil on the nced
of liphts for the hens -:031:1 of the Lihnary. 7,-.Prolst moved that the Library
Trustees ho 'rrranted. Ponoissior to yarchaoe the' lanDs needed at a cost not to exceed
1eC.P0 to te laid for Iron h:rniciT,a1 II,Trovonent Frit° :je.6,seco-nded Thy T,Oraa.Sk,er, and
carried by the fcdi.dalta- vote. Ayes:Ooencidmen Ttrown (fl)ristenseni'.aat:2nes,Bulloc,
He,Gee,Tr)bstFisber and Io0-1'01),
Troes: Abert:Pioao.
The. Clerk Presented n rcr rt of the proceedinEa, of the meetin of the C,Y.7,ittee
of tbc 'Mole on Thlarsd y October 8th 1000 at; which the contract for the erection of the
new Fire Lonso on ",')oht Avone nos let to Canes S. 20)/0 for the sun: of 14,670 .0e,10 hol0L;
tbe lowest Udder. 1:7r .Probst -fr.:eyed tbat tka report le apTreved and ffled,sacorded by
hr.E0y a-nd e!orried.
Jane L.Boyd to wino bad teer, awarded the contract for the erection of the hen' "Fire
on '7.01,U Avenaejeresented his torld in the son
with the LI,,-aire Ni
3t_rety Copy ao, his sl;roty. n-,oved that the hond be accepted an) 515ce6 cr
file ttat the ObenS to directed to return to 3r.:20yj the certified check wkic'h ae-
con-I,anied 7ciS bid, seconded hy carried.
A.5.3-11-rs'aer iresented req-nests for leaves of ahsenco for thirty
da7e. dorina wbich tire the-y wool) he alesent fron the State. :::".roy moved that the
requests he L;rartad,seconded hy Tir.ee and coyi.--ied.
A frotest was recelved freia b..s.,ater and °Veers rrcrerty owners onoTtan -1-2roreart3'
on Ian): ,3trcet la2twocan Hncinal and in Lvenue 5, rote I: log aaainst the anon in:
of T ornission to trove te old 7ire F.easo o Avenee to a lot on the vest side 3f
rh -trut between said 7cinal and oo n Antenio
f.:7. ,"?
.L • 4. a.) •
:r Jro'bot noved that it
be file5 nn5 -no Clerk directed to notify Lr.J.E..Ycnng to whom tho sni5 hnildinF ha5 Eve,n
sold that pernission to move it to said location wo1116 denied if asked for,seconded
TZ.r.Lool end carrie5.
. comnnnication was received from tho Lea0Ue of American DAnicip,alitiosistating
the benefits to be derive5 from ei1 erLip lo the Leaaue and iovitiV tbe City to join
it Tbe or was referred to tbe Connittee nf the Vihole.
A conm-mication wns received fron the Colic° Fire Colli2SiOr_ roquestinL: rornis-
sion to obase for the Y-olice cc 1C iron bods,1 restrairinF,: bed and iron screens
for the windows. 1:..r.Fulloch moved that the recinost h F:rantod,seconded I 7n,r.5:-oe and
. connmnication was received
P. tbe o.ioO . Fire Conmission rennestinc the
ConnciT to purchase no- the 12o7lice I.;era.tment a con:Lination 201 cc 2atrol and Am-In-:lance
a;,:on,at a cot of ahont hr ,ho noed that the rear:zest he deried,secondod
7.2.-Ialloc7s and Ca1':te(3..
A commn.otoation was received. fron the hire Commission raeiJostin2: the
Counc.fl to t stereo loohin to the installation
se..euese ,,,-.;:a.m,em,,,ee cost
of which world he ahont ':6CCO.co and conn'Id be raid for in installnonts of ':::10.C.00 -eer
month. Lr.Bnllech moved that the so: he filed and the nattor taken no r co c f-nture
time,seco-nded Tnir„Zrol)st and carried.
A cc: on was received from the 1Co1ico ,d.2 Fire Comnission requestini;--: that the
City 7n2ineer he directed to snrvey the lot on ':edab Avenne on which the now Fire 1.ionse
'was soon to he erected. L,r,robst -Loved that the City a.ineer be directed to make
the cc rvoy as requested ,seconded hy Lr.Lan:anos and carried.
A conntmication was received fronn the :7olice wnd -21_20 :,'01i1.1I.SE;i07/1 Callin;: attention
to the mitJa and danyerons conditionAof - .4an -
u se ,2 An: o J.° e.se an LJ. dt t u no a nce noase
en .",her,.,Ian htrcet and reanestino- tbat concrete floors and foundatirs he nnt 4n,also to
the loaky condition of tho roof of t Chestnnt ..*treet : .Line Aonse and n?Cti2 ts
in cliche renair. 'M.Uou moved tbat in matt or ie referred back to the Connission
with a roc-nosh; for an estimate of the wewro:Ainate cost of the nroposed rerairs,seconaed
hy Y.r.irolost and carrio5.
A 7e-port was received from the Alameda Con Antieselter Association as to their
work in opposition to the pronosod Baden .Theiter. Ordered filed.
An arrlication was received from FrarL 2.Zimaerman f;: n rato itoins ?icons° to
solicit froy honee to hose a honschold article. An .ho; moved that it he :-„ncanto5,se-
conded by 1:,Zrobst nnd carried.
netition was received fro al,rsid.ents of the neis:)horhood or
ban dose Avonne,hetween 7a1 nnt and *MIllow :itreets to ha.ve an arc :1-iht installe5 in
said no i»2 Ordered referred to the Itahlio 7tilities Committee,
A. protest V;cc received from E.11.Jnster,et al,aLainst ti:ornnLI2 of a franchise
to an railroad to lay tracks and oal,erate a freiwl!t line or Clenent Avenne. '-rdered
X= 4 -I
A cumsnica,tion was received from F.L.Tanylor nrotostin tbe one nti-nA' of
a franchise to a railroad co; eany for a riht of way over an5 alon Clement Avenne.
Ordered filed,
comrmeniention was received fron "S'.E.LcLauhlin exrlanin no; arks that be had ?lad()
at a moetirs- of the Za)ith bin:] which had been held to nrotsst
erantini, a franchise to the railroad com,an-,v for a franobise on Olonent Avenne. Crdered
cane up for consideration and on notion of Mr.Probst seconded by is.r.Gee,the flayor put tlae
Question,"2hall the Resolution be adonted n t,withstandirs the Mayor s veto",and call of the
roll the Resolution was adopted by the following vote. Ase-:Councillson 3rown,agagnos,
Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (G). Noes:Councilmen Christensen,Bullock and Noy.(3). Absent:
I L.Borden presented an application for permission to more the buildings now located
on the Thompson Property on Higde treet to the south side of I'acific Avenue between
and 2tanton GL000ts iNr.Loop moved that .permission be granted,seconded by Hr.Fisher and
earie h oy the folloTing vote.
Goe,Probst,Fisher ard Loop. (9).
0:Councilmen BrownChristensenMagagnos,Bullock,Noy,
Hoes :None. Ahsent:None.
Lan.N,ullock offered tbe following Resolution. and 'moved its adortion:
Resolved, That the City Auditor be ana he is hereby directed to draw a warrant upon.
1Vi1nicipal In? rovement Fund o.8in favor of Ivy I.Borden,Executor of the last will and
,!:?sissnt of Robert E.Thenpson,deceased,in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars,sane be,ng
the rurchase price of the IhorTson Tract for Park and PlaysTound purposea;and which anount
is hereby appropriated for said purpose.
Gin warrant to be delivered to tbe payee naned therein upon the aelivery 2 a ar.00d
and sufficient conveyance of said property to the City of Alaneda,to be approved by the
City Ilttorne,
ifer.Noy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the followine vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Brown,Christeusen,Lagagnos,EullocR,E v Gee,Probst,Fisher And Loo (9) Noes:
1)0111, Tone
The Auditor presented a request for an extortion of tine until November and in rli.eh
to extend the taxes in the -rolls. hr.Bullock noved the request be granted,seconded by hr.
Gee,and carried.
The Clerk. presented an affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Painters in
the matter of painting,parering 10 Rile basement of the City Hall and reported that six
bids had been received. The sane were ordered received and opened and weue read as fe7-
To: s:
John Yoritage
A.E. ,offey
Geo Lovesrove R Gorl
Lait & Rose
. c avanaugh 590.00
Lr.12robst moved that the contract be awarded to john Heritage lB be lowest bidder,
on his filing a bond in the sum of ,;,d100.co,se00n3e0 by Mr.7isher and carried by the follow-
ing vote.
Ayes:Conneilmen Brown,Christenson.Ragagnos,Eullock,NoyCree,Probst,Fisher and
The Clerk presented affidavits showing due rnblication and posting of Notice o dl ree
orh inviting proposals therefor under Resolution of Intention No.724,and reported that one
Lid had been received. The sane was ordered received and onened and was read as fo77ows:
m n
m - ,
Fe s•
From ,.n.e.,/
For nix-ineh Ylre
Ron Slx-inch Y Branches
For Manholes,emplete
54 cents rer Linear Foot
50 cents Each Extra
'0 00 per earhole
the bid was accompanied by a certified check in the sum of r.:1130.COtard thereupon Dr.Ohrist
ensen offered the TolThwing resolution and moved its adoption:
413 0--a 0q4 accaJ Y 1 iL ao4SaTqs-a::. uT p040:4,T.Ly-3ao0
-oo:a1.00 os-u0 T4. 4-nop A LunoT aa0J al4T'ao40u-13T-p opTs.u.% aT soqonT z-Ts'a0:Aos
00TJT,T4TA'poz-BI2 4IBs 04.44%0 p%es aT .qacm f1J“),I; :,JT:A0II0,7; 0114. :E0J.
span pae 2--:B000suT. poiBoS i;,sa-BIoop plae IpolacJ0'06I ,aorio4.00 Jo 1,.1.Bp
•q-GI uo O0 OS uojo TO 4:4; 01,11, Jo IT-')1'-cto O11
0Jop1; s.41 -p0Aou 1.)u v ao%41:110so oq4 p0a. Jo uos1J04.s%J_Im.J: uoJu
--AoJo1.1.4 pur .4sozA0I s-em rLI 137 xo-tv J-0 pTeL 0q4 :O[4 DowoJoa acsouT20 ,::: Q
q'aB s4ao0 og
4)ood a)J s4u)ao
o4,01,34100solo-(413-71 •oL
o TL[ soqouB ,T,O;;
0u-xTr:! aod
00'c-TLV „;(') liaLS 0:14 aT OO1JO -p0TJTwoo 0 T010 J000B :JS-F. Lioad
eicUT" .TOT
•01:;d s4uos
!lood a'lc: aod i-34,ao0 (3-T7
o4o-LjossoIou0T 7
oTj seq.013a x :1:0L
qou%-xT aod
oo*ogi-::: Jo 01145: oaA, aT puo4 o P poTa.1361o00'e ao;q0sTz.d'•,',
*GToqu,"(7 o
tOT cznIr0
xeo01T,7 aoJ s4'uo0
045 IJ,,)100'soo1u.;37 a0d
soa,0a13J.a x qou%-xT7: „Tod
qouT-xl-c): aod
(0 0[' 0 uu.4 P0T-u:ejli.00013 4 a131ee xo17 HO01;1
se peoa
pou0Jo -puB GJMIA 5t5 °LEL, --104ua0 0ad I. O00 p101 slplq oBaT4 4B114
po,4a0JE, -pae o uoT4a0,4ad JO a:oT4nIoso: aopam 01ojea.1011.4 s",..-esoJoaJ. 40oo-.4
Jo o0%4O il Jo 544.sod. puB 05041e011,cad anp 2ali,Aoqs sn4TA-ep%,-4.J13 Ip04u00901 d: oqL
'6).jnor-j- puB „7osTd'4sqo1jcoo'fo'q00-p,:ng'5oC'oosuo4sTaal.:Yula.0aL a0,)5.-1.%ou-:100:sv
0q4 Ls po )B pua; possBJ JuB Zq popuo0os 2U12, UOT:18LOE
dB,:r.slAoa'saav Z.-ETnd B.-pa:LB-Ey 0q4: ST
sop om4 J0,1 Go 001 p 11401 J 04 paB'T_Tou-no sq4. J0 a00 p 044 aeou sZop oATJ
010J ZIsao00Tjs1t00 -011301v 0T4.4 Jo os04oJI 4s0(71 o po;ooaTp Lou sT oqz.
oicriumpz 010,.T 00.0,K ;Tod
72,a4_1 T4.0P E%OSO og ooqoa-ez7 x 010d
400j a0100%,_E aBJ 2Q.0100 1:,c3 ILOUT—XT7 ,TOLT,
04 011J uo 010Jo1044 a% 1OLJToO ds 0501014 oqq. 411 ao,4oa0q4 Jopp%q oic-Esusdsoa S.Iu0
a0J 4001,441'00 0q4 apaviAe Z.cioa0q4J-000q 4aBd 01 Op131, 1 p0111
04 poaaoJoa S 010144 10%qh1'4%2 p-res :qaoTo Z4T,o o44. Jo 00 TJJ0 0q4 u% oITJ ao piau
391'11 ZaBoo'B-po,TB-Ev J0 ./)!4% 044 ,TO 050451101i 40 pa-con 044 4 101011(15 p0 3404011,4 40 [.101
piao [p 40. 00u02po00-B aT po40fta4s0o0 ot p0'loo40104 -poi; SL4001 4ouT-41[3To puB Jo
—ACci puB sloop 010a% 40130 4440 410051101 yLoTaq J0 po4,001450100 04 II-aqs 00Io1[u 1„:,T1;
[4 .011 114401 430.04(2, io5%
—11 JO %TT%000010 04 401 ono pals onvoAv 0004 u03 J0 010000011) .2 [01 1011 0 oo'4o0;z42 51010FJ JO
401 o000';10000 p%130' J0 0u1I 0424 140 po400-5s42/1„:,x)0 oq soLoqutial (4) o0001p.1 412014 .00a4c
4040137.7 4201 0.010.J 0202 001701010 0 SuTssouao 0144 40 p04001a40u00 C 04 0I0401111 0aTI
4.q;jIa. 01 T o.).)aa-_ciAv osof vac:, 4011 40oa:- 401104 Jo SUTSCJID 04p4 4:1; 01-01queu 404404010 004
000004 OSOp u-(;) 010 0s-03 4011 !4010a4,:, i44%01 4300142' u011Ty6,1 p%--us Jo 2uTssoao oaL), 413 -po
-p%Aoad .01 4JeuToa00L se 4040101.r401000 0 L 04 oloqu'ea 13 04 01% 4. 14401 01 aT 40o,14 uoscp 44%0i:
0104 Jo 42 aTssv0a10 1144 4B 0-,LoquB I 5:04454010 GWL4 0084410T: uT uosT
Jo °up,. 0(40100 044 IL41-zi, 4:0oa%E.; 4.o.0111:: Jo ouTI J.:04uo0 oq(4. Jo 00140050(0421% oq; o; 4000(47
uo,02aTaLsBL Pt flooa4.77
[000010 .40 2 [014011. —1
oLr 01014 OIATI 41447001 11
s% 40001 40 4101a1011 a% /-.040n,-,E4,slo.00 0 su0T40000o00 oslasq 4no0[4T01 pue soqsaB,-Jal 4 400T 0(a04
soqouT xTs'ao:Aos 00045 aca% -p0Ti4Ia4IA'p0zBI-41130 41;ifiT,
41a 04,'440 a% 4000m 4000(411 Jo 111042404 044
13p%4 4001 54B5010a4 po:Bos posaBI0op Z.40%1401 poll p001Tze01o'poa000 'u42)34 '01040400 40 )Z-op
7d,ishor, Street with 7ashinston Street;and also in Fountain Street -In a rieht line from
a manhole to be constructea as hereinafter provided at the crossing Cr, daid Washint a
Street with Fountain Street to the exist nhole at the crossing of Ehcinal Avenue with
said onntain Street;niat a manholso be constructed a he erossin of Fountain Street with
WashinP7to n Street at the crossing of Bishop Street with said Washington , tret and at the
crossing � dams Street with said Fountain Stret.
The said manholes shall be constructed of brick masonry with cast iron to-0 and cov-
er and' eibt-inch walls and_ bottom and shall be constructed in ctccorae P.:Ian of
Brick Manhole," adopted_ by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11,1897,
and on file in. the office of the dlerk of said City,which in is hereby referred to
ona made a part hereof,herc'ey rejects all of said proposals except that next herein ment-
ioned and hereby' awards the contract for said WOYI: to Ala: Ia Plant he being the lowest
res-nonsible bidder the'refor,at the prices grocified in his bid therefor on file to wit:
For Siyeinxh Pipe 45 cents or Linear Foot
For S:ix-inch Y Ernnches 50 cents Each Extra
7or 7,ianholes,complete '::25..(*)0 Per :Sanhole
The City C7erk is hereby directed to rost Notice of this Award conspicuously for
five days near the Chamher door of this Council,and to -publish said notice for two days
to the Alameda Daily Argns,newspapor.
The resolutlon was seconded 1)y lir.Gee and carried by the followifig vote. Ayes
Councilmen hvoww (,7hristenseu,daapmos,T3ulloch, Noy, Gee , frohat , Fisher and '1,0 or . (L) Noes
None. Absent :None.
Mr.1.:oy moved that the certified check accomaryirso.; tTle bid of 71m fleafey be returned
to him, seconded I p T:er.Goe and carried.
A Bi_71 entitled "A Bill for Ordinance To Amend Sect-1(n of Ordinance 484,
Femllating the Ticense Tax or Teleo7raph Companies " introduced October 5th 3908 by Kr.Noy
came up ,Pc: passame and was read hy the Clerk. hr "o' moved its adoption seconded by
7NT.Eullocl: and passed and ado-cted by the following vote .
ensenIia,o.:anes,Thallock,Uoy,Gee,Probst,Fishor and Loop,(9).
Ayes:Conneilmen Brown,Christ
U0eS:110a0, Absent:None,
A -}11,11 entitled ill for Ordinance No. 0roat lep the office of Fire 'Larshall,to
fining his Power and Duties,,7conlating the Disposition of Ashes,7ubbish and .Fefue of a
CombviA,Itihie Uatnre,aad the rep-
Dange.T'ocs or unoectpi-d 1ulidim7s -0 as to Render the
same same from 7ire," introduced October 5th 1908,by 1:1r .Probst came ur for passage ana was
read bp the Clerk. 1:Ir.Probst moved its adoption, seconded by Tdr.Thallock and it was pass-
ed and adortod by the '0011 o"i op vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,idagagnos,EnIdl-
oc7,7:,Uoy,Goo,Probst and Loor.(0 ) oes :Councilman Fisher.(1).
Two estimates were presented foa tbe construction of iron snratia for the windows
Ac Police viLlice,one fron Antoa Fehete for two windows 8.s0 and from ,osep Ntackler
for VP .00 per window. Mr .Fisher moved that the work be pi ven to tes.Stachler,seconded
Irg 7r "Anlloch and carried Pp the following vote. Aves:Councilmen Brown,Ohristenson,
Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(9). Noes :Noce. AT sect
L7r.Noy,ahai-'eman of the Public Utilities Committee renorted that the Electric Iiifht
Department were taking steps for the installation of fifty arc li,cehts thronehont the
anC that all requests for sights heretofore presented would be given consideration.
c`4- adq7C0 „ to O r)
h the OaIdand Traction Company
was maintainin its roadbed and cars or the SanOose Pa enne and Ideth 3treet branches of it
franchise and moved that the matter be a,3ferred to the City Attorney instructed. to com-
mence proceedings to have the said Company forfeit its franchise or said streets and for
tbat pur'2nose to rav the necosary rosolutiens to rxesent to the Council,socouded by
1Jr.Gee an carried.
Tir.Christense-n Inoved that the .3treet .,n1eritendent be authorized to cont:Inue the
f hartlinc dirt fro: the 1,:ound on -riou,nd ;3troot to the 73ay 2arn Island 7.oadway at
tbe sare rate as is now bein,,f -1':aid to roior Cr. his contact, econded ly
and carried hy the fellewin vote. Ayes :Councilmen TI'rov,in,Christeusen,:jaaEnos,Thalloc7.T.,
atad Toof.
Eoes:iono. Ahsent:Eone.
ore heinze no further 1-,usirless to transact 46o Council adjourned until the next
reuJar meetin 1:Londay,7ovember 2111 1000, at CC