1908-11-02 Regular CC MinutesAD.JosBBBB .1BanLBAT. mi-cBTIno oF I COUHfCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALASIEDA,COVEMBER 2n8 1908. The meeting was called to order hy the ...ayor. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Bullock 7 Ceo ,and 2robs4 ,(5 ) ,were noted present and Councilmen Browu,magaguos,Fisher and Loop,(4) ahsent. The mlnutes of the meeting o Octoher 19th were read and ordered approved. Claire agaj'ost tile General Fund amountinc to „aG.5.78;a8ains1 the Police Fund amount- 24.30;against the Street Fund amouutiug to T,H166.00;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to :-4-524. 4 ;against the Library Fund amounting t 272.97;aainst Municipal Im provement Fund Uo.6,(Electric) amountin to 500 20 against IfInnicipal improvement Fund Cu. 8,(Lihrary) amounting to ,1:22.00 and aainst Municipal Improvement Fund e Farm is- land Load) amountins to c.i,2131.99 having heen an rove] and audited Tay ne proper officials were read hy the 01erh as fa:I:Lows: Argus Publishing Co. Bolo F. Califouric Oil S Burner Co Christensen,Geo Ir• Dudgeon,hasel Kreft,J.W. Mazzini,L. Coal, Oakland Gas a & C. Co 3E=X;1 PUUD. Advertising fr mranacyint for Octoher Oil f71.' Heater Services Auditor's Office If Tyr,ewriting Ref-and of Taxes U - -1 Services Auditor's Office o It Damer,Iinwood ServiceS Auditor's Office f 7 7 Pacific Ccl S Tel Co JwItehes Iedro,M. Deputy ronnd-mater feoulos Viater Co Hater City Hall It it 17 round Schueider,henry Stationery Le C ty Attorney Cr it lies City Cler"k Jail Treasurer rrinting 1-tfiid.1.0.i3Oirel SchwartsAnna H. :Hefund o Taxes Uard,T.E. Cleaning HBodworh Conrad, jhn noseas,,!. re:LICE I= Triv.voiiyloeo Total- o9.65 6.70 3.00 22.F;0 39.00 0,00 3.50 5.06 6.80 33,00 3.80 4.10 CT nn s.Ge .95 30.8" s 0.70 2.70 8.135 00 26.70 20.00 3.25 3.25 70.00 305.7E: 16.80 Se-avices Rendered 7.50 7117iirri, Jarison,J.S. :Driving Sprinkler 17:ngineer Motor 'Holler McConnell,W. Labor Total- 24.130 45.00 105.00 To ir n.es n Tue.,J0 Associate Oil Co 1'IrC -4-,7 7,70(,trio% :-oo..i:eotp1i 5„flC ,'' 122nn35TL-1.,- Co, 1-4 ,, -,,,J,-, 4 ., 1 - Ie., - 71 ----, - r - ,,0 ,, ...—. 141.11er 20.50 ;,ter S Cu . Coal 2i1 .C5 car 41'hlooL1 . Wc'',o Lallol' E.,nr herde.-ro.t "....aot o. La'fie-r 4.40 1..offan,l'Ili,,lo C. 21,a(-, , ..-1- 2.25 L3rc3e-s1o,-1r 3.00 l'..on-lsier,J.j. —aterl'al 11,10 Lar.,Tha11,etie1" 4..:un Arie 74.7C ,, ,, ,, ,, ,ic.41 n ,7).C,0 1- U ,, H tl-c,r11.,,fi l'.37 faoif-le -el ,F. Tel nefe '',01-1. ,70111-e '..4/14es 97.36 1..eoolle „L,ter Co "ator 1,cC ,, 1 v, 1.0C 21-01,14r,pr :..: Jor,,Cco 7„. 1,..5.141-v,o-i7 5 rn .■ ” 11 1,aerial ' --, , -, I- c, 1 ril r, -r— 1 , ,„ 1 c, .,,i. 5 il3f-H rciM IT.nn A,00,0° ,I if 11 t/ 4°6.04 H If H , 4r11.53 loweJ" --3roe "o.--efro,:ttico Co. '..:nt,el-ial, 57.50 ''..'.ol,_i')F.3-5ar:,-)o 10 7,,,,,,,,1 71,00 10.00 1:,...-.,..!11,- 'ions o.:f.A. ;.3,-,11io,',...; 19R.55 .,3-1.--oi(1er,7.er-,-- 1-111,ti-,-.L: 4-1.0 „,,,-,:r.71-2, 2,710(-L -:,,J) :rar,hiltor 2.35 ,I C,'or-r.ef_ liir;2 nn A e, T, II '17.77 If ,7 ,, ,T 11505 ,, H 44 i'na7717-cloIs 6.72 ,, " =4 BarYler for Torell Urited iron ',r7,:-.E1 2aor ,-,, r7,r, c "..,, Vosbur Co.,J.B. 4,.;-,1.-J-Tliece 45.05 se-t irwhelise E.L 11.Co. 41 250,20 If ii 30.90 ,, ,, ,, 1.70 „ Cartae .75 1:ok forwt1rd- 20.00 17'479.97 11Eo,Junu lurwtEru ;;;i41,17.97 nittier Colrern 00, Oil 42.77 Total- - Alaneda Free Lilyrary LIBRAE1 FUND. 52 0 7-70)pr0es ! 1 .T-4.44443-4 Eastern Claims Argus Ii nnp; Co t,ck Onnninchar,,Curtiss S.,: Welch FieldingG. Uewsra'rers Looks Peoples 7Tater Company Cater 'Robert„s Book caluelc.c. Vosbnrgh Co I es 6.90 Total- 272.97 1,N,12.[TCIPA7., TieZROVE:= FITND No.5,(Electrie) V;estInc;honse Viattmeter8 L.Ac.0e A n 17.75 7.75 157.72 6,C0 gg 0t44/ Ag 1.60 5.15 25.00 Foster C Son,C.E. '7) De, Ene rnullman,P. 7)01,10 -r1 yf mumITAL INIPT:0-VE=2 FUND No.r,(Lirary) On Contract MUNICIPAL =ROVE= FUND No.C, Farm island -Noae, f 7 V T Hanlin Look U 11 Rock TT Hauling COOL Hanaing rT T 11 77,7 74n0 453..00 27.50 2 . E5 r) *71 g gcs...La 27.50 90 r=n 30.00 or ir L rr, !=(toeoo rfClfll qg ET.Bulloc'Et moved that the clains as read be pCad, seconded bv Nce.Ney and carrl.ed the loTtlowinp: vote. Ayes:Conncilmen Clnristensen,Bnllocoy,Gee and 2rabst.(5). Noes: fon. Abserrlea!almen 13rown,'N.aganos 'Fisher and .1.1001).(4). A conlmnication was received fron 'The League of dalifornia Luniciralities statinF that the Eleventh Annual Mee6in of the Le :o wonid be held at aacramento fr.o1,1 Nevenleer 17t7 to 20t1.) and i-nvitina t'ne Cat. Officials of Almneda to be present. (Ce'red tThJ Tietiti,on was received from ,J.ilnYoun to whor haa been sold tile 01d fire house on '2ebb Avenne,requesting that he Sc granted an expension of to day8 time on his contract to move the buildins. Sr 101- noved that he be granted until and includine 'Naturda-a, Toven,l)er 7th in which to renore tihe huilain,seconele(1 l Cr Yea and carriea. A -petition me received fro le the California Girls Train:Ina Com locateJ at 520 coln Avenne roTostSCa that the City furnish p wer for about 12 electric I iJto. Yir.2robst oved that the sane be referred to the Department of Electricity with the reccamendation of the Council that the request be complied with,seconded by To,Yr.Geo and carried. A communication was received from residents of the neighborhood of Peach and Madi- son 2treets,protesting ai,:ainst the granting of perni sion to move the 01(1 fire hose on V/ebb Avenue to said neihborhood. 1:1r.Probst moved that such permission be denied if asked for and that the petition be filed,seconded by Mr.Cee and carried. Thos J.Fine presented an aprlication for a Rratuitons license to sell from house to ',ouse a toilet article and A.h,Take Tireseated an apTlic,uion for a gratuitous :license to solicit from house to house the sale of a medicine manufactured moved that the requests be „c7„ranted,secondod by rjr,Geo and carred. A communication was received from the Pi ard of Electricity requesting pernission to install a pumping plant and pipe line from a point on Encinal Avenue just east of hark Avenue for the purpose of deliverine fuel oil to the Electric Light Plant fromcars,to lay the pipe under the walkway of the Park and to place a concrete tank in the ground at the north end of the Park. Lr.Irobst moved that the request he granted,seconded by 'hx..6'-ee and carried. A continuation certificate of one iciLel...tv LA-ea:tun:lent of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company covering the surety bond of henry 7.Wichman,collector for the Muni- cipal Electric bight Plan in that company for the en;: of 1000.00 was presented and, or- dered filed. The Board of Electricity presented a report of the Municipal Electric for the month of ::›tenher,1908. Ordered file-, himself. Mr.Probst Affidavits showing the gross earnins,of the Branch of the Oqkland Traction Cos., road operated under Ordinance ho.26,,„and located on an Jose Avenue,im ha from October lot 1907 to Z,teptember 30th 1906,to be ::,n1529.08 of which ,r,),;[) or ''''A°T0 57 141 11114' 'VIP City of Alameda under the terms of the said franchise, Ordered filed, Chief Yrauth of the Fire Departneni; presented estimates for rerairs to the 'dire House at Court and Jackson 6treets,at FTherman Street and Chestnut Street showing that the nroPosed repairs would cost about Mr.11oy moved that specifications be prep- ared and advertised for senaratel7 don each house, seconded by Mr .Christensen aud carried. r.Probst moved that a committee of three from the Council be appointed with power to approve such specifications an; that on their approval the Clerk be directed to ad- vertise for bids for the proposed repairs, said. bids to be presented at the next moot Of the COUreil L " 'dovod -r 16 h,seconaed by Mr.Christonsen and carried and thereupon Councilman Christensen,Probst and 'joy were arpointea as such committee. ", Street Suporlhuonaenou Iroduen presented reports showin,r that the work din of nraaks of -posissg, macadanizing and otherwise inprovina; :Buena Vista Avenue from the western line of rand Ctreet to the eastern line of 7ehster ,Areet done by Hutchinson Company under pr vate contract bad been corm,:leted to his satisfaction ana inaccordance with the plans and specifications for said work;also that ti o work of Prading,macadamizing end otherwise improvin the northern half of Buena 'lista Avenue between the western line of CPrand Street and the center line of barn Street done I y Hutchinson Company- under. 7esolution of Inten- tion 70.721 had 1nen competed to his satisfaction and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Joseph ;Aackler one of the pr rerty owners ana Attorney Lir Church representin nroperty owners on said street protested against the said report. Mr.2rohst moved that action on the said rerorts he laid over until the next meetirz of the Council,seconaed by :dr.Ciso and carried. A communication was received Iron the flamed a Chamber of Than ore; stetiu that a Committee Thor their body had waited on the Oakland Traction Company and that the Com- pan'y had assured ',V7/# the said Committee that they- woula istprove the service of their oup-L u upvipup-oN O uopsuuaed: aod, uolupploJ u popuosaaJ 1,',Ivaulcao0 op:Jrcol:3%i aao-q4uoc -L)oanao puvu oupuonuad so -xvp Jo puoa,6:-ud olLp a,(JJ ,34 oop.,1.oL Jo uopapoptultla oup 2upthoqs uy uo poouid CO QUU 1:OUJOI4V A7appu, ogp putLoaJ,Tu sua Taco, -Dp177, JOGI aGque4do'U Po's013J spooaps Ua4,IGO auAo auf,ipua 'opapouie Tau JOJ OSTO,OU'aJJ lAul-„Lp 2uppuvaS i7Juuvuppao up 1,1:4 cJ ou'ouopap,ouvi - oovouuoJauJ itaJaf.ppeJ oTp acJ'a7paans AmdNo2 .„7apean7 ospuu-uaJ oucp Jc-) -UO-F:Al, 0114 1I4TM 00'000C JO M-0.2 00,;:l UT -pOtOg. 1)0100OJA Aut3AuLCU„) Oi41_01;:icL OLL, *-,z)o-Lap peaeli)au uuu, Lpouuo2 cucp Jo 4 „Ilv-poulu: pului pe%uouGavi: puu so-ulpiviJappuauf ueopaGuTv Jo an:75T3ori eqp UUJT peAp000a uoppuopuuvloo D'DITJ 1)0a:0Pa° popuesead: sT3m sosodand puctoaid 1)OCE: Ott d aoz pos'eqoand pulo 4,Duap2 gOpil uo 1.4JaDJoa4 uoojulugl su umomi a-aodoa ..)1:Lp op oipp Jo puliTuvpsv uv A4uuoc zrpoTxcaLv JO 017.1,1,000 6 013(1 ;rod jo 1-1721 aogpa up popzoopa Lua)og 213q 1000(I -09TpJ peaepao -guy, nopuoc -Gad sum sosolaflj UL uoa2R73I pu'a aoJ rpooraoiv Jo:14pp GuLp 4. pios Du:0 1-1,Goap7 1:154-11 uo pop--aocI 'CO o4.o CL ,oug puoL Jo pci acyp 04'poTueoefiuos4rovEr,* pao(LTd: Jo ap-opsH O4, JO J'00,J1U0O0E: Y4Ct OIOU'UOTE0a".1 00C p UlOaj pi,Ject s,aopuoox:J. uv 'po-tpd: poao-pao -1-:vu1,7'poLpuesuad tUt Appo ppuus op"apeureIv Jo R4-1,2 alpup up 1.opa4. uaJ r uo 12.4aajoad uo2J:azoq7 eqp sr; umouq pulo-L Jo -,- oqp o!.-1:ouspou'eaj Jo ,44u-aoc, pe Appc @T.]. Jo Ilanoo to400 00 4.; up'peovuaoauosdwou pa@cloT Jo 04314. Jjo',1400. aqq- uT ITTL uT jo 0OATO1 ILIpacucpav aopun 041:427 4.O' 4. 04.7 SIUTULITTUOD 0004) UTY Jo AJoo p@IJ44.i90 v 12@001)00. .sosoJatua pu-uoaStId out' 4.0J JOJ AppJ aqp 0. posvqoauJ sum qopqm GUUGAV i-oupo 'a P'3 4.00J47 1-a,p-iaL Jo aeuaoo -00L 4.00 eqp '2jau pop'auoI .i7alaadoad ary- t^} 0TATI Jo fi-cmapsqv u:a 4004 0000 oTLJ, :poq,uooad utA'0u07vuoc poTvapsqv aouLoov:, eqq„ ,620 up-uw flakuId fiaL5.41 opappora -LudpopunH ogfl, :A:4).-10c7 4)0047 -24.y,:E Jo apps psve °atop -4)00- 0171. 04 37 0-,13L 4. 40 C (.)1 44 JO CO0VCY JO -4. o4.t4tOC T V (41 00% pu,u ae7fLs4id'sou4 imoau uouvppumaoc,:vosqv .4,07:sacn„7 (c1)4si0ad puu 007 ATT:-:,lool-Lua'ucizueapopau 004440UO02:00,g7 AC-40A 70400 440j agp Rat 44. 0000 1)013 GO1rJ'A ILI pc) -pu000s'pufpu-aa2 Oa, psaubez oql I:ace peIpJ eq 0044% 40 ouLl gauTp DuAow 004% 4401 plues pv)puosGad po-eavoo Jo 4To o gppm, 00000 000000 up puu 7u04 ue4u401a7 vaaaaluv Du, Jo u0 4.003 s4u4)0 GILp op ou-a aooupua 1442 ou, Jo 0000%: 0%J -pur; 000 L44) 00Ua4'J000-C up ouop v.-)q op ataoa ppus oqp Jo -1I-o'ulauG00v 00313 04a000 Jo uu-pl: qfpaou 04. puu 000147 uuzua u1,3A Jo ;Dun 44t00. 0q4 uuompoq pueapu 0% 4.00 oAcacTvip 004000 :440: QU'C ozpaupuouallu'o-uuaS o7p osIv:anuoAv u-Looupvi Jo aouaoo 490.104q,no1) 044 U0 11007 0.124 raoaJoaoqp 2upp(Tooxe'onuoAv u-Loo -upq Jo uupi Taauqpuos O4 Tala eRUGAV II-300T0O JO OUTI 0J'4L4JOU O4. 4 La0JJ 4aDO01. 4utUO2 00000 -ulup oswaelppo pu:u 00pu0 u300 '03e4. op 04 4i4%-0004' pa:ao Jo oupI uJa,:aps,ue eqp op 4Wa0I uqp Jo oupl. uao4ane OUI1, UXOJZ. 04 '00 oAcaJw:p usprAapo -pus ,IpualS'auatos 4. uopsspulauJ ,?-raclupsGilua RuuJuoc uusu44.o4,1 DOJJ poApoo-ua '8a:A ':0 4.40 v uPO;JX00 PU:O JO 4(0000040.: 0% uqp 204904'ea OD Tuloa Ruflealo Patu'a!,!1 Ro, popuofluspuoa t:ipuo Jo GopAaos oqq, pu u . .at p v. „Tapp 4o,u13 '44' (('0: "0 uoppoz.,,aJ, puvIToo 04.4 flaupp pUIO 2:IOOUL OtA; JOJ JOAO pieL oq a@ppuvl oqp p074 4.00 2.100144 44)' :4.4 ovp Jo 00.0' (0': ig!al uopssuo"PP 00044107 aGpJr, -0u -vs sSuppoouoaJ Jo ,,'Ia)uvuopu-eu Gqp op uo-cappsocido up ipouuoc 00444 posoea-Hu 001.: 00( 0002 LW" uc aouLA.o. S,,!paVioad up-upauDo :3u44.eGaJl00) upz-ApL. 'op plluoa ,cUJ,1-UT1o2 (0. pugivl op su Ipoulaoc 0t44 -puss! 7ul7JJw04) uoppo-uaI aTlp Jo eA-1-,a1a4uosuavi -aa su '41 :7)00. 9pv42 Jo '40.0 44.) up Ipoudoo oqp 3000009p003 aeulNui444.o0,!J .400u04u 'opus so 024.40u-ea4. : sp aolduqu S0l720:17ulo;:, vT'us L' '301) 004 _ 4i LL U,44. ,4..upun a° .y007 J. IIT 11''.,-(141-4,a'a LET I);„4 ua,.( c. TMOIICa oL4 J(7.1U- 0.L4, GrAl rd'oJT11, 01U1', oci. (s3-,4 qr2,T,I(A -'7!) ) COUU 4J.:(7,‹ 04, ,,0:.;7.:101.0;1. jc jo „is .° ;',c,4c91.:mJL (:)ouviL,),,,Lco J1. p,,.;14.0n..142',.:0 pTi,7 aGo(Av.. oTTL uT po:t.ona4op 3.0A0c) ,U17; Jo2, uo„1:1: 1,TJTIA 27,0T,T(.1, 47.1-7;(ATooau: ;C:.)-Djf:;.7 .7UP:1;:30,7.0 4,:f0OXZ ;“-C4 ,.((.0aj L(T.- 4,00j. (j,; jC :ZuDa.,:;a414'po G-L1:0 (241. 0:4. YL.,T, :AC11(:,,T - GUCAIJ' Jy u „;:o o,L(;. 1.T :',1(2; :-ui0T4•CI.Ye 04„1 ( joo.1 L)u.(6' 'oqoA 5:aT:Acu:oj fTT (J01411-L0oJ *To 1;1:f1 VCOU „1( o,t4 -oT,L3,aoc) 0(24 GA-1.PJ -U. «000 ,,VT1T1d 04. FJ; o 3*1407, 31f4-uo-ja7 eK1:: ',2r:j=r10 12LAC i;9;,4qaJ „G.T,I33_Sh'0U T. ;,44 1,12a -0.f.)G.A7 IL)U 4 2“(1.4s Tx (4 17:15.olE (0,7; 5-4J,Tqazqz.(.) 1J.L001.:CEI7 1J:=oa;s 12;L3 JC uoT,4-13 maJ -ut.c(4 4Jr, “T, 7,1LoaT--t) -4.7q1,73ip :(T J70p YLA-oi2, @AA- J012:W J-0 IT0uno2 04. J-0 0o4 L;,-(34 413 ILulacj. Ci4. Q0.7.04.J.0 ;1;2i CIA UCY44. 3 04. ,:i:c1A0 p3 T, SITOA 4. 21a04III(DE4!o, 31.,)44)(JIE) aTolL:;. Jo it(IS'( dLC, J0,(Aoj JO u0T4I15.4 0.4. J.0j. o D2 ,