1908-11-16 Regular CC MinutesjJ
O;CO-'2, L O'c "ZH57, OF
li:oth 100C,
eal7eC to
itt,e roll r:ao
.yra Toote T..coe.ot orejl Tho-eotIon Tt2ovio(1)
itiorcuteo of t'eo of ',1o,,:ed_ot'i' Coejl wye ?ea,7, e:o6 tio-yro -oo
Clai-n'ci az io,,:)t t'ee -oeQzo7.,
the 7i2e 7ot:1 L'i,.,000tite to -t.5::."5C:*oalot no Zolie0 Fo.n5
NY:000LieeL -to )"'5{3:aa eJt To:fovon000 "2a1,,.; T:oa6,) aco.nto
17n :::1 ?old aai..t the 1O.nio 7o,Cf. _ire) "eooioL "oecC,
Moj t'h tf-ot oro;s:
2ico7oe-J2 21Coit,o
1'Z:201' Assoltet
;:tte:r1io- 7leet Co,
..:71)isieL :To
'oh T:n:!J CToo ao,
of Int.7C
Sr If
Ito-A.not JJ
Sajrler 7rois
Z,..moleet for-e-rd
Total- -
}, 0
7i .;Cle 7:sorai-)ss 2.05
:Jtatiorlor;.; 2 18.7°
Lle;;olo Lo-airs
LO0kS 1-50
Total- - 15.2
2CLL L7:1- (Lay 2ar3a Isid T.oaa)
Total -
LU:71)-11AL L.2:07I.:117s,ZT
h)r,7e1lo3h: tho olaims lao 1,oid as readseeorded 1 9 arried
the follew-i-o vote, Ayo3:2oc-oe,17J,,oe Thri1tee3ei,ha,-,,:a1e7clos,7),to_iloah„
er asd L;- (U) Ahsent:ovsneo,.1T:i,c-)1 7re1 o,
was reseived the Tolloc L Fire Cor:loosior 1)-e,comoodiTee th.ot
,e'ater 'oe laid or, Jrecad root frol-1 tho -ortherl terrcimoTs of the 7ater
oo said streetr,orthrl, to the cit,;,,,'s '''a2-!,.o- rd. f,,rd that a h:-
dro-ot he 1,-1,.iced et tho eor-laer of oaid e)treet ao,d, Thereent ;.er).-e,„e aroa a sinle
sed folt of the Throe-ratio's 7erd 7.27i2;d'o,or tLat the erh he
d'ireo:t. to aadress a ta the Tooles -),'ater Cofeiar-y reTc,cstio t-Lat ioe)h
))eod iastalleaeseaed hy T22.232 LOT car:eied
c_teerc7o-rietiool leas reoetved rclo the helice Flre req-clost , the eeeeil
to achot delrect t1 TIcr. 2c dvertise for h112 for 150C;
feet r re .: ' , :, h d d -5 th cati a
aireete he
to aavertie for 1-,:)ds for the hose as rocr,„3.esea,see;o-rided hy aLd (st,rriod
1v the Tollewirs- vote, AToc:Ccoeils-ror 91 1' -,:2 -y.:0 fe:33 ,ldee).110e1,L000,ire1 st,
,Fis)her aod 7.rev,m,(1),
co'ioee,e,oe,ati,a-a) -eresei;ted h-,.,- the 1--. 2-0400222' :1' 201100 23 1.relyoro tr!deyo'e,
write up the same, Er.7iser moved that t'Ngranted the authority aZeed fer,econdea
by Lr.Dullock and. carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensenyliagagnos,
Bnaloe61:,7Joy,Gee,rrobst,risher ana Loop, e).
ZR)es:Eone. Zusent:Couaoilman far'
Y...%Hellv Presented a petition for nermissions to move house frow the 7orth side
of an Antonio Avenue 100 feet west of Chestnut -treet to the sonth side of 'Jan Jose Ave-
nue 350 feet East of Chestnut e3treet. Accompanying tile petition. was the written consent
nf ad,loieing property owners and a bona in the SUM of o as required by Ordinance IT°.
sse ,:roc m
terser oved that the request 1.-.e ,wranted nae
,aocod I .: r."6oy onCi carried,
A emainconication was presented C.j.hammend requesting the Council to endorse his
anplication to the 7ar Department f oto to construct a wlrf_nrf and landing pThee
in front of his property on liarrison Avenue on the ean:al 186 fot from the Eastern lire
of Dverett Otreet. Ite.Fisher moved that the request be referred to the T6.ayar and thaat
he 're reouested to endeavor to ottain control of the sot': side of the Canal for the Irene-
fit of the Cityseeoraed hy Er.Gee and carried.
Chief 71sourth of the Fire Lerartment prosentea a written report that J.:e.Young had
naved the old fire house en the Vieb 'e :& lot by t t1 o re 1Tovember in accordance with
nermission given. Ordero d. filed aad the 07er directed to return to said Young the cert-
ified chech deposited by him as surety for the moving of said huilding.
A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Oompany statina that tey
would imnrove the roadway and service of their branch line on ..;an Jose Avenue and TOCH.OSC,-
inp that they be granted ;If months time in wbich to make the proposed improvements. Teir.
3 i O ovot that the request be grantea,seconded hy Lr.13oy and carried.
The Board of Trustees of the Free Ii1Jrary presented new specifications for steel
staelts,shIf ving etc for the Library,and thereupon Mr.Proost moved that they be adorted
by the Gouncis and tat the Clerk he directed to advertise for bids for ft Irs the work
in accordance with the same and in conjunction with the plans adopted therefor June 1.5th
190B,seconaea by IS.r.Gee and carried hy the followirs vote. Ayes:Oouneilmen Christensen,
EaanesBullocI7TThy,GeeErobstEisher and Loop,
Toes:Uone, Abset:Councilman
The Committee arpointed 7ovember land r prepare specifications for the repalrs
to the "T9:'tor :"l houses presented a report accompanied by a set of specifications foe
t.dhe proresed wroy6k ana a',Led that their action be confirmed. Mr.Zrobst moved that the
action be anproved,seeonaed by Ter.Fisher and carriea,
The Cl-r' presented. an affidavit showing due rub11cation of notice of the said
wer",a and inviting prorosals which was ordered filed. He reported as 'having neocw;ve
If for the same which were ordered crooned and wer found to be as follows:
For e'lelltion 'I .0, (.Therman Otreet)
From Eisley and Atwood- - -N05.0
Erom Haraen 1. Ynrigbta - - -U04.00
-From 7Im "aufonr- - - S1100.00
For 'station Zo. os
4 ne
(,nwu sr(oeu)
1j1(3112. -
From ATE Dufour
From Risley t Atwood
:110r Station Uo.5,(Court ,1 Jackson ate
From Risley Atwooa- -
From 'aee Dufour-
For Station 3o.:4ebster If
From Atwood.- -
- D_163.co
- :*1330.00
,elored that the hids he refe-ppod to the oreDote7:. 7,e):)yittoe atd
'Mr:id:el:es:1ot to roiort or tho sarle,seaorded I.s-ollst and eanspietL
!e: to:" 'y a7,-roniretines thut ao are 71*dt he trotall-
ed. at the c r orne of -,:facord aad 7oifto I
1r.,hrohst Yeved that tho sayo
"aa :referred to ti,e De-nartant of Llootrtei y ond that oaid Loard af he reflteated to 1r-
stall 211011 a 7.1.s:ht ard a7 s.0 a fire 1,0X In tLe satd rnorhoodi,seeorded hy T-2e.
'doe and ourrioCL
F. rdt roserted as arrTieattoa fop a Ilicirep itoense at a01:
lteesso let
ttaahed to toi-o oatd
erefdteatlon trPnoforred all his riCot,tit:ins aa-1 J the "toenee to said
2,:e.jazardt. fary of the aj oattas au/a hora was te Oit
novad that tia u.irli3attor Le L;seurtad,0000rded l d oarried the
Jo- 51: dhrist.orsonLaaos,
,171.sdne4 .
and TooP,(5',. .s:71orc, Aas.ort:ConnatTyar 7rowo,(1).
5.A.Iffehor neontod alophiatir tr h7 a 1 7c afor te • rso fy 57flTP
7a-rIo „treat to 7547-1545 Tale 5treet lo--1:: the ootth-woet :s-" -a 3f Trinoola Avostaa.
11 1:ay moved t"at the roaroo!: he Evantedseeorded lay 2.)5haptstrsor and
rrroattr o r d o: ia it wta ha arttoead pr
at - t T h r anihedo,
ot to
eo eae eeevefreayp arlar h on 1
the arro-r-al of th3 so--1-.- Thiontss1o5ers 3f ,1aypaar1s
::Intioht and 2.2-ei)olaroy hr.:7ro-1)st moved that the ,,us-,re ho referred to the Canyltttee
3f tho 7fr ard ole,soorey :,o2 oareied.
The yat J:ot Iylont th T: J-dtter :tr rertdo w r!o,s,ae-
ada-arlinL fma tooTrovtloaa 7ano 71.sta .av)one fe, ,etront to oater etrcet
y "futohinsar icr;)-1-_,aty oortraot and thd worh of ,)radtsn.raoodantozola
erd rise i'as the north haif laera Vista .,Iveone :irand to :ars
7)7 ientehttean Ltroet :dor aus..-ti'- of latantfor 7.3.777 cacp fray the 11-0t
T000ttro: carp an fo!' uoton, Zhe eer-
tatr yearrerty. w-.. h 1ottd gr•in oytatee f th erhralso horo wr a s o e w ,.Joserh.
'1-saairaer ote 71y the rrotestartsL.r.""Ittohtnos and others --rd thore-aof.)or 1.-Js; l :Loved_ t
that the ro-opts ha aoee ad ard arwyoad.sesondod "y and eorrtd hy the folionoie
Ay1::notraaff7er55 7iptutersot,i-a,(taroa,Et17oeir,Zooe 7rahot,ishap und Loer,(7:
idaes:Lore„ Aisseou.000aalaran
rrasented a roost for ar extersion o ter days additional tiya or hie
eont-raot to oorstrtet a sower ttder 2o50l)1tIon of Iatestior o''C-1I55 was as-
- t peiteflart alond ter.p iL5 or f oifcor d he traet arse hoos c.hristersofered no f,ow-
ino rosoirtior nsc'l no-sod nereas peciaest has heor Y:ade and u-nod o14553
therefore arrourir,:,
that the ;:::tret ;tJaii:ertritendtent 13 and ho to heroh anthortaad ard dirot-
a to apnnt ten cortraet for the rerforyanaa of ,;treet 02 Is
to 0.-2.2ishor as his contract to constr-r.ot a so-;ca L•asticTh Toirrace -asader 2esolutto
of intontion 75,72C rrovtded that in so event Oils-TI ary 11731..tts aaertr 1-II rrason there-
of aoainst s,atd or offteia7s.
The ressintiot was saeordod are" aJorted by t7-lc, foTlowtso 73to.
G'etrail:oa Ciricitereon,-a-e-70o,7-11.oah,To7,(;ee,7rohrt„itcler and Iool,
'i,;ort;1orto17-an Th7lo(1).
,iroat 111erinterldont 1Prof'dor .rdrc32 t'e Jollaet" 5573 stated that t":2o, _aatherr 7aa-
ift2 iloYrary (lesired rorLiss1on to toss' 11 tie rend:ray of tie -ohote :Toad for the
raYlase of ao.rtat- ardor:Torre; walroo a' 3110e of t7 ore tiTchs sThere 1),:,e3
crossed ti.e said road near the norther7s1 end. Er.Fisher moved that the Strnet
veusot, oe tod L;JAasit, e.-cenissi0J-1 -Goo wor oe ao:se -11.rvAer na.H stapervis7',or,
hy hr.:Geo ena carried.
:tr,Fisor -!Irotve,1 nat the City :,. ineor ane. 1t Mt orne 4-eke ster, looh-lc, to th
orenin of j.nantlinL:; Ilves west from Stz-eot,sesceod hy ::trjarohst lost by the
Ayes:Cou.aciTh:a Fisher, Christe-rwen,Ttaanes,
Blallook,7oy,ee,22rost atal. T7)o:1)().
Ahsoot:Coancilnas Erowti,
TAr.Ielsost i,]os;71. nat the Tit FoaLineor 7tty .Attoroey he jirtel. to tabe tbe
'necessary Tee1t1ns to tbe cc -4a of Ttenent Aven-eo : tcc areet to the west-
ori: e-.;c:tret)ity- ef AlaneaseconJed lir.1:Laffcoos and oarried.
'Ar-AaazoLos Love71 that the Toraitent
I e reqneste,1 to f-Jrlish the
arnor of Co::Ipan,,o G of the Uatfene7 G-o.7::,m,1 wit h. htfroosocere,i hy
A co=niaatior was reeeite,i froTn Johr statit'..F that he ha0, in00=0,7„ time
the the :Dah:"islY1 ?ro'otIon O2aay frrni3h" the AlanoCta Aneas with cAleotri and
-1 : t - r ti tlot or e inveshe s ar eqesn a ,aa
tr -
reforee to the feitz7 Attorney.
oco-re,reirtioe woes froe Ta-,Faor roeo-!.tasejitart the -;o.ssae of OrCi
nae en ;sl_nnaer eto reject. a tho oharaeter of acti,-: cc; ana CO E:irl a -;eDwal ca,7-
foeco A000.asoiela the ocrentreto,atioe was tho cc -c an thir$,inanee, Tho
was roferreJ tp the Goseltteo of the h1 o7e,
T -,-cnl ko ha3 noalt14J8 'hra o fih-D real . itte o wn , ole h , o te Diers tn.:
!TL 'fU Lcct reootort.oto that th,o, eontracto he ara2W as foil-oleo,:
To haor:; 004.0
To Jos.Eernar- - - 7nestae.t "fleose 7o.4
Atwooq- - ;Mart
Te I'.it'oeley Atwoo,7r - - aohst-:tr ,;:AnA.Araese
5-r, that a::tahTe horols he rocfoircei c-» 0-- that a71 'wo-J.G.: he ;ore trna'ior the s-a2orieioo et'] to
the ir fa r 1 ler,art]oeAtoti t lf 7re .,
ir.Trohst r:oveC that a .1.-Joso astalt-t,one to ef the aneor'ot of the eoetraot he
ee3. fr,-.,n the !.-2,nr-:t.rJo:c :--oh oo,itra.ct000tre:hel - Of
.Lios.Zrohsf: that the ocratracts he 'tet as reconweeqc1„the vvor-r. to he coiltr,leteG
ia wor1' (e, fron the te of ser.e,oAG that the ::lerh he dirocte,:': to retero the
the nrsaeesf-n1 ti,lsaeooeJeC lir,Ohristese-o ars1 the,:
woe. Ayos:nJo,JeoiTa,e:: nrietelseohreowacrois:,-F,O. Geo-_'2rost71sher ho.-.eorn
•etreet -.rooattafi e rs-f:ort to, tho offl- tht oe-rtair st'xn.ot
e the -neoe fhtTlr oonstrato to hia e.,..e'!_ostt:oestiaor t",- 'aof
ofthe oe„ thr'sef itTed ' fr fl then ee,r A oet A orJinao
of e Foa,7-
-Certain t;treets:i tro,i.ncee.1 7oro-a,aer loas taoee for aotioe
,-. h: the 1erh :t h t s ar e(Ci wa re 7 , rte yo
TO-r„70,,. eel.; olleaf.aieo,'i oot- the foljowioL vets. Ass:Soonoeilrea Glortstseesee aos,T,-ooeh:,
ito:Jes,2t2rehst,Fisher e-
',Joec:Zees. dasealt:Cecot3iThane rewa,(1).
;J7t1 of h0 G17-hoar1 s no.7 reeense
tht o ih iaaThe,- e ow sne ator e h ane ronw.
W?.'P of the ',:heTe
Thero ro °U0 'Y h.esiroos to tre...'efot tho Threroil a,7:!orrta-:1 ie-171 tle
res.:.e7ar 7.7('