1908-12-07 Regular CC Minuteswor
] jO,,1, OF
ALIF,1;A;L=]:= 7th 19CG.
To3 oa to 3fdor -1-roTh2t
no roll ,".:FroTt (L)
c277 ,of fr..,ov:offHr
to -n
()-o,tfr:::: to :, ti,o 2tret to "1etri
'fl r,o2(3) to ::7R C:27 !'rfoft
7-m,O to 43L 7 ".,71,41
FiltrL CTcr.
c; rY1 71—CC
',o2 77 7C
. ILD:7 C,T3C
C;cD -1.1c:ad
iiLL2223o-, ;.J .
Lccaj-: ic,2.1er Co
444 ;4;4 '44;4 .4 .4 2 414 41.44.:4 114
1123.22 7: 7
4 7•
Co C.15
T ,T , 09„C-5
,'o.e-.1,c ,'.''. '..,o ,7,,,22 .0Le.f.;)1 62.G5
'otal- - ...-....rnc", -,--, .1
- %. , - ''' ' ... . ‘-- ;•
ii O; . - .:. 2
.i,'..1c-oleda Jtales liorc f2.:12e 1 .0(1
Ass.ociat1 Gil Co. iCil e25,24
If Ts 1062„'2; • -1-..„.,,,,,,„ :\,--4-., H32-.;'::),',..ii"! .i',-.0
*P.o„.1-4. of -....:5!ec,city ITIcijr.,,rtE-71co 30,5T
C'n.a..fan,-?.0,,,c,-12: 'C. ,..22,,J4„2t r')i-, ',„,12, -,.--21-,--n-r- 2.50
:22.1eot .„„"1,,L-2.,0 72,07
i 05
c.a '27.111-,712- Co„,C.-'2.
C. 0. i'r:airfLi;t“..°E.A 11:01:-.1;::u1 '-''.63,41.71
.a :L.
LollocT E.or-.2..oc.: co,
::a111 :elver,' „-],rci-151.: Co 5,...,1_5
Li'..1.,1100 1c21„42
alo,!. ''''''-'7 '2C1 Co ,027.or,T):ore 5-,c--t7-.. 12,15
]:roollef,-,, I:ate. Co ',;ter 7 , CT)
..aol,....:.- 71e,....t 7: :co-1 of 4 :1..2-!::i-: 7or-..7.1.t ,c,:„.00
,.. -c ..,... ro
-„:17:oJeL-Jacri.:,o-e, L Co. F,ced..
0::100 1,,o 7]0i2 ';.:-7,,,.01 , .0.,-..-1,..4-1.,,„i 4.40
2 50
iCterai-,-1:' Elect Co, Jo.1-,:ii,..:
,T :, U tt 10,1,',)
:, Loest 1L-is 10,0
11 If 2
T , :, -ole
,,. 425.0C
--*1•1.efo 274.11
i,,:e il.:c2o. 2:or'.5,s ',',-.oci .I3olt1:. (.-. .-.-,--,
foTwara- -
CP"-3n7 ?'13:71)4:3' T,Td "771YT..7,77 '77:7:77rr:
- - -
OC; VV7 'V
61 6
the A-x,'ihitonts oerftft(Inte aecor:71 wit11 o o)-1-t)ora,nt,c.oaJe,,7.
m.y the fo)171n,a1 t):,
lsher Lool (C).
frH:. 21nt for the roath of
Il.to eq.7ae f:or a Jrattear, t) „:;eoil a T_,r,-ctico)-,
, 7)icere to .ra,3tiee • rea'.7tre ao(l.
•• otoo to :7i-o. of
-777717!07o that t 7
3 :-71Tht4_C) reoeivo fro: 're 7f.atea. -n,Etat-1 the:s ta5 -1.7
at.'.7orHttar Jo:Te o tter thotr )-ratr Cl o -n-ftT:erlz-)
ea:1 of -reet T7:2ro,1 f7-11o:77.
4.4 555 7 -o71- flan th.o Tof of ;ttira thet e r. , a
77 ;:lfota 1olo froe to t1e ioo -t of DOft rr ;.o ,e) Ln t7onT
vrattroot7) )-)e6 '773
7,e reoirto t f- l 002-Ia-o "'ott o7C-t yttho-nt t S. L,,$ to thoa rr y 2s ro ) a 'Ss L.-.5 c
Ynoo,trt -e.::.,reeoe;Thr7;
ao.:eonaioatio- rr71
t7oe Z0"PE; of 4ea c)) ?..:)...eeoot of to
aeon o -lohr Jm eat E ; Lr •
tlft tho rolaa!:.).rt ara7; nr:orto:.7. 1);- tho
f: ;t., 7 (1) ,
71,r! .":.-7on -fr l-rct
-ffao r-th for t7. -ryn;-' 1)o .5 _S5 e 5- ti t000
Too:::to on tho
nf ,).5 i)o 2o7-fla.,o oe72.
1-or 77.n r:e of t7,n 72.7to .7ort
Lo-ane ar/ recin-1:
-5) 7no re:T) 1)e -.t)te,7,aeolte
:),areEento-1, 'r afft;7)avit .„-)heyto ,Tho -o7.-loatlor of .vo-rts., :et cof
, z ie1
ocolonat.ti 2te roro7ft(71. tloat .4 .5 4,1 3.. atao 7aa(7:1_
7 Too )rero oLe.rel an,1 oe follvvs:
"De aceo trf,.ef7; .177 a 'Ser'e' 1 cT)echr for :::125..no
a5)7ZroarE!.e1.7) fect 4 74./ter -loot o.o.
ort 0o.,ae5)5) -oTao)ieci loz. a nortffioC ohlech.- for aor'l
1f:035.71efir 7rotftl: Jao7-,et foot.
1.o1;f:aF-D7-7, " r•r foot.
Hose Ijo.,ao:corTario,7 77 cc.r.rtiftec-1 oh,och.: IS
7odo'e 5-15)71 ' 72; “:).)1. foot
"1 3,,.4 jac77et teor root
Bowo2- To7r7o-2. necoyamteJ 7T a eert:Ifiol (31•5) far
5)771.tor 7.1-.)rad r 00j foot
:7)elol.aree o' 70: fnot;
rer -fnot
;c-'x nortif-le y 2Cen
1 Ll
SreCial Of
From J.E.VosbnrEh Co.,acoompanied by a cortfied check: for ChS.co and sample
Zenith 6,1./ per foot
From Gutta Yercha Rubber "Nna.Co.,accomranled by a certified check and sample
Underwriters Brand C 80e' per foot
PI bid was presented by the Pacific I nd :Mae Sarply Company,but as it was n ot
accompanied by a certed check as calle0 for in the advertisement it was not re-
:ir.Christonsen moved that the bias be referred to the Police Fire Conmission
and the Council Committee on Fire,Water and Police t.) report back to the Council,se-
conded by Mr.Noy and carried.
The Clerk presented an affiaavit showirme due publication of Notice callin,w for
eroposals for .Y6eol 2holvin and other Equipment for the A7amoda Fro brary,and re-
ported tat l comPlianao with the same he had received four bids. The same were
ordered opened and were r(C as follows:
From Librar7 Bureau,Inc C,;,190 CO
7rom Art Eetal Construction Co 2506.00
7:rom The General FireproofinE , 300' CC
7ror Parcells -.:;fe Company 2CCC CC
The sane were referred to the 7:cal-a of Library Trustees who) after consideration
recommendeI the acceptance of the bid of the Library Burean,Inc.,and thereu-non 111r.
Chriptenson n)VI that the said Library Drureanpine.,he awarded the contract,seconded
1)7 nr.Coe and carried by the a flowing vote. Ayes:Cou-cilmoq Christonseagagagnos,TM1-
1aciT,70yGoeDrehstDisber ana ,). Noes:None. Absent:Couectlmse Drown.(1).
A conwonication was received from the North L'Ade Improvement Club accompanied lry
a set of resolutions protestin aainst the strantin of a franchise for a steam railroad
or freight Tine on rile:tent Avenue,whIch were rend Iderso maven:I that tbe
sane he filea and tah.on np at such tine ns a franchise miLht he asltea for,sec6n00
and car:ried, Theron:non Yr.Probst mcved t sd
d -
communication to the cc ld Cl nb atatina that so no franchise had heon ased for
tha 7onnoil could talto no actionocconed by IC r.Ges and carrica.
A communication was received from the Dnor accomronied hy a coreT'-clmeation fro
Tiout.Col.John. 31J6le,Corps of -
lueors,UPC..L.reardion the lens-io of property alsa-ng
the north side of the canal hetween the farh. ';,.treet and Prnoinal Avenue bridspos. Cane
wore referred to tne Committee of the NIele,
A communication was received from the ror the :improvement of Harrison
ilvenne locisbnle on the lanal and the construction of boat lanai s on the canal. The
same was referred to the Committee of the Nhole.
he natter of the app ent ' gdet end FT onmo Nri .N.Lcianny as
mershers of the Parlt Playgroun Cc mmisslos laia over fror the last meeting was tab:
op and 7.r.Noy. :moved. that the appointments he conffrmeA,seconded 1::hy 72,,Eulloc7n. The
Roll wes called and COO 311d Td.eaganos,Bollec Joy and Fisher voted Aye and Councilmen
0' rid and Peep voted No. Councilman Brown was absent. President
Loop declared that the tropII ntmeots not having boon disaprieroved hy two -tiras of too
'N: all that the sane stood approvea,ana confi-reed.
ifec.3n1loolo moved that the Dow ..'Acan Pumr C,'orTcs he granted permission to raise the
grade c Na 'fest side of Cal: ..:ftreet opposite Blanding Avenue,som,e to he Cone under the
supervsion of the -Ctrcoot 3nnerintendent,7 ineor and City Atterneygeecondod hm bbr,,
Noy ard carriea.
i-n I..o27itlor, of Inteiioo,.
£1 o.o of ,3onstroe.tio,Ef', to "-"troot to
ifo f.troot to 7Th,f.fo"„rr-f.11
-oo7o.o ro:)20Tt,tio,-. of To,t,2olt'ton
Yot',,4,loon to
LvO. -e nort7neri:, 71,i_oo of .ofoZo to -ho ncf.eo-L-,7,io[-: to
if-Hation of t'o, tto of tl- Otroet
7."„,Ge Tho
frolo D.:tf_f,111-oso-o. t'ont tt,o,
to t'oe t'oo of t
oor,flot"; 5 "o:tt
t"-o 7ie t'oe tio nYl" f.P
of t.to 77.ort: "oo 7'L:ootod to .Thso toc, 000rn-f:o.
o.n-zio -nfo, f°7.7"o,oio -ooto
-onoo onffoc To"flo,o ""colotioo f-o*1
to 77oa,,o oo7
o-n to T-Hot
71tvifiEH7. K
ff :,- 0000 4-id o(.:
L;c at iLtf1;o t 'o o- o f rt
Thar :7
-41(ot 1",r 1r- (.-of
L.,troot 771t'L t'naoy,'7
oo.otoTh ft of
; - ttl ot
fon o
2-t-root 7o"o nt-i-o p4' r- j to of T to _ „.olte
t714..o Lo.n." t,ot r'e 7.cf.7-: C & - 71%
of of t'YT!c,7,
"of ;, fo"TowinL- oto,
,c-2o)t712 o:1 T-,offl):
Tine fr.-to
t7-con t"lo ttJ
cnr t'o of ' i Io "ono ao Lo to ,
"nraol-,o,,' at looter‘,7f.. of f[-o,et ayo" witho-1.1t
otrot lioe
of eo7Listln:o4-_ f-ot
t'Ho o'opci-L- f t3 t'
at "oo :'- 12 of -:Ja7lf otoot
' of:j 7o1:_noi2 of ',.oL r,od
,T t7, o filo t'
;irso,,t oo
nio;". votE.
o-2.7-zoq .!t2
t cf
nJ 1,fm a,U2cYL:
610n- cif •
-L a
D I 7
5 -
07 7.17-,
f7r U.1,I 7
t- 7:CC:„
f. U.; `..,; f'
!":92727:17 .VCi
71 of sr'j 7feL.
, ,,
LT r7y 7'1 71-1
Corroidlmea Christereen7,aeae:ros 7allech.,70 .airodst,7sher ard Tece.(c
2.7 0 071
7,r,.2hristersor offered the followin h.osointio and :.-'070:7, its adertions:
h5,2SCLV".:-ao„That the 71,,,ons Ofecificatiors fnrrished tho City Thaincer to
Alo-;eda.to this 7orrci7,for the fodd.wiro: :Ctrset worh t he done ir said cits,
rev:soh:7n: That salt --er-ial--:ed,ritrified iron SenTrr,17..7 irches ir inside dio otor,
with forir -inch "7" hranchos at intervals of 25 foot and horno corroottorri,he
constructed in 7noinal Lrerres, -,rrie: the if-resort ot tho crossiro: of "larh: _Avenue
therewith,in "sht lino to the rresent marhodle ot the crossin of Tdc,rent atreet with
said A7:erae,ord thorno ir o riht TO t to
ssi,p1.--a-,:la et the orossiro? Of
way with said Avenre;that a manhole of Irrici: masonr7 with cast iron to and cover and
eisht inch war lc ‘3)nstructed in the line of said sewer midway between
Broadway and "I'egent "„tret. 3aid manhole to be constructed in oeordsce with "Plan of
Brick 1Janhole" adorted 1)y the 50ard of 7-:rstees of the City of Illareda,Oanuaru 11,1897,
and on file in the office of the. Clor of said City, ic la r is hereh: referred
to and made a part thereofjender 7:FLesoluttor of Intention 70.728 adoented "In7 the Muncil
of said
cup "Tovenheln 2-rd lcTC,he and the cm' aro horehy ado:noted end ar-ersved, And
the dlor
is directed to fi*le tho so:o,
Tire LO- lstte r was secorded hy .lTrCco and ado' use:, lorooronL. vote,
corroilmee .ThristenE:or,Ilasaoncs,7ridioch,T,e-,-,:,,Jso,Irolost,2ishor ord Loo]:„(), roes:I.:ono;
Ah,sent:'Coracilear 7rowr.(7)>
ir„nr",.tonser offered tho fol7owi-fra 7csolaitir ard moved its ado tior:
oC apyear to the satisfaction of this ouciltat 'desolation 0 7 Triton-
tion 70.72e for the con'Ir of cor•trretina. a sewer is "'Theirs:" A7-enre hetwoca ch
ard :"eroa,dwar ie the City of Adameda,adetd this Toanc11,1:overhor •nd hoon
Ioosted ord aceodir,:: to laward that ro dopIT. ohjecticro to the doirs of said
worh. 7r..121 "c:Pe tho City dlerh of said oi'67.
d017-ht te --faJhlic ond -o:-;oe rociaire ond the do; -Pd of
71,ty of Alameda herehy orders the fol7ovirL: dmosr-ihod Stroot worl:. to he dc in said
irL. to tho aad srocificaticrs ado)::tod thoreforrame7ry: That a saditiloas
itrified iron-stre sower,sise inches is inside diameterwith foareinch
ches at irtorrsis of 2:5 feet and withort hcase aonrecialsorsie corstrected IT -fnciral Ave
orre from the fresert manhole at the ol.csir of .i.tar7:: Atenne thela-uTinr,ir a riL,ht line
tu the Iceosoot marhode at the orossi a. of :cr-;ont Street with sold A-vernec
a riht lino to the y:rcaort •a:oh ,le at the orossi of 7d:roadway with said avorao;that a
-marhoTh -f hrieirs -masonr-y with cast iroe to: ard cover arid oi-ht inch walls nrd hottom
con•t-ic.e dire D said, sewer ridway hotwcoo Hroadway ard r!roct,
said nanholn: to he corstr-roted IT sccordareo with "Ilan of Lric adoi-ted hy the
Tcard of Trastoss of the 7ity of Alam,odo rrar:: "11,17,amd or f"le in the ofi of
IT- City Tlor of said oitslevThich rlzes ino heroh-c s1yr4::
7n1 7c-rh o i Ct- i*rh rt to thress'"ofo twdf ths i s oc:dieco • o n r o a
in the Almeda Laily ard aslated - this oity
wtec7 is heschy desij1
stood for that reorroso Tdo 71.2 directed to rest corsyiero-ely
77OT 0f td 7 doid; rti i rh wit e k (7OT so sairaro ees of so wo
ificatioes irvitie sealed 1,ro-iesahs or hids doir the work ordered
rotiue of said worh sraTed for TO the worh ard
to tho seoifeatisos T'st-d or or file,alo,o for two day-s t* the s--td Pr IT:: hal:h.; Are
roweroior herohy dosiorntod for tdot yntioso, "d!oth of tho :2-i d rot:ces :tall
it a o.'.eTtit'il ohech o)-o 7°.Th errsorihed is aed for ar ':r. ;t not
Jay of kooeulor,10C8,es the day hereby acsiarae on which np to tke hodr C o'clock
saia prorosals or bids shall he received.
fir.Qes seconded the re:solution and it was adopted_ by the followina vote. Ayes:
Councilron Obristenson,7Baaanosylfllock,Tdoy,Cee:nrehst,7isher lfoop.(17,). Lapes.riene.
Abeent:Counciann.n Brown.(1).
A deed to tbe Taylor :state place nt the Conthwest corner of aen1rf.,7 Avenue aod
ILLL.hth trost fron the Executors of the Last 7,4:ill end Testaesent of L.Taylo
dU ceased received sate havina L. Vi with tko County 1ecorder of Alaneda
County in Libor 1474 of Oeeds raE,:c 314. Orderod filed.
certified eery of Order Confirrsin ',Sale of lleal Estate in the natter of the
above :Deed which has beer recorded in the office of the County r.scorder of Alareda
Ceonty ir liher 17 of Deeds peso 7,C0 wps received and ordered filed.
A contract end hona was rocotrea fron, John Leritasao for. the oh, of 7tinL: the
bases:cent of the Cit- Hll, Ordered fiaea.
A contract nnd bond for the werh of reranapreirtin otonCtation 7So.'d7, of the
Fire Lerartnent 'canted on akeran Street wee presented free, Harden J oriLbt,contraetoro„
Ordered filed_
A contract and bond for the worb of rerseri etc.,Statiou Eo.4 of the
Fire Lerartment located on Chestnnt :,-,;troot sas received frot Jos.Bercoare contractor.
Ordered filea,
Costracts aria bonds were received fror Teistey and Atwood for the work- of renairs
ins,pcintie etc of station 0.13 of thn Lerartrent l000ted en Court Street and the
V , -
rtnt located on V) _I-3 Street.
a fle a.
The Clerk IV 'V,, nr the nefter cf rrintino of the Charter statino that be haa
ro 'sne copies on flan and conld pet nono froc the Secretary of State. fbe notior was
referred to the a:intl.-et,: coveaittee,with power to act on ration 3f fr.Cee,soconded
7facassos and crried_ by tbe -Collo-is vote,.
foulloch:Loy,Ocopfrobstyllieber end Leor.a). Ahseat:Councilnan ren„(7).
The ,VV VV" of tbe roconanodation of tbe Taece,cr reardirE 41:0 rasssejo of an Crdinares
esadesie- slander as s-plied to V wonas of zirl a ren7 offence was tahon ur aud ibe cos -
nunication ordered fasd,
hrEfrehet irtrodneed A Lill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance fuo. fo Ler-elate the
ond otherwise deallre in certain f2r"1(1,-
band Articles- which was lnia over -ander the provisions of the Charner.
Ar.Lrobst introduced A Lila entitled "A 'Lill for OrdinanceBo, Asedirr. hrjel
nance hy saainc now Section thereto to ho desinated as Section to hecinire
the Closin of fool,Biltiard and Card Lecone at aidniotd,which was laid over nnaer the
rrovtsions of the harter.
r:Fser introduced A Bill entitled "A Lila for CrrChla-1.0
ulate tbe Traffic in Liciders and ,Wines by AeoendinL.7 Section I of Ordinance BO.167 so co
to 7.1e2'Vchihit the felivery' of the Sate in the City of Alaseds weltbont License,which was
laid over under the 7.71crovisione of the Chrte.
1.7.r.frchst irtroduced A Bill entitled "A Lill for Ordinance Lo. Fszoine sl-4es
Cl: Sfficers and Hfrl yeses of tho Fire Lerartaert",which was laid over winder tbo rrovi a
It of the harter.
The 'flatter of tie conilaint ronardioL the cfnicrlyirce of electric rower to tbe Ala
neaa ArL:ns ky the Cal:hand Traction Coelaid over fron resetina was tchen up
n -'