1908-12-21 Regular CC MinutesADJOU=D REULAR =TTI:G OF THF, coo ii o TITE CITY OF AIAIT_EDA,TUECET= 21st 1908. Tho meet in urns called to order -5-7 the 'layer, , The roll was called and. Councilmen Christensen,hagagnos,Bulloci:,1T y, roBot and Loop.(6),were noted 'present and Council en 7,3rown,:jee and Fisher (3),absent. no minutes of the meetinr; of December 7th were read and arrroved. the General Fund amounting to :125.61; a gainst the Police Fund alteunt- ing to :138.09;aginst tP,o Fire Fund anounting to .646.77; anainot the Street Fund amo ing to 2477.40;against Lunicipal Improvement Fund. ITo.C,(Bay Farm Island tinr to ::195.30 and a,-.;ainst Euniciral LLproveent Fund IT .0,(Parh and Playground) amounting to 536.03 havins boon approved and audited by the rroer officials were read as follows: =RAI FUn. California Oil aurmor O Oil for heater City Ball T 22.00 Crocher Directory , 9.1 ii U .:,.7.Directory for Treasurer 6.00 Dorman, S. , noon Jos Perry Den-y Pmindmastor 50.36 Budf;eon,I;asel Typewriting for City City 4.00 Gardner,U.. Glazinr; 3.25 Garland,C.Th Disinfectants 11.50 T:erata,A. Removing garb go City Ball 1.00 Strom,, Carl 7. Electrical worl: :Co ice Office 1.50 Tschicli,J. Locj:sl.j.th worh City hall 6.00 Total- - 125.61 TfOLIOE FT5,11. Argus Publish:in Co. Printin5:: Furey:F.1'. PuTIT Potorson,C.A. Bic7,-cle Repairs Ro.horts,S.h. Laterial 7',3 Labor Schneider,eo Expressin ;chneider,henry ;:tationery A Printing Shively Dros Bicycle Repairs Shreve C :arbor Co. ,arurroues Cervices otal- 1.00 20.00 5.95 2.50 2.50 16.7 74.6(..1 12.00 36.09 FIFE PUIM. Lrjus Publishing Co. Advortisins , 16.50 l'oesch IaLr O..) . .hairs ‘'c 3.23 Code,John R. Services 6.00 Furey,2.Y. - orairs 6.45 ,,a-,L.T. '1 9.50 T'Ioni,::shoTe-0, - ,.)ulies 3.20 LuBBon Bros Feed 58.34 'hiller L Co.,.A. L5,z, , .. 174.83 Oah:Jand as Li .0 Peat 0 ,D Sas 21.42 leo:Iles atter Th. hydrants C: Cater 256.25 Yhoenix 1,,illirp; Co Feed 23.38 Rhodes-Jamieson A Co. 30.30 Shivel7 Bros ITeFairs .60 Jkelly,.','am ,Puri,lies 4.65 iterlini; Electric Co tf 12.22 Amount forward- 4 627.47 ZfLitherland s Pharmacy Vosbu-or:h Pagner Bros Westall,Chas Medicine Supplies Hauling Coal Oil STREET FUND. Amount forward Total- - 627.47 5.95 2.50 6.00 ,6.77 Alameda National Bh.,ass Peoples Fater Co Cater 726.60 569.20 212.10 539.85 Betten,li.L. Hardware 18.30 Teaming 84.00 IT T I 91.00 I I TT I f t IT T it U 80.50 Clark & Sons,1T. Sewer Pipe 3.60 Golastone,John Distillate 5.65 Hammond,C.J. Driving Sprinkler 47.50 McConnell,Wm .Engineer Motor Roller 18.00 Lesser,J.0. Labor on T:.otor Roller 5.25 Reichard,T. Sign Painting 53.10 Union Machine Works Elacksmithing 2.55 Total- - 2477.40 MUNICIPAL II7ROVT=T FIEND No.6,(Bay Farm Island Road) Schumacher,E. Hauling 195.30 MUNICIPAL IMPRO .ff,MENT FUND IT .8, (Park & Playground) Lubbock,Oswald (City Tax Collector) Taxes 536.03 Y .Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by ME.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,:::agagnos,Bullock,Noy,Frobst and Loop. (6). Noes, None. Absent:Councilmen Brown,Gee and Fisher.(3). Mr.Bullock moved that the salaries of the e:Tloyeos of the City be allowed for the month of December and paid prior to the 25th of December, seconded. by Mr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Loop. (6). Ayes :Councilmen Christen t.n,1:1 ,Probst and Noes: None. Absent:Gouncilmen Frown, Gee and Fisher. (3) The hour of 8 o'clock having arrived the ljayor state dthat the time fixed for the hearing of the arpeal of Hutchinson Company from the Assessment of the Street Superinten- dent in the matter of the improvement of Buena Vista Avenue from Grand to Paru Street under Assessment No.791,had arrived and thereupon the Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of Fotice of the hear-Ag of said appeal which was ordered filed. The Mayor requested that any one appearing in support of saia appeal to proceed,whereupon Dwight Hutchinson representing appellant addressed the Council and after deliberation Fr .Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas the appeal of Hutchinson Company from the assessment of the Street Super- intendent in the matter of the improvement of Buena Vista Avenue from Grand Street to Paru Street under assessment Uo.72l,coiniug on for hearing this st day of December,1908, at 8 o'clock P.M.at the Council Chamber of this Council and it appearing that due and legal notice of the time and plaoeAof said appeal has been published for five days and as required by law and the Hutchinson, Company appearing in support of said appeal and no one appearing against the same. Now after due deliberation in the premises from which it appears that all the points vised,it is therefore Resolved that said appeal be and the sane is hereby su tai ed and said assessment 1To.721 together with its warrant and diagram are hereby sot aside and the 3treet tper- intendent is hero : instructed and directed to make and, issue a new warrant,assessment and diag;ran in conformity with the conclusions herein set forth. ::r.Lagagnos seconded the resolution and it was -passed and adoted by the flow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,I.:ag'agnos,Bulloc,U y,rrobst and Loop.(6). Hoes:T'Tone. !sent :ouncilmen Brown,•ee and Fisher.()). A report was presented froh, the Department of Electricity for the k11icip7L, Electric Light lant for the month of November 1:M. 3ame was ordered filed. A.G.14awrence presented a ::etiti on for a gratuitou,, license to do an. expressing bue- iness using a waon. drawn by two horses. :::r.Probst moved that it be granted, seconded ey .1„laanos and carried. The Hart Heat & Power Co,presented a petition for authority to dump on their 'Pre- mises at the foot of Chestnut 'treet a limited quantit7 o± garbage as collected by the scavengers during the remainder of the month sane to he used at their experimental plant. 1:J.'.Laganos roved that permission be granted, seconded by ilr.Christensen and carried. A communication was received frer: the City ttoa a sto tin that in awardins con- tracts for hire hose that it was not compulsory to make the award to the lowest bidder. the sane was ordered filed and thereupon a conmunication was received from the Co' ittee to whom had been referred the bids for Fire hose presented at the meeting of 2:Jecember 7th r- ommendinc7 that the Council purchase 50C feet of 'Victor brand hose iron the _Towers Rubber Company;500 feet of Invader brand hose from the Phoenix Rubber Company and 500 feel, of Underwriters brand hose from the Gutta Percha d. Rubber ::f.Conany. Iiir.Probst moved that the conmunication be filed and that the contracts let as recommended and the certified checks accompany unsuccessful bids be returned, seconded by Er .Loop and car- ried by the following vote. and Loop. Ayes: ouncilmen Christensen,Y.agagn sullock,Hoy,Trobst Nees:1Tone. Absent:Councilmen Frown, Fee and. Fisher. (Z). A certificate was received from J.E.Freeman tho Architect for the Fire House be- ing constructed on Webb Avenue to the effect that the first Pa,72„-ment of '1800.oe was due the contractor James ..Boyd.. Same was ordered filed. A communication was received from the fark and. Playground Conrcission stating that they had organized and had chosen Fred U.Delaney as President and that that they had ar- ranged their terms of office as follows: F.W.D'Evelyn for one year ;Fred II.Delanoy for two years and S. Bruce Wright for three years. The same was ordered -Piled. A conmunication was received -Prom suP: nE that the Park h ' ayground at Central and 71-ighth named Washington Park. The same was ordered filed and the suggestion referred to the Park h Playt ound Commission. A communication was received from F.Earriott complairin of the lack of we,' ilities for protection from fire at the south end of Day Street. Ordered filed and thereimen i'llr.Loor offered the following resolution and moved. its adoption: Whereas ,on the 1Sth day of Ylay,1008,at the time of the fixinp; of the annual water rates for the Oity Alameda,the Peoples hater Company through its duly authorized re- presentatives formally in writing p edged itself to commence within thirty days certain improvements in said city toward. betterind its water sup p and to prosecute the work with diligence to completion,all of which is enumerated in a letter of said company un- der said date,and nereas,of the eleven items of water piee construction mentioned., in said agreement but two have been commenced or completed at this time and in fairness to the people of Alameda the said umcompleted work together with other necessary extensions reasonably within the power of said company to make should have been made by now and no represen- tation having been made why said work has been neglected hesolved, that the Council considers that the said Beorles Viater Company has acted i-i . bad faith in the premises and invites said company to make showing to the contrary if it he so advised at a special Council meeting to be held at the Council Chamber in the City hail on Tuesday,December 29th 19CS at 7.S0 The resolution wassRaiPia',1'v Er.agagnos and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Liagagnos,Bullock,lioy,Probst and Loop.(6). Tjoes:Zone. Absent: Councilmen Brown,Gee and Fisher.(:-3). Llr.Fisher arrived and was noted present. A communication was received from the Chamher of Commerce recommending that if the 3outhern Pacific Company shonld apply for a franchise to operate an improved passen- ger systen upon Atlantic and -aement that the same favorable consideration from the Council. Lr.Uoy moved that the sane be filed, seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Baker Advertising o.making an offer of license tax per month on the advertising space used by them. Er.Eullock moved that the clerk be directed to address a communication to the said company informing them that .20.00 per month was the minimum charge that would be made for such space so used and that if they could not make such payment to remove their signs, seconded by hr. Loop and carried. An agreement was presented by the Library Bureau,Inc.,for the work of constructing' the stacks, shelving d.c in the Alameda Free Bub7ic Library,the same was accompanied but it was reported by the City Attorney to he not in proper form. kr.Dullock moved that the agreement be filea and the bond be returned for correction, seconded by hr .hog and carried. A communication was received from I.U.Chapnan,City Engineer requesting permission to introduce a system of indexing the records in his office the cost; of which would be about 4200. to 225. Lr.Frobst moved that the request be granted,-econded Bac- a'1109 1::r.Christensen moved to amend hy fixing the pay of the person employed to do the work at .?.5.00 per day, seconded by 1:.r.Boop and carried by the following vote. Ayes: uncilmen Christensen,l,ilagagnos,Bullock,Noy,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(7). :Toes:flone. Absent :Councilmen Brown and. Jee.(2). A communication was received from I.1T.Chapman,City Engineer recommending the purc- hase the surveying instruments ownedobyAheeiate- W.R.Poyser,ex City Engineer,b7,7 the City at a cost of about 25C.00. Lr.Loop moved that the City purchase the said instruments, seconded by 1:.r.Prob t and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Oh.istensen, klagagnos,Bullock,hoy,Probst,Fisher and Loor.( ). hoes :hone. Absent :Councilmen Brown and Gee.(2). The Clerk presented a schedule of all the blanks used by the various ents of the City Government. hr .Probst moved that the Comncii adopt the same, seconded. by Mr.Loop and carried. The Clerk presented an affidavitsshowing due publication and posting of Uotice of 'treet work inviting proposals therefor under Resolution of Intention T,To.727,and re- ,00rted that he hadreceived five bids. The care were ordered opened and were read as follows From C.F.Fischer Plumbing Hardware Company accompanied by a 'oond in the sum of o(D.00. For Six-inch Y Branches 50 cents each. extra From F_ Schumacher Accompanied hy a certified check in the sun of GO. 00 Fo ix-inch Pipe 50 cents per linear foot S 45 cents each extra For Six-inch Y Branches From Alex La Plant accompanied hy a and in the sr:. of (,ia20.00 For ix-inch ripe 48 cents per linear foot For Sixinck Y Branches 60 cents eaxh extra From Eutchinson Company accompanied by a bond in the sir: of W2,00.00 For Six-inch Pire 48 cents per linear foot For ix-inch F Branches 35 cents each extra From 1), ht F. Smith accompanied by a bond in the sum of '::400.00 For Six-inch Piro For Six-inch Y Branches i.e City 43 cents per linear foot 40 cents each extra, iroer reported that the bid of D.F.Fischer Plumbing and Uardware Do., was the lowest bid and thereupon Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution and mov- ed its adoption: 1.:esolved, 'hat the Council of the City of Alaneda,having in open session on the 21st _ay of Decomber,1908,orened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and hids for the following street work in said City,to wit: That a sa. slaed vitrified iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside dianeter,with four inch "Yu branches at intervals of 25 feet and without house connections be constructoa in Eibhard Street in a riht line fron the existing nan'hole at the opposite ternination of saia street with Tiocolo. Avenue,therce through existin manhole at the crossiu of said street with 'Pacific Avenre an' huona ta Avenue to the existing Tanhole at the crossing of said street with Thle Avenue,here- by rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the con- tract for said work CO C.F.Fisch r Plumbin hardware C .9 ne-ri beins the lowest reopen- sihke bidders therefor,at the prices specified in their bid the efor 6n file to wit: For Six-inch ripe For Six-inch. Y Branches 50 cents each extra. 42 cents per linear Foot The ;'A.ty -Ierh- is hereby directed to post notice of this award, conspicuously for f five days near the Chamber Door of this Council,and to publish said Notice for two days in the Alameda Daily Arus,newspaper. Mr.IN seconded the resolution and it was adopted FL the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Ohristensen,1;.asano.,Bulloc :,ProbstFisher and Loop. • Noes: None, Absent :Councilmen Brown and Gee.(2) The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of T;otice of Zahreet inviting proposals therefor under Fe olution of Intention No.728 and reported that he had received three bids ,the sane were ordered orened and were read as follows From Robt I'. Smith accompanied hy a Fond in the sin of 100 .00 For Six-inch Pipe For Six-inch F Branches For Manholes,complete From Hutchinson Company: accompanied For Six-inch ripe For 'Six-inch Y Branches For Manholes,complete 75 cents per :Linear Foot 30 cents Each 7xtra 39.00 per Manhole by a bond in the sum of 1j2OC .00 97 cents per Linear Foot 35 cents Each Extra -.00 per Manhole, From D•F.Fischer Pluihinp F hardware Co.,accompanied by a Fond in the sun of .85.oe For Six-inch Piro For Six-inch Y Branches For Eanholes,complete 80 cents per Linear Foot 55 cents Each Extra per Manhole c'ity Enineer reported that the bid of I'obt 3. Smith was the lowest bid and there- upon h.r.Chnistensen offered the following resolution and moved, its adoption: PLesolved,That the Council of the City of Alameda, having in open session on the 21s day of -2)ecenher,1908,orered,examined and rublicly declared all sealed Proposals and bids for the following streetwork in saiC city,to wit: That a salt-glazed,vitrified iron-stone sower, six inches in inside dieeeeter,with for inch 'Y" branches at intervals of 25 feet and without house connections,be constructed in Encinal 21venue from the present manhole et the crossing of I:ark Averue therewith, in a right line to the present manhole at the rossing of Regent Street with said avenue,and thence in a right line to the present man- hole at the crossing of Broadway with said avenue ;that a manhole of brick masonry with cast iron to and cover and eiht inch walls and bottom be constructed in the line of seid sewer midway hetween Broadway and 1,, gent Street. Said manhole to be constructed in accordance with " Blar of Brick Larhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the 'ity of Alameda,Janrary 11,1C97,and on file in the office of the City Glerk of said City,which plan is hereby referred to and made a part thereof,hereby rejects all of said bids ex- cert that next herein mentioned and hereby awards awards the contract for seid work to Fobt R.Smith he being the lowest responsible bidder therefor,at the prices specified in his Bid there for on file to wit For Six-inch ripe For Six-inch Y Branches 30 cents Each. Extra For 1.1anholes,comriete ,.00 per Ldanhole The City Clerk is hereley directed to post notice of this award conspicuously five days near the Chamber Door of this Council ,and to publish said notice for two in the Alameda Daily Argus,newspaper. hr. Noy seconded the resolution and it was adort a by the following vote. 75 cents rer linear Foot for days Ayes Councilmen Ch istenser,Eagagros,Bullock,Noy,Probst,Fisher and Boo: (7). Noes: None. Absent :Councilmen Brom" and Gee. (2). A petition was received from Hutchinson Coff pany requesting; permission to grade, curb, 'utter and macadamize Fountain .-Ar,et between the Notthern line of Sante Clara Ave- nue and the southern line of lincoln Avenue ,excepting therefrom the westerly one-half of said Fountain 3treet from the northern line of Santa Clara Averueto a point 120 feet northerly the work to be done according to rlens and specifications of the City Engineer and, to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Accompany the same was a copy of contract with the interested property owners. Er.Frobst moved that the request he granted, seconded hy Br. Lao:; and carried by the followinE: vote. Ayes :Councilmen Chris- tersen,Lagagnos,Rullock,Noy,Frol;ist,Fisher, and Loop. (7) men Brown and Gee.(2). 1;127.Fisher moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney prepare foes :None Ai sent necessary Resolution of Intention to improve the said Fountain Streetwhere the work VIPs left out in the foregoing petition,seconded by Mr.Loop and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill, for Ordinance No. Arnendinp Ordinance No.4Eq.3 by adding a new section thereto to be designated as Section is to hecuire the Closing of Pool,Bil- liard and Card Booms at One o'clock A.'M. ,introduced December 7th 1900 by Yr.Probst came ur for passage end was read by the Clerk. Lr.Probst moved its adoption,seconded by Yer.Loop and carried b the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,EaLagnos, Bullock,Noy,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (7) re\ Gee. ■r-_.) Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Drown Arid A dill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Co. )1ixing alaries of Officers and Employees of tho 're Department" introduced December 7th 1(.108,by Er.Probst passage end was rend 1 T the Clerk. came up for Mr.Brobst moved its adoption,seconded by Er. Loop and cernied by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen L.agagnos,Uoy,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (5) Sloes :Councilmen onristensen and Bullock.(2). Absent :Councilmen Brown end Gee. (2). ani_n,:eceivill.c in rledge and Otherwise Do tin in cort ain :econd-hand Articles",irtro- duced December 7th 1)C8 Dv 1::r.Yrobst came 1.-q- for yassae ard was reacl lo7:' the Clerk. Er . rr hst moved its adortion,seconded by Lr'Loor and carried '07 the follov:ing veto. Aes ,ouncilyen Christensen,EaF:a,cmos,Eullock, ho Absent:C;ouncilmon Brown and hoe (C) The matter of the communication from .oh t,7isher and Loo1.(7). hoes: uae Ea,yoi accompanied with a letter from Lieut. Ool.John Diddle reEardin the leasinh of land on the Alaeja side of the Tidf,1 Oanal laid over fro: the mcetjnr of Deco:' or 7tb came uT. The communications were ordered ylaced file, ne matter of the communication from the ::e.yor reardin the ilf,Troveent of the north half of Harrison Avenue and the construction of a landin for small boats in the canal laid over fro, the meetins: of Decemher 7th was tahen uy and ordered filed. Er.Loor moved that the :Park aa(l. Dla-round COMYiSSiOT1 he authorized to enTloy one man at a salar7 .00 or month and throe men et a saTar7 *.615.00 per morth,second- cJ 1)7 Er.Bulloch and carried the followin:, vote. A7--os:Councilmen Obristensen,::.aaF.:;- nos,Fullockrobst,Fisher and Coor.(7). Eoes::Jone. Absent:Oouncilmen Brown and qee.(2). Er.Loou moved that the dark and rlayrounj Oonnission be authorized to =rend for the fury:ose of :-.radinc the arh on Street,seconded Er.3ulloch and carried the followin vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ohristensen,ELgar:mos,Dulloch,Uoy,r'robst,Fisher and Loo-n.(7). Absent :Councilmen ]3rown and Gee.(2). A communication was received fro: Breed d Bancroft ,Real 7,stato AL',E) ts,statin that the Inrice of the 'Iatmire. ::'ropert7 at Euena Vista Avenue and Vialnut ',;treet v-as .:424,C00.00 and ashin what conclusions the aouncil had come to rearjinc:; its rnrchase. Ordered laced on file and therouron Er.hulloc1;: moved that the Council purchase the rrofert v for .24,000.00,seconded by Er. 'joy and lost 1,-)y the followin vote. k-es:Conncilmr Christ- cnsen,:Oulloch and Boy.(). Hoes :Councilmen Ea4::anos,1:rob,'tFisher and Loor.(4). Ab- sent Councilmen Brown and ee.(:=). Er.r'robst moved that the Clerk be directed to address a commnnication to the said Breed and Bancroft statins that the rrice at which the haywire Inro•rert-L, was now offered vats not the :price at which it Las at first been offered, seconded and carr-ied. There bein no further business to transact the Council adjourned until Tuesday, December 2°th 19C, at 7.00 P.E. City