1907-11-18 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED W A.R MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF A A:LEDA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th 1907. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop were noted present and. Councilmen Brown and. Magagnos absent. The minutes of the meeting of November 4th were read and approved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 20.00,against the Fire Fund amounting to 9.50 and against the Special Webster Street Road Fund amounting to 208J.3b having Claims. been approved by the respective Auditing Committees were read as follows GENERAL FUND Alameda Motor Car Co. Auto hire r '20.00 FIRE FUND Krauth,Fred K.,Jr. Mattheis,J.G. Pacific Hassan 7:aving Oo. Cash advanced Postage stamps Supplies Total- AL WEBTER STREET ROAD FUND 2.50 3.00 4.00 9.50 On account of contract ;2088.35 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims be paid as read,seconded by Mr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes,Councilmen Christensen,Bullock,Noy,Ge ,Prob t,Fisher and Loop. (7). Noes,None. Absent,Councilmen Brown and Magagnos. (2). Communica- The following cornrnunications were received,from tions na)5 Mayor Taylor in regard to Franchise for proposed Electric Railway. Mayor Mott of Oakland in regard. to the streets leading to Alameda. Henshaw,Bulkley and. Company stating that the ten ton Roller ordered from them had been shipped from their factory on the Sth of November. A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission recommending , that certain actions be taken by the Council regarding advertiseing for plans &c fon a new fire hOuse,advertising for bids for the feeding of prisoners confined in the City prison also the advertising for bids for horses for the Fire Department. Er.Probst moved that the matter of advertising for plans for new fire house be laid over until some future time, and that the Commission be authorized to secure private bid for the feeding of prisoners and also to purchase horses for the Fire Department in tho open mar- Re ,aeconded h Er.Fisher and carried. Sewer in' - A.Mentas i presented a petition for the construction of a sewer in Centennial Centennial Street. Street weet of Ninth Street. Mr.Probst moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer and. City Attorney, So ordered. A petition was presented by Encinal Lodge No.33,Order of Herman Sons asking for a gratuitous license to ecU. refreshment a at a social to be given by them on Decem- ber 15th at Harmonie Hall. A verbal protest was made by Mr.Killam and thereupon Mr. obst moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Vihole,seconded by Jr. Fisher and carried. Boxing A petition was presented by Co.G.5th RegT.N.G.C.asking permission to change the Fxhibition by Co.ne date of their 'aoxin Exhibition to TuesdayiNovember 26th and the pace from the ii.gwam to the old car barn on I:ebster Street. Mr .Probst moved that the requestbe granted =a seconded by idr.Fisher and. carried. Louis Ambrose presented a bond for the excavation of streets,with the United States Fidelity & Guaranty 00 .as surety. Er.Fisher moved that the bond be accepted, Kovember 18,1907 lrge for had been referred the proceedings of the Bond Election for approval stating that although inion on ad Election they had examined and approved the sane and were willing to defend their opinion that their bill of 300.00 for the examination did not include the cost of any such defence. Idr.Gee,Chairman of the Judiciary Committee reported that the charge of .e00.00 was a correct charge. The communication was ordered filed and the claim approved. atest of protest was presented by John R.Tregloan against the danger from fire and 7:.Tregloan ainst the also of the fumes arising from the Foundry at Broadway and Buena Vista Avenue. The andry at )adway and Chief of the Fire Department reported that there was no danger of fire and the Health ma Vista 7-) Committee that although the fumes for a short period of the day were disagreeable that they were not a menace to the public health. The City Attorney reported that there was no Ordinance covering the matter. After explanation of the sane to Er.Tregloan the matter was laid on the table. 3.extending Mr.Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption ne to pay Resolved,by the Council of the City of Alameda,that under and in accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Article V,of the Charter of said city,the time when all city taxes for the current year other than the last installment of real prop- erty taxes,become delinquent is hereby extended from six o'clock .1F.::1.of the last iIon- day of Uovember 1D07 to SIX o'clock I'.1:1.on the 17th day of December,1907. seconded hy illr.Noy and carried 1)7,7 the following vote, Ayes,Councilmen Christensen, Bullock,Noy,Gee and Loop.(5) Noes,Councilmen Probst and Fisher.(2). Absent, Councilmen Brown and Eagagnos. (2). atest on Mr.Forbes addressed the Council protesting against the mutilating of shade tin g of 3es by line-trees lining the sidewalks. Lr.Gee moved that the Clerk be directed to communicate a of Tel. npanies. with the Telephone and Telegraph Companies and directing them to obtain the consent of the Council in the future,seconded by ';.:r.Bullock and carried. atest linet St. [' service. that the Oakland Traction Co.was affording to Alameda. hir.Noy moved that the Clerk Mr.L.Robinson addressed the Council protesting against the Street car service be diredted to Communicate with the said Trection Co.and endeavor to have better ser- vice,seconded by Er.Gee and carried. Er.Loop addressed the Council on the proposition of .rk and Playground site; for the City. Er.idayne addressed the Council in regard tohe construction of a sewer at Pac- ific and i11iam Sts. He was directed to consult with the City Engineer. There hers further bueinees to transact the Council adjourned until Men- day,Pecember 2nd 1907 at 7.30 P.J. City Clerk