1907-12-16 Regular CC Minuteslictions
J.J1 oftrried,
e License,
0iT1 OF ALICLE:DA,DECE= 16th 1907.
ne 0our,c1 7L was called to order .hy tHo Layor.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christenser,Laaanos,Dullocl:,:ljoy (.1 ee ,Probs;,
Fisher an0 Loop were noted present and Courcilman Brown absent,
The minutes of the eetin5 of December 2nd were read and ordered aDproved.
Claims asainst the General and amountins L,o S1.90 ard asainst the Street Furld
onountint:r havin beer approved lr the Finance Comnittee were road as follows,
Browrir,PJ,F.E. Inci0eutJ experees 5.00
California 011 & Burner Co Oil for heater City Hall 55 .00
Greene,j.:a. Carpenter liorh at City kail l'ound 20.90
Election officer 3.00
To-al--- 61.90
racific Hassan avin Co. On acct of avin 1:iebster St.oaCway 20K.35
II ri If IT II
r:s.nr,c, 7r
-Zir.Bnlloc1;,- moved that the claims be 1:aid as read,soconded by Y.T.-,Toy and carried by the
following vote; Ayes;Oornoilmen Christersen,LaL;anos,Eu]locR,7oy,Goe,:Prohst,Fisimor
ard roof. (6). Hoes ;Hone. Ahsent;Oouncilnm Erowr. (1),
Ico.F.Gunster rresented rt retitior for a ,czratriteus 1iceno to se 71 Send rins
made ey Limse-Jf, lr.Cae,e moved that same he sxanted,secorded by )Or 7hristenser and
0.0.itton a resident of San Leandro and 8. veteran of tho Oivil Oar made ay-
irlication for a sratuitou:3 license to 0 istriThr;e advertisirw: matter. 1r..1,:aa;ns
moved that same be Lrranted,seoonded by LT.Z-robst and carried.
H-Thons is resident of Fruitva]e made colfrlication for a 2;ratuitons license
to sell hull corn hominy and Tic](les of hls own 1,o.ufneture. 1.:r .Fisher movnd that
name be denied seconded by I:r.Yiaganos and carried.
munioti on 'ji) A commurication was Teceived from the Oakland Gas "rnibt and Loot G,omran in
land 0.0.0 reard to the col:plaint or the low -pressure of sas served in A]nu:;e0a stotion tLat the
o.or COD-
int ofnac C•on.rary was lnstalilnn r,OT machinery and world in a very short tine have matters,
runninE; to everybody's satisfaction. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from 4.F.0h 1-man statin that he was ahont to
,rhuild a eouerete wall across the foot of 'Oe*ber 2tTeet and ronnestirc, tr,m, uno oin
hir in the matter. The 7:.o; was directed to communicate With 711iY asl.Tinse:‘
to submit -plans and not jfrj5 Mn that be would have to rut in a retainin& wall at his
own exrenne.
Idr.Erown arrived and was noted present.
LIT•.Laamos rreserted the followin resolution and roved its adortion,
Resolved;That it is the sense of the Council that "ore:ration of a statute of
Stato of Oo1i±oroia ,oracte0 at the late social session of the LeLjislaturo,the time of
Colincinency of the lot installment of City Tares for the :present year has been ex-
Lac'- of Funds
in Electric
Ordinance for
of Firenes.
for the payment of the 1st installment of City Taxes to said 4th Londayi in january,
1902at C o'cloch D.]r..and
Farther :Sol-\O d that a CO7 O this resolution he farnishod to the City Tax
Lr.Loop seconded the Sallie ard it was carried hy tbe fol owir vote. 'ves;Councilmen
'Brown,Christensen,La.gaanos,Prebst sher ana Loop. (6). foos;Councilmen
I—, ana (lee. (). Ahsent;fone.
A comnunication was received fro the Board of Electricity calling tbe atten-
tion of the Council to the natter of two clairs a4fainst their Departnenu and anount-
ic to -;:,;0415.75 vaymont of which is now duo and that there was not sufficient noaeu
in te Electric Li:]:- Turd to cover the amount. "LT.Laanos moved that the 1erk
he directed to notify the :oard of Electricity that there would be an spportionnent
of taxes an jnu,a 1st lOCT,when a:hout; :,5000.00 would he apportioned to them ard
that the Council thowi:ht that the could transfer a sufficient amount fron the Gen-
era,1 and to the 7.1ectric ILL i Fund to cover the a.ueurt recessary,secondea by
Lc o: and carried hy the followinL vote. Ayes; Councilmen Brown,Christensea,'Lag.ag-
ros,l3allock,foy,C,00,1:rehot,7ishor and Door. (.)). Hoes;fone. Ahsent A communication was received fron the Police and Fire Cons ission request
that in comp ianco with Article VII,;'ection 11 of the Charter, the Council pass an
Ordinance calling for the appointrent of csrtain erTloyees of the Fire Derartment,
and thereuon Lr.Drobst introduced A Lill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance fo.
-relatinL; to to Orsanization of a Fire Berartment",which was laid over under the
provisions of the Charter.
Bill Boar a Lir-Probst introduced A Bill entitled "A BI] 7 for Ordinance 1To. Regulating
the Erection and Laintonance of Bill-boardu Beards and Other Structures used
for Advertising Purposes and Irposina: a License Tax for 1--;oulation ard Devenue
Thereon.",which was laid over under the provisions of thn Charter.
A 3111 entitled "A Dill for Ordinance TTo. Grantin to the Contrl
D.ailway -nT, ilroad Corvoration,and to itc 61cce3sors and Assis,a "light
of Via:: for and the iht to Construct _aintain and Operate a Douhle Track ?.ailroad,
Eeinnin at or or the Southeasterly lino of BROfla Vista :',venuo hetweer Everett
trot and Drow, in the City of Alameaa,Countu of Alareaa,3tato of California,
and eo unoctinv at said vroint with the present Central .-.acifie 2ailway,ard extend-
in thence in a general Hortheaster17 direction across private rights of way and
across Eale Avenue,Eroadway,Cloment Avenue,-Deari Street,Blandins Avenue and harri-
son Avenue,to the Tidal Canal and to a connection with the present line O.I. said
Central 1:ncific 2ailway.",istroduced December 2n1 1(207,h.y :1:1r.hrohst care Tea for
passaYe and was read by the Clei k. moved that it be J over
'ontil the said CorTany bad put the street cross ins in a condition satisfactory to
the treet ;flJ_perintendent,seconded by Lx.2rohst and carried.
, Ordinance
:esolation 1;''a..Loop introduced the followinc:: resolution and moved ite adoption
on hark
Playgrourdsc\ Vihereas,at is special election held in the Of Alamoda,County of Alameda,
011 the 21st day of .,:;eptemher poursuant Lo the laws o f t he State of Califoraia,the
Charter of the City of Alameda,and in accordance with Ordinance Lo .474 ,:lling a
srecial election for the rurrose of sulmitting to the electors of the lit:; of Ala-
meda,rropositions to incur a bonded indebtedness,apnroved September 4,190" the
said 0itr has been authorized to incur a bonded doht of *no City of Alameda to the
December 16, 1907
at four and one-half per cent :per annum, for the purpose of acquiring a children play
ground and park in and for said City, and to issue bonds to the amount of said bonded
debt, and
7hereas,the selection of said lark and play ground is by the Charter of A]amed,
left to .the discretion and best judgment of the it Council,and
\lhereas,the City Jouncil has invited offers -from other property owners fron the
JitIT of .ti of suitalJe sitesfor a rark and play ground,and but two satisfactory
offers for such have been received by the said City Council,and
iihereas,the said. City Council in the exereine of its best judgment and discre-
tion,believas that the offers received fron _.H.Taylor,Jr.,hary E.Taylor an Augustus
Taylor, executors of the Last 11.11. and Testament of W.11.rn ,lor,deceased and LT .James
Dunn of those certain pieces or tracts of land in the City of Alaeada,and more partic-
ularly described as follows:-
About 4* acres of up land located at the Southwest corner of Contra] Avenue
and Prospect Street, ogether with about 32 acres of tide land,adjoining said up-land
known as the Taylor Tract;
And that land sitrated at the Southeast corner of Central Avenue and Prospect
Street,and consisting of about 7* acres of up-land and about 33 acres of tide land
adjoining said land:known as the Dunn Tract;
As the most suitable and best situated for a park and a children's play ground
in the City of Alareeda,
NOW TEERF,FORE,he it RESOLVED: That this City Council determines and declares
that the public interest aed necessity, demand that the offers from \7.H. Taylor,
Eary E.Taylor and Augustus Taylor,executors of the last Will and Testament of YI.H.
Taylor,Deceased,and Mr.James Dunn,of those certain pieces of land above described
be accepted, and that the same be declared the choice of this Council,for a children's
play ground and park in the City of Alameda,and that the City Attorney be instructed
to examine the title to said tracts of land,and that upon the receipt of good and suf-
ficient deeds to the City of Alameda,the title being satisfactory to the City Attorney,
that the amount of Fifty thousand 0,000.00) Dollars be paid to the said Vi.H.Taylor,
Jr.,Mary E.Taylor and Augustus Taylor,executors of the last Will and Testament of E.H.
Taylor,deceased,in full payment of all of their right,title and interest in said
tract of land known as the Taylor Tree ,and that the amount of Sixty-five Thousand.
(S65,000.00) Dollars be paid to the said. James Dunn in full payment of all his right,
title and interest in and to the said tract of land known as tsla DIUID
the resolution was seconded by 1,:r.agagnos and carried. by the following vote.
Ayes;Councilmen Magagnosee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (5). Noes;Councilmen Brown,
Christensen,Dulloch and Noy. (4). Absent;None.
.vitation to Er Loop moved that the Clerk be directed to communicate with the 3outhern
P.Co,to meet
discuss 7,10c.2acific Railway Company inviting them to send representatives to meet with the Coun-
cil in Committee meeting on Friday evening December 20th and if necessary on every
al uernating: Friday evening for the purpose of Ai discussing the proposed franchises
for changing the present; steam roads in Alameda into Electric 72.oads,seconded by Er.
Fisher and carried.
.an for new The Police and Fire Commission presented a set of plans for a new fire house to
re House.
be erected on the rr'operty belonging to the jity and located on the north side of the
City ilall,and requesting the Council to approve of the same. Yir.Christensen moved
:December 1617.
A0.00 per month to 00.00 per month,aeconded by 1,:ir.Looir.: and carried IDy the following
vote. Ayes; Councilmen Brown,Christensen,1,:iaganos,Bullock,Hoyee,Probst,Fisher and
Loo. ( ). Noes;None. Absent;None:
acyment of hr.Bullock moved that followins the usual customall ,ity Employees be paid
Salaries. their DeceMber salaries on 1:Ionday Prior to Christmas day,December 25th 1007, seconded
11T Yr.Loop and carried by the followin vote.
Ayes;Counoilmen Brown, istensen,
Maagnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (9).
Noes;None. Absent; None .
Condition Mr.Fi - called the attention of the Council to the bad condition of the road
of Irk St.
- '3. of Santa bed of the Oakland Traction Comany's tract on Park 'Street south of ..ant, lara Avenue
Clara Ave.
and moved that the natter 'oe referred to the Street Committee to devise means t reE-
idy the oaie econded 'by SLr.Iaaguos and carried.
Thero'bein no further business to transact t'he ijourcil adjourned imtil tife next
reuTar meetin on January 6th,19M3 at 7.30
City 'Jlerk.