2009-05-19 ARRA PacketAGENDA
Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
* * * * * * **
Alameda City Hall
Council Chamber, Room 390
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Meeting will begin at 7:29 p.m.
Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one
motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board or a
member of the public.
2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 1, 2009.
2 -B. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Extension for General Services
Administration at Alameda Point.
2 -C. Accept the Interim Executive Director's Statement of Emergency Regarding
Expenditures for the Fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center and Approve the
Project Budget
(Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which
the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.)
This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15.
• Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA
Secretary at 749 -5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter.
• Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is
• Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print.
■ Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The meeting convened at 7:14 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding.
Present: Chair Beverly Johnson
Boardmember Lena Tam
Boardmember Frank Matarrese
Boardmember Marie Gilmore
Vice Chair Doug deHaan
2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 2009.
2 -B. Approve the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting of the ARRA/HABOC of March 4, 2009.
2 -C. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Antiques by the Bay,
Building 13, at Alameda Point.
2 -D. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Antiques by the Bay,
Building 459, at Alameda Point.
2 -E. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Bay Ship & Yacht
Company at Alameda Point.
2 -F. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Dreyfuss Capital Partners, Building
29, at Alameda Point.
2 -G. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Dreyfuss Capital Partners, Hangar
22, at Alameda Point.
2 -H. Approve a Waiver of License Fees for Pacific Skyline Council, BSA Sea Scouts, Ancient
Mariner Regatta.
Staff requested to pull Items 2 -E, 2 -F, and 2 -G. The balance of the consent calendar was
motioned for approval by Vice Chair deHaan, seconded by Member Tam, and passed by
the following voice votes: Ayes — 5, Noes — 0, Abstentions — 0.
3 -A. LRA Presentation of Treasure Island Redevelopment - Jack Sylvan, San Francisco
Mayor's office.
Jack Sylvan of the San Francisco Mayor's office gave a powerpoint presentation of the Treasure
Island redevelopment project. After the presentation, Boardmembers asked questions
regarding the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA), its relationship with the Navy, and
if they were able to disclose their purchase price terms. Mr. Sylvan replied that he is not at
liberty to discuss the term amount. The redevelopment challenges of the ARRA and TIDA are
very similar (transportation, density, etc.) noting that ARRA's Measure A and environmental
issues are a greater challenge.
3 -B. Alameda Point Update.
Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, gave an overview of
SunCal's work over the past 60 days, including its work toward the March 26 submittal of its
Ballot Initiative. SunCal requested a Tidelands Summary be prepared. The summary was
prepared by City Attorney's office and transmitted to City Clerk's office. Once the notice is
published, SunCal can begin its signature — gathering process to be completed by June 17. If the
required number of qualified signatures is received, the City Council will have to take action to
place the initiative on the ballot by Aug. 7. Pursuant to the ENA, SunCal has until April 30 to
elect whether they're going to formally move forward with the ballot process or submit an
application that is consistent with existing law. A second milestone to be completed by April 30
is the required deposit to begin CEQA work. Staff anticipates coming back to the ARRA in May
with an award of contract for an EIR consultant. SunCal will also provide a presentation and
summary of the components of their initiative which will include a specific plan, community plan,
a Development Agreement, and various other amendments to the zoning ordinance and city's
general plan.
Member Matarrese requested that the timeline of the process be posted on the Alameda Point
One speaker, Ashley Jones, directed a question to Mayor Johnson regarding her ability to be
impartial regarding the Measure A issue as it pertains to the redevelopment at Alameda Point.
Mayor Johnson replied that the speaker time is for the public to comment on the item and not for
Janet Davis expressed concern about the contamination and the safeguards in place before
development begins. David Brandt explained to Ms. Davis that the agencies that are overseeing
the clean up are the EPA and the DTSC. Boardmembers also recommended Ms. Davis attend
the RAB meetings for more information on the environmental issues of Alameda Point.
Helen Sause spoke in support of the SunCal initiative and encouraged Alameda citizens to read
the information and understand it before making a decision.
3 -C. Alameda Point Environmental Issues Update: Radiological Substance at West Shore
of Seaplane Lagoon and Block of Oversize Debris at North Shore of Seaplane
This update is being provided to notify the ARRA board of several recent discoveries made by
the Navy in conjunction with a couple clean -Up projects in the vicinity of the Seaplane Lagoon.
The Navy is currently working on amending a current clean -up contract to deal with radioactive
material, and also further investigating the block of concrete. Staff recommends that the ARRA
send a letter to the Navy with specific requests to resolve these issues including: requesting that
the Navy, as part of the analysis that they do on the radioactive material, that they rule out any
possibility that radioactive material could have come from anything other than the outfall that is
in the vicinity which carried a lot of waste from several buildings that dealt with radium paint —
and if they can't rule out that as the only possible source for that material — that they conduct a
base -wide radiological survey; the second request: that the Navy characterize the cement block
and inform of their decision on how to dispose of the concrete debris.
Dr. Peter Russell, environmental consultant, clarified the testing that would be done on the
recent discoveries.
Member Matarrese motioned to approve a letter be sent to the Navy outlining the ARRA's
requests to analyze the radioactive material and characterize the cement block (and
disposal); and to do further testing/investigation if necessary. The motion was seconded
by Vice Chair deHaan, and passed by the following voice votes: Ayes — 5, Noes — 0,
Abstentions — 0.
4-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)
representative - Highlights of March 5th Alameda Point RAB Meeting.
Member Matarrese reiterated that Item 3-C covered the highlights of the March 5th RAB meeting
and thanked Dr. Russell for bringing the item before the ARRA Board.
There were no speakers.
Member Tam requested a status report of the subcommittee established (at the March 4 ARRA
meeting) to meet with the Navy to communicate concerns. Mr. Brandt stated that the issue was
discussed with the City Attorney's office and explained that the Brown Act prohibits a quorum of
the Body from meeting outside of the limits of the City of Alameda, which hampers the ability of
the subcommittee to be effective. He requested that the Board consider limiting the committee
to two members in order to have the ability to travel outside the city limits without violating the
Brown Act. Member Tam suggested this be the Mayor's prerogative to choose the two
members. Chair Johnson accepted the recommendation but stated that the selection of the two
members will be determined at a later time.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. by Chair Johnson.
Respectfully submitted,
Irma Glidden
ARRA Secretary
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
To: Honorable Chair and
Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
From: Ann Marie Gallant
Interim Executive Director
Date: May 19, 2009
Re: Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Extension for
General Services Administration at Alameda Point
The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) governing Board approves
all Alameda Point subleases with a lease term greater than one year. The proposed
sublease extension for General Services Administration is for two years.
General Services Administration has occupied Building 169 at Alameda Point for the
past ten years. This building is used for storage of maritime museum artifacts,
equipment and materials.
Attachment A describes the business terms for the proposed sublease extension for
General Services Administration in Building 169. The rent for General Services
Administration in Building 169 is $339,087.84 annually, or $0.3267 per sq. ft. for the
term of the extension. The building will continue to be used for storage of maritime
museum artifacts, materials, and equipment. Building 162 is in poor condition.
In accordance with the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between the ARRA and
SunCal Companies, this lease has beery discussed with representatives from SunCal
Companies and has their concurrence.
This lease will generate $339,087.84 in the first year. These funds will be retained by
the ARRA.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a sublease for General Services Administration
at Alameda Point.
Agenda Item #2 -B
05 -19 -09
Honorable Chair and Members of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Respectful! submitted,
Leslie Little
Development Services Director
Nanette Banks Mocanu
Finance and Administration Manager
Attachment: A. Proposed,Sublease Business Terms
B. Site Map
General Services
2 yrs
Attachment A to
Agenda Item #2-B
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Attachment B to
Agenda Item #2-B
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
To: Honorable Chair and
Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
From: Ann Marie Gallant
Interim Executive Director
Date: May 19, 2009
Re: Accept the Interim Executive Director's Statement of Emergency
Regarding Expenditures for the Fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center
and Approve the Project Budget
Pursuant to the 1994 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA)
Procurement Policy, Section 8, procurement of nonprofessional services can be done
by emergency procurement where the Executive Director has determined that a public
emergency exists and standard procurement is infeasible due to immediate threat of
injury to persons or property. The intent of this policy is to allow the ARRA to sole
source any contract necessary to abate the emergency condition. The Executive
Director is then required to issue a written statement of emergency and assign a
designee to solicit contractors verbally or in writing. At the next ARRA meeting, a
written report must be presented that details the circumstances and justification for the
In the early morning of March 29, 2009, Building 6, the former Medical/Dental Facility at
the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC), caught fire and was destroyed. The debris
from the fire may contain hazardous materials, and the Bay Area Air Quality
Management District has issued an order to abate the condition. Since that time, staff
and property managers have been working to secure the site and remove the debris.
As part of its development plan, Catellus had already solicited bids and prepared a
demolition plan for the structure. Staff has worked with Catellus' existing low bid
contractors, FERMA Corporation and Vista Environmental Consulting, as they could
provide the ARRA with the quickest, most economical process for demolishing the
structure. Once FERMA has completed the revised demolition bid, the ARRA will
implement the work and abate the emergency condition.
Agenda Item #2-C
Honorable Chair and
Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
May 19, 2009
Page 2 of 2
Funds for this project, in the amount of $1,598,730, are available in the Development
Services Department/ARRA "cash" fund balance. If Catellus proceeds with its
development plan, ARRA would be reimbursed for these expenditures.
FISC Lease Revenue
$ 450,000
$ 97,000
ARRA Lease Revenue
$ 1,051,730
$ 1,598,730
Accept the Interim Executive Director's statement of emergency regarding expenditures
for the fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center and approve the project budget.
Respectf submitted,
Development Services Director
Nanette Mocanu
Finance & Administration Manager
1. Statement of Emergency
2. Project Cost Summary
cc: PM Realty Group
Approved as to funds and account,
Inter' finance Director
April 30, 2009
Statement of Emergency for Fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center from Interim
ARRA Executive Director
In the early morning of March 29, 2009, Building 6, the former Medical/Dental Facility at
the Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) caught fire and was destroyed. The burned
structure represents an attractive nuisance for the City and therefore 24 -hour security
has been posted on the property. The debris from the fire may contain hazardous
materials, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued an order to
abate the condition.
Since that time, staff and property managers have been working to secure the site and
remove the debris. As part of its development plan, Catellus had already solicited bids
and prepared a demolition plan for the structure, so staff worked with their low bid
contractors FERMA Corporation and Vista Environmental Consulting, because they had
already assessed the building and could provide us with the quickest, most economical
process for demolishing the structure. If, another bidding process were conducted, it
would add an additional 30 -45 days onto the project timeline. The project needs to
move forward immediately as interim costs for dust control (including water usage), air
monitoring and security continue to add up until demolition begins. FERMA has begun
clean -up of all fire debris within a 100 -yard radius while project pricing was occurring to
save time once the actual removal and demo portion of the project begins.
Vista prepared the work plan for removal of the materials and also did all the
environmental testing and air monitoring. They also coordinated with the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District (BAAQMD). FERMA prepared a proposal for removal of
all Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) and demolition of the remaining concrete
structures. To save money, FERMA will remove the ACM and concrete separately.
Both firms worked to locate the most economical dump site for disposal of the fire
debris. The process took longer than expected because the only California disposal site
put restrictions on the debris materials and significantly increased the project cost. The
firms located a Nevada site that cuts the costs to half of the California site. The total
cost of the project excluding city, county and state agency fees /taxes is $1,598,730.
Attachment 1 to
Agenda Item #2 -C
05 -19 -09
14 Ity Group
I.Z E. /\. L I= S I - /\ I I_ S E I-L. '/ I C E S
Project Cost Summary
Project: FISC Date: April 30, 2009
B. 6 Fire Clean -up /Demo /Removal
Prepared by: Manny Moreno
Senior Property Manager
Based on: Vista Environmental Consulting Distribution: Nanette Banks (w/ attach for approval)
FERMA Corporation Rick Jones (w/ attach)
Vista Environmental Consulting
BAAQMD work plan and meeting $4,530
Haz. Mat. Remediation observation - perimeter $44,677
Haz. Mat. Remediation observation - footprint $69,676
Post - remediation soil sampling $16,037
Final report $6,680
Subtotal - Design • $141,600
FERMA Corporation
On -going clean -up $90,000
Dust control and demo misc. $24,920
Burned debris loading $381,100
Debris haul and disposal $631,200
Concrete demo $94,300
Concrete haul and demo $54,900
Soil scraping $15,000
Subtotal - Construction $1,291,420
Subtotatal Design and Construction $1,433,020
Contingency @ 10% $143,302
PMRG Construction Management Fee
Vista Environmental $141,600
FERMA Corp. $1,291,420
less disposal costs - $686,100
Subtotal on which fees are calculated $746,920
PMRG Const.Mgmt. Fee (flat 3% for non-disposal costa) $22,408
Total Project Cost: $1,598,730 *
Approved by Ann Marie Gallant, City of Alameda Date
*Total Project Cost does not include fees /taxes that will be assessed by City, County and State agencies.
Attachment 2 to
Agenda Item #2 -C
05 -19 -09
PM Realty Group
950 W. Mall Square, Room °239
Alameda, CA 94501
Attention: Manny Moreno
RE: 2850 5th Street, Alameda
Alameda Hospital Burned Debris Cleanup & Disposal
Dear Mr. Moreno:
May 1, 2009
09- 0249.82
Fcrma Corporation is pleased to provide the following quotation for the burned debris and concrete disposal at the
above referenced site per work plan dated 4/6/09, prepared by Vista Environmental Consulting and described in
the following scope of work:
Demolition, loading and removal including labor, equipment, material, salvage value, transportation, legal
disposal and disposal fees described as follows:
. Cleanup of debris on and around the pad (5' from the concrete pad approximately 6,000 SF total)
. Disposal of friable /RCRA waste at the cheapest landfill with transportation
. Removal /disposal /transportation of remaining concrete structures, assuming concrete to be crushed onsite as
clean material to 1" minus gradation
. Scraping of top 2" of soil around the pad (5' from the concrete pad approximately 6,000 SF total)
. Collection of free standing water and collection of run -off water for analysis and disposal
. Debris cleanup outside the debris pile at the hospital on the FISC property, strictly on T &M basis
. Dust control including water
• Traffic control as required for our portion of work
• Obtain BAAQMD notification
. All items of work to be performed based on one mobilization
We are excludirij the followiiz items:
. Installation of temporary fencing, barricades and /or pedestrian walkways
. Safe -off, capping, disconnecting, cutting and /or removal of underground and /or overhead utilities
. Layout, testing, inspections, engineering and/or surveying
. Safe -off, disconnecting, cutting and/or capping of plumbing, mechanical, and /or electrical systems
. All permits, fees and /or recycling deposit fee (except BAAQMD)
. Import/export soil, baserock, and /or turf (sod/grass)
• Concrete slab and/or footing
. Excavation and /or grading
1265 Montecito Avenue, Suite 200 • Mountain View, CA 94043 -4506 • (650) 961 -2742
Estimating /Administration Fax (650) 968 -3945 • Accounting Fax (650) 961 -0967
PM Realty Group
2850 511i Street, Alameda
Alameda Hospital Burned Debris Cleanup & Disposal
May 1, 2009
09- 0249.R2
Page 2
Ferma Corporation proposes the following budgetary quotation to perform the above - described work
Please consider this price as budget due to several unknowns. Ferma will work on T &M under Vista
Environmental directions. Ferma's T &M rate sheet is attached with this proposal.
Project Schedule:
Thirty (30) working days
Payment Schedule:
Payments on account shall be due and payable within twenty (20) days after the date of the invoice at the rate of
90% of all acceptable work completed each month. Retention is due and payable within sixty (60) days of the
completion of our portion of the work. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1.5% per month on past due
. Fenna Corporation excludes "All Risk/Builder's Risk" insurance coverage
• Indemnity and hold harmless clauses to be mutually agreed upon
• Proposal valid for 30 days from the date of this proposal
Please do not hesitate to call our office if you have any questions.
Ferma Corporation
Nasir Aziz
3911 Harrison Street
Oakland, CA 94611
Tel 510.658.8861
Fax 510.653.8889
April 28, 2009
Manny Moreno
Senior Property Manager
PM Realty Group
950 W. Mall Square
Alameda, CA 94501
RE: hazardous Materials Related Construction Observation /Air Monitoring
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration Building
Alameda, CA 94.577
Dear Mr. Moreno:
As per your request, I am forwarding to you this correspondence outlining the scope of'work
and estimated fees for the project referenced above.
The objective of this project, as understood by Vista Environmental Consulting, LLC (VEC)
is to provide a BAAQMD asbestos work plan, reprediation oversight /air monitoring for the
fire debris clean -up outside the perimeter of the building and inside the building footprint,
conduct post reprediation soil sampling, and deliver a final close -out report for the project
referenced above.
1. BAAQMD Asbestos Work Plan and Associated Meetings
VEC will write an asbestos abatement work plan for approval by the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District (BAAQMD). BAAQMD requires this plan prior to issuing a
variance for "open air" removal of asbestos - containing materials. The primary objective
of this work plan is to provide work procedures to safely remove and clean -up fire
damaged asbestos-containing/contaminated materials and related debris, clear the various
work areas once they have been cleaned, demolish remaining structures, and properly
dispose and transport the waste materials. The plan will include procedures for clean -up,
containerizing, and disposal of debris outside the building perimeter and inside the
building footprint. The plan will also include an air monitoring strategy during
abatement and wetting of material and a description of post abatement asbestos soil
sampling. This task will also include attending meetings with BAAQMD to discuss the
CA DGS Certified Small Business OSDS Ref Jt 44364
Hazardous Materials Services Page 2
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration
work plan and incorporating any comments from BAAQMD into the plan, so approval
can be attained.
2. Iazardous Materials Remediation Observation - Bldg. Perimeter Fire Debris Cleanup
This task will be accomplished during the clean -up the suspect asbestos laden ash and
debris from the building perimeter as follows: X50 yards to the north (asphalt), X100 yards
to the east (asphalt, concrete, and rock), 44.0 yards to the south where there is a dirt road
(soil, asphalt, Warehouse 4.), and 2100 yards to the west (soil). These distances were .
derived from wind data and a visual assessment of the areas. The purpose of this clean -up
is to get concentrated pockets of ash and debris in the proximity of the fire, not to clean-
up all ash and debris generated from the fire. Areas needed for staging work related to the
clean -up within the building footprint (roads, parking, debris box area) will be cleaned
first to facilitate the work schedule.
a. VEC: will provide a California Certified Asbestos Consultant, a Site
Surveillance Technician under the supervision of a CAC, turd /or CDPH Lead
Certified personnel to conduct daily observation and air monitoring of the
removal of the hazardous materials identified at the site.
b. VEC will conduct: waste characterization sampling for Title 22 metals on the
debris piles within the building footprint. Analysis will include TT LC (EI'A
3050B/6010B and EPA 74.71A) for all metals and Chromium VI if necessary,
and S`ILC (C \VET /EPA 7420) /TCLP(EPA 1311/7420) for Lead and up to
three more metals as necessary. VEC will also conduct waste screening
sampling for lead on the intact: concrete structures (TTLC, STLC & TCLP).
This screening is for budgetary. calculations. All sarnples shall be analyzed by
an accredited laboratory with a 5 - 10 day turnaround tine.
c. VEC will record daily activity on field forms that inform the owner of what
occurred on the site as it pertains to the abatement. Copies of' VEC's daily
field logs and air sample forms will be available to the Owner or Owner's
representative upon request. VEC does not have the power to stop work nor
direct the abatement contractor or the general contractor how to perform
their contracted duties. If regulatory or contractual deficiencies are observed,
VEC will point these out to the contractor. If the contractor does not correct
these deficiencies it will be brought to the attention of the Owner /Owner's
representative. VEC does not take responsibility for regulatory or contractual
errors committed by the contractors or their employees.
d. VEC will conduct visual inspections with the abatement contractor prior to
the start of work to assure proper regulatory and contracted set -up of work
area containments and at the completion of the abatement activities to assure
that the contractor removed materials in accordance with the contract.
documents. In addition, VEC will examine the areas surrounding the work
areas daily to look for containment deficiencies or other significant events
that need rectifying.
CA DGS Certified Sinai! t3usin: ss OSDS fie # 443E34
Hazardous Materials Services Page 3
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration
e. VEC will conduct area air monitoring utilizing Phase Contrast Microcopy
(PCM) for asbestos and Flame Atonic Absorption for lead. VEC will take up
to 12 of these samples per eight hour shift. In accordance with the
regulations, VEC will supply the laboratory with appropriate blank samples.
All lead samples will be submitted to an accredited local laboratory for
analysis with a 24 hour turn around tune. Asbestos samples will be submitted
to an accredited local laboratory for analysis with a <12 hour turn around
time. One sample daily will be chosen and re- analyzes( by Transmission
Electron Microscopy at an accredited laboratory with a 24 -hour turnaround
time. VEC takes no responsibility for the contractor's required personnel air
sampling that is mandated by the governing regulatory agencies.
f. VEC will review, and make a good faith effort to collect and submit, available
Abatement Contractor paper work including, but not limited to regulatory
notifications, worker documentation, daily work logs, sign -in /containment
entry logs, manometer records(if applicable), personal air monitoring, waste
shipment manifests and weight tickets or other contractor deliverables set
forth in the contract documents. If VEC cannot collect these documents in a
timely manner (2 -4 weeks after the project conclusion) in order to submit the
final report, VECrecommends that the Owner /Owner's Representative collect
these documents from the Abatement Contractor for inclusion in their project
document file.
g. VEC will review and record in the daily field log /manifest log the non-
hazardous and hazardous waste manifest shipping records that occur when
VEC is contracted to be on -site. VEC is not the waste generator and cannot
sign these manifests, but can help coordinate the signing of them by the
Owner or Owner's representative.
3. Hazardous Materials Remediation Observation - Bldg. Footprint Fire Debris Cleanup
This task will be accomplished during the clean -up of the asbestos and lead laden ash and
debris within the building footprint, the abatement of the remaining intact asbestos
containing materials from the footprint of the building, and the clean -up the asbestos and
lead laden ash and debris and abatement of the remaining intact asbestos containing
materials within the intact concrete structures prior to demolition.
a. VEC will provide a California Certified Asbestos Consultant, a Site
Surveillance Technician under the supervision of a CAC, and /or CDPH Lead
Certified personnel to conduct daily observation and air monitoring of the
removal of the hazardous materials identified at the site.
b. VEC will collect two (2) waste characterization samples for asbestos and Title
22 metals on the concrete structures once they are demolished, segregated,
and stockpiled. Analysis will include, TTLC (EPA 3050B/6010B and EPA
7471A) for all metals and Chromium VI if necessary, STLC (CWET /EPA
7420)/TCLP(EPA 1311/7420) for Lead and up to three more metals as
CA DGS Certified Small Business OSDS Ref ff 44364
Hazardous Materials Services
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration
Page 4
necessary. All samples shall be analyzed by an accredited laboratory with a 5
- 10 clay turnaround time.
c. VEC will collect one (1) waste characterization sample on the top 2" of soil to
20' away from the building footprint after it is excavated and stockpiled.
Analysis will include Asbestos; CAM 17 Metals TTLC (EPA 3050B /6010B and
EPA 7471A) for all metals and Chromium VI if necessary, STLC (CWET /EPA
7420) /TCLP(EPA 1311/7420) for Lead and up to three more metals as
necessary; VOCs (EPA 8260B), SVOCs (EPA 8270C), PCBs (EPA 8082), and
TPH carbon chain (EPA M8015G). All samples shall be analyzed by an
accredited laboratory with a 5 - 10 day turnaround time.
cl. Upon completion of the removal of the debris from the soil areas, up to forty
(40) representative soil samples shall be collected by VEC and analyzed for the
determination of asbestos content. Samples shall be analyzed by an
accredited laboratory by PLM with a 24 hour turnaround time. Results shall
be reported qualitatively, either asbestos containing or none-detected.
e. VEC will record daily activity on field forms that: inform the owner of what
occurred on the site as it pertains to the abatement. Copies of VEC's daily
field logs and air sample forms will be available to the Owner or Owner's
representative upon request. VEC does not have the power to stop work nor
direct the abatement contractor or the general contractor how to perform
their contracted duties. If regulatory or contractual deficiencies are observed,
VEC will point these out to the contractor. If the contractor does not correct
these deficiencies it will be brought to the attention of the Owner /Owner's
representative. VEC does not take responsibility for regulatory or contractual
errors committed by the contractors or their employees.
f. VEC will conduct visual inspections with the abatement contractor prior to
the start of work to assure proper regulatory and contracted set-up of work
area containments and at the completion of the abatement activities to assure
that the contractor removed materials in accordance with the contract
documents. In addition, VEC will examine the areas surrounding the work
areas daily to look for containment deficiencies or other significant events
that need rectifying.
VEC will conduct area air monitoring utilizing Phase Contrast Microcopy
(PCM) for asbestos and Flame Atomic Absorption for lead. VEC will take up
to 12 of these samples per eight hour shift. In accordance with the
regulations, VEC will supply the laboratory with appropriate blank samples.
All lead samples will be submitted to an accredited local laboratory for
analysis with a 24 hour turn around tirne. Asbestos samples will either be
submitted to an accredited local laboratory for analysis with a <12 hour turn
around time or read on -site by VEC's trained personnel. One sample daily
will be chosen and re- analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy at an
accredited laboratory with a 24 -hour turnaround time. VEC takes no
CA DGS Certified Srnall Business OSDS Ref # 44364
Hazardous Materials Services Page 5
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration.
responsibility for the contractor's required personnel air sampling that is
mandated by the governing regulatory agencies.
h. VEC will review, but not collect and submit, available Abatement Contractor
paper work including, but not limited to regulatory notifications, worker
documentation, daily work logs, sign -in /containment entry logs, manometer
records (if applicable), personal air monitoring, waste shipment manifests and
weight tickets or other contractor deliverables set forth in the contract
documents. VEC recommends that the Owner /Owner's Representative collect
these documents from the Abatement Contractor at the end of the project for
inclusion in their project document file.
VEC will review and record in the daily field log the non-hazardous and
hazardous waste manifest shipping records that occur when VEC is contracted
to be on- site. VEC is not the waste generator and cannot sign these manifest,
but can help coordinate the signing of them by the Owner or Owner's
Deliverables include a hazardous Materials remediation oversight report. The
report: will include a summary report:, field observation forms, analytical
results and any other pertinent documentation and will be provided in both
hard copy and electronic (PDF) format.
4. Post- Remediatiou Soil Sampling
VEC will collect: twelve (12) composite samples of the top 6" of soil to 20' away from
the building footprint after abatement and demolition activities. Analysis will
include asbestos; CAM 17 Metals T'rLL (EPA. 3050B/6010B and EPA 7471A) for all
metals and Chromium VI if necessary, STLC (CWET /EPA 7420) /TCLP(EPA
1311/7420) for Lead and up to three more metals as necessary; VOCs (EPA 8260B),
SVOCs (EPA 8270C), PCBs (EPA 8082), and TPH carbon chain (EPA M8015G). All
samples shall be analyzed by an accredited laboratory with a 5 - 10 day turnaround
5. Final Report
Deliverables include a hazardous materials remediation oversight report. The report: will
include a summary report, field observation forms, manifest: Logs, analytical charts and
results, and any other pertinent documentation and will be provided in both hard copy (3
copies, 2 bound) and electronic (PDF) format.
1. BAAQMD Asbestos Work Plan and Associated Meetings
The lump sum fee for this task as outlined above will be $4,530.00. This fee includes
project management and clerical office time.
CA DGS Certified Small Business OSDS Ref # 44364
Hazardous Materials Services Page 6
Alameda Landing Hospital /Administration
2. Hazardous Materials Remediation Observation - Bldg. Perimeter Fire Debris Cleanup
The time and materials fee as outlined above will be $44,677.00 based on 30 shifts running
seven days a week from April 2, 2009 to May 3, 2009 (No work was performed on Easter
Sunday and one rain day. This fee includes technician time for one technician, project
management, clerical, equipment, and analytical fees.
3. Hazardous Materials Remediation Observation - Bldg. Footprint Fire Debris Cleanup
The time and materials fee for Hazardous Materials Remediation Observation and as
outlined above will be .$69,676.00 based on an estimated 42 shifts running seven days a
week. This fee includes technician time for one technician, project management, clerical,
equipment, and analytical fees.
4. Post- Remediation Soil Sampling
The lump sum fee for this task as outlined above will be $16,037.00. This fee includes
technician time for one technician, project management, clerical, equipment, and
analytical fees.
5. Final Report
A close-out report as outlined above will be provided at a lump sum fee of $6,680.00. This
fee includes project: management and clerical office time.
VEC appreciates the opportunity to provide consulting services on this project and on future
projects. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign one copy and return it to us.
Digitally signed by Chuck Bove
Dt4: cn =Chuck Bove, o =Vista
Environmental Consulting, ou,
_ email= chuckbove @vista• env.
corn,c =US
Date: 2009.04.28 10:52:11
Charles Bove
Accepted by
Title Date
CA DGS Certified Smail Business OSDS Ref 11 44364