1950-05-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING 01 THE CULT7CIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAFEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 15, - - - - - - - - - 1950 The meeting convened at 0:00 o'clock P. P. with President Branscheid presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held Pay transcribed. WRITTEN COMMUIIICATION 1950, were approved From the Alameda Citizens Transportation Association, approving the proposed study of Key System operations. The matter was referred to "Resoutio'ls." OPAL CME=CATTO7S: 0. Officer Kenneth Kennedy cf the Alameda Police Department, on behalf of the Police Department the local Post of the American Legion, invited all members of the Council to be present at the Twenty-fifth Annual Party staged jointly by the Police Department and thc American Legion for the Junior Traffic Police, to be held on June 3, at the Veterans remorial Building. Officer Kennedy pointed out that this marks the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the organization, as well as Its twenty-fifth year without a single accident at a school crossing. 7e also stated there are approximately 400 children engaged in this wert: at a cost of less than ,1,000. per year to the taxpayers. President Branscheid accepted the invitation with thanks and congratulated Officer Kennedy and the Police Department for the splendid work being done with this or- ganization. HEARINGS: 4. An amended application from the Congress Construction Corporation for a permit to fill certain land south of Central Avenue, came on for hearing. President Branscheid inquired as to the name of the company to do the filling. Glenn C. Richardson stated that while the name of the Congress Construction Corporation appears on the application, the work will actually he done by the Alameda Bayside Construction Cerporation, a company recently organized and now in the process of being set up for operations. In response to an inquiry by a member of the Council, Pr. Richardson stated that the amended application on file seeks simply to extend the limits of the bulkhead to be built, pointing out that since the initial permit was granted, he has ac- quired an additional ten acres of land which is also to be filled. Councilman Jones moved the amended permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. •/' o. An application from Leo Purcell and others, for a permit to fill the property adjoining the property of the Congress Construction Corporation, also came on for hearing. City Panager Froerer indicated that the fill is requested for the purpose of ex- tending the limits of the uplands as they presently exist and eliminate the possi- bility of a large pool of stagnant water which might result from the filling of the adjacent property. Pr. Purcell was present and stated he was in favor of the project sought to be under- taken by the Congress Construction. Corporation in the building of multiple dwellings and stated that it was his belief that the company will fulfill any obligation It undertakes. Conncil.flan Anderson moved the application be granted and a permit to fill be issued. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. G1=117, OT BIDS: G. Bids were submitted and read for the project of Installing a Storm Water System on Washington Street, from the west side of Post Street to the existing 13" Lines on the west side of Peach Street, in accordance with Specifications, Special Provisions and Flans therefor, fro. FYI 3-50-17, as follows Piro,n JL000rL D. Lcrfair - Accomaniod b7: a bid bord From :::cGuirc and Hester - Accompanled by a bid bond rom LOOL 1;on - Accompanied b7 Cf1S1CrtS c:Hecl: in amount of - anuol is Accom- . oaried by certified chock In amount of -r- 004,50 ruu 0,007 ,30 500.00 Lni6.Gu C. 3ids wore 01111 7tted and read for the :project of Constructirn araren at the liTealth Center in accordance wit. SpocIficatIons and Special Provislons Co. 3-50-18, ac follows: From 4O. l'cintosh Son _ _ _ _ _ - Accompanied by certified check in amount of From Wirtor 0 Kuben - - - - - - - - - - Accompanied by cashier's in ariount of 400. 2,066. 300. Did s were received and read for the projeel, of do-roof 1n2; the Alameda City Hall, in accordance with Cecif ications, Cr)ocIal l''rovisions and Ilans therfor, "C':7 4-50-20, as follows From Camisa Comi)any - - - - - - - - Accunanied by cashier's check in amount of nun Aluminum Poc Shne Com7an Accon.f,an'd by certified COC in amount %,.5,502.74 550.00 rY"'-' 00 552.20 nv ICc were presented and r,ad c L o erojecL of installin7 a Storn. 1:fator System O'fl DPUSh Strec;t from east of T: rd Street to h.c ICF Slum Li ':ewer, in ac- cordance Cd tC ffications and dcv isions tneufor, 7.7 5-50-23, as follows: From ;,:culre and Hester - Accompanied by a bid bend robert • cTTair - - Accompanied by a b76 'n nc,r) 07, /1.,1_71 or' tbe -r'ore,t7oinr., blds no no referred to t'm-. s and recom- mendatiom. C7 CCTl7TTE":]S: 10. ..rr011i te City anon r, recommendinF-, tbat contract be awarded to Ticfluire and ton for the installation of 1u.H,c nr ater System on Calhoun. Street T]xtenslon, Preri Court F;treet totbe ex7stinp; catchbasin on the west side of :ountain f';treet, at ne bid 'price of ;.2,937.05. Cou,nciIman Anderson moved ne Cit7 Yanae.1-'s recomendetion bo adonted: that con- traci, Ho awarded to nis firm for tho s-ocified project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on. roll call ci by tho S 1101 ry vote. Ayes: Coun- cilmen. Anderson, Jones, Csborp, 2weene ad Fresident .:,ranschef'd, (5). 7:oes: 7:one. Absent: J.ono. 11. 7rom tUe City rocom:ilendno, nab lerbert a infield, c1 cc Cadlo Jech- nician, be permitted to attend Lho Jont i:eet-InT; of the Acoc:,ated Yublic Comunca- tion Officers of I:orthern California and to Californ5a iein!ce 171ssociati0n, to be held in i'asadena on L'ay 2:::1 and 27, 150, DiT 100. be a:::.ro'sriated for 'His ex- penses. Councilman Sweeney 1doved the City 1:an0er's recommendation be nollowed and UfIcer airfield be outrun cod to attend tbe conferences mentioned and no sur of :100. be appronriated for this pis o. Sin motion was seconded by Councilman. Csborn and on roll call carried. by the fol1cmnr7 vote. Ayes: Councilmen Andepor, Csborn, Sweeney and President Dransceld, (o ne. Absent: Tone. 12 7nor the Cit- reconmonds7n7 that '::alter Lee, Assistant Labor Sn',T,ervIsor be althorized to attend t'le Soventeent:i western Conference of the :at-7on01 Tree Conference, to be held in Lon7 :)each, from Icy 24, to 27, 1250, and :,100. be appronriated for this 1:Jurose. Councilman Jones moved the Clt-y reco=lendatior be accepted: Idiot T*I". Lee be authorized to attend the desiE;nated conference and the sun of ;::1_00, be appro- TIrlated to cover his expenses. The motion Yas seconded by Ceuncilian Sweeney and on roll call carried by the fellow:1_nE; vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Thnes, Osbern, 2weeney and Yres:Ident 1ransc0e7C, (5). Foes : ''ore. I,bsent: President F)ranscheid stated that tbo class in arboriculture mentioned in the City TJarlar:er's r,:,m)ort has boon ver well attended by I.Co st of the,C1ty enployees in the 7Je-)artmont concerned with hie caro c trees, and tilaL ne iolU, it was very important that this matter be followed through by reason of the large number of trees in the City. Councilman Sweeney stated he had recently attended a field meeting oC the class at which a demonstration of the knowledge it had acquired was given. He stated the instructor had informed him that in the not far distant future, the City em- ployees would be able to tale care of the City trees by virtue of the knowledge they are acquiring through this in-service training. 13. From the City Attorney, concerning the matter of the disposition of the Alameda Defense Council Fund and the Alameda Salvage Fund, in the respective amounts of 590•10 and %;52.36, and giving his opinion that the City is entitled to receive these monies and therefore, the funds should be withdrawn from the Banks and de- posited with the City Treasurer. President, 3ranscheld indicated that this is one of several matters which ;.Tiddleton, the outside auditor, has suggested be investigated and disposed of and that it will probably be in order to consider this situation in connection with other matters referred to in his re:'ort. Councilman Sweeney moved the ratter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and discussed along with the other items in eiddleton' report. Councilman Osborn seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 14:' From the City Auditor, with regard to the request of Parrott Co. for a re- fund of 48.38, representing the overpayment on their personal property tax, cover- ing merchandise stored in the Alameda warehouse. Fr. Jost stated he had checked the figures of the company and they were correct. President Dranscheid stated there appears to be some question as to the authority of the City to rake a refund under the circumstances of this case and suggested the matter be referred to the City Attorney for his opinion on that point. Councilman Csborn made a motion to this effect which was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and unanimously carried. .6 15. From the City Retirement Board, concerning the financing and amending of the City Retirement System, necessitating the amendment of certain Provisions of Ordi- nance No. 673, Revi Series, establishing, and regulating the pension and retirement system. President Dranscheid stated that no ordinance has been prepared on this matter for action this evening. Councilman Csborn thereupon moved the City Attorney be requested to draft an ordi- nance in line with the suggestions of the Retirement Board for presentation at the next meeting of the Council. In seconding the motion, Councilman Jones stated he thought it should be called to the attention of the audience that the Council has previously net with the Retire- ment Board and the Actuaries and has carefully gone over the entire situation, including the recommendations and sug,estions incorporated in the -:tetir.ament -=',oard's report, read to the Council this evening. The question was thereupon put and the motion was unanimously carried. , lb. / From the Alameda Board of Education, transmitting a copy of its 1950-51 Budget of the Alameda Unified School District, and requesting an apportionment of 902. by the City. President Eranscheid observed that this budget has been filed in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and then ordered it filed for consideration at the time the City Budget is being Prepared. UT.TFTNTSITTED BUSIi\TESS: 17. Laid over from the last meeting was the matter of the City operation of the Tuberculosis Clinic presently conducted by Alameda County Tuberculosis and Health As soc iation. Councilman Sweeney moved this matter again go over to the next meeting of the Coun- cil owing to the fact that there are certain .Hiases involved with which he is not entirely familiar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Csborn and unanimously carried. RBSCLUTIU-1-S: 18. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Jones, who moved its adoption: "TZesolution No. 4161 Authorizing the Payment of i68.00 from Expense Account No. 22-c (Salaries, Street Department) to Federal Post-War Planning Fund No. 4-F-476 (Storm Drains North of Atlantic Ave. and West of Fifth St. ) ." The 1:a)tio:.-1 to adolDt res0let70n was seconded by Colmcillr,an Andersor aud on roll • call carried by t':).0 follown:7 vote. Ayes: Ceuncilen jonec, (sborn, weeney and Fresident ':3ransched, (5). ,00c: 70fle. Absmt ono. 7an-upon tJo "-resident decaared said resolution duly :E'doeted -s)assed. 12, rPhe 21 So. resolution was inroduced by Councilan Anderson, who in..)ved its adoption: um eso_,aton o, 4152 Author-izin(- tho i2ayile.rit of ::151.24 from ExPense Account 17,o. 22-c (E;alar:les, Street 7)epartront La 7ederal 'ost-Thr 21anninT Fund Th. 4-].P-475 D1ai 10 T:oth of Ataantic Ave., fast of u _ „eL L0 Le The n. on to adort said no waq seconded by Co1rncl1I,an aDd on rola call carrie by th.e fellow6 0 7, vote. :,yo0 : Councilen Andersen, Csborn, aueimDy and Lresident ransched, (5) 0 bsent: 70ne. 't'he:-eu-oon the :2resdent declared said resolution 4u.1:0- adopted and eassed. 20. The 2o1lmui-r.:7 resolutlee was ii-;treduced by Council:]ar Sweeno, who ovod its eo. 4133 :ransferri7, 2S,776.3 rol:i [Sic Alcoholic 7veraen Control 1211nd Li; :71..n3 of the S U r Alameda." The mctiou to adopt said resolution wls :eccIJed by Councilman f.',derson and on roll call carried by the followinr7 vote. Ayes: Cou3-Icilmen Anderson, J0e0, (born, Sweeney and Fres7dent (5) . ...70es: None. ,Lbseet: Therelreen the Fresident declared sa:d resolution dilly ado,-)ted and raLsed. 21. The followinp; resolution was ir.ftroduced by Councilrlan Anderson, 10110 flvd -!ts adoption: u esolution .7.o. 4154 flransforrinE :30,000. 2 PCY:11. the Far'.fti.nf- Le ter Fund to the 00110 ml ?he motjell to adopt sE,:id resolution was seconded by Councilpan Jonr's and on roll call carried by the follo, vote. Ayes: '1;ounoil-mou Anderson, Jones, (o'' r, 3weeney and 2res7_dont Branscheid, (5). E.,es: (-)-ne. Absent: one. Thereul)on the L'resident declared said resoll.ltion did i: adne,THJed and .)assod. 22. r::he f0110w1 n07, resolution we: lltroduced by Council:Jan Jones, who leovod its odor!; ion: "1-e0ol1.1tI011 I"o. 4165 Croal:t :n a Spec:.al :17.nd to be :nown OS 'Calhoe!n Street St° 0.. :7*,ower ConstriJction 7find, t and ransferring, 5,500. fron to Capital Outlays 'Fund Thereto." The motion to adopt GI ld resolution via: socorded by Cerncill.:an Anderson and on roll call carried by t:ae follow3 n[7 vote. Ayes: Councilen Anderson, Jones, Csborn, Sweeney and Pres*dent F.,ranscheid, (5) . ioes: 17ore. Absent: irrone. ThereuPon the rresIeent declared said recolutioe_ duly adoted aend assod. 25. The followin7 resolution was ntroduced by Councily:an Anderson, who moved its adoption: "1:esoluti0 7o. 4155 Accent In Conveyance from L'athilde U. Coyer, :;'ornerly 1:.athilda 7. Abbott, a Vildow, of 5ert1:1n foal 2roeT'ty and Coy!sentin,„-7, to the ecordation Meear." 'ne motion Li.% adopt said resolon was cioeondocl by Cou.ncilnan c,,,;b(1,-.1-1 and on roll call carried by tho followin7 vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, JOQflS, Osborn, Sweeney and ?resident 7,raoscheld, (5). 6oes: 2:(pne. Absent: :one. 7hereu-e)on the resident declare:] said reseivLion duly ade-pted and eassed. Council= Jones asked for an e::planatice of th:.s matter and De-mty Cit■; Attorney Trarson stated this deed referred to eidbraces a .eortien of 1:rshall 'Jay ard was made for the wriDose of clearinE; the t:,tle to that certain nortio.n on land accluired for that T)urpose. 24, The followinE resolution 01015 l'oduced by Councilman. 571crle-y, who oved Its adoption: " tfr, ilesolution TTe. 4167 Cancelling City Taxes on Property Acquired by the Alameda Unified School District." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 13ranscheld, (5). T:oes: :one. Absent: Pane. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 25. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who roved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4168 Cancelling City Taxes on Property Acquired b the City of Alameda for Lunicipal Purposes. The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Hoes : Hone. Absent: lone. Thereupon the l'resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4169 Requesting Cancellation of County Taxes on Propert Acquired by City of Alameda for Municipal Purposes. The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded. by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried by the followln- vote. Ayes : CoenciJmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 5ranscheld, (5) . -Foes: T:-one. Absent: ;'one. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 4170 Fixing Time of Payment of Salaries and Compensation." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: Lune. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 28. The following resolution v adoption: introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its "Resolution No. 4171 Adopting Specifications and Provisions for Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Driveway, Curb and Gutter for Fiscal Year Ending June 50, 1951, CallLng for bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). roes: None. Absent: None. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved its adoption: 'Resolution No. 4172 Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for the Installation of House Laterals for the Fiscal Year Ending June 50, 1951, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney'and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Hoes: lone. Absent: Hone. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 30. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "Resolution Ho. 4173 Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Flans for the Repair and iodernization of ._Elevator in Lde the Alameda City Hall, Calling for 1.31ds and Directing the City Cler'.: to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Csborn and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Anderson, johes, Osborn, Sweeney and President Eranscheld, (5). F,oes: 2one. Absent! Hone. Thereupon the President declared said resolution du17 adopted and passed. 31. The following resolution. was introduced by Councilman Anderson, who moved adoption: "Resolution jJe. 4174 Adoptin7 Specifications for il'urnishing bo the -City of Alameda for the fiscal Year Ending, June 1251, Paving H_xtures and Asphaltic Emulsions: i'ortland Cement Concrete :2e.Jarry The, "arth l.11 and 'To 1 n eters (Llanual): (-Asolf..ne! and Crusher Call ing for Bids and Directing the City Cle,ik Co Advertise :;ach of the Sane." The motion to ado'et sold resell:tier was seconded by Councilman Eweeney'and on roll call carried by the following, vote. Ayes : Councilmen Anderson, Jones , Usborn, wecney and ?resident Sranscheid, (5). Loos: Cone. Absent: 'one. Thereupon the President declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 32. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Sweeney, who moved its adoption: "leeolution Ho. 4175 Calling for riids for legal Advertising for the Cit:y of Alameda for the Fiscal Yea" 150-151." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Osborn and on roll call carried by the following vote. ,A-:es: Councilmen Anderson, Csburn, Sweeney and Prosidet Dranscheid, (5). 1:oes: Yone. Absent: 7Thne. Thereupon the 2resident declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. 55. 'the following resolut.ien was introduced by Councilman Csbern , who moved Its adoption: Itesolution No. 4175 Authorizing the j:::,:ocution of an Agreement with the ColtntY Alamea and Cther Host :flay Cities for Investigation into the financial Structure of the cr y to Transit Lines and Its olcixig Comrany, The :.-ailway :quipment and 'i.ealty Company, Itd., and lielated Come-sanies." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Sweeney and on roll call carried by the following vote, Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, jonee Cebore Sweeney and President ranscheid, (5). 06S: Cone. Absent: :one. Thereupon tilt or declared said resolution duly oriented and Passed. Ih2esident -franscheld asfted it t.anager ±'-foerer to review this matter, and Ireerer stated that some wooke ac,o ueoP r'ling of t',e :reY , e ton an increase in rates, he was instructed by the Council to oppose such increase pending investigation as te whether or not it was justified. Similar resolutions have been passed by other cities in time County, and subsequently at the call of the City ::ana:;er of Cokland, there have been meetings held with regard to transporta- tion in general and the Present Hey System petitien in -)articul.ar. He stated that out of the discussions, the conclusion was arrived at that no effective protest could cc made unless certain fundamental data were obtained - ono of the particu- lar items being the corporate structure of the company. In line with-this conclu- sion, it was proposed to make a comblete investigation of this Tatter, as well as the purchaees of equIpment and su'r,plies and tihe ':.r ices paid fer same. Thedeter- Iriinotion was reached that an inveetigation of this scope would cost about !e.),5.90. and it was felt that the equitable way to distribute the cost of the investigation. wculd be for each city, as well es the County of Alameda, to contribute according to its population- Ee stated there had been a proposed agreemert worked out on that basis and the amount to be contributed, by the Citp of Alameda hes been fixed at 5,750. T noted that the prlce mentioned fc, the investigation includes the appear- ance of the exPerts before the :ublic mtii.i ties Commdssion at the time the -natter comes on for hearing. President 3rarscheid observed that this -clove is the culmination of a long battle be- tween City of Alameda and the Coy System and that under the old method of presenting protests to such petitions to the Public Ltilities Comission, it has been the feel- ing of the Council that the expending of City money on such matters could rot be justified. He stated, however, that with the unity among, all cities of the East Bay now being shown by this proposed investigation, the matter can be gone into thoroughly and it can very definitely be determined whether or not the traveling public is being skinned by the key System. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 34. Ordinance No. 998, New Series An Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding, to Title IV, Chapter 2, Article 2 Thereof, New Sections 4-221.1, 4-221.2 and 4-221.3, Relating to Unleashed Dogs on Golf Course." Councilman Osborn moved the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and on roll- call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. FILING: 35. Specifications - No. PW 5-50-24 - Project of repairing Sidewalk, Curb, Driveway and Gutter. 36. Specifications - No. Ph 5-50-26 - Project of Installing House Sewer Laterals. 37. Specifications - No. Ph 5-50-28 - Project of Repairing and Modernizing City Hall Elevator. 38. Specifications - Ye. ES 5-50- 8 - Furnishing Paving Mixtures. 32. Specifications - No. MS 5-50- 9 - Furnishing Concrete Fix; 40. Specifications - No. MS 5-50-10 - Furnishing Quarry Waste, Earth Fill at City Dump and Top Soil. 41. Specifications - No. MS 5-50-11 - Furnishing Parking Meters (Manual). 42. Specifications - No. ES 5-50-12 - Furnishing Gasoline. 43. Specifications - No. ES 5-50-13 - Furnishing Crusher Run Base. 44. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several depart- ments thereof, in the total amounts-as follows, was presented to the Council at , this meeting: ' General Departments, %0150 ,5,)7 .09; Parking Meters, :50;24: Police Department, ;2,021.96; Fire Department, 724.29;- ,Health Department, ,1,306.96: First Aid Department, l..58.22; Street Department, 2,516.65; Park-DePartment , - 1,854.01; Recreation Department, W42.88; Golf Course Department, v1,941.93; Social Service Department, i43.97; 'Store Department, P1,780.42; Civil Service Department, ',15.; - Pound Department, '„,1,935.83; Gas Tax No. 1 Fund, 70.35; Gas Tax No. 2 Fund, ;64.58: Northside'Storm hater Disposal System Fund, !20.: Engineering Department Deposit Fund, ',1,009.52; Traffic Safety Fund, 387.91; East Day Municipal Utility District Fund, 006.83. Councilman Jones moved the-bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on May 16, 1950, and submitted to the Council at this time, be allowed and paid. The motion'was seconded by Councilman Anderson-and on roll call, carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. 45. Prior to adjournment, President Branscheid re-opened the matter of "Oral Communications" and called upon Councilman Sweeney for a report on the progress of the Flag Day Committee. Councilman Sweeney stated that with meetings being held practically every Monday evening, the Flag Day Observance is rounding into fine shape and the public is cor- dially invited to attend the next meeting on May 29. He stated the Committee has written letters to all Governors of the Country, asking each to present a flag of his State for the purpose of having it disulayed at the Flag Day Ceremony by a na- tive of his State who is attending our public schools. He stated that many flags have already been received - some 16 to 20 - and the Committee expects to have a representation of all 48 States, as well as the Territories of Hawaii and Alaska. 46. Mr. James Meyers addressed the Council, stating that he was on hand to speak for the residents in the Roberts Enterprise Tract at the foot of High. Street and was present for the purpose of inquiring as to what has been done with regard to street lights in that area. He stated the people whom he represents have contacted the attorney of the deceased contractor and have been told that the City must make a request for the bond for furnishing, street lights from the estate of the deceased in order that the 2,0O0. fund may be procured. He stated that Mr. Roberts' attor- ney, Mr. Fernhoff, had informed them that no consideration could be given the re- quest coming from the property owners. City Manager Froerer responded to this inquiry by stating, that numerous discussions had been had by the people in the vicinity on this matter and that he has had several discussions on the subject with the City Attorney in the course of which the City Attorney has advised that the City is in no position to acquire this fund which had been put up to guarantee partial installation of lights. He stated that if the information which r, leyers has conveyed to the Councll is correct, he would sup;- fl;est to the Council that the City Attorney be instructed to investiEate the matter and make a claim for•this fund of ,;2,000. if it is leal and can be done. He pointed out, however, that the fund w11-1 have to be supplemented by a like amount as it Is insufficient Lhe pnrpose of ::iakinn a complete installation of lirtts. )1,c-sident Dranschold thereunon requested the De7ut-z (2 if' Attorney to follow throllh on this matter to see what could be done toward the acquisition by the Ctty of the "arid set up for the spocific IDUPI)OSC. Lr. Hanson stated he would investi7ate tee itter and report to the City lananer. 47. Another representative of this s;roup raised the question of the busses parkin7 at the intersection of Canto Clara Avenue and eqh Street, statin7 they caused 7reat conr:estion durin7 the peak tr,sffic hours and surwested the lay-over T)oint ml7ht be chaned to 'f,ncinal Avenue and 117h Street. President l',ranscheid s La LoH thc Tay-over arca had been .::'.o7ed once to the su=sted soot and p:oved back again to its present location. 49. Inquiry was also node as to why the stop cIns on the cross streets are not contInued to tlie I a treet It beins; rLndicated the now sten at San Jose Avenue. The question was raised as to why the truck ronte not bein cbserved by the drivers of trucks, and a complaint vias lod7,ed concerninr7; the speed of cars travel- in on Otis Drive. Fresident Dranscheid resnonded b statinr that these are pollee matters whIch will be [_VD n attention, beintin7, out tnat, in the case of Otis Drive speeders, a drive to cut down this practice has been under way for some time 4(.). ?here be La no further bn.siness to come before tho-Oonnil aC journed, to assemble in rer,ular session en Wednesday evenin, June 7, 1950, at 0:00 ercToc':.