1998-07-21 CIC Minutes
TUESDAY- -JULY 21, 1998- -7:25 P.M.
Chair Appezzato convened the Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner DeWitt led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Daniel
Weller, Alameda Community Church, gave the Invocation.
ROLL CALL - PRESENT: Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Lucas, and
Chair Appezzato - 4.
ABSENT: Commissioner Kerr - 1.
(98-40) Minutes of the Special Community Improvement Commission
[CIC] Meeting of June 9, 1998 (Closed Session), the Annual CIC Meeting
of June 16, 1998, and the Special CIC Meeting of July 7, 1998 (Closed
Session). Approved.
Commissioner DeWitt moved approval of the Minutes.
Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Commissioner Lucas stated that she would abstain
from voting on the June 9th and June 16th Minutes because she was
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote: Ayes: Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt and Chair Appezzato
- 3. Abstentions: Commissioner Lucas - 1. Absent: Commissioner
Kerr - 1.
(98-41) Recommendation to Approve the Community Improvement
Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-1999. Accepted.
Commissioner DeWitt moved acceptance of the Consent Calendar item.
Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 4. Absent: Commissioner Kerr - 1.
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Community Improvement Commission
July 21, 1998 1
(98-42) Recommendation to approve the Land Sale Contract with
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and authorize the Executive
Director to negotiate and execute a revised Exclusive Negotiation
Agreement with Catellus Development Corporation designating them
as the developer of Fleet Industrial Supply Center and East Housing.
Patrick Lynch, Alameda, stated that he is concerned about the Navy’s
responsibilities under Executive Order 12898, entitled Federal
Action to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations; to the extent practical, the Navy has to
make sure that its programs do not have the effect of: 1) excluding
persons from participation, 2) denying persons benefits, or 3)
subjecting persons to discrimination; the program here is disposal
of this Federal Property; referred to a San Francisco Chronicle
Newspaper article, “Oakland May Lose Land Deal, Navy Could Put Oak
Knoll Parcel Up for Public Sale”; stated the rationale is that the
residents opposed homeless services/affordable housing and the
Federal Government determined transferring said property to the
City of Oakland was not a public benefit; that he does not oppose
negotiations with Catellus; and he would like to see the development
include all segments of the population of Alameda.
Pattianne Parker, Alameda, stated Catellus is a strong developer;
if chosen, the quality of the construction and development will be
very good; planning the development of East Housing has to be made
in conjunction with the planning for FISC housing: it is the only
way to optimize the sites and develop the full spectrum of housing
which should be built; that she has reservations regarding the process
of entering into exclusive negotiation discussion with Catellus at
this point; selection of a developer for the FISC property went
through a deliberate process, brought in public comment, and was
reviewed by Boards and Commissions, such as BRAG and ARRA; the lack
of public involvement and discussion by Commissions, which have been
formed to advise the CIC, is perhaps ill advised.
Bill Garvine, Executive Director, Alameda Chamber of Commerce, stated
that he is in favor of the City and Catellus working on FISC [project]
with the inclusion of East Housing; it makes sense to integrate two
projects; having to go through the cumbersome process again would
be a disadvantage for the development, the community and the City;
the real estate market is at a peak; slowing down the process risks
a potentially tremendous gain for the City.
Commissioner DeWitt stated that in the East Housing area, the Homeless
Collaborative has about 1/3 of the housing units; 90 units, out of
560-590 units, will go to the Homeless Collaborative; there is a
Special Meeting
Community Improvement Commission
July 21, 1998 2
good portion set aside for the homeless; for any new developments,
the law requires 15% be affordable housing; even the FISC property
must have a certain number of low-income housing units; the whole
West End has a large percentage of low cost housing; to break up
parcels would cause a mismatch and would not allow for the best use
of the land; the City will save time by including East Housing with
FISC development; the process of going out with another announcement
would cost $75,000; [proposal] will save time and money; it is a
win-win situation which will help the City of Alameda.
Commissioner Daysog stated the matter of inclusion is important;
all 1,500 acres of Alameda Point must be considered; there is enough
room to accommodate everyone in Alameda including newcomers; City
is ensuring accommodation of all interested parties in a way that
is fiscally prudent; the Bruzzone project accomplished taking
socially redeeming steps in a fiscally prudent way; with Catellus,
the City has the chance to move forward in fast and fair way.
Commissioner Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Commissioner Lucas seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Chair Appezzato stated there are advantages for
proceeding with Catellus; a master plan for FISC and East Housing
can be developed immediately; planning would begin without delay
in time and cost;
Catellus will reimburse the CIC for all related project costs;
[proposal] will save time and money and ensure continuity; the two
projects will be developed together and compliment each other.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 4. Absent: Commissioner Kerr - 1.
(98-43) Don Bergen, Alameda, commented on the sale of technology
to China; stated if land or docks on the Navy Base [Alameda Point]
are leased to China, Veterans will protest.
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Community Improvement Commission
July 21, 1998 3
There being no further business before the Commission, Chair
Appezzato adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane B. Felsch, CMC
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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Community Improvement Commission
July 21, 1998 4