TUESDAY- -OCTOBER 3, 2006- -7:25 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Commissioner Torrey led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmember/Commissioners/Board Members
Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese,
Commissioner Torrey, and Mayor/Chair
Johnson – 6.
Absent: None.
Board Member Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Board Member deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote – 6.
(HABOC) Minutes of the Special Board of Commissioner meeting held
August 15, 2006. Approved.
(HABOC) Minutes of the Special Board of Commissioner meeting held
September 5, 2006. Approved.
(HABOC) Budget Review. Approved the proposed budget revision; and
Resolution No. 786, “Revising the Budget for the Conventional Low-
Rent Housing Program No. CA-062 (Esperanza).” Adopted.
(06-061 CIC) Recommendation to authorize conveyance by Quitclaim
Deed of 2.51 acres at the former Fleet Industrial Supply Center
(FISC) site for construction of 39 units of affordable rental
housing to the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda;
(HABOC) Recommendation to accept a 2.51-acre site at the former
FISC Site for 39 units of affordable rental housing via a Quitclaim
Deed from the Community Improvement Commission;
(HABOC) Recommendation to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to
execute a 75-Year Ground Lease with Resources for Community
Development (RCD) for construction and management of 39 units of
affordable rental housing on 2.51 acres at the former FISC site and
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community
Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
October 3, 2006
negotiate an Owner Participation Agreement and other related
documents between the Housing Authority, CIC and RCD;
(06-061A CIC) Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to
negotiate an Owner Participation Agreement and other related
documents with Resources for Community Development and the Housing
Authority of the City of Alameda;
(06-489 CC) Recommendation to approve the use of up to $1.41
million of City HOME Funds and $100,000 of Affordable Housing Unit
Fees (AHUF) to pay a portion of the costs of development of 39
units of Affordable Rental Housing within the former FISC site and
authorize the City Manager to executed related documents; and
(06-061B CIC) Resolution No. 06-146, “Approving the Use of Housing
Funds to Pay a Portion of the Costs of Development of a 39 Unit
Affordable Rental Project within the FISC/East Housing Area.”
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager gave a
Power Point presentation.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan requested an
explanation on the cleanup requirements; inquired who would pay for
clean up.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
a benzene plume underlies the 39 unit site; stated the Navy is
responsible for plume remediation, which will begin in
approximately 12 months; the City has been working with the
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) on a remediation
measure that would allow the construction of residential units
prior to the Navy’s remediation; the remedial action work plan was
signed by DTSC in Sacramento today; DTSC approved the installation
of a sub-slab depressurization system; a multi-layer vapor barrier
system underlies the buildings.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired how open
space would be controlled.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
potential indoor air gases are the only risks identified by DTSC;
stated non-enclosed areas produce no human health and safety risks.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired whether
soil disruption has a depth limitation.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community
Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
October 3, 2006
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
the property has other land use controls, such as not allowing
digging below four feet; stated restrictions exist across the site
and would remain in place.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired whether the
Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC) would have the same
restrictions, to which The Base Reuse and Community Development
Division Manager responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired whether
remediation is not required when digging four feet.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
the sub-slab depressurization system is the only mediation measure
required by DTSC.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired about the
ground water.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
there is no drinking water at the FISC site.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired whether the
plume extends past Tinker Avenue.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
in the affirmative; stated nothing is constructed over the plume;
Bayport units are within the buffer zone and single family homes
have vapor barriers.
Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired whether the Navy would still retain
the responsibility for clean up with the remediation, to which The
Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired whether
pumping was being done and air was being circulated.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
the system is passive; stated piping sucks in the air and vents the
air out.
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member deHaan inquired who is
responsible for monitoring the remediation requirements, to which
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
the property owners.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community
Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
October 3, 2006
Councilmember/Commissioner/Board Member Matarrese inquired what is
the Navy’s plume remediation timetable.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Division Manager responded
the Navy hopes to be underway with the active remediation within a
year and completely done by 2016.
Councilmember/Commissioner Daysog moved approval of the staff
recommendations and adoption of resolution.
Commissioner Torrey seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote – 6.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned the
Special Joint Meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Community
Improvement Commission and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
October 3, 2006