TUESDAY- -AUGUST 19, 2008- -7:27 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 8:01 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/Board Members/Commissioners
deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and
Mayor/Chair Johnson – 5.
Absent: None.
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam moved approval of the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese seconded the
motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5. [Note:
Councilmember/Commissioner Gilmore abstained from voting on the
August 5, 2008 minutes.]
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
(*08-339 CC/*ARRA/*08-45 CIC) Minutes of Special ARRA meeting held
on July 1, 2008 and the Special Joint City Council and Community
Improvement Commission Meeting held on August 5, 2008. Approved.
[Note: Councilmember/Commissioner Gilmore abstained from voting on
the August 5, 2008 minutes.]
(*ARRA) Recommendation to authorize negotiation and execution of a
Sublease for RockWall Wine Company, Inc. at Alameda Point.
(*ARRA) Recommendation to authorize negotiation and execution of a
Sublease for Auctions by the Bay, Inc. at Alameda Point. Accepted.
(*ARRA) Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to enter
a Contract, through PM Realty Group, with General Construction
Company to Dredge the Alameda Point Channel and Turning Basin in an
Amount Not to Exceed $2,586,675. Accepted.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
(08340 CC/ARRA/08-46 CIC) Recommendation to concur with the Non-
Binding Summary of Terms and Conditions for a transfer of the
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with SCC Alameda Point LLC to a New
Entity with D.E. Shaw or transfer of an Ownership Interest in the
SCC Alameda Point LLC to D.E. Shaw; and
(08-340A CC/ARRA/08-46A CIC) Recommendation to authorize the City
Manager/Executive Director to negotiate a Second Amendment to the
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with SCC Alameda Point LLC.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager gave a brief
Mayor/Chair Johnson opened the public portion of the meeting.
Proponents (In favor of the staff recommendation): Michael Krueger,
Alameda; Helen Sause, Housing Opportunities Make Economic Sense;
Doug Biggs, Alameda Point Collaborative.
Neutral: Richard Bangert, Alameda; Elizabeth Krase, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Mayor/Chair Johnson closed the
public portion of the hearing.
Mayor/Chair Johnson stated that a financial partner is being
considered; density and transportation issues are not relevant
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam requested clarification of
the confidentiality of the term sheet.
The City Attorney stated the term sheet is a confidential real
property document and is being negotiated; discussing the document
in Closed Session is appropriate.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese inquired whether
the term sheet would be disclosed at some point.
The City Attorney responded the term sheet would be disclosed once
the project is finalized.
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam stated everyone is
encouraged that the Master Developer is able to secure a funding
partner in difficult economic times; the Master Developer is
willing to pay for the planning process as well as the $108.5
million conveyance cost; written assurance is being sought to
ensure that D.E. Shaw and SunCal would be committed to each other
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
for the duration of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA); a
commitment has been made on behalf of the community; a lot of
momentum has been generated; the process has been open and straight
forward; she supports directing staff to ensure that the ENA
reflects the City’s commitment to have SunCal selected as the
Master Developer and to ensure that the timeline in the term sheet
between D.E. Shaw and SunCal comports with the timeline expected
for the planning process with SunCal.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commission Matarrese stated that he
wants to ensure that the City would have the ability to terminate
the ENA if SunCal was removed from the position of Master
Developer; D.E. Shaw would be a financial partner, not the
developer; the timeline should be kept the same; direction should
be provided to the City Manager/Executive Director to negotiate the
amendments to the ENA.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan requested background
information on the timeline.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated currently,
the ENA has a twenty-four month term; the City is thirteen months
into the term; the ENA expires July 19, 2009; the ENA has a
provision for progress expansion and mutual extension; the ENA
allows for an automatic progress expansion if the project moves
forward; a mutual extension could be granted for up to twelve
months if there are third party entities; when the ENA was
initially approved, requirements were not in place mandating that a
conveyance term sheet be completed within nine months from the
effective date of legislation; legislation may be approved next
month or may not be approved until March, 2009; SunCal has a land
plan that would require approval by initiative, which is not a
timeframe that is consistent with the July 2009 expiration.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired what the
ballot measure would be.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded SunCal
revealed a land plan showing 4,000 units; units could increase to
6,000 in the event of a long-term transit solution; both plans are
not consistent with the City’s Charter; SunCal understands and
recognizes that the land plans would need to qualify for the ballot
and be approved by initiative.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether
there is a land plan that represents Measure A.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded SunCal
is not working on a Measure A compliant plan as part of the
community process.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether
SunCal would have a fallback position if the measure did not
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded staff
would recommend terminating the ENA at that point because there
would not be a project.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether
SunCal would be willing to stay in the project if the measure did
not pass.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded SunCal
might be willing; stated the question is whether the City would be
willing to keep SunCal as a partner.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired what
SunCal’s position would be if the measure did not pass.
Pat Keliher, SunCal, responded that SunCal wants to have some type
of fallback plan; stated SunCal is looking at Measure A compliant
plans internally.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether
SunCal would still be willing to be in the process if the plan was
Measure A compliant.
Mr. Keliher responded that today, SunCal would not want to walk
away from Alameda Point; stated SunCal would like to look at other
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired whether
SunCal was in for the long-term, to which Mr. Keliher responded of
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Gilmore thanked SunCal and
D.E. Shaw for transparency and honesty with the public; stated the
City went through a very long, public process to select SunCal as
the Master Developer; D.E. Shaw has a lot of say in the term sheet
provisions regarding what could potentially happen at Alameda
Point; that she will be looking very closely at the Operating
Agreement to ensure that SunCal remains the Master Developer;
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
SunCal has been straight forward with the City; appropriate
protections need to be in place to protect the community and retain
SunCal unless a mutual decision is made that the project would not
work or would not be feasible; a commitment was made to SunCal, not
to a third party.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese stated the
purpose of the ENA is to drive the City to a Development Agreement
with SunCal as the selected developer.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation
including a provision stating that the City could terminate the ENA
if SunCal is terminated for reasons other than illegal activity or
other malfeasance; the timeline being capped to take out some of
the flexibility for an automatic extension; milestones being
adjusted to meet the current progress and state of the project; and
the matter being brought back for public review.
Mayor/Chair Johnson requested that the motion include language for
material cause for termination.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese agreed to amend
the motion.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan requested
clarification regarding the timeline.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese stated the
timeline should be capped to take away the automatic extension
flexibility in the current ENA; staff would come back with a
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired who was the
original financial partner.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded SunCal
anticipated self-financing the ENA period; stated SunCal identified
the need to bring on a financial partner sooner given the real
estate market.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan stated Lehman
Brothers has an investment in the project.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated Lehman
Brothers has some holdings within D.E. Shaw; D.E. Shaw is a $40-$50
billion hedge fund; D.E. Shaw is SunCal’s existing partner for a
big project in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired how D.E.
Shaw builds assets.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded D.E.
Shaw is a typical hedge fund; stated D.E. Shaw’s wherewithal to
finance obligations pursuant to the ENA has been verified.
Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired whether Lehman Brothers was ever a
partner of the Alameda Point project, to which the Base Reuse and
Community Development Manager responded in the negative.
The Assistant City Manager stated D.E. Shaw is a privately held
hedge fund; investors are confidential.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Gilmore stated cross-
default is a concern because of all the projects that SunCal and
D.E. Shaw have together; the City wants to ensure that any ripples
stop before reaching Alameda if something happens to another SunCal
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese restated the
motion to move approval of the staff recommendation with direction
to: 1) negotiate a second amendment to the ENA, which would include
a provision that the City would have the right to terminate the ENA
if SunCal was removed for any reason other than illegal activity or
material cause; 2) place a cap on the timeline to remove the
flexibility of an automatic extension; 3) insulate against the
possibility of cross defaults; and 4) establish mandatory
milestones which would be synced with the status of the project.
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam seconded the motion.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote – 5.
(ARRA) Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory
Board (RAB) representative.
Board Member Matarrese stated the August 13, 2008 Chronicle had an
article about the Army giving the Fort Ord Reuse Authority 3,300
acres and $100 million for remediation; inquired whether
information is true, to which the Assistant City Manager responded
in the affirmative.
Board Member Matarrese stated the City needs to talk to its federal
elected officials to find out why the City cannot get less acreage
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008
at no cost and receive money for cleanup.
Chair Johnson inquired whether $100 million is enough to clean up
the contamination.
The Assistant City Manager responded the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) believes the amount is sufficient; stated the Army
would be liable for the waste.
Board Member deHaan stated the [Fort Ord] Reuse Authority would be
dissolved once the land is transferred.
Chair Johnson stated cleanup would be privatized; working with the
Army is different than working with the Navy.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 8:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
August 19, 2008