TUESDAY- -OCTOBER 7, 2008- -7:27 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 8:02 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers / Board Members /
Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese,
Tam, and Mayor/Chair Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(08-51 CIC) Minutes of Special Community Improvement Commission
Meeting held on September 16, 2008. Approved.
Commissioner Gilmore moved approval of the minutes.
Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote – 5.
(08-52 CIC) Recommendation to accept and endorse the Park Street
north of Lincoln Avenue Strategic Plan.
The Development Services Manager gave a brief presentation.
Ian Ross, The City Design Collective, gave a Power Point
Vice Mayor Tam stated the form based concepts are innovative;
Council has discussed CalTrans’ plans regarding Highway 880 and the
potential closing of Glascock Avenue because of Union Pacific’s
plans; inquired whether there has been any outreach to understand
how said issues would factor into the Strategic Plan.
Mr. Ross responded that he is not aware of any additional outreach
with CalTrans.
Vice Mayor Tam stated Mr. Ross mentioned that auto servicing
businesses would continue even without auto dealerships because
there is sufficient customer base.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
Mr. Ross stated [auto] dealerships are anchors; some auto servicing
businesses will close or look elsewhere, but there is demand within
the City to sustain many of the uses.
Vice Mayor Tam stated very few businesses have the ability to
produce the same level tax revenue as auto dealerships; inquired
whether Mr. Ross concurs that loss in sales tax revenue cannot be
replaced with mixed uses.
Mr. Ross responded auto dealerships are the main tax producing
entities within cities; stated auto dealerships are abandoning
small cities and moving to auto malls; replacing auto dealership
revenue is very difficult; hotels, motels, and destination retail
uses are possible revenue generators; said businesses prefer to be
on gateway streets.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that Mr. Ross noted that residential
development could act as a catalyst; inquired whether work/live
opportunities would differ from the City’s current constraints
Mr. Ross responded that residential development has been one of the
primary driving engines for revitalization within City districts;
stated recommendations are to create as much flexibility in the
land use code as possible in order to attract work/live, retail,
and commercial.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether office and tech opportunities
would be beneficial.
Mr. Ross responded that a strong office base is always good; stated
Alameda has vacancies in some of the larger office parks; small,
professional offices are in demand; the office market is not as
strong as in the past.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether high tech could be a driving
Mr. Ross responded that he hopes that high tech would develop
office space in the future; stated small, incubator flex space is
in demand now; office developments love vibrant centers.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the Planning Board recommends not to
allow any drive-through access on Park Street; inquired what is the
thinking behind the recommendation.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
Mr. Ross responded one of the overall goals is to make the district
walkable; stated he would recommend reducing the number of curb
cuts; drive-through businesses generate conditions for cars to
drive across sidewalks.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he likes the way function and
form has been laid out; inquired whether the Transportation Demand
Management (TDM) is intended to be a district wide or development-
by-development program.
Mr. Ross responded the Transportation Master Plan has Citywide
recommendations and regulations; stated any future transportation
modifications would be in keeping with the Transportation Master
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Opponent (Not in favor of the staff recommendation): Arthur Lipow,
Proponent (In favor of the staff recommendation): Robb Ratto, Park
Street Business Association (PSBA).
Neutral: Bill Smith, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether any thought has been given to
advocating for auto sales tax revenue being distributed to the city
in which the purchaser resides.
The City Manager responded sales tax distribution has been reviewed
but still remains at the point of sale.
Mayor Johnson stated that efforts should be made to review the
matter; communities with dealerships are siphoning a lot of sales
tax revenue.
The City Manager stated the League of California Cities could be
asked to explore the matter; opposition would come from cities
benefiting from the revenue.
Mayor Johnson stated fewer cities have larger dealerships; efforts
should be made to advocate for reallocation [of tax revenue].
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
Councilmember Matarrese stated staff recommends that Council accept
and endorse the Park Street north of Lincoln Strategic Plan and
direct staff to amend the City’s zoning regulations; inquired
whether direction is to include expanding the Work/Live Ordinance;
stated that he advocates using work/live beyond the current scope
in order to review rehabilitation and reuse of historic buildings
outside zones currently designated and as a way to meet Community
Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA) goals.
The Development Services Director stated the Strategic Plan
provides a framework; the next step would be to start exploring
form-based zoning.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he does not advocate changing
the interior Work/Live Ordinance requirements but expanding
locations within the Ordinance.
Councilmember deHaan stated six properties fall under the Work/Live
Ordinance; only one property has moved forward; the work/live idea
seems to have hit a wall; the proposed plan sets benchmark visions.
Vice Mayor Tam stated the City has the opportunity to take control
of its destiny by going through concerted efforts with the Planning
Department rather than allowing haphazard market forces to decide.
Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion with direction to put
effort into the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan,
including the integrated area and review expansion of the Work/Live
Under discussion, Mayor Johnson stated direction should include
review of obstacles associated with work/live projects because only
one project has moved forward; the Work/Live Ordinance is a
critical piece for reuse of historic assets in the northern
waterfront area.
Vice Mayor Tam and Councilmember Matarrese concurred to amend the
motion to include Councilmember Matarrese’s and Mayor Johnson’s
Mayor Johnson stated the area should not be named the Gateway
Councilmember deHaan stated a better name would be one that is
historical in nature.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
Mayor Johnson concurred with Councilmember deHaan; stated a
temporary name should be used.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that the motion should also include assurance
that the TDM addresses what would happen on the other side of the
[Park Street] bridge.
Councilmember deHaan stated Council continually discusses sales tax
leakage; the area provides an opportunity to capture sales tax
On the call of the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote – 5.
(08-413 CC/ARRA/08-53 CIC) Recommendation to approve the second
amendment to the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with SCC Alameda
Point LLC.
Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, gave
an overview of the proposed Second Amendment to the ENA, stating
that in June 2008, SunCal Companies, Alameda Point’s master
developer, requested authorization from the ARRA to secure a
financial partner to assist in carrying out their obligations under
the ENA. Pursuant to the ENA, a transfer requires approval of CIC,
CC, ARRA. On Aug. 19th, the ARRA considered the transfer to the new
entity: Cal Land Ventures, a joint partnership between D.E. Shaw
Real Estate Portfolio Twenty, LLC and WM Development Group, a
wholly-owned affiliate of SunCal.
Discussion of the transfer was based on the following core
principles – 1) any new entity must retain SunCal as the day-to-day
manager of the project, 2) SunCal should retain equity interest in
the new venture, and 3) new entity should commit to invest funds
necessary to meet obligations under the ENA. The City/ARRA/CIC
felt it was critical to amend the ENA to address these core
principles, because City entities are not parties to an operating
agreement between joint venture partners.
The 2nd amendment to the ENA provides: Approval of ownership
transfer, establishes new termination date of July 20, 2010 – this
date reflects SunCal’s intention to seek voter approval of its
proposed land plan in Nov. 2009 and anticipates concluding DDA
negotiations by July 20, 2010. The termination date can only be
extended if Alameda hasn’t acted on SunCal’s land use approvals by
that date.
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
The 2nd amendment also establishes several new mandatory milestones:
- SunCal’s obligation to elect to pursue, or not, a ballot
initiative by April 30, 2009
- Complete a final Navy Conveyance Term Sheet by July 31, 2009
- Complete a negotiated DDA by July 20, 2010.
2nd amendment provides Alameda with performance standards it needs
to ensure timely progress on the redevelopment of Alameda Point.
Failure to meet any mandatory milestone is a default of the ENA. In
addition, SunCal will now be required to deposit $250,000 with the
City to commence CEQA work by April 20, 2009. Failure to make the
initial deposit or subsequent deposits for this work is a default
under the ENA. The cure periods for all the defaults under the ENA
have been shortened, so the ENA can be terminated more quickly as
necessary. The city may request once every six months that the
developer prove in writing that they are consistent with the
obligations of the ENA regarding any transfer.
These modifications protect Alameda’s core interests and allows an
addition of a new financial partner with the wherewithal to fund
the necessary predevelopment activities to entitle a mixed-use
project at Alameda Point.
Member deHaan asked for clarification on the change of the ballot
initiative. Ms. Potter explained that the only change would be
whether SunCal elects to put their land plan on the ballot or not.
They are not required to place it on the ballot, the mandatory
milestone requires only that SunCal to inform us whether they will
go on the ballot or not. Member deHaan asked Suncal if they would
“stay the course” if modifications to the Measure A ordinance would
not pass.
Pat Keliher, Alameda Point Project Manager for SunCal, replied
that, per the agreement, SunCal would like to continue to have an
opportunity to stay the course. To date, they do not believe that
there is any non-Measure A plan that would work. Their plan
developed with community effort is a plan they will take to the
ballot. Mr. Keliher further explained the process it would take to
bring their plan to the ballot. Boardmember deHaan asked if SunCal
would stay in the project, even if the initiative (to change
Measure A) did not pass. Mr. Keliher replied affirmatively.
Member Matarrese asked staff about his earlier request for a
business plan from SunCal. He expressed his concerns about calling
the pile of data a business plan because there was no proposal, nor
any conclusions drawn. Ms. Potter explained that SunCal did submit
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
a draft business plan on September 19th, which was submitted in
multiple parts, and do not exist together as one document. SunCal
understands the Board’s expectation of what the Business Plan
document should entail and has promised that when they submit the
final plan on November 19th, it will be bound in one single document
with a narrative tying all the disparate pieces together as the
Business Plan.
Member Gilmore asked who gets to decide which party decides or
determines when DE Shaw can remove SunCal as partner. Amy
Freilich, Senior VP of SunCal, stated that as it’s drafted
currently, the Board would get notice from DE Shaw that would
indicate that they have removed, for cause, SunCal as a partner.
At that point, under the standard default provisions of the
document, the ARRA would be entitled to declare default and specify
the reasons for concerns and ask for a demonstration for what the
cause was. If DE Shaw is unable to satisfy the ARRA with respect
to that, it would be a default of the developer, and the ARRA would
be entitled to terminate. DE Shaw would present their evidence
that they were appropriately removing SunCal as partner. Member
Gilmore further asked, under the operating agreement, SunCal can be
removed for “member issues”, would the process for determining
default be the same? Ms. Freilich affirmed. Chair Johnson added
that the only remedy would be to declare default and then
Member Matarrese stated that the problem with this situation is, in
layman’s terms, it puts us back to square one where SunCal doesn’t
have any money without DE Shaw. He was concerned that DE Shaw knows
nothing about developing Alameda Point, and that if we lose SunCal,
we’re at the end of the line -- we’re stuck with a terminated
agreement and no developer, and have to start the process all over
Member Gilmore discussed that this scenario could happen at any
point in the process, whether it’s SunCal or DE Shaw; as you go
forward, you always run the risk that something unforeseen could
happen, and the project could not be completed and then you’re back
to square one. Alameda Point is a risk-inherent project. Chair
Johnson agreed, stating that there’s not 100% assurance to
ourselves that something could happen; it’s a very risky project
and there’s not way to prevent the risk.
Chair Johnson requested that language be added that if DE Shaw
terminates SunCal for reasons insufficient for our ENA, it doesn’t
affect the relationship between the ARRA and SunCal. Ms. Potter
explained that if SunCal is terminated for cause, the ARRA has the
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
opportunity to approve a replacement. The path forward under
either scenario would be approval of replacement, or termination if
DE Shaw did something contrary to ENA.
Member deHaan expressed deep concern with this issue in general. He
discussed that SunCal was selected because they had multimillion
dollar background. He was uncomfortable that SunCal had to get a
hedge fund partner to tie them over to get through the ENA.
Because he has no in-depth knowledge of the company, Member deHaan
requested a financial consultant prepare a fiscal evaluation of DE
Shaw and their capability to weather the storm for this project.
Member Tam stated that it is clear that there have been
extraordinary events in financial market, and a solvent financial
partner is difficult to find. Comparing Alameda to Mare Island
(Lennar), she said we have the safeguards in place, and if DE Shaw
jettisons SunCal, the deal would be off and we’re not absorbing any
fallout or cost.
In response to Member deHaan’s request, Ms. Potter explained that
DE Shaw had submitted their financial information to our
consultant, EPS, who analyzed the data and determined that DE Shaw
could take on the financial obligations of ENA. Ms. Freilich
further discussed DE Shaw, stating that they have $36 billion under
management and $1.8 billion in real estate. They began 20 years ago
as hedgefund in global and technology, with 10 different asset
classes, and have hired an experienced team to do real estate
acquisitions. DE Shaw acknowledges that it is a difficult real
estate market, but that they’ve done extensive due diligence at
Alameda Point, which they view as a unique and irreplaceable
opportunity. SunCal is thrilled to have a partner with the
capacity and ability that DE Shaw has, and they understand the goal
of tightening up the milestones, and remain a committed partner in
producing the DDA.
Member deHaan asked if SunCal was in such dire straits that $10m
was difficult for them to invest without a financial partner. Ms.
Freilich explained that because the markets have changed, lines of
credit are not available under the same terms. From SunCal’s
standpoint, partnering with DE Shaw provides stability to the
project rather than the opposite.
Chair Johnson asked for a fundamental explanation of the ENA and
DDA, for the benefit of the public. Ms. Potter explained that the
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) is a predevelopment period
with SunCal, with a term that runs through July 20, 2010. During
this period, the City works in partnership with SunCal to get to
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) stage. The DDA is
a critical document negotiated during the ENA period and is an
acquisition agreement – what you’re paying for the land, what
you’ll be developing on the property, etc. If we don’t have a
negotiated DDA by July 20, 2010, then we go our separate ways.
Member Gilmore asked for an explanation of the Navy still owning
the property, and the clause regarding Navy negotiations. Ms.
Potter stated that it is true that one of the riskiest issues about
the Alameda Point property is that any developer we work with is
not negotiating with the Property owner, which is the Navy. One of
the key milestones being converted to a mandatory milestone under
the 2nd amendment is the conveyance term sheet, our agreement with
the Navy on the land purchase price, how the property will be
conveyed to the ARRA, and ultimately to the developer. This term
sheet is due July 31, 2009. If we don’t come to an agreement with
the Navy, SunCal is in default under the agreement of the ENA and
we move to plan B.
Chair Johnson asked whether the July 31, 2009 deadline is that a
realistic time frame for the Navy. David Brandt, Deputy Executive
Director, stated that the date was what the Navy indicated they’re
willing to entertain in terms of negotiating with us on a deal with
SunCal, and that they’re not moving further past July 2009. Chair
Johnson asked if we are expecting any changes in the Navy’s
approach on the project after election. She hopes for a new
outlook on base reuse from Federal Government and recommended we
have flexibility in that milestone. Mr. Brandt explained that
certainly, if we’re making great progress, and if the Navy wants to
extend beyond July 09, we’ll come back and see if all parties want
to go beyond; but doesn’t want to be caught in the position where
there are no changes after the election, and we’re unable to move
forward. The Navy would not officially negotiate directly with
developer, but will negotiate with ARRA.
Member Gilmore asked staff to inform the public of the upcoming
community meetings where SunCal will present their Development
Concept to eight boards and commissions. Ms. Potter summarized the
meeting schedule and discussed that public comments from each of
these meetings will be compiled into one document and presented to
the ARRA Board at its Nov. 5th regular meeting. ARRA will also
provide their comments, all of which will feed into the Draft
Master Plan due on Nov 19th. Member Gilmore asked if the Nov. 19th
deadline was enough time.
Ms. Potter acknowledged it is aggressive time frame. Mr. Keliher
said that the purpose of the public meetings was to listen and
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
receive, and SunCal hopes to receive a number of different comments
from all of the different groups, and needs to time to analyze,
make changes so that these comments can be considered in developing
the draft master plan. He said they are committed to 11/19 date.
Member Gilmore was concerned that it’s not enough time and asked if
the Board and staff was opposed to an extension? Mr. Brandt
supported the extension because it would mean receiving a better
product. Ms. Potter agreed and requested that the mandatory
milestone be modified to extend the submission of the draft master
plan to Dec. 19th, 2008.
Ms. Freilich requested that language should be added to protect
their interest; that as long as negotiations with the Navy continue
and are fruitful, SunCal would not be in default. Mr. Brandt, and
stated that the City should be included as a party in the same
Ms. Potter wanted to note that there will be a correction made to
an oversight in a sentence included in the ENA, per Senior
Assistant City Attorney, Donna Mooney. Chair Johnson acknowledged
the notation.
There were several speakers on this item: Philip Tribuzio, Alameda,
spoke regarding cleanup of Alameda Point scheduled for completion
in 2011, which is beyond the deadline for conveyance of the
property. Arthur Lipow, Alameda, was concerned about, and against
the partnership between DE Shaw and SunCal. He discussed an
alternative and would like to see a public trust situation like at
the Presidio. Gretchen Lipow, Alameda, discussed health and safety
codes, traffic issues, and clean up of the Alameda Point and would
like more transparency in General Plan and Business Plan. Joel
Ramland, Alameda, was not in favor of the agreement between SunCal
& DE Shaw and discussed its financial status. Bill Smith, Alameda,
spoke about light industry.
Member Matarrese asked how much SunCal has spent to date. Ms.
Potter replied that SunCal has spent approximately $3M to date with
a non-refundable $1M deposit. Member Matarrese asked if we own the
materials produced by SunCal and its consultants pertaining to
geotechnical and environmental information. Ms Potter said that it
is a provision that we do own any and all materials prepared or
commissioned by the developer.
Member Tam motioned approval of the 2nd Amendment to the ENA,
including approving a transfer of the ownership interest in SCC
Alameda Point LLC to Cal Land Venture, LLC, subject to the
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008
following modifications:
1. modify mandatory milestone for submittal of Final Business
Plan and draft Master Plan by December 19, 2008, in order to
incorporate public comment and to have a meaningful work
2. get a status report at least 30 days in advance whether or not
we need an extension on the mandatory milestone regarding
finalization of the Navy term sheet on July 31, 2009.
The motion was seconded by Member Gilmore and passed by the
following voice votes: Ayes: 5, Noes: 0, Abstentions: 0.
Member Gilmore requested an update of the financial analysis of DE
Shaw given the tremendous change in market. The Board directed
staff to provide this update and staff affirmed.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 10:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, CIC and
Irma Glidden, Secretary ARRA
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting
October 7, 2008