1994-12-07 ARRA Minutesn
Wednesday, December 7, 1994
5:30 p.m.
The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr. presiding.
I. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Al
De Witt, Alternate for Councilmember Arnerich; Mayor Ellen
Corbett, City of San Leandro; Mr. Mark Friedman, Aide to
Supervisor Don Perata, District 3 ; Councilmember Karin Lucas,
City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Richard Roth, City of Alameda;
Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional
District; Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr., City of Alameda;
Ex.:.officio Alternate, Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School
District; Ex-officio Alternate Helen Sause, Base Reuse Advisory
Group; Absent: "Lil" Arnerich, City of Alameda;
Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones, City of ·oci.kland.
A. Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting of November 2, 1994
Councilmember Appezzato moved to approve the minutes of the meeting
of November 2, 1994 . The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Roth and
carried by a unanimous voice vote .
A. Report from the Executive Director Recommending that the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority Accept the P & D Aviation Report and Discontinue
Further Marketing Studies on Use of the NAS Alameda Airfield as a Civilian
Operated, Non-FAA Funded Enterprise.
Mr. Parker reported on the background of the reconunendation by stating that the
Reuse Authority staff is recommending not to undertake an additional consultant
study focusing on marketing of the aviation airfield dependent uses at this time.
He emphasized that the staff was not recommending preclusion of any interest
for aviation-related uses that may appear through the process of the marketing
interim use of the base. ·
Mike McClintock reported on the summary of P & D Aviation's findings. In
final summary, he stated that in light of prospective regional air space problems,
loss of the air traffic control tower, major obstructions to air navigation and lack
of an identifiable market need, further consideration of civilian aviation use of
NAS Alameda appears unwarranted.
Councilmember Lucas asked if other competing facilities were visited in the
recent report.
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accommodating a KC-135 or Boeing 707 size aircraft, has had no success in
attracting the types of aviation oriented businesses that Alameda would hope to
attract to NAS .
Vice-Chair Roth asked if consideration was made of any of the surrounding
neighborhoods and their desires regarding an airport.
Mike McClintock stated that the P & D Aviation report was a technical study
only and did not deal with issues concerning neighborhood perception of the
Alternate Al De Witt stated that he felt it was too early to make a decision on the
possibility of airfield use.
After further discussion, Mr. Parker stated that, for clarification, the Reuse
Authority has not ruled out the possibility of airfield use, but for the present, has
decided not to pursue a marketing study.
Chair Withrow stated that the Reuse Authority needs to get on with the process
and begin making decisions .
I u
Councilmember Lucas stated that the Reuse Authority needs to focus on what is
feasible for the site and, according to the P & D Report, airport use is not
feasible. The need is to focus on what is realistic and get the process going.
Doug deHaan, Base Reuse Advisory Group Member, added additional background as to
why this issue was before the ARRA . He stated that because all of the facts are not
available at this time, he recommended any decision be held in abeyance until further
information comes forward so that future avenues are available.
Richard Nevelin, BRAG and EBCRC Committee member, stated that if the Wildlife
Proposal goes forward and is approved, the only thing that would be possible as an
economic use is a runway easement through the wildlife refuge for light traffic .
Councilmember Lucas moved and Vice-Mayor Roth seconded a motion to accept
the recommendation of staff. The motion was passed with 7 ayes and 1 naye (Al
Report from the General Counsel Requesting Authorization to Obtain Insurance
Coverage for Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority.
Assistant General Counsel, Heather McLaughlin state~ that the action was
required in order that the ARRA can obtain insurance coverage to protect the
Authority and its employees in case of accidents or workers' compensation
problems. The Office of Economic Adjustment has agreed to fund the monies
necessary to obtain this insurance.
Mayor Corbett moved to approve the recommendation of staff. The motion was
seconded by Mark Friedman and passed unanimously by voice vote.
C. Report from the General Counsel Recommending Approval of a Resolution
Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment
Assistant General Counsel, Heather McLaughlin stated that in order to comply
with the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), the ARRA must adopt a
conflict of interest code ..
Mark Friedman moved to approve the recommendation of staff regarding the
adoption of a conflict of interest code. The motion was seconded by Mayor
Corbett and passed unanimously be voice vote.
D. Reyort from the Executive Director Recommending Approval of an Amended
Interlocal Agreement to Allow the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment
Commission to Continue Funding the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Project Planner (Management Analyst) and Administrative Aide (Secretary)
Positions Through June, 1995.
Councilmember Lucas moved to approve the interlocal agreement. The motion
was seconded by Vice-Chair Swanson and passed unanimously by voice vote .
E. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Approval of a Service
Agreement with the City of Alameda.
Vice-Chair Roth moved and Mark Friedman seconded a motion to approve the
service agreement. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.
F. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Approval of Proposed Change
to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) Bylaws Regarding the
Appointment of a Member of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG),
Appointed by BRAG, to be a Non-voting, Ex-officio Member of the ARRA With
One Non-Voting Alternate to be Appointed by BRAG and Other Future Non-
Voting, Ex-officio Members and Their Alternates' Appointments (Amendment of
bylaws requires the vote of [i.ve (5) members. three (3) of which must be Alameda
City Council Members)
Vice-Mayor Roth moved to approve the proposed change to the Bylaws. The
motion was seconded by Mayor Corbett and passed unanimously by voice vote.
A. Oral Report from Chair of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
Updating the Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities.
Helen Sause reported that the appointment to the Reuse Authority was Lee Perez,
and herself as his alternate. She reported on the following BRAG activities:
assessing community goals, principles and strategies for development of the base,
interfacing with what the consultant is doing will be presented at a public forum
at the end of January 1995; an adoption of a formal vision statement by the
BRAG; the community survey has had over 1000 returns, tabulations
forthcoming; consideration of historic preservation issues; and the future
implementation of the final reuse plan .
B. Oral Report from Executive Director Regarding the Status of the Request for
Coast Guard Housing.
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Don Parker reported that the Reuse Authority has not received any official word I 1
from the Navy on whether the Coast Guard request for 582 housing units has
been granted.
--· .,
Oral Report from Executive Director Informing the Members of His Resignation
from the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority .
Don Parker reported that on November 8, 1994, he tenured his resignation as
Executive Director of the Reuse Authority effective January 7, reflecting that he
will be in attendance at the next meeting of the ARRA to be held on Wednesday,
January 4, 1995. ·
He stated that he has come to appreciate the complexity of the base conversion
process and the gravity that it has on the community and surrounding region and
thanked the Reuse Authority for the opportunity.
Chair Withrow stated that Don Parker has made a tremendous contribution to the
City of Alameda and the surrounding communities with the Marina Village
development and with the Reuse Authority. He wished Don the very best in his
future endeavors .
. Vice-Chair Swanson added that many communities around the nation have
stumbled in ·starting up the complicated process of base conversion, but that
because of Mr . Parker and his representation locally and nationally and the
reputation developed among those in Washington, D. C., others admire the fact
that the Reuse Authority has been able to iron out any impediments and move
forward in a very constructive way.
Councilmember Appezzato stated, "A job well done." He added that Don Parker
has given the Reuse Authority a solid framework and structure from which to
begin. He stated that he had never met a finer professional in the field than Don
Parker .
Vice-Mayor Roth stated that it has been a great pleasure to work with Don
Mark Friedman stated that the job undertaken was an extremely difficult one
requiring a balancing of competing interests and concerns which Don Parker did
with a patience and grace greatly appreciated. He added that Don has set a very
good tone for the operation of the conversion process .
Mayor Corbett thanked Mr . Parker for his work and that she appreciated his
tenacity in attempting to get in touch with newer members and verifying that all
members have the information required to do their jobs on the Authority.
Vice-Chair Swanson recommended that a resolution of appreciation be done for
Don Parker at the next meeting.
D. Oral Report from Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on Reuse
Authority Staff Activities.
Mr. Parker gave an update on the following issues: interim leasing , utilities ,
financial support for implementation, and state lands.
E. Oral Report from Executive Director Regarding Next Agenda for Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority . ·
Mr. Parker reported on the following items for the next agenda: election of
ARRA Chair, Resolution adopting CEQA procedures, oral report on homeless
process, oral report on schedule of future public hearings and meetings of the
Reuse Authority .
Mark Friedman requested that a resolution of appreciation be done at the next
meeting for Mayor Withrow and Vice-Mayor Roth for their many hours of
dedication and service to the community .
Ex-officio Member Helen Sause requested that the BRAG vision statement be on
the next agenda.
Bonnie Moore, resident of the City of Alameda , thanked Don Parker for his work on
base conversion bringing class and style to everything he does . She suggested that the
City make him an honorary citizen of Alameda and added that she liked the idea of
Mayor Withrow applying for the Executive Director position.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, resident of the City of Alameda, recognized the positive,
professional contribution of Don Parker stating that the City could not have selected a
better person. He added that the staff of the ARRA should be retained and that they are
very much appreciated.
Doug deHaan, resident of the City of Alameda, stated that marketability and marketing
are two different things . He stated that when you lose your quarterback (Don Parker)
and coach (Bill Withrow) at the same time, it becomes difficult. He also discussed the
history of the base conversion process. He thanked the people who would not be in
attendance at the next meeting.
Richard Neve/in suggested that displaced base workers and their employment be linked
with in-kind contributions as volunteers and suggested that Doug deHaan be asked to
serve as interim Executive Director until a new Director is found.
l I
Councilmember Appezzato thanked Mayor Withrow and Vice-Mayor Roth for their many
contributions to the base conversion process.
Vice-Chair Swanson stated that he has enjoyed working with Mayor Withrow and Vice-
Mayor Roth and has appreciated the fine relationship between the Mayor and
Congressman Dellum's office.
Mayor Corbett thanked Vice-Mayor Roth and Mayor Withrow for their leadership and
thanked them for being an advocate for the City of San Leandro.
Ex-officio Member, Helen Sause, on behalf of the BRAG thanked Mayor Withrow and
Vice-Mayor Roth for their leadership, dedication and service to the community.
Mayor Withrow stated that he has enjoyed the process from the standpoint of challenges
and the interaction with the people and stated that he was not going to retire into the
shadows, but will assume a more subdued role. He thanked everyone for their support.
Vice-Mayor Roth thanked everyone for their support. He stated that he has alot of pride
and satisfaction in seeing the BRAG operate and was happy to be a part of creating the
BRAG and Reuse Authority. ·
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Withrow at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Brydon