1995-04-05 ARRA Minutes
Wednesday, April 5, 1995
6:00 p.m.
The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. with Chair Ralph Appezzato presiding.
I. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Alternate Tony
Daysog for Councilman "Lil"Arnerich, City of Alameda;
Councilmember Henry Chang, Jr., City of Oakland; Mayor
Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro; Councilmember Albert
DeWitt, City of Alameda; Mark Friedman, Alternate for Wilma
Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3;
Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor
Charles Mannix, City of Alameda; Ex-officio Member Lee
Perez, Chair, Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group. Absent:
Ex-officio Member Gail Greeley, Alameda Unified School
District; Sandré Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional
A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of March 1, 1995.
Alternate Tony Daysog requested that a point he had raised was not reflected in
the minutes regarding advertising in local papers letting the residents of the
region know of the Homeless Collaborative Process for citizen input.
A motion was made by Mark Friedman to approve the minutes as corrected.
The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix and passed by a unanimous
voice vote.
B. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of March 15, 1995.
A motion was made by Councilmember Lucas to approve the minutes. The
motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix and passed by a unanimous voice
There were no agenda items for this meeting.
A. Oral Report from Master Chief Bishop, Assistant Base Closure Officer for
Alameda Naval Air Station, Regarding the Status of the Historical Preservation
Program "Preserving the Legacy".
Master Chief Bishop reported that the Historical Preservation Program at NAS
Alameda and NADEP is alive and well. The naval historical documentation
team was at the base last week and will be completing their work in another
week. They were very pleased with the groundwork that has been completed to
date and have given excellent guidance on how to continue the program.
Flyers were distributed regarding a kick off event for the "Preserving the
Legacy" Program. She reported that it will be a marvelous opportunity for the
community to come on board. The potential for the event is growing day by
day by leaps and bounds with two live bands, vintage aircraft, trolley, shuttles,
Maritime Day at Jack London Square, etc.
Master Chief Bishop also reported that the Navy is looking at a draft agreement
concerning the historic buildings. This agreement will take place between the
Naval Air Station and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The
buildings will be protected according to the guidance set forth by the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation and State Historic Preservation Officer who
will carry out those guidelines. The Navy is concerned that interim leasing
provides every opportunity to the community to do quick turnovers and speed
the reuse process along. To accomplish those objectives, the draft agreement
will accommodate interim leasing. This will eliminate the need for SHPO
approval of each individual lease of a historic building.
Councilmember Lucas thanked Master Chief Bishop for being so involved. She
asked whether this will protect buildings in the interim?
Master Chief Bishop stated that the historic buildings are protected even now
and have been ever since a 1992 architectural resources survey was done. The
buildings were identified as meeting criteria that makes them eligible for
inclusion in the National Register. That means, that because they are eligible
for inclusion, they are protected. All of the guidelines of the State Historic
Preservation Office have to be followed by the Navy, i.e., painting, interior,
exterior, maintenance, replacement of windows, plumbing, etc. This has been
a fact all along.
Councilmember Lucas then asked if the buildings were protected for the long
term plan.
Master Chief Bishop stated that when EFA transfers any property interest to the
ARRA, there will have to be a Section 106 review. None of this can take place
unless the buildings are appropriately planned and cared for in the future.
Chair Appezzato complemented Master Chief Bishop on her presentation and
continued support.
B. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Regarding the Selection of an
Executive Director.
Interim Executive Director Dave Louk reported that an Executive Director had
been selected: Kay Miller, coming to the Reuse Authority with some
outstanding qualifications having previously been involved in this process as the
Executive Director of the local reuse authority for Lowry Air Force Base in
Colorado. She will be on board on May 15, 1995.
C. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Regarding Equipment and
Personal Property at NAS Alameda.
Dave Louk reported that personal property at any of the closing bases affected
by the BRAC 93 closure has rules and regulations regarding the
disposal/retention of personal property as part of Pryor Amendment. The final
rules on how DoD will be implementing the Pryor Amendment have not been
issued at this time, after nearly a year. Both NAS and NADEP have bent over
backwards to help out the ARRA regarding personal property. They completed
an inventory of all of the personal property with a replacement value of over
$300. This was completed by June or July of 1994. The computer printout for
NADEP containing this inventory is approximately 5 inches thick. These
reports are available for viewing at the ARRA Office.
Regarding Mr. Daysog's request for information, Mr. Louk reported that there
is a whole list of things on what they can do with personal property. If the
Navy needs it for a realigning unit or defense unit somewhere else, or a mission
essential item, they can take it with them. What the Navy is supposed to leave,
or offer up to the community are things which are not mission essential or for
realigning units. A procedure has been formed whereby when the Navy wants
to take something to DMRO, they inform the ARRA asking if the ARRA has a
use for it their reuse plan? If the ARRA says no, they take it to DMRO.
Things which could be useful in reuse such as the equipment that was in
Building 530 when vacated, the ARRA requests to retain it until the Reuse Plan
is completed in December, 1995.
D. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Regarding ARRA Member
Meeting Time for Office of Economic Adjustment Grant Match.
Dave Louk reported that the ARRA Members will be receiving a form to sign
which indicates how many hours were spent by Members and Alternates at
ARRA Meetings and a value placed on each hour worked.
This information will be utilized as part of the City of Alameda Office of
Economic Adjustment (OEA) 25% grant match requirement and forms will be
mailed to the Members and Alternates at a later date.
E. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director (and action, if necessary)
Regarding the Status of the Computer Distribution Subcommittee.'
Mr. Tim Little, Chairman of the Computer Subcommittee, reported that the
Computer Sub-committee had met and prepared some draft materials including
an application for interested parties. Mr. Little reported that there would be up
to 1500 surplus computers available, unfortunately, most of them relatively old.
The subcommittee plans to get the currently available computers out to the
schools and other programs. The Executive Order from the President has a
strong preference towards getting the computers out for educational use in
public or private schools or other educational programs targeting K-12,
however; there is some leeway after that preference is exhausted. The
mailing list will include the school districts and non-profit organizations within
Alameda County as well as any previous requests the Navy or the ARRA has
received for computers. He added that the Navy has been very cooperative
and will assist with the distribution and delivery. The distribution will be
hopefully completed this spring. He then thanked Elizabeth and Emily for
their assistance with the preparation and completion of paperwork involving the
computer distribution.
A motion was made by Mark Friedman to accept the application format for the
distribution of computers. The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix
and passed by a unanimous voice vote.
F. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority
on the Status of the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless
Assistance Act of 1994.
Interim Executive Director Dave Louk reported that at a previous meeting, the
ARRA Members approved and authorized the screening period for the homeless
and beneficial conveyances as a three-month period. Before this period can
kick-off, the Navy was required to publish the property in the Federal Register
and in a local newspaper. This has been completed and the ARRA now is
required to publish the same information in a local newspaper. The screening
date for the property will be from April 14 to July 14, 1995. This period is the
time in which the requests for homeless needs will be coming in through the
Homeless Collaborative as well as public beneficial requests for property, such
as Pan Pacific University or East Bay Regional Park District, Alameda Unified
School District, etc. The Homeless Collaborative and Congressman Dellum's
office, the BRAG, and the ARRA have all been working together to establish
the "Standards of Reasonableness" for the homeless needs. These "Standards
of Reasonableness" will be presented to the Members for approval at the next
meeting (May 3, 1995) giving the guidelines on what will be occurring with
regard to percentages and/or numbers of buildings, and generally how uses and
needs will be accommodated at the Naval Air Station, Alameda for the
homeless. Prior to this, the "Standards of Reasonableness" will be presented
to the BRAG for consideration.
G. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority
on Reuse Authority Staff Activities.
Alternate Tony Daysog asked Mr. Louk what the status of Amerigon was.
Mr. Louk reported that the ARRA staff is working with the Navy to negotiate
the interim lease for buildings that would be utilized by both AEG and
CALSTART. He added that ARRA staff is also working with OEA and EDA
to obtain funding for the CALSTART project.
H. Oral Report from the Interim Executive Director Regarding Next Agenda for
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority.
Mr. Louk reported that the following items would be included on the next
regular agenda of the ARRA: Standards of Reasonableness for the Homeless
Collaborative, a marketing Request for Proposals, and changing the ARRA
meeting schedule from one to two regular meetings per month in order to
accommodate the number of items on the agendas.
I. Oral Report from Chairman of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
Updating the Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities.
Lee Perez, Chair of the BRAG, reported that comments regarding the Interim
Reuse Strategy were read previously by Consultant, John Petrovsky.
Additionally, he reported that the BRAG has been putting a tremendous amount
of volunteer effort to work on this, and that the BRAG should be congratulated
for the work that they have done. He added that the BRAG Members continue
to discuss among themselves how they could be more effective in terms of their
role of being the ARRA's and the City Council's eyes and ears of the
community in terms of what they see, what they would like, what they would
not like, and reasons for those. Also, how the BRAG could work more
effectively in this period of transition and be prepared to go into the new phase
with the new Executive Director.
Bill Smith, of Bases Commercialization Bureau spoke about micro-utilities,
windmills and job creation.
Barbara Baack, representing the Historic Preservation volunteer group reported
that they had had a meeting with Captain Dodge of
the Alameda Naval Air Station to initiate
arrangements to save the artifacts and to start a
museum at the air station. She reported that he
was very supportive of the community's interest.
He gave several ideas of how to create a very
professional museum, and introduced them to the
other volunteers who will assist. He suggested
some buildings as possible locations which will be
studied in the future. He also wondered whether
the City had any interest in having an old carrier
like the Midway brought into dock and utilized as
a tourist attraction. She stated that Captain Dodge
had indicated that eventually a letter of
understanding between the Navy and the City of
Alameda would be required indicating a serious
interest in this museum if he created it, and that
Seabee labor could be utilized to assist the historic
Master Chief Bishop thanked Marilyn and Barbara for their help and is looking
forward to working with other people who are volunteering their help to collect
and preserve these items. She reported that Captain Dodge is going to do
everything he can to make certain that historic artifacts are on station and
well-preserved, but stated that she needed to clarify that the Navy is not going to
create a museum. The Navy will make available and will provide all of the
guidance that is available to facilitate a museum, if in fact, the community
decides and makes a request through the BRAG and ARRA to do so.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Brydon