1995-06-07 ARRA MinutesMINUTES
Wednesday, June 7, 1995
5:30 p.m.
The meeting convened at 5:37 p.m. with Chair Ralph Appezzato presiding.
j. ROT]. CAT .1..• Present: Mayor Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Alternate Tony
Daysog for Councilman "Lil"Arnerich, City of Alameda; Councilmember
Henry Chang, Jr., City of Oakland; Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San
Leandro; Councilmember Albert DeWitt, City of Alameda; Supervisor
Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3;
Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Charles
Mannix, City of Alameda; Alternate Roberta Brooks for Sandre Swanson,
District Director, 9th Congressional District; Ex-officio Member Lee
Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group; Absent: Ex-Officio Member Gail
Greeley, Alameda Unified School District. (Note: Alternate Tony Daysog
arrived at 5:40 p.m.; Mayor Ellen Corbett arrived at 5:50 p.m.)
A. Approval of Minutes - Special Joint Meeting of May 3, 1995.
Councilmember Karin Lucas moved and Vice-Mayor Mannix seconded a motion
to approve the minutes. The motion was carried by a unanimous voice vote.
A. Report from Bill Norton, Current Executive Director ,Regarding the Designation
of the Executive Director for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, Ms.
Mr. Bill Norton, City Manager of the City of Alameda and current Executive
Director of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority informed the
Authority Members of the appointment of Ms. Kay Miller as the new Executive
D irector. .
B. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the Ultimate
Aerospace Refinishing Company (UARCO) Interim Reuse Proposal and
Authorization for the Executive Director to Negotiate with the U.S. Navy and
UARCO Concerning Lease Rates, Terms and Conditions of a Master Lease, and
Sublease Respectively with the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Neil Patrick Sweeny, resident of Alameda stated that all of the proposals for Naval Air
Station, Alameda were not getting equal publicity.
After a brief presentation by staff and discussion, a motion was made by
Councilmember Lucas to accept the recommendation of staff to endorse the
proposal. The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix and passed by a
unanimous voice vote.
C. Report from the Executive Director Recommending the Alameda Fleet Industrial
Support Center (FISC) Annex Come Under the Jurisdiction and Control of the
A ' , and Transmission of a Request from the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory
Group (BRAG) to have the BRAG be the Advisoiy Group for FISC as It Has Been
for the Alameda Naval Air Station.
After a brief presentation by staff and discussion, a motion was made by Vice-
Mayor Mannix to accept the recommendation of staff to endorse the proposal. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember DeWitt and carried with one abstention
(Alternate Tony Daysog).
D. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Approval of BRAG Reporting
Function to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. (Enrlorcen hy
Alameda City Council @ April 11? 1995 Meeting)
Neil Patrick Sweeney, resident of Alameda, stated that the BRAG should continue to report
to the City Council rather than the , • IP , because the City Council meetings are televised
and pleaded with the City Council of Alameda to continue to include the BRAG reports
to the Alameda City Council.
After a brief presentation by staff and discussion, a motion was made by
Councilmember DeWitt to accept the recommendation of staff regarding the
reporting function of the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG). The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Lucas and was carried by a unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Corbett of San Leandro requested the Chair that staff give a briefing to the
regional members regarding who currently are serving on the BRAG and the
function of the various committees so that regional members could assist in
recruitment of regional members. Staff agreed to arrange this briefing. After the
briefing, the regional members will discuss a proposed plan for recruitment of
regional members.
E. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the
Environmental Aqua Services, Inc. Proposal for an Interim Use to Develop and
Operate a Business at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Alameda for Environmental
Clean-up for the Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination, and
Authorization for the Executive Director of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment
Authority (ARRA) to Negotiate and Execute a Lease with Lease Rates, Terms, and
Conditions with the U. S. Navy and Environmental Aqua Services, Inc. for the Use
of Buildings and Facilities at NAS Alameda.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, a resident of Alameda, stated that he has declared war on the
environmental clean-up of Alameda Naval Air Station.
Bill Smith, of the Base Commercialization Bureau, stated that he supports this proposal and
its applications.
After a brief presentation and discussion, a motion was made by Vice-Mayor
Mannix to accept the recommendation of staff. The motion was seconded by
Mayor Corbett and passed by a unanimous voice vote.
(Secretary notes Supervisor Wilma Chan 's departure, with Alternate Mark Friedman replacing
F. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Support for SB 1180 Relating
to CEQA Reform for Military Base Reuse Plans.
After a brief presentation and discussion, a motion was made by Alternate Mark
Friedman to accept the recommendation of staff. The motion was seconded by
Vice-Mayor Mannix and carried by a voice vote with one abstention (Alternate
Tony Daysog).
G. Report from the Executive Director on the Request from the Arms Control Research
Center for the Use of Buildings and Facilities at NAS Alameda for the Bay Area
Ship Recycling Complex (BASCR) and Request for $50, 000 as a Grant or Contract
or In-Kind Services for Preparation of the BASRC Detailed Business Plan.
Mr. Neil Patrick Sweeney, resident of Alameda, stated that the EBCRC and Mare Island
Shipyard liked the idea of ship recycling and that he supports the proposal.
Mr. Bill Smith, representing Bases Commercialization Bureau, stated that he has seen this
proposal presented several times and stated that he supports the idea, but suggested Todd
Shipyard instead.
Mr. Richard Neve lin, a former worker at Naval Air Station, Alameda, urged the Authority
Members to support the proposal.
Alternate Mark Friedman stated that he had been in contact with the proponents of
ARC, and made a motion that the A' • postpone this item so that they can
continue to meet with the BRAG and receive endorsement by the BRAG prior to
presentation to the ARRA. The motion was seconded by Mayor Corbett and
carried by a unanimous voice vote.
A. Oral Report from the Executive Director on the Status of Utility Transfers.
Dave Louk stated that the Bureau of Electricity's Board gave the Bureau the
authority to negotiate with the Navy to enter into an Operations and Maintenance
Contract for the Bureau of Electricity to operate the distribution center on the base,
with the long term goal of having the entire system turned over to the Alameda
Bureau of Electricity.These negotiations/modifications of the current contract
would optimistically be completed within sixty to ninety days. Additionally, the
City of Alameda will be taking over the storm and sanitary sewers as studies are
being completed. Pacific Bell is waiting for new customers to sign up, and will be
utilizing the Navy system which goes through a switch until base closure, then a
single point of entry will be made for each business on the base.
B. Oral Report from the Executive Director on the Status of the CALSTART Lease.
Dave Louk gave a status report on the CALSTART lease. The basic lease
between the ARRA and the Navy for Building 20 will hopefully be completed in
one-two weeks. This will then have to go the Secretary of the Navy for approval.
C. Oral Report from the Executive Director Regarding the Status of Alameda Unified
School District's (AUSD) Public Beneficial Conveyance Proposal.
Kay Miller stated that she had been working very closely with the BRAG regarding
scheduling and deadlines for public beneficial conveyance requests, and stated that
she is proposing that the ARRA consider for approval in concept, (no designated
facilities), the remaining beneficial conveyance requests. The deadline for public
benefit conveyance requests is July 14, 1995. At that time, all approved benefit
conveyance requests will be turned over to the consultant to consider as part of the
final reuse plan. These pending proposals should be acted on at the BRAG's June
14, 1995 meeting and will be agendized for the next A* " • meeting to be held on
Wednesday, June 28, 1995. At this time, it is hoped that the Authority can act on
these pending proposals in concept only.
D. Oral Report from the Executive Director on the Funding Status for the NAS
Alameda Sewer Forced Main Improvement Project.
Kay Miller stated that the most recent development regarding the funding for the
sewer is that the opportunities for federal funding look very good.
E. Oral Report from the Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on Reuse
Authority Staff Activities and the Next Agenda for the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority.
Kay Miller reported on current staff activities and the next agenda for the ARRA.
F. Oral Report from the Chair of the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Regarding
BRAG Activities.
Lee Perez, Chair of the Base Reuse Advisory Group updated the Authority
Members on current BRAG activities.
Dave Louk stated that he was thankful for the opportunity to work on base closure. He added that
the two people he most wanted to thank were not present: Don Parker and Bill Norton. He
emphasized the extreme complexity of base closure and wished the new Director and staff well
in their future endeavors. He also commended the Authority Members for their tenacity and
perseverance in making difficult decisions and their thoughtful preparation before each ARRA
meeting. He concluded by commending the current staff of the ARRA for their excellent work.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, resident of Alameda, stated that the community was going to miss Dave
Louk, and stated that Dave was leaving behind a great staff and requested that it not be changed.
He stated that Alameda is lucky to have a community involvement subcommittee chaired by Diane
Lichtenstein and that they do an excellent job of getting news out to the public. He then discussed
some recent articles in the local newspapers.
Ann Mitchum, of Bases Commercialization Bureau, stated that she recommended that various start-
up companies coming into the base should be given the opportunity to have a lease based on the
profits of the leasee company, i.e., a sliding scale lease based on revenues earned quarterly or
annually so that companies making a sizeable accelerated profit can ultimately help improvements
to the base and their own properties.
Bill Smith, of Bases Commercialization Bureau, stated that Environmental Aqua Services is not
going to be able to tap into the University's 25 million dollars. They (the University) have three
technological projects that they are looking at, and EAS cannot touch it.
Richard Nevelin, a displaced worker, stated that the base reuse process is not easy and added to
Dave Louk's statement regarding the current staff of the ARRA, that the ARRA does not have
a policy for hiring displaced workers and stated that it should be something which leads the way.
He added that there are many displaced workers from the base which could be utilized to augment
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Vice-Mayor Mannix requested staff, working with the BRAG, to undertake more public education
in light of some misconceptions that are being fostered in the community about future homeless
programs at NAS Alameda. He said that he would follow up with a written document on his
Councilmember Lucas requested that compensation for the Authority Members be agendized for
the next ARRA meeting at $100 per meeting with a maximum of $100 per month.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Brydon