1995-08-02 ARRA Special Minutes UNAPPROVED
Wednesday, August 2, 1995
The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present: Chair Mayor Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Alternate Tony Daysog
for Councilmember "Lil"Arnerich, City of Alameda; Supervisor Wilma Chan,
Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3; Councilmember Henry
Chang, Jr., City of Oakland; Councilmember Albert DeWitt, City of Alameda;
Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda (arrived at 5:44 p.m.); Vice
Mayor Charles Mannix, City of Alameda; Vice Chair Sandré Swanson, District
Director, 9th Congressional District; Ex-officio Member Lee Perez, Chair, Base
Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG); Ex-officio Member Gail Greeley, Alameda
Unified School District
Absent: Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro
A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of June 28, 1995.
A motion was made by Supervisor Chan to approve the minutes. The motion was
seconded by Vice Mayor Mannix. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1.
B. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of June 28, 1995.
A motion was made by Supervisor Chan to approve the minutes. The motion was
seconded by Vice Mayor Mannix. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1.
A. Report from the Executive Director Recommending that the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) Approve in Concept an ARRA Budget Amendment
to the Office of Economic Adjustment from November 1995 to January 1996 Through
the Completion of the Reuse Planning for the Alameda Naval Air Station (NAS) and
the Alameda Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC).
Executive Director Kay Miller stated that this action would allow ARRA staff to
negotiate a budget amendment with the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA). It is
expected that the final budget will be brought to the September meeting for final
approval. The Executive Director then covered those items outlined in the Staff
Report adding that preliminary OEA discussions have been very positive.
The Executive Director stated that the OEA is concerned over the high cost of the
Utilities Study which would include the condition of utilities, what systems can and
cannot be used, financing strategy, and phasing for long-term improvements.
Estimated at between $600,000-$1,000,000, the OEA wants some assurance that the
utilities are invested. The ARRA staff will present a compromise wherein the
minimum $600,000 study would be undertaken: the OEA would fund $200,000, the
City of Alameda would fund $200,000, and the utilities would fund $200,000. There
have been very positive discussions with EBMUD regarding funding their share and
the Bureau of Electricity also seems ready to “step to the plate.” ARRA staff has yet
to meet with PG&E officials. The Executive Director stated that this study is critical
and that if an agreement cannot be reached with the OEA, she will be back to the
ARRA for discussions on how to get the study done.
Councilmember DeWitt asked how the utility study would affect the leasing
arrangements now in process. The Executive Director stated that it would help, as
Alameda must guarantee uninterrupted utility service after the April 1997 operational
base closure and this in-depth study will help best determine how this can be done.
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Mannix and seconded by Alternate Daysog to
approve in concept the ARRA Budget Amendment. The motion carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1.
B. Report From the General Counsel Regarding Policy Guidelines for Proxies.
Chair Appezzato summarized the issue as follows: Do we allow all ARRA members to
have two alternates as in the case of Congressman Dellums? Due to the fact that
Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris cannot often attend and his Alternate, Councilmember
Henry Chang, Jr. may be absent, another Alternate is necessary. After discussion of
the merits of modifying the Joint Powers Authority or allowing two alternates, Chair
Appezzato stated that having the option of two alternates was the easiest way to
resolve the problem with a minimum of bureaucracy. Assistant General Counsel
McLaughlin concurred. Vice Mayor Mannix moved for acceptance of the
recommendation and Councilmember Chang seconded. The recommendation carried
by the following voice vote:
Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1.
C. Discussion and Action (if any) on a Resolution Amending Resolution No. 001-A
Establishing Rules and Procedures for Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Meetings by Amending the Order of Business and the Character of Minutes Kept.
Assistant General Counsel McLaughlin stated that the Agenda order is a technical
change and Action Minutes will save staff time because every speaker and their
position will not have to be detailed. Alternate Daysog asked if the tapes are kept on
record. Former ARRA Secretary Brydon assured him that all of the tapes are kept at
the ARRA offices.
A motion to accept was made by Councilmember Chang and seconded by Vice Mayor
Mannix. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1.
A. Oral Report from the Chair of the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Updating the
Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities.
Lee Perez, Chair of the BRAG, gave an update on recent BRAG activities. Mr. Perez
voiced the BRAG’s concerns about the Conservation Science Institute Public Benefit
Conveyance. The BRAG feels strongly that the proposal is not complete enough and
does not merit the same recommendation as other PBCs. Chair Appezzato asked if
the BRAG could still live with the ARRA acceptance in concept. Mr. Perez stated
that it could. Chair Appezzato stated that the comments from Lee Perez and Helen
Sause were well taken and they will be very sensitive to the Institute when it comes
back to the ARRA.
A public meeting will be held September 12 at the City of San Leandro Public Library
jointly co-sponsored by Mayor Corbett of the City of San Leandro and by Supervisor
Wilma Chan and the BRAG. Also, a community meeting will be held on September
9 from 9:00 a.m.–12 noon, for EDAW to present the preferred alternative plan at the
“O” Club.
Additionally, Mr. Perez stated that the BRAG has created a special work group for
Fish and Wildlife issues; the BRAG strongly requested that the ARRA staff and
experts on the City of Alameda staff work together so that “the wheel is not
reinvented”; and advised the ARRA that the City Golf Commission has showed very
strong interest in developing a golf complex within the redevelopment plan.
Chair Appezzato thanked Mr. Perez and asked that, on behalf of the ARRA, Mr. Perez
thank the BRAG for all their hard work and the many hours they put in. Mr. Perez
made a special mention of the dedication, time, and expertise that Diane Lichtenstein,
Helen Sause, Alice Garvin, and Tom Matthews have put into their efforts. Chair
Appezzato then stated that the ARRA would not be where it is today if it were not for
the efforts of the BRAG.
After questioning Mr. Perez on the Fish and Wildlife subcommittee, Councilmember
DeWitt said that he would like it on record that he sees the Marina possibilities as,
perhaps, one of the largest moneymaking operations and therefore, although he realizes
that there are organizations that would do a lot of public benefit, the area does have a
potential for financial benefit and we just cannot let it all slip away.
B. Oral Reports from the Executive Director on Current ARRA Matters.
The Executive Director introduced two new ARRA staff members: Margaret Ensley,
ARRA Secretary and Office Manager and Ed Levine, Facilities Manager. The
Executive Director then discussed the schedule for Public Benefit/Homeless
Collaborative milestones; very productive meetings with EBMUD and the Bureau of
Electricity on utilities issues, and a position paper crafted by BADCAT on base
conversion reforms that will be submitted to the ARRA for endorsement at the August
16 Special Meeting.
The Executive Director outlined actions taken to clarify the 15% homeless hiring goal
concerns: (1) A draft letter to interim users stating that the 15% homeless hiring goal
does not apply to interim users. (2) An advisory letter that long-term users will be
asked to sign stating they have been advised of the 15% homeless hiring goal and will
do their best to comply. The only other requirement is a report on their attempts and
how successful they were. The ARRA will compile an annual report on the results.
(3) As a result of the public meeting question and requests from Authority members,
the Assistant General Counsel researched the question of whether a homeless provider
could take the goal requirement to court and have the court enforce it as a mandate.
The Assistant General Counsel concluded it is just a goal, not a mandate and we
cannot be forced to do anything.
The Executive Director advised the ARRA that Congressman Dellums office had
arranged a meeting in Washington, D.C. Monday, August 7, 1995 with Josh Gotbaum,
Asst. for Secretary of Defense for Economic Development and William Cassidy,
Deputy Asst. Secretary of the Navy to try to resolve the three remaining fundamental
lease issues that are keeping us from consummating a final lease with AEG by
September 1.
Vice Mayor Mannix expressed his appreciation to the staff and the BRAG and
particularly to Ms. Garvin for blunting some of the reactionary voices in the
community. He stated that those reactionary voices are probably not going to go away
so we must continue to solidify our output to the community so that there is an
understanding about what the Standards of Reasonable represent.
(Any person may address the Governing Body in regard to any matter over which the
Governing Body has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the
Richard Nevlyn, Save the Hornet volunteer, voiced concern over the letter for interim
reusers that states they are not bound by the 15% hiring goal for homeless. He then
stated that the Hornet will be open for personal tours by volunteers on Thursday, August 3
and Saturday, August 5 between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. while the volunteers finish up
work. A large celebration is being planned for the following Saturday and he
recommended that everyone come out to the Hornet before the huge crowds arrive. He
also suggested that a Bureau of Tourism be formed from the various communities to bring
tourists to Alameda. Chair Appezzato thanked Mr. Nevlyn for his contribution of time
and effort as a volunteer on the Hornet.
Chair Appezzato welcomed Margaret Ensley and Ed Levine and thanked former ARRA
Secretary Elizabeth Brydon for all of her help and professionalism.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 6:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret E. Ensley