1996-03-06 ARRA Minutes UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 6, 1996 The meeting convened at 5:35 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Vice-Chair Sandré Swanson, 9th Congressional District (arrived at 5:45 p.m.); Vice-Mayor Charles Mannix, City of Alameda; Alternate Jay Leonhardy for Councilmember Henry Chang, Jr., City of Oakland (left at 7:22 p.m.); Alternate Tony Daysog for Councilmember "Lil"Arnerich, City of Alameda; Councilmember Albert DeWitt, City of Alameda; Alternate Greg Alves for Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Alternate David Brown for Supervisor Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3; Ex-officio Alternate Helen Sause for Ex-officio Lee Perez, Chair, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG); Alternate Ardella Dailey for Ex-officio Member Barbara Rasmussen, Alameda Unified School District. Absent: Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Appezzato stated that Item 2-E would be pulled for a formal presentation. Alternate Daysog requested that Item 2-B be pulled for discussion. Vice Chair Swanson moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Member DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1 - Member Corbett. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *2-A. Approval of Minutes - Special Meeting of January 31, 1996. Approved. *2-C. Report and Recommendation from the Executive Director Designating a Portion of the Parks and Recreation Public Benefit Conveyance Lands at NAS Alameda for a Dog Exercise Area. Approved. *2-D. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the Selection of Consultant Team to Prepare a Marketing Plan and Graphic Materials to Support the ARRA’s Interim Leasing Effort and Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute the Contract. Endorsed. 2-B. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Revised 1996 Budget Request to the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA). Alternate Daysog asked whether the in-kind contribution to the grant would come from the City of Alameda to the ARRA in the form of a loan. Executive Director Miller explained that the 2-A in-kind contribution has always come from the City of Alameda in the form of City Staff time, including time that elected officials and BRAG members spend working on ARRA-related issues. Alternate Daysog stated that he preferred that the value of the City staff time be transferred as a loan so that Alameda funds remain for Alameda projects. Alternate Leonhardy moved endorsement of the revised 1996 OEA budget. The motion was seconded by Member Mannix. Speakers: Neil Patrick Sweeney, an interested citizen, suggested that all ideas for the base conversion, whether accepted or not, be posted on the Internet with graphics of NAS Alameda. Alternate Daysog offered an amendment to 2-B that the in-kind amount of the local match, which currently is $353,337, be considered a loan and that the ARRA approach the City for that sum as a loan and not as a grant from the City. Alternate Leonhardy stated that he could not accept the amendment. The motion died for lack of a second. Chair Appezzato noted that Vice-Chair Swanson had arrived. The original motion to endorse the revised 1996 OEA budget carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 0. Abstain: 1 - Alternate Daysog. Absent: 1 - Member Corbett. 2-E. Resolution Expressing Appreciation to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company For its Generous Contribution of $25,000 For Use in the ARRA’s Lease Marketing Program and for its Continuing Support of the Base Conversion Process. Speakers: Neil Patrick Sweeney, an interested citizen, stated that everyone should thank Pacific Gas and Electric Company for their generous contribution and that more publicity was needed to get more contributions. Chair Appezzato asked that Rita Hamilton, Area Manager and Jane Yura, East Bay Division Manager for Pacific Gas and Electric Company come forward. A motion was then made by Vice-Chair Swanson and seconded by Member Mannix to accept the resolution expressing appreciation to Pacific Gas and Electric Company for its generous $25,000 check in support of ARRA’s lease marketing program. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1 - Member Corbett. Chair Appezzato read the Resolution to the assembly conveying the ARRA’s sincere appreciation to Pacific Gas and Electric Company for its support of the base conversion process and thanking them for their $25,000 contribution. A picture was then taken to commemorate the event. Jane Yura commended the ARRA on the tremendous progress made to date and voiced PG&E’s commitment in providing funds to implement the marketing plan, which is so vital to the the health of the community and PG&E. ACTION ITEMS 2 3-F. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of Pre-Applications to the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for a Technical Assistance Planning Grant, Construction Application for the Main Street/Storm Water Improvement Project, and Building Improvement Construction Application for Building to be Leased to the Alameda Center for Environmental Technologies (ACET). Executive Director Miller thanked Chair Appezzato and Bob Brauer of Congressman Dellums’ Washington, D.C. office for urging the ARRA to apply for EDA funds. Chair Appezzato thanked Bob Brauer for the support and assistance that he provided on behalf of Congressman Dellums’ office. Ms. Miller also singled out Mark Braly, OEA Project Manager, for all of his support and assistance in the process. Executive Director Miller explained that ARRA staff was seeking approval to submit a pre-application to EDA for several projects: First, a $450,000 technical assistance planning grant for three studies: (1)Building Upgrade Survey and Construction Specifications; (2) Building Demolition Study; and Street Improvement Study. This would require a $150,000 local match. Second, a $3 million construction grant for the Main Street/Storm Water Improvement Project, which would require a $1 million non-federal match that would be met with in-house (City) design, engineering and permit work and Urban Runoff funds. Third, a $400,000 EDA construction grant for building improvements to a building to be used by the Alameda Center for Environmental Technologies (ACET), with the match to be provided by ACET. Alternate Daysog voiced his concern about the $150,000 match required for the $450,000 grant requested for the three studies under the technical assistance planning grant. He stated it was imperative that the ARRA go to the City of Alameda and ask for a loan of staff time and repay the City for the local match. Executive Director Miller stated that she viewed this grant as an enormous opportunity for the City of Alameda to get a project funded that has been a City priority for years. She further stated that it is critically important that everyone understand that the Base is fully a third of the City of Alameda and the future of the Base will impact the future of the entire City. Member Mannix stated that it was dangerous territory to think of the City of Alameda and the ARRA as entities that are in opposition to one another and he could not support a process that would make the development non-viable. A motion was made to endorse the pre-applications to EDA for grant monies by Vice-Chair Swanson and seconded by Alternate Leonhardy. Speakers: Bill Smith, an interested citizen, stated that there is a lot of money available from the State and he feels that once the State is involved, Alameda “has it made.” Alternate Daysog offered an amendment that the ARRA go to the City to ask for the $150,000 needed for in-kind match be provided as a loan. The motion died for lack of a second. Vice-Chair Swanson stressed that the ARRA must take every opportunity provided to obtain funds to support the reuse effort. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: None. Abstain: 1. Absent: 1 - Member Corbett. 3 ORAL REPORTS 4-G. Progress Report on Pan-Pacific University from Peter Sun, Ph.D. Dr. Sun read the contents of the update report provided with the ARRA packet. Speakers: Neil Patrick Sweeney, a concerned citizen, stated that he is backing Pan Pacific University. A motion to accept the report was made by Member Mannix and seconded by Member DeWitt to accept the report. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: None. Absent: 1 - Member Corbett. 4-H. Oral Report from the Chair of the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) on Reorganization of the Public Participation Process. Helen Sause, Vice-Chair of the BRAG, gave a presentation on the historical role of the BRAG, including their organization, responsibilities and activities, and their suggested mission for BRAG II as providing community input. She stated the BRAG strengths, examples of ongoing key issues, and their view of the next steps to be taken. Alternate Daysog stated that homeowners and close neighbors to the Base should have a very large say in the conversion process. Speakers: Richard Nevelyn, former base worker and BRAG member, stated that it is essential to have public participation and suggested that agendas and minutes should be published in the Alameda group newspapers. He also suggested that large firms such as Clorox and Pacific Bell be approached for money to support the BRAG efforts. Kurt Peterson, West Alameda Neighborhood Association, felt that their group should have a very strong influence on the base conversion decisions due to their close proximity to the base. Bill Smith, a concerned citizen, stated that there are many valuable tools and equipment on the base and everyone ought to have an opportunity to become part of the process. 4-I. Oral Report from the Facilities Manager Updating the ARRA on Interim Lease Status. Ed Levine, Facilities Manager for ARRA, stated there are 35 buildings that comprise approximately 3 million square feet at NAS with interim leasing potential. At FISC there are ten large warehouses and one large office building that will be available for lease after 1998. He provided an overview of the steps necessary to achieve an interim lease and the current status of potential lessees. Speakers: Richard Nevelyn, a displaced base worker, requested that future lease status reports be dated and that the number of jobs that might be created by each tenant be listed on the report. 4 Neil Patrick Sweeney, a concerned citizen, renewed his request that the base reuse process be modernized by getting all the facts about the base on the World Wide Web. Bill Smith, a concerned citizen, provided suggestions for movie studios that might want to establish a presence on the base. 4-J. Oral Report from the Executive Director. Executive Director Miller briefed the ARRA on five issues. (1) The Alameda Center for Environmental Technology’s (ACET) invitation for Alameda Businesses to join the ACET Board of Directors. (2) There is a meeting scheduled with Fish & Wildlife and the Navy to begin the Section 7 process. (3) There is an informal request from the Navy Public Works Department to retain some housing, however no decision has been made. (4) A Financing Workshop for the ARRA that would include a half-day session with developers and another half-day that would include (a) an investor’s panel and (b) the state and regional role in financing. It was decided that the ARRA Secretary would conduct a fax poll to determine what dates would be best for the workshops and whether the ARRA April meeting should be held in addition to the two half-day workshops. (5) The EIR/EIS Scoping Session would be held on March 13, 7–9 p.m., after which the process would become invisible to the public until the consultants present a draft EIS sometime in the summer or early fall. Speakers: Sandra Cavender, West Alameda Neighborhood Association, expressed their concerns about the RV park, its close proximity to a school, and the adverse effects on children, the environment, and the neighborhoods. James Sweeney, an Alameda resident, stated that the neighbors are fearful of the RV Park and that a day-use park would be more appropriate. Member Mannix stressed that the RV Park is still conceptual in nature and citizens should contact East Bay Regional Parks District with their concerns. Neil Patrick Sweeney, a concerned citizen, suggested that a Volunteer Faire be organized to help solve problems and that everyone involved in the process should be volunteers. Kurt Peterson, West Alameda Neighborhood Association, stated his concern that after the EIS Scoping Session, there will not be continuous public input until the draft EIS report is presented. D. Paul Tuttle, Reuse Planner, explained that after the draft report is presented, the public will be able to review and comment on the plan. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Bill Smith, an Alameda citizen, spoke to various issues including a smooth transition and highest and best use of existing machinery, tools, furniture, and equipment. COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNING BODY 5 Chair Appezzato suggested that the members of the West Alameda Neighborhood Association form a list of questions and contact Kay Miller to arrange for a meeting of the Association to brief them and answer questions. Vice-Chair Swanson suggested that a quick tour of the base be arranged for interested ARRA members to see what the proposed RV Park site and wildlife refuge areas look like. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret E. Ensley Secretary 6