1997-03-05 ARRA Minutes APPROVED
Wednesday, March 5, 1997
The meeting convened at 5:48 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks, alternate to Vice-Chair Sandré Swanson, District Director, 9th
Congressional District
Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors,
District 3 (left at 6:40 p.m. and was replaced by Mark Friedman, alternate)
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Henry Chang, Jr./Elihu Harris, Mayor, City of Oakland
Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arrived at 5:56
Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Greg Alves, alternate to Karin Lucas, Councilmember, City of Alameda
John Abrate, alternate to Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Tim Haffey, alternate to Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda; member
Daysog arrived at 6:45 p.m.
Lee Perez, Ex-officio, Base Reuse Advisory Group
Absent: Berresford Bingham, Ex-officio, Alameda Unified School District
Chair Appezzato welcomed the new Assistant City Attorney. City Attorney Carol Korade then
introduced Teresa L. Highsmith, who will be providing legal counsel to the ARRA.
2-A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 1997.
Member DeWitt moved approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 1997.
Alternate Friedman seconded the motion, which passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8.
Noes: 0. Absent: 1 - Corbett (alternate Ornelas arrived at 5:56 p.m.).
3-B. Report from the Executive Director recommending authorization for the Executive Director to
finalize negotiations and execute a five-year lease with Quality Assured Products, Inc. (QAP) with a
five-year option to extend.
After discussion, Alternate Friedman moved approval of the recommendation that the
Executive Director finalize negotiations with QAP and execute a five-year lease with a five-
year option to extend. Member DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by a unanimous
voice vote - 9.
3-C. Proposed amendments to the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Rules and Procedures and
recommendation on the appointment of the Economic Development Chair, Land Use Chair, and City
board and commission representatives.
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BRAG Chair Lee Perez explained that the BRAG Rules and Procedures had not been updated since
the jurisdiction change from the City of Alameda to the ARRA. He then provided the reasoning
behind the various recommendations. Comments and questions from the governing body were
addressed by BRAG Chair Perez and Carol Korade, City Attorney. Alternate Alves stated that he
respects and has faith in the BRAG’s work; however, 17 members is unwieldy and the stipulation
that was removed which required BRAG members be Alameda residents might result in a committee
of people who do not represent Alameda.
Alternate Leonhardy moved approval of the proposed amendments to the BRAG Rules and
Procedures and the appointment of the Economic Development Chair, Land Use Chair, and
City board and commission representatives. Alternate Friedman seconded the motion, which
passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 2 - Alves and Abrate. Absent: 0.
4-D. Oral report from David Vandeveer, VZM and Linda Hausrath, Hausrath Economics on the
results of the Container Port Feasibility Study.
David Vandeveer, Vice President of VZM (Vickerman · Zachary · Miller) and Linda Hausrath of the
Hausrath Economics Group presented the results of the Container Port Feasibility Study. This study
was commissioned by the EBCRC to determine if a container port facility at the 220-acre NAS
Alameda site is technically, economically, and institutionally feasible. The study concluded that the
site was not feasible for a container port facility, with primary factors including: (1) it is not
technically or economically feasible for several reasons, primarily due the lack of access to and from
the island, hence, the added costs of access infrastructure and operations to move cargo across the
Estuary; (2) vehement opposition from the ARRA and the community; (3) potential U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Refuge incompatibility; and, (4) institutional barriers of operating a port in an unreceptive
host community and apparent lack of interest by the Port of Oakland in operating outside their
Jon Rodgers, an Alameda citizen, stated he has 20 years in the business and while there is growth in
containerized ports, traffic considerations in Alameda make it infeasible.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, an interested citizen, discussed transportation alternatives and suggested the
internet be used to inform people what is going on at Alameda NAS.
James A. Brown, an Alameda citizen, stated that Alameda is not the right location for a container
terminal due to transportation problems getting containers and trailer through the streets of Alameda.
Earl Peacock, an Alameda retiree from the Corp of Engineers, stated that money for a bridge can be
obtained from the federal government and someone should be appointed to explore the possibility.
Bill Smith, Virtual Agile Manufacturing, stated that ships will become 50 percent bigger and they
should be able to accommodate the rising cargo needs.
Alternate Friedman stated that it was an excellent report. He thanked the EBCRC and Congressman
Dellums’ office for getting the study funded and he hoped that BCDC will now agree to lift the port
priority designation. Chair Appezzato seconded Alternate Friedman’s remarks. Member DeWitt
made a motion to accept the report. The motion was seconded by Alternate Brooks and passed
by unanimous voice vote - 9.
4-E. Oral report from Neal Fishman on the Coastal Conservancy’s Dredge Material Reuse Project.
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Mr. Fishman discussed the Dredged Material Reuse Project, which will help select one or more
upland sites where material dredged from San Francisco Bay can be used as a resource. The project
will determine the areas with the highest environmental or economic benefits. NAS Alameda is one
of four potential sites they would like to investigate further. Chair Appezzato asked if the Coastal
Conservancy would provide written assurance that the results of the study will not be imposed on the
City of Alameda without the City’s approval. Mr. Fishman indicated that the Coastal Conservancy
has no power to impose their will either on the ARRA or BCDC; they do all their projects in concert
with communities.
Member Daysog acknowledged that their might be potential economic benefit to the ARRA. Due to
the proximity of NAS, much of the dredge material would undoubtedly come from the estuary. He
suggested that the positive economic benefit to the City of Oakland from depositing the dredge
materials locally would provide a negotiating card in substantive discussions with the Port of
Oakland on airport expansion and overflights.
Member DeWitt made a motion to accept the report. The motion was seconded by Alternate
Ornelas and passed by unanimous voice vote - 9.
4-F. Oral Report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities.
BRAG Chair Lee Perez voiced the BRAG’s concern to protect the least tern and what security will
be provided after the Navy leaves in April. Discussions are being held with environmental groups
and Mal Mooney, the Environmental Chair, is working with all parties. BRAG is also working on
the issue of Pan Pacific University to address their specific concerns. The Aviation Task Force will
formulate their position on a limited use airfield after incorporating information from the financial
analysis that Economic & Planning Systems will present at the Financing Workshop on March 15.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, an interested citizen, requested that ARRA contact people in Washington to
ask them to consider NAS Alameda for the UCSF research hospital expansion, which would create
12,700 jobs.
4-G. Oral report from the Executive Director updating the ARRA.
Executive Director Kay Miller reported that she and Chair Appezzato had met with OEA officials on
the trip back to Washington and as a result, the Golf Course Feasibility Study and the Airport
Management Study had been reconsidered and would be funded. The EDA grant had been approved
at the regional and federal level and ARRA has been formally invited to apply by the end of March.
Hopefully, the grant award can be announced at the base closure ceremony and construction can
begin in August. As a reminder, the Financing Workshop will be held on March 15 from 8:30 a.m.
to 12:00 p.m.; no decisions will be made, this is just an informational workshop. The NAID
conference in Washington, which included representatives from base closures across the country as
well as officials from the Department of Defense, Congress members, etc., highlighted that many of
the frustrations we are encountering in the closure process are shared by other bases. During the trip
to Washington, Executive Director Miller attended meetings with HUD and the Veterans’
Administration seeking funds to provide an off-site solution for Operation Dignity.
Executive Director Miller stated that meetings have been held with City officials and the Navy on the
Cooperative Services Agreement (CSA) and the Navy is to provide a written commitment by March
18. Chair Appezzato thanked Dave Ryan and his staff at EFA West who have been working with the
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City to finalize the CSA. He stated that the Navy has committed to $4.5 million from now through
September 30, 1997 and $8.7 million for the next fiscal year.
Pan Pacific University has voiced concerns about restrictions surrounding the Tidelands Trust. PPU,
State Lands, and ARRA staff will be meeting with the State Lands Commission later this month to
clarify the restrictions.
The BRAG task force working on the restricted use airfield issue has suspended work until they
receive information from the Financing Workshop and a statement from Fish & Wildlife that a
restricted use airport will be allowed to operate on the refuge. There are several serious proposals for
air shows and the pressure is mounting for a decision on the airfield issue. Joe Davis has requested
permission from the Navy for a demonstration project for three weeks around base closure. Historic
aircraft would be flow in, offering an opportunity for voluntary noise monitoring to assess the real
impact on the community. Alternate Brooks asked for a time frame when a recommendation would
be made by the BRAG. BRAG Vice-Chair Helen Sause stated that they were only waiting for the
financial information and the letter. Alternate Brooks offered the help of Congressman Dellums’
office in obtaining the letter from Fish & Wildlife.
The appraiser has been chosen for the Public Trust appraisal and that project can go forward.
Executive Director Miller next made announcements not for discussion, including (1) Conflict of
Interest forms are due to the ARRA office and (2) the Navy must make a decision about the lay-up
(boarding up) of housing while they still have the manpower. The Interim City Manager will be
sending a communication to the City Council. Any questions from the ARRA can be referred to her
or the Interim City Manager.
Daniel Roberts, representing Alameda Analytical Services Company, spoke in favor of a limited use
airfield, stating that it would allow the materials handling facility to reopen, starting with eight jobs
and working up to fifty.
Ronald T. Reuther, Gratz Powers, Jon Rogers, and Bill Smith yielded their time to Joe Davis.
Joe Davis, Nimitz Field, stated that negative press on the airfield has resulted from misinformation.
All flight patterns would be over the bay and none would be over Alameda. He would like to do a
real presentation to the ARRA with questions from the ARRA and the public.
Lamon B. Seim, UNC/LSI Aviation Services yielded his time to Ron Mixon.
Robert L. Mixon, Mixon, Wicks, Byrdsong & Associates (formerly UARCO) stated that Ultimate
Aerospace could provide 104–160 annual jobs within five years. He provided estimates of income,
possible operating hours, and size and type of aircraft that could be accommodated.
Kurt R. Bohan, Kaylor Energy Products, stated that hangars should not be leased to industries that
do not promote jobs or a sense of community; airfield-related jobs will give citizens their lives back.
Bob Garzee, Chairman of Synergy EV, Inc., spoke in favor of a limited use airfield, stating that the
largest single use of electric vehicles is at airports.
Barbara Baack, Alameda Naval Air Museum, spoke in favor of the limited use airport, as it would
compliment the Museum by tying in the history of flight with actual demonstrations, produce jobs
for displaced workers, and protect the air space above Alameda.
Neil Patrick Sweeney, a concerned citizen, announced meeting schedules.
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Chair Appezzato thanked the aviation community for demonstrating their support. Member Daysog
said that he was heartened to see the meetings being televised.
Sam Broadnax, asked that he be heard, as he had turned in a speaker’s slip. Chair Appezzato
recognized him. Mr. Broadnax represents the Tuskeegee Airmen, who have turned in a proposal for
an air show. He stated that after baseball, air shows produce the second highest attendance rates,
attracting 1.8 million people per year at $5–$7 per ticket, plus earnings by vendors and area
restaurants and other businesses.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret E. Ensley
ARRA Secretary
The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act.
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