1998-01-07 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesda.y,iJanuary. 7, .1998
The meeting convened at 5:37 p.m. with Chair Appezzto presiding.
Chair.RalphAppezzto , Mayor, City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt , Councilmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Jay Leonhardy,.alternate toHenryChang,Jr.alternateto.ElihuHarrs .Mayor , Cityof Oakand
KathleenOrnelas, alternate to . EllenGQrbett,MaYQr Gityof San Leandro. (arved at
Sandre Swanson, Distrct Director, 9th Congressional Distrct
Karin Lucas , Councilmember, City of Alameda
Ex-offcio: Lee Perez , Ex-officio , Base Reuse Advisory Group
Ardella Dailey, Ex-offcio , AlamedaUnifiedSchoolDistrct
A. Approval ofthe minutes of the regular meeting of December 3. 1997.
8. Approval ofthe minutes of the special meeting of December 16.1997
Speakers : None.
Alternate Friedman moved approvalofth (JonsentCalendar.TheJllotionwas sec()nded by
Member Daysog and passed by the following voice vote: . A-yes:.\Noes:. .0. . AiJsent: 3-
Alternate Ornelas arrived subsequent to the vote; MemberLu as and MemberSwansonwere
C. Recommending award of contract in the amount of $1.148.950 toSausal Corporation to
upgrade building 39 at Alameda Point. project number 07-49-03698-39A (P.W. 11-97-25)
Executive Director Miler stated that this actionwasidenticalto.. the recommendation that the
Alameda City Council hadadQptedthe preyious evening withoneexc ption.The $1,148 950 total
amount slated on the AR staff report had been lowered to $1 045 000 due to the elimination of
$103 950 for BidAltemates 1 through 11.. This change was mad subsequenttothemailing.ofthe
staff report.. The staff recommendation. was , therefore
thattheboard approve. the. contract with
Sausal for $1 045 000 as approved by the City Councilthe previous evening.
Speakers : None.
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Member Haysog moved approval 01 the amendea statt recommenaanon. 1 ne mOHon was
sec()nded by Member DeWitt and passed by the fonowing voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O.
Absent: 3 - Alternate Ornelas arrlvedsubseqllent to the vote; Member Lucas and Member
Swanson were absent.
D. Recommendation from the BRAG foitheARRAtowritea letter to Lieutenant Commander
Scott Smith to improve the lighting at Alameda Point
Speakers : None.
Member. DeWitt moved approval of the BRAG recommendation. The motion was seconded
by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Absent:
Alternate Ornelas arrived subsequenUothevote;Member Lucas and. Member Swanson were
E. Statu report on efforts to enhance regional trsportation access by Cheri Sheets. Supervising
Civil Engineer. Engil1eeringDivision.. CityPublic..Works.Deparment.
Cheri Sheets , Supervising Engineer for the. Engineering DivisionoLtheCity s Public Works
Department , gave a presentation on the curent problems with regional access to Alameda and
Alameda Point , in paricular. She outlined previous studies underten to develop the NAS Street
Improvement Plan ahdstated thatARiscurently requesting OEAfunding to identify potential
fuding sources , as well as a strategy to secure those sourcesforcriticalprojects.She also reported
on the paricipation of City staff in a regional planng activity focused on improving access to I-
880/980 , efforts to enhance existing water transit components , and the developmelltofother
programs such as water taxis and amphibious buses.
F. Oral report from die BRAG updating the AR on curent activities
BRAG Chai Perez thaned the ARRA for accepting the BRAG recommendation that ARR write
a letter to LCDR ScottSmithtQurgeithe NavytoimprovethelightingatAlaIedaPoint. He stated.
that the BRAG is working intensely to help define the futue role of BRAG.
G. Written status report from the Executive Director on ARRactivities
(1) EIS delayed; (2) USFWSresponse to ARR letter regarding boundar and acreage of the
wildlife. refuge;i(3)Golfcourse request for proposals (RFP); ."(4).. Sublease with the Alameda Center
for EnvironmenmlTecblology (ACET) for buildilg 7; (5)RFP for fim studio operator; (6) East Bay
Regional ParkDistrictFinancin.gStudy.
Executive Director Miler stated that today she had received correspondence from Dave Ryan at EF A
West informing the AR that the NEP AIOD had been moved forward to Janua,. 1999 due to
slippage " in the EIS and EIR. She fuer reported that the golf course RFP to doa feasibility study
was "out onthe.street".
Chair Appezzto. mentioned. that he had been interviewed. by Bay TV.. about the continuing
production of movies com.ercials , and television shows at Alameda Point facilties.
Member DeWitt requested that an actionitem be agendizedforthe Februa,3, 1998ARmeeting
to discuss the USFWS letterreferencedin item #2. He stated that he wanted to goontherecord as
opposing any more than 525 acres. Member Kerr stated that the USFWS had taken a proprieta
interest in uses outside the refuge , and she requested that the sta report for that actioniteminclude
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the current thinkng of USFWS in this area as weB as an update on communications with the
Sacramento USFWS offce.
H. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items)
Executive Director Miler expressed her regret at the depare of AR Secretar Margaret Ensley
and welcomed Patti Van Mark, who will take over the duties ofAR Secretar on Januar 12
Bil Smith , an interested citizen , asked for resolution to recycled fence production at Alameda Point
and stated that the buners are a perfect vantage point for bird watchers , which could be reached by
locally produced electrc vehicles.
The meeting was adjoured by Chair Appezzato at 6:30 p.
Respectfully submitted
AR Secretar
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