1998-02-04 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 4 1998 SPECIAL SESSION The special session was convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzto presiding to address the following: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAl, COUNSEL -- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuat to Gov. Code Sec. 54956.9(c) Potential number of cases: .. One Attndees: Cha Appezzto , Member DeWitt Member Kerr, Member Daysog (by conference call), Alternate Sweeney, Alternate Brooks, Alternate Friedman. Absent: Alternte Chang, Alternate OrnelaS. Chair Appezzto adjoured the special session at 5:50 p.m. and convened the regular meeting 5:55 p.m. He anounced tht the Board ha met in special session , and that by unanous vote inctions were given to sta to acknowledge approval of assignent from Catholic Chaties to Operation Dignty to be provider/operator of 67 famly housing unts at Alameda Point for the Alameda County Homeless Collaborative. ROLL CALL Present:Chai R.lph Appezzto, Mayor, City ofi\ameda Albert I)~Witt qoUlcilnernber City iofAlameci Barbara Kerr , Councilmember, City of Alameda James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karn Lucas , City of Alameda Rob rt Brooks , alternate to Sandre Swanson, DistrcLDirector 9th Congressional Distrct Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors Distrct 3 (left at6:50 p. Absent:Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda Henr Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Hars , Mayor, City of Oakand Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro Ex-offcio: Alternate Diane Lichtenstein , Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Jan\l 7 , 1998. .recycled papr H:\MSLEY\ \MES\ 1 998\2-4-98.MlN Recommending award of contract in the amount of $501 630 to Svala Constrction to renovate Building 530 at AlamedPoint AR Project" Number 07-49-03698-530A (p. No. 11-97-29). Speakers : None. Member Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Absent: 3. ACTION ITEMS C. Recommendation authorizig AR sta to pursue discussions with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the size and acreae of the wildlife refuge Speakers: Leora Feeney, Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge and least tern bi()logist expressed her concern tht the birds need to have plenty of land and urged that land not be taen away from the refuge.Shefavors.coperaonWiththeoriginalline that.vvas .ageeuponbetVeenthe.AR and USFWS.She sadthafAlamedac01ldbecol1e knovvfor its Wildlife refuge in thefutue and that it could attact people from allover the countr. Corine Stefanick, Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge, spoke in favor of leaving the curent acreae allowed for the refuge. She also sad tht there needs to be access for docent-led tours for students, and tht they anticipate havig an interpretive center on the refuge. Mary Schaefer , Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge , concuredVVthvvhat Leora Feeney had stated in terms of the size of the refuge. Arthur Feinstein , Golden Gate Audubon Society, ageed with the previous speakers. He said he has been involved in this issuefromthebeging and served on the BRAG subcommttee. urged remainig with the original line and sad tht ths ha aleady comea successful endagered species colony. Carolyn West, interested citizen, also asked to keep thebounda.asitis and felt that the refuge will be a unque attbute to the communty. Marge Kolar, USFWS, stated she was available to anwerquestionsal1dprovide background. She said that in 1994 , USFWS submitt a request for 713 acres of land and 300+ acres of water for the least tern habitat. AR asked thtths amount be reuced andllegotiationsfollowed. . She said that the originalline was agreed upon and drawn in good faith. Bil Smith , interested citizen, said that he could build a 20 000 foot fence for the refuge for low cost. He said he would do two fences and that the outSide fence wOllldbe movable ard predators could not land on it. .recycled papr H:\MSLEY\ \MUTS\ 1998\2-4-98.MIN Executive Director Kay Miler advised that one piece of information had changed. since her staff report was wrtten. The AR does not have more acreage than originally calcula.ted; .. we were relying on inaccurate maps. Meetings have been held among AR and USFWS sta and representatives from Congressman Dellmns ' and Senator Boxer s offces , and compromises and concessions are being explored. Cha Appezzto reminded.all present that the motion under consideration was simply authorizig ARRA st to Pur disc\lionswith\USFWS, . and th when decisionshave iben mae, they will bebroughfback to the Board. Member De Witt stated tht he feels the land reuest for the refuge is excessive, and no one convince hi otherwse. He asked on behaf of the citins of Alamed when there will be public acss and wht ar the plan for improvement of the ar? Marge Kolar of the USFWS responded and showed a ma of the ar with the propose new bounda lines. She sad that public acess is planed, but beaus they do not own the land yet, no accss is allowed. Member Kerr asked about the right-of-way mentioned in the sta report and why ths road would be problemac. Executive Dirtor Miller advise tht there would be no problem with an eawest road outside the bounda, but USFWS does not th it can give an easement though the refuge. Alternte Broks sad th she ha ben very involved with ths issue , including attending meetings in Washigtn , D., and urged all conceed to look for solutions which will be beneficial to all includig the lea tern. Chair Appezzto mae one fi comment tht there is a perception in Alameda tht dealing with the USFWS is a one-way stt. The AR ha notben a hidrce, ha always support havig the refue , but acree nee to be ag upon. Negotiations nee to contiue on a two-way street with cooperation on both sides. Alternate Brooks moved toauthoriARstafftopunue diseussionsmtbtheUSFWS. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: . O.Absent: 3. D. Report remmending authorion for the Executive Director to finaize and execute a five- year lease with a five-yea option to renew on Building 9 with Simba Systems. Speakers:None Member De Witt mentioned that he had met with the owner of Simba Systems , ard he is very enthusiastic andwants to do a good job. Member DeWitt moved to authorie AR staff to enter into a lease with Simmba Systems. The motion was seeonded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voiee vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Absent: 3. .recycled papr H:\MSLEY\ \MUT\1 998\2-4-98. E. BRAG recommendation thatARR wrte a letter to the Navy expressing concern about delays in the EIS Speakers: Richard Neveln , Nimitz Aield Society, voiced his support of wrtig alettr to theNavy and also recommended that the BRAG tak force be reinstituted. Diane Lichtenstein, BRAG, sad that some of the impacts of these delays have included lack of jobs, as well as negatively inuencing home ownership, businesses and taes. She sad tht some people she ha spoken to ar hesitat to explore movig their businesses to Alameda Point because of the EIS delays and tht they may end up going to other bases in the ar The BRAG urges that the Navy be pined down to the Janua 1999 date. Doug DeHaan , BRAG, stated tht the EIRIIS ha been delayed six times and tht Mare Island which was on the same trk to begi with ha their complete in July 1997. He ured the to make sure the Navy sticks to ths Janua 1999 time fre. Cha Appezzto advise tht Deputy Assistt Secreta of the Navy Cassidy would be personally meetig with sta on Febru 5 and tht ths was among severa items which would be discussed. He stated that the results of ths meeting will be made available to the public. MemberJ)eWittJIoved.oau ARstafftowrtea letterto.theNavy. 'fb.emotion was seconded by Alternate Brooks. and passed by the following voi e'Vot : A-Yes:5. Noes: Absent: 4. (Alternate Friedman left the meetig at 6:50 p. ORA REPORTS F. Galla her & Lindsa West Housing marketing plan Executive Director Miler remided the Board that last sU1er Gallagher& Lindsey was selected as the project Itanagerfofthe W stfIo9Singat.1\aIedaroint. Suze Lindsey introduced her staff members present and said they are all enthusiastic about this project. Their marketing program has begun, and they have already gotten inquiries about the pr()perties. Theyhaye.. a. brochure.an4",lJsite\,vhi show photosipf th )louses. and their renta prices. Righ.tnow theyarejustdtWiIgwiththeranchhot1s .and.WiFIIarkefth big ""hites as soon as they are released by the Navy. . A letter was sentto tenants presel1t1Yc.oil1gb1liI sshere , and there have been ten defite expressions of interest alady. They expect the fit houses to be ready for occuPancy on March 1. Member De Witt inquired about the lead paint abatement statu , and AR staff member Nanette Balls dvised that she h j9St rec;eiyeq. atiIIelinefromthe Navy thtdaY, which projected the abatementtobecomplet ()nthe.big-whitesby th.~ enc.ofApril.. . I\eIIberDeWittiaskegif it would be possible for the City to contract with an outside source to speed. up theabatementprocess , but Executive Director Miler advised that the Navy wil not allow that. recycled papr H:\MSLEY\ \MlNUTS\ 1998\2-4-98.MlN Cameron Fowler of Gallagher & Lindsey presented the assumptions for financial projections and reviewed the planed operations.budget...The bottoIlline is that the net cash flow by Janua 1999 is projected to be in excess of$425 000.00. Speakers Diane Lichtenstein , BRAG, voice concern abut the procss for nag of stts and ar with the West Housing ar She st tht the BRAG ha ben involved in the renag of streets but not in the selection of the nae "The Pointe at Alamed Point" Chair Appezzto stated that there is a process for nag ofnaes and it should be followed. Executive Dirtor Miller knows the procss and it was done. There should not be any offcial naes until it has gone though the proper process. 0. Updte.onleasfu progtss by Ed Levine. ARM Facilties Maner Mr. Levie state tht ther ar curntly 28signedlol1-term leases reresentig atotal of 726 000 squae feet, plus anadditiona20 short-te leas. With the next two month , another 8-10 leass are expected tobe.signed,brigingthe totaleasedareatolnrllonsquaefeet.The City's use permt process andAR's intemalprocess have been accelerated, so that it is now possible for a tenant to move ill With 3-4 weekS. Anotherfactofha.berithe availabilt)ofED1\gntfuds to do buildig upgres , so thttenats do not have to front tht money. He cited Tower Aviation Delphi Productions and SimbaSYstmsas exaples of tenats who were able to move in quickly resultoftheavaiabiltyofilEDAfuIlds. ..Projecte grss revenue frmleas .forthiscaenda year is $2.4 millon,inI'irgto$5miionin2000.Thetotaprojecteartider lea with yea is 2.5-3millionsq\J feet,wmch wiUgener grss anua incomeofapproXitely $9 milion by 2002 (not including costs for common services , port operations, utilties , etc. Mr. Levine identified 10 .. major categories for ternt use ..at Alameda . Point: .. . trporttion technology, envionmenta tehnology, port operations and services, manufactug/ight industral vvarhousstorae, high tehnology, public Uss, university/campus filDandTV production , andspecial events. H. Oral report froIIthe BRAGupdtin rthe.AR on curent activities Diane Lichtenstein stated that the BRAG is curently reviewing or planng to review the special events policy, the Eat Bay Regiona Park Distct ficing plan, the right--f-wayissue the wildlife refuge , the possibilty of an RFP for film and TV production, the delays with the EIS , the results of the Secreta Cassidy meetig, the Naval AirMUsuI the TidelandsTrut,andEDC negotiations. The BRAG will report back to the AR on the results of their review of these items. She also sad that she feels there nee to be more communcation between the City boards andcon1ssions and the BRAG. 1. Written report from the Executive Director updtiJ)g the AR 1. EDA and OEA budget request statu 2. Golf course feasibilty study 3. Lead-based paint report 4. Campus outreach effort .recycled papr H:\MSLEY\ \MlN\ 1 998\2-4-98. 5. Refuge-related issues 6. ARRl tterofsupport to Congresswoman Tauscher for IS TEA fuding for.880 demonstration project Regarding the refuge-relate issues, Executive Dirtor Miller state tht the dr manement plan for the refuge ispropose tobejssuedbytheUSF\VSjn MaJ11 and the.pU1.ljcand A. will have (U.opportty tOC9nuent on theplanatthtime.Th~arof most concern is the biological opinion because tht is where thelJSl"WS will look at alL the planfor.thebasepropert and determe whether they jeopardiz the lea tern habitat or not. Public comment will not be allowed regarding the. biologicalopinon. Speakers: Leora Feeney, Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge, stated tht she had wrtten a letter to theAR which did not a.pe to be included ontheagenci..Executive Dir tor Miler assured her that her . letter was included in the C9rrspondence setionoftheagenci packet. . J. Oral reportifrom the Executive Dirtor (non-discussion. items).None. ORA COMMCATIONS, NON-AGENDA (pUBLIC COMMNT Speakers Richard Nevem, Nimtz Aield Society, voice his concern tht there seems to be no discussion about the numbe of jobs going to loc peple who ar unemployed as a result of the base closure. He state it is importt for the C9mmunty to incre loc employment. Doug DeHaan , BRAG thed Executive Director Miler and her stafor their effort in leasing the properties atAIamedPoint. He said .theres1lts have .ben yeryimpressive. in the last year. Cha.ir AppezztothanedMr. Dellaafor pointing out the positive results, since most often they hear only the negative. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. ADJOURMENT The meeting was adjoured by ChaiAppezzto at7:45 p. Respectflly submitted V4- Patti Van MarkAR Secreta recycled papr H:\MENSLEY\\MS\1998\2-4-98.