1998-03-04 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 4 , 1998 The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Appezzto presiding. ROLL CALL Present:Chair Ralph Appezzto , Mayor, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt , CouncilDember , City of Alameda Barbara Kerr , Councilmember, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Councilrnember Cityof Alameda James Sweeney, alternate to CouncilmemberKar Lucas , City of Alameda Mark Friedman , alternate to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of Supervisors Distrct 3 Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Henr Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Hars , Mayor, City of Oakand Katheen Ornelas , alternate to Ellen Corbett , Mayor , City of San Leandro Absent:Vice Chair Sandre Swanon , Distrct Director, 9th Congressional Distrct Ex-offcio: Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Febru 4 , 199 Speakers : None. Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: O. Absent: 1. ACTION ITEMS A. Report and recommendation from the Deputy City Manager. Alameda Point. that the City of Alameda retain Buildin2 1 as City Hall West. Speakers Bil Garvine , Executive Director of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce , stated that the Chamber is in support of maintaining Building 1 as City Hall West and thaned the City Manager , Executive Director and Deputy City Manager for relocating City staff there while also retaning core staff located at City Hall. Srecycled paper H:\MSLEY\ \MS\1 998\3-4-98. Chair Appezzto indicated that the City CounciL has already approved this proposal. Deputy City Manager Bob LaGrone stated thafstaffre.commends the move as it provides a presence of City staff on the West End. In addition, it saves the City money on rent, and necessar building improvements and upgrades will be made without cost to the City. Mr. LaGrone , who is retiring from the City on March 6 , also introduced Dina Tasini , who will tae over as Cooperative Services Manager. Member Daysog stated that he does not support ths move because he feels that the City staff should all be located at the historic civi.c core at City Hall. Member Kerr moved to approve the recommendation of retaining Building 1 at Alameda Point as City Hall West. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: L(Daysog).Absent: L 8. Report recommending that AR expand the scope of work of Gallagher & Lindsey to include the management of the Admiral's House (100 WestEssex). Speakers : None Member DeWitt mentioned that the original idea for the Admiral'House was to be used as a meeting and .conference .center. By including ths propert in the Gallagher & Lindsey plan, it will allow repairs and improvements to be made which will enable it to someday be used for that purose. Alternate Friedman moved to approve tberecommendanol! to expandtbe scope of work of Gallagher & Lindsey to include the management ofthe Admiral's House. The motion was seconded by Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes:. Absent: 1. ORA REPORTS A. Economic & Planing Systems report on East Bay Regional Park Distrct financing Chair Appezzto indicated that ths item vvouldbe taen outoforder due to the absence of the EPS consultat. 8. Oral report and presentation on the fim studio RFP status and presentation by Mass Ilusions. Speakers Bil Garvine , Executive Director of the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, said that the Chamber is enthused about Mass Ilusions establishing a presence at Alameda Point because it brings wealth and technology jobs to the CitY. Srecycled paper H:\MSLEY\\MES\ 1 998\3-4-98. Executive Director Kay Miler said that the AR was planng to doanRFP to see if there was a fim studio interested in permanently locating here , although the feedback received thus far indicated that probably would not happen. Then Mass Ilusions , who has been a tenant fora year , asked the AR to hold off on the RFP because they believe they can provide ths service. The City Manager hasmetwith Mass Illusions already, andithas been agreed to hold offon the RFPfor 90 days so that Mass Ilusioll can put together a proposal. The amount of space that Mass Ilusions is interested in is the same as the space that would have been proposed in the RFP process (Building 19 and Hangars 11 , 12 400 and 1-2 bays of 24). Michael Van Himbergen , Vice President of Strategic Relations for Mass Ilusions, introduced his staff members who were present and then showed a five-minute video of some of the company s work. He then stated that there are presently 65 employees andthattheyplan to double their sta within the next sixrnonths.They are presently working ontwo major motion pictues , and in addition to visua effects , the company also does softare development and provides other studio services. Robert Bobo , Managing Director, provided some business background on the company. It is owned hyManexGroup, a 120-year-old financialcompanyJocatedinEllgland. He said that Mass Ilusions is curently based in Massachusett , but they have not had much communty support there , which they have gotten here in Alaleda. Theywouldlike to move their headql.ers to Alameda Point. Chair Appezzto confrmed that whatMass Ilusions desires is to be selected as the operator who wil invite other film studios to work here. Mr. Bobo stated that is what they plan to do , by working directly with different studios and interacting with other industrcontacts they have. Alternate Leonhardyinquired aboutthecompany s commitment to hiring locally. Mr. Bobo said that their first priority will be to hire local taellt that .they plan to set up training programs. and work with local schools. He alsoindicatedthattheirhiring needs would cover a hroadspectru -- such as constrction, catering services , and offcepersonnel-- not just high technology positions , and that . as opposed to. a studio locating here , it should he steady rather than cyclical employment. Member De Witt stated that the AR would be committing a large amount of space to the project and inquired how the rent would be allotted. Executive Director Miler confrmed that it would be approximately 250 000 square feet and that the renta detals will be worked outin the proposal. Informational briefing on CyberTran.a new transporttion company proposing to locate at Alameda Point. John Huetter, Director ofCALSTART at Alameda Point, stated that the "hatchery project" has been in place at Alaleda Point for two years , with the purose of creating and growing advanced transporttion technologies. He then introduced Neil Garcia-Sinclair , Californa Operations Manager ofCyberTran, which would like to locate in Hangar 20withCALSTART. Mr. Garcia:- Sinclair presented an overview ofthe advantages of light rail systems , as well as CyberTran Srecycled paper H:\MSLEY\ \MlNUTS\1998\3-4-98.MlN fuding status. He then explained how the company is proposing to take on a six-month project of building a one-mile test track on the north/south taiway 'behind the hangars , followed by a longer track in the following 18 month Member Daysog asked how many people CyberTranexpected to employ to build the track, and Mr. Garcia-Sinclair replied it should be 30-, with a larger workforce in subsequent years when vehicles are being produced. He thought perhaps they would be able to use some former NAS Alameda employees. Alternate Leonhardy asked about the company s relationship to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab , where CyberTran s founderis employed.. Mr. Garcia-Sinclair stated that the Lab is operated by. Lockheed Marin under contract to the DeParent of Energy , but that CyberTran is clear of DOE involvement and has its own patents. Speakers Bil Smith , interested citizen of Alameda, spoke about electrc vehicles as they relate to light rail. A. Economic & Planng Systems report on East Bay Regional Park Distrct financing Executive Director Miler stated that ths report had been jointly fuded by the City and East Bay Regional Park Distrct (EBRPD), and that there will be additional meetings between theARR and City and the AR and EBRPD. If ths plan were to go forward, it would require a Memorandum. of Understading among the City, the ARRAandthePark Distrct. James Musbach of Economic . & . Planng Systems (EPS) presented. two alternatives for the construction of a regional park at Alameda Point. Alternative A involved a full regional park including a shoreline trail, marna and park grounds ata constrction and equipment cost of $7. milion. Alternative B includedollya shoreline trail and marna area ataconstrction and equipment costof$1.9 millon. Hethendiscussedseyeral funding options including state bonds, grants , recreation revenues ARfuds,and City taxes or fees. The recommended financing.. strategy calls for the Park Distrct to. provide capital. fuding .Cthr()ugh bonds , grants etc.), the ARR to redistribute EBRPD infastrctue allocation, police costs to be.incorporated into Alameda Point costs , and local fuding for the remaining $110 000 per year. ChairAppezzto stated he did not believe the ARRAand City could or should .fudaregional park at this time because they have their hands fulljustfinancingtheisportscomplex. .. inquired about the effects of land bang and what other fuding options may be available. Alternate Leonhardy asked about the costs for police services andho\V manyoffcers that would pay for. Mr. Musbach stated that he was not sure how many but that it would be more than two and that it could be par of the force serving Crown Beach. Member Daysog said that in March of 1994 , at the firstARRRAGmeeting, the public expressed a strong.interestinhaving a trail , so he thillsat least a trail should be pursued. However, fuding needs to be realistiC , so he asked if the sale of land had been considered. He SrecycIed paper H:\MSLEY\ \MlNUTES\1998\3-4-98.MlN felt that if the Triangle Park were sold for private development uses , that could fud most of Alternative B. He added thatthe RV park should no longer be a consideration. Chair Appezzto pointed out that sellng land for private use would involve a totally different conveyance --private, not public. Alternate Friedman said that hethills the communtydoeswanttobring a park to the area and feels there are many creative ways to finance it , which the EBRPD should know about. Member Kerr expressed concern that theCity/ARtaeonthis financial burden and that by reallocating fuds for the infastructue and police costs , it would result in cutting fuds somewhere else. She asked if this would be a fee park and if people would be able to lease it for private use. Alternate Sweeney said he does not feel the City could tae on this expense until 2012 and that the focus needs to be on the rest of the base and getting revenue flowing. He also mentioned that volunteers could probably build just the trail. Chair Appezzto reiterated that this was just aninformational presentation to inform everyone about the options available. Speakers Douglas Siden , Alameda representative on the EBRPD Board of Directors , said that the Park District philosophy is that they (the Distrct) don t have to "do it all" andthat there is great promise out here for a park to benefit the public. Bil Smith , interested citizen of Alameda, stated that therealmoneyhereis in the other businesses on the base and that should be the first priority. D. Oral report from the BRAG updating the AR on curent activities BRAG Chairman Lee PerezanouncedthattheBRAG had a successful retreat on Februar 21 with the City Manager and staff, and that there wil be a full report to the AR in the near future. E. Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARR 1. Status of Coast Guard housing 2. Western Aerospace Museum -- status of business plan for Hangar 41 3. Golf course feasibilty study status 4. Wildlife refuge issues 5. Status of the campus outreach effort 6. Navy response to the inquiry about street lighting at Alameda Point 7. Status of the Tidelands Trust appraisal 8. Status of Economic Development Conveyance 9. Redevelopment area (APIP) financing plan Srecycled paper H:\MENSLEY\ \MlNUTES\1998\3-4-98.MlN Regarding #5 , Executive Director Miler added that there wil be a full presentation regarding the campus outreach effort atthe next ARR meeting, and that this information will also be presented to the BRAG at their March 18 meeting. Member De Witt stated that at the last ARR meeting, the Board requested that steps be taen to expedite the Record of Decision and asked if any of the items in the status report would impact or slow down the ROD , paric'Qlarly the. Coast Guad housing. Executive Director Miler stated that the Coast Guad housing would not affect the ROD in any way because the use is the same. The one issue that couldimpactthe ROD is the wildlife refuge specifically the size and the biological opinion, which was just received andis curently being reviewed. F. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items). None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (pUBLIC COMMENT) Speakers Richard Neveln , Nimitz Airfeld Society, had three .comments: handicap access to the building was not available that evening (note - the door handle was broken);.flying in historical aircraft to the museum is importt and should be pursued; and he is excited to see hybrid electric motor and gas vehicles being pursued by businesses at the base. Bil Smith, interested citizen of Alameda stated that the communty wants access to the base and this could also mean tourst dollars. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Appezzto asked for a moment of silence for Member De Witt's sister who had recently passed away. Chair Appezzto then adjouredthemeetingat7:45 p. Respectfully submitted dJ l! Patti Van Mark ARR Secretary Srecycled paper H:\MENSLEY\ \MlNUTES\1998\3-4-98.