1998-04-01 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, April 1, 1998
The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Appezztopresiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzto, Mayor, City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt , Councilmember, City. of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog;.Councilmember , City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternatetoCouncilmember Karn Lucas , City of Alameda
Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Henr Chang, Jr.alternate to Elihu Hars , Mayor, City
of Oakland
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Ellen. Corbett , Mayor .City of San Leandro
Absent:Vice Chair Sandre Swanson, Distrct Director, 9th Congressional District
Ex-officio: Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
2- A. . Approval.of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 4. .1998.
Speakers : None.
Alternate Leonhardy moved approval oftheConsentCalendar. The motion was seconded
by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: O. Absent: 1.
A. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a
l4-year lease with Orton Development. Inc. for Building 5
Ed Levine ARR Facilities Manager, providedinformationaboutthe1ayoutofBuilding 5 and
advised that it is essentially impossible to lease asis because of its size (375 000 sq.ft.).and
configuration. The. best solution seems to be to bring in Orton Development which wil convert
the building into multi-tenant use. Orton wil front all of the expertise and money needed to
finance building upgrades. They wil also provide construction management and handle the
leasing for the space. The ARR wil then share in the net proceeds from the leases.
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Chair Appezzto inquired if all the upgrades revert to the City without cost , and Mr. Levine
confirmed that this is true.
Member De Witt noted that the MasterPlan or Reuse Plan shows this area to be demolished
although that cost would be very expensive ($2 millon). He asked if Executive Director Miler
agreed with the strategy of Orton Development instead of demolishing the building.
Executive Director Kay Miler confirmed that this is consistent with the use of many of the
hangars that need to be upgraded. It will be a number of years before development gets to that
par of the base , and this seems like a good use of the propert and good source of revenue.
Member Kerr brought up the difference between the building s size (375 000 sq.ft.) and the
leasable space (250 000 sq.ft.) and asked why there is such a large difference between the two
figures. Mr. Levine introduced Eddie Orton, who stated that some of these buildings were built
without regard to prevailing lawforthisjursdiction. The primar effect of this is that there is
not adequate exit space , and much ofthislostspacewill be given up to providing mandated exit
Member DeWitt asked ifthere were any contamination issues which would result in lesser use of
the building. Mr. Orton stated that environmental issues are being addressed , and they wil affect
the design but he is not certin to what extent at present.
Chair Appezzto inquired ifthere have been any potentiaLrenters jnterested yet. Mr. Orton
indicated that he has received some good press coverage already, and he is working with local
people who are familiar with the marketplace.
Bil Smith , interested citizen of Alameda, stated he was happy to see an actual developer come
forward to take over this proj ect and encouraged futue live/work space accommodations.
Alternate Friedman motioned to recommend authorization to finalize and execute a 14-
year lease with Orton Development for Building 5. The motion was seconded by Membef
Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes:. O.Absent: 1.
B. Alameda Point campus issues
Final report by Dr. Robert Fisher and consideration of results of campus outreach!
marketing efforts.
Executive Director Miler introduced Dr. Robert Fisher, the consultant hired to prepare a campus
outreach and marketing proposal. for Alameda Point.. Dr.. Fisher .stated that this project entailed
disseminating. information about the availability ofthecampus area to the higher education
community. The feedback he received was that there was no one institution interested in taking
over a substantial portion of the propert.
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Overview by Ed Levine , ARR Facilities Manager , of potential campus users.
Ed Levine briefly described eachofthepotential campus users and outlined exactly which areas
they are interested in.
California School of Professional Psychology(CSPP) offers programs in.research and clinical
psychology and is curentlyJocatedin the Marina Vilage area. They are interested in relocating
to the former medical/dental clinic building,whichcontains39 000sq.ft.
Touro University is a New York City based school offering undergraduate , graduate and pro-
fessional degree programs. They are interested in moving their School of Osteopathic Medicine
from San Francisco to Alameda Point. The space they desire includes the former movie theater
bowling alley, re-employmentcenter , CPO galley, and BOQ, for. a total of 273 000 sq.ft.
Pan-Pacific University (PPU) is a newly-formed and not yet. credentialed institution. They are
interested in the BEQ and galley, comprising 284 000 sq. ft.
Board considerationofARRA staffrecommendation to. commence serious negotiations
with three potential campus users (California SchooLofProfessionalPsychology, Touro
University and Pan-Pacific University)
ChairAppezzto voiced concerns about accreditation for all three schools , whether the enroll-
ment projections for all three schools are realistic , and whether tuition fees will.financially
sustain them. RegardingPPU they have indicated they wil have $3 milion in the ban , yet
$2.7 milion is needed just for building upgrades , so where wil operating income come from?
Can PPU look to Mokwon University of Korea for additional fuding if needed? He said it
would be a "public relations nightmare " if any of the schools were to fail after locating here , and
he does not want the City to beJiablefor any expenses or cOmmitments the schools canot
Member Kerr expressed her concern about Pan-Pacific because of its past track record and its
funding coming from a foreign source. She stated she does. not feel it is worth devoting more
staff time to PPU.
There was. further discussion regarding the diffculty and . lengthiness of the accreditation process
how a revenue bond would affect the City (olly being considered for CSPP), the cost of bringing
different facilities up to code , and , specific toPPU , whether MokwonUniversity could take on
an "affiliate " relationship with PPU, which may help with their financial and accreditation issues.
It was stressed that PPU is not being singled out for special treatment , but that there. are serious
concerns since they have no faculty or governng body, few students , questionable financial
resources , and no accreditation. However, itwas felt by most. members that all three schools
should be given the opportunity to present their proposals.
Bil Smith , interested citizen of Alameda, stated that it seems like there is a "hot market" for
university cluster arrangements at Alameda Point.
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Member Daysog moved, and AltefnateLeonhardy seconded, the following motion: Accept
the staff recommendation that the ARR Board accept the report of Dr. Fisher regarding
the campus and authorize staff to immediately comMence serious discussions with
California School of Professional Psychology, Touro University and Pan-Pacific University
for facilties in the campus area at Alameda Point, with the understanding that whichever
agency is moved forward for final approval bytheARR depends on the satisfactory
provision in a timely manner of documents that allow theARR staff and
Governing Board to exercise its due dilgence responsibilties. The motion passed by the
following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 1 (Kerr). Absent: 1.
A. Oral report from the BRAG updating theARR on curent activities
Lee Perez , BRAG Chair , concured with the recommendation that was made regarding the
campus users. The BRAG is continuing to discuss its reorganization and will report on that at
the next meeting.
4- B. Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARR
1. Status of the Western Aerospace Museum business plan for Hangar 41
2. Quarerly report on lease revenue
Member DeWitt asked about the uses. of the lease revenue fuds. Executive Director Miler
stated that the largest expendifuesare the EDA grant match , the port operations and the common
services fees paid to the Navy. It wil be a number of years before the propert is self-sustaining.
If the EDC plan is approved , itmayresuWin ajointventuewiththeNavyfor additional fuding.
Barbara Baack, Alameda Naval Air Museum , stated that she hopes the museum wil be given a
fair hearing and that they have been in contact with State Senator Barbara Lee regarding the
availability of grant fuds. They also have a line of credit with Wells Fargo Ban.
C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items)
Executive Director Miler anounced two items of interest. First, Gallagher & Lindsey held their
first. open house last weekend for the 31 rallchunits which. resulted in 10 tenants who will be
paying rent in the range of $1400-1800. Secondly, filming isjustbeginninginBuilding 24.for
new Clint Eastwood movie , which he will be directing and starring in.
Also , ChairAppezzato reported that he had received a phone call fromDeputy Assistant
Secretary of the Navy Willam Cassidy indicating that the federalgovemmenthasturned down
the request from MARAD to acquire the FISC. propert for their ready. reserve ships.. Therefore
if the MARAD wants to use any of the FISC property, they wil have to negotiatelease
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John Kim , Jin Construction & Electric Company, stated he is a subcontractor working on the
Building 39 remodeling and upgrades. His company misinterpreted the drawings for the project
and as a result they underbid by $40 000. He asked for the Board's help in recouping some of
these losses. Chair Appezzto advised Mr. Kim that he must follow the normal process with
City staff to resolve the problem.
Douglas Copp, American Rescue Team International , told the Board about his Alameda-based
organization s all-volunteer rescue efforts around the world and indicated that they are in need of
storage space for vehicles and supplies. They would like to have access to some of the hangar
space at Alameda Point. Chair Appezzato told Mr. Copp to submit his request to ARR staff.
Gail Greely, Vice President of the Board of Education and ex officio member of the ARR
Board representing the Alameda Unified School District, voiced concern about the impending
transfer of the FISC property and the resulting impact on the Public Benefit Conveyance
applications made by the School District. She stated that in 1994 , the School District requested
three pieces of property for a continuation high school , central cafeteria and maintenance yard.
Three parcels were identified and agreed to , but they have since been changed due to the private
development of the FISC property, and proposed alternative sites have not been acceptable. The
School District would like their concerns to be addressed before the propert is transferred to the
Bil Smith , interested citizen of Alameda, discussed the availability of T -1 lines in buildings at
Alameda Point and how they would be advantageous in attracting the high-tech industry and
educators to the site.
Alternate Sweeney thalled Executive Director Miler and her staff for their assistance in the
campus outreach project.
Chair Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.
Respectfully submitted
7tih Uk
Patti Van Mark
ARR Secretary
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