1998-05-06 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, May 6,1998
The special session was convened at5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzto presiding to
address the following two items:
Attendees: Chair Appezzto , Member DeWitt , Member . Kerr , MemberDaysog (arved at 5 :50
), Alternate Sweeney, Alternate Brooks, Alternate Friedman , Alternate Qrnelas. Absent:
Alternate Chang.
Chair Appezzto adjoumedthe special session at6:00 p.m. and convened the regular meeting
6:05 p.m. He anounced that the Board had met in speciaFsession and that direction was given to
legal counsel regarding item (1) and that no action was taen regarding item (2).
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzto , Mayor, City of Alameda
Albert De Witt , Councilmember, City of Alameda
BarbaraKerr Councilmember , City QfA.lameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember , City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas , City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks , alternate to Sandre Swanson, District Director
9th Congressional District
. Mark Friedman , alternate toWilmaChan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro
Absent:Henry Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Haris , Mayor, City of Oakland
Ex-officio: Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 1 , 1998.
Speakers : None.
Alternate Friedman movedapprovalof.heConsent Calendar. The motion was seconded by
Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: O. Absent: 1.
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A. Recommend authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a l4-year
sublease with the California School of Professional Psychology.
Speakers : None.
There was no discussion.
Member DeWitt motioned that theAR authorize the Executive Director to finalize the
execution of the proposed 14-year sublease of Building!6with the California School of
Professional P ychology. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed by the
following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes:O. Absent:!.
B. Recommend the award of contract for consultant design services in the amount of$128.837
to Muller & Caulfield Architects for renovation of Building 23.
Speakers : None.
Chair Appezztonotedthat this item , as well asitem4..was approved unanmously by the City
Council at its. meeting on May5 , 1998.
Member Kerr motioned, and Alternate Ornelas seconded, to recommend the award of contract
for consultant design services in the amount of $128,837 to Muller & CaulfieldA.rchit cts for
renovation of Building 23. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: O.
Absent: 1.
C. Authorize additional allocationoffundsintheamountof$75.000forBuilding 39 upgrades.
Speakers : None.
There was no discussion.
Alternate FriedmanIDotioned to. authorize additional aHocationof funds in the amount of
$75,000 for Building 39 upgrades. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed
by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8.. Noes: O. Absent:l.
Chair Appezzato left the meeting at 6:07p.m. and asked Member DeWitt totake over as Chair.
A. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARR on current activities.
Lee Perez, BRAG Chair, reported that the BRAG has a couple of issues of concern. First, the BRAG
feels there needs to be. another . letter to the Navy. to resolve the. housing issue , so that the curent
window of opportty is not lost. Secondly, there needs to be improved transportation in order to
fully develop the area , including another link across the estuar. If that is not possible right now
it should stil be included in a plan to bereviewed aia futureidate.
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Member Kerr inquired whether transportationaltematives wil be addressed in the recently-issued
RFP for the General Plan amendment. . Mr. Perez stated he . is not certain if they are addressed, but
reiterated that even if not at present , the door should be left open to deal with it in the future.
Member Daysog concured that the window of opportity for developing housing is narow , and
asked theAR Assistat General Counsel , T eresaHighsmith if there is anytng to preclude them
from dealing with housing issues now. Ms. Highsmith advised thatthere is nothing to keep them
from addressing these issues now, as long as they are consistent with the Reuse Plan.
Executive Director Kay Miler asked Mr. Perez if the BRAG is paricularly concerned aboutlead-
based paint abatement in the hotlsingarea, and he agreed that that is par of the issue. Ms. Miler
said she would address that in her oral report.
B. Written report on behalf of the Executive Director updating the ARR
1. Status of the Economic DevelopmentConveyance (EDC)
2. Status of the Tidelands Trust appraisal
3. Alameda Unified School District land swap
1. Executive Director Miler added that there wil be an all-day meeting with theEDCnegotiating
team (including the Navy) on May 11. They are not yet in serious negotiations , but stil in the
process of clarifying what the application .andbusiness plan contain.
2. Executive Director Miler stated there have been very productive meetings with the State Lands
Commission regarding the joint appraisal , and there should be a full report by the fall.
3. Executive Director Miler said that AR staff has met with the School Distrct to identify three
potential parcels for the central cafeteria and corporation yard , but the District has not yet decided
which sites are acceptable to them. It has been determed that the continuation high school wil be
located on the FISC site.
C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items).
Executive Director Miller advised that things are moving forward regarding the Wildlife Refuge
boundaries and restrictions outside the Refuge.
Regarding the lead-based paint abatement issue , Executive Director Miler said that the Navy is stil
reviewing the cost of abatement of the 19 Big Whites and 30 CPO units. The cost appears to be
higher than the original estimate of $2.3 milion; it now could be as much as $4 millon.
Therefore , the Navy will have to get approval from Washington for this additional amount. In the
meantime , no abatement has been done because the full amount of the contract needs to be
determined before any work is begun. Ths continues to result in lost lease revenues on these units.
Several Board Members asked for fuer explanation of the statu of ths problem , and Dave Ryan
Base Conversion Manager , provided an overview of the sitution. Mr. Ryan stated that because this
is governent housing, the abatement stadards are much higher than for private housing. There are
very detailed criteria for complying with the federal guidelines , which has resulted in a cost estimate
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of $80,000 for each Big White unt and $30 000 for each of the. 800 sq. ft. CPO unts. Since .the cost
has become so prohibitive, he said that one alternative might be to not do the. abatement work at all
and amend the Reuse Plan.
Member Kerr inquired if the Navy has been in contact with. the Alameda County lead abatement
program , since they are very experienced inthis area and could p~rhaps.offer sQme assistance. Mr.
Ryan said that they have; however , the federal requirements . are much more extensive than the
Alternate Friedman recommended thatthis item be agendized forthe next meeting and suggested
that perhaps someone from the County program could join the NaVYipresentatiQn.
The meeting was adjourned by Acting Chair DeWitt .at 6:35p.
Respectfully submitted
Patti Van Mark
ARR Secretar
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