1998-06-03 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, June 3,1998
The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzto presiding.
Present:Chai Ralph Appezzto , Mayor, City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt, Councilmember , City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda (arved at 5:45 p.
James Sweeney, alternatetoCouncihnember Karn Lucas , City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks , alternate to Sandre Swanson, District Director
9th Congressional District
Mark Friedman alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arved
at 5 :40 p.
Absent:Henr Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Hars, Mayor, City of Oakand
Ex-officio: Diane Lichtenstein , Base Reuse Advisory. Group (BRAG)
Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School Distrct
A. Approval oftheminutesoftheregular meeting of May6 , 1998.
8. Authorize additional allocation of funds in the amount of $85 042 for Building 530
C. Authorize the Executive Directorto award a contract for consuftat design services in the
amount of $267 000 toVBNArchitectsfor renovation of Building 16.
Speakers : NOlle.
Alternate Friedman moved approval ofthe Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded
by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Absent: 3.
(Alternate Ornelas arrived at 5:40 p.m. and Member Daysog arrived at5:45 p.
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A. Authorization for the Executive Directortofmalize and execute a five-year lease with a
five-year option to renew for Buildin 90 with Fort Plus of Northern California
Speakers : None.
There was no discussion.
Alternate Friedman motioned. that the AR authonze.the Executive Director to finalize
and execute a five-year lease with a five-year option to renew for Building 90 with Fort
Plus of Northern California. The motion was seconded by Alternate Sweeney and passed
by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Absent: 3. (Alternate Ornelas arrived at
5:40 p.m. and Member Daysogarrived at 5:45 p.
A. Navy presentation regardin lead-based paint abatement.
Commander Scott Smith provided an overview of the laws and regulations governng the
abatement of the lead-based paint hazds in the Big Whtes and. GPO unitS in the west housing
area. He stated that the abatement requirements are more strct for federally-owned housing
which is bying transferred as residential propert (rather thanfor s()meotheruse). The
guidelines state that the paint must be "eliminated , enclosed or encapsulated" and that the
corrective action must have a "minimum effective life of20 years . The Navy had numerous
meetings to determine the best method of abating the hazd , and in October 19.97 , a decisiQn
was made and a scope of work and budget determined. However, the bids received were for
double the budgeted amount of$2 millon, and the scope of work had to be revised. The Navy
has now determined the revised method of abatement , a contra tisbeingnegotiated , and work is
scheduled to begin on the Big Whites on July 1 , with completion by October 1 , and on the CPO
units on October 1 , with completion by December 1. Each unt wilL be tured over tOJheARR
as it is completed , so that it may be immediately placed on the market for lease by Gallagher &
Lindsey. Commander Smith emphasized that once the Navy has abated the propert and tued
it over to the ARR , it wil be the responsibilty of the new occupants to maintain the abated
Member Kerr inquired if !be CPO unts are to be rented or tued over to the homeless
collaborative , and Executive DirectorKay Miler stated they 'Wll be going to the homeless.
Member Kerr suggested that it may be more cost-effective to replace the windows entirely. rather
than abate the paint hazd , and Commander Smith indicated they are exploringbothoptions.
Chair Appezztothaned the Navy for their. responsiveness in finding a resolution. Hepointed
out that two weeks ago,.A.dmiraINashmet with AR and City staff and inspected the propert
and promised a solution within two weeks.
Member De Witt stated that the County lead prevention program is very competent and has
valuable information about contractors , and he hoped the Navy would be in contact with them.
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Commander Smith indicated that Dale HagenfromtheCountyhas provided helpful information.
Mr. Hagen then spoke briefly about his review of the Navy s abatement plan and stated that what
they are planing to do wil address all the lead hazds and enable the housing to be safely
B. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARR on curent activities.
BRAG Co-chair Diane Lichtenstein spoke on behalf of Chair Lee Perez , who was out oftoWf.
She stated that Commander Smith had also given a presentation to the BRAG and that she was
glad that a solution has been found. She said that another question the BRAGis concerned about
is the Navy s remedial investigation report, a draft of which was presented to the RA
Februar. They would like the report to be more thorough and consistent in defining the
containated sites which need to be remediated.
; 4-Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARR
1. Touro University
2. Antiques by the Bay event
3. EIRIIS delays
4. Building 5 remediation
5. Alameda Unified School District land needs
6. Golf course feasibility study
7. Refuge size and management plan
8. Access to Northwest Terrtory and status of the 0' Club
Member DeWitt requested additional information about the EIRIIS delay. Executive Director
Miler indicated that when the City reviewed the draft document , they found it to be deficient.
Therefore , a decision was made jointly with the Navy to take corrective action now rather than
later. This wil probably result in a delay ofthree months for tp.e Record of Decision.
Member Kerr inquired as to when the Northwest Terrtory may be open to the public. Executive
Director Miler stated that the Cooperative Services Manager is working with the City's Risk
Manager to determine what needs to be done to protect the City from liability. Chair Appezzato
added that there are not the financial or personnel resources within the City to open it to
unlimited access; perhaps it wil be open on specific days soon.
Member De Witt asked whtl the policy is for general access by the pu lic to Alameda Point. Ms.
Miller deferred to Commander Smith, since it is the Navy which has ' set this policy. Commander
Smith said that the policy is that access is only for official business , not recreation or touring.
However , in approximately one month , the picnic area and tennis courts should be available for
public use through the Parks and Recreation Deparment.
Alternate Sweeney expressed his concern that the Board had not been informed of the Antiques
by the Bay event until it was brought before the Planing Board and felt they should have had
advance notice that this may be a sensitive issue. Ms. Miler pointed out that it had been listed
for awhile as a pending lease on the leasing status report , and Chair Appezzto said he had
knOWf about it for awhile , but agreed that there is a need to integrate the various City groups.
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D. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items)
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezztoat 6:30 p.
; Respectfully submitted
Patti Van Mark
ARR Secretar
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