1998-07-01 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, July 1, 1998
The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor, City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt , Councilmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Karn Lucas , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks , alternate to Sandre Swanson, District Director
9th Congressional Dis1fct (arrvedat5:45 p.
Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
Distrct 3(left at 7:00 p.
Kathleen Orrelas alterrate to Shelia Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arved
at5:40 p.
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Henr Chang, Jr., Councilmember , City of Oakland
(arved at 5:45 p.
Ex-offcio: Lee Perez , Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School Distrct
Chair Appezzato anounced that the TV program "Bay Area Backroads " wil be in Alameda
July 8 to fim several areas of the City, including Alameda Point , for a future segment of the
A. Approval ofthe minutes of the regular meeting of June 3 , 1998.
B. Report recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute interim leases
through the term of the Master Lease with Resources for Community Development and
University Avenue Housing for West Housing units.
C. Recommendation to adopt plans and specifications and authoriie caUfor bids for upgrades
to Building 90.
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D. Recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing the Executive Director to represent theAR to apply to the California Trade and Commerce Agency for two California Defense
Adjustment Matching Grants.
Speakers : None.
Member DeWitt moved approval ofthe Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by
Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes:
Abstentions: 1 (Lucas, as to Item 2-A). Absent: 3. (Alternate Ornelas arrived at 5:40 p.
Alternates Brooks and Leonhardy arrived at 5:45 p.
A. Authorization to amend the West Housing propert management contract with Gallagher
and Lindsey to include the management of the 18 townouse units.
Speakers : None.
Executive Director Kay Miller introduced AR Management Analyst Nanette Bans , who
showed a map of the location of the townouse units and indicated that, according to projected
budget figures , the rental of these unts should produce positive cashflowafter three months.
Member Kerr expressed concern that , since no one hasenteryd the units since the rainy season
there may be extensive repairs needed in some unts , which could be cost-prohibitive. She asked
whether the AR would have any recourse if this occurs. Chair Appezzato stated that he is
confident in the business judgment of Gallagher and Lindsey that they would notify the AR if
this situation should occur, but they feel it wil not be a problem. Executive Director Miller
added that the Navy is responsible for pre-existing conditions.
Member Lucas motioned to amend the West Housing property mauagement contract with
Gallagher and Lindsey to include the management of the 18 townhouse units. Member
DeWitt seconded the motion , which passed by the following voice vote:. Ayes: 9. Noes: O.
l. Authorization and delegation to Community Improvement Commission of the planning.
development. and selection of developer for the East Housing property
Speakers : None
Member DeWitt questioned the sequence ofthese two items , whether the agreement should be
negotiated and executed before it is delegated to the COmmission. However AR Assistant
General. Counsel Teresa Highsmith assured the Board that this is the proper order.
Member DeWitt motioned, and Member Kerr seconded , the authorization and delegation
to CIC of the planning, development, and selection of a developer for the East Housing
property. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 9. Noes: O.
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B.2. Authorization to Executive Director to negotiate and execute a land sale agreement for
the East Housing property with the Community Improvement Commission
Speakers : None.
There was no discussion.
Member Daysog motioned, and Member Kerr seconded, allthorization to the Executive
Director to negotiate and execute a land sale agreement for the EastHousing property with
the Community Improvement Commission. The nlOtion passed by the following voice vote:
Ayes: 9. Noes: O.
A. Presentation of golf course feasibility study by Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design.
Ken Hansen , Alameda citizen , asked .that no . action be taken Qn this item until the Board has an
opportnity to hear an alternative proposal prepared by Hugh McKay Associates.
Executive Director Kay Miler introduced KykPhillpsof KylePhilips Golf Course Design, who
was selected through an RFP process to conductthefeasibilitystudY'i I\1r.Philipsintroduced other
members of his team , including geotechnical and civil engineers and clubhouse. architects.
indicated that the study was based on a 214-acresitefor a lins style golf courselocatedin the
Northwest Terrtory. There was a design shown which includes an 18-hole course , practice facility,
clubhouse/hotel site , maintenance. facility,. and parking lot with access road. He pointed out. that an
important factor of the golf course design would be the availability of sand from the Port of
Oakland , which is curently dredging in the estuary. . This wil be advantageous for both the City
and the Port , since iUs . a nearby location for disposal.. of the sand.
Mr. Philips introduced Colln Hagert from his firm who spoke about the financial aspects of the
study. He pointed out the great need for additional golf courses in this area , including the high
level of activity already atthe Chuck Corica Golf Complex , as well as the "halo effect" that a high-
profie course can have on an entire commUnty. He stated that the cost wil be approximately $10-
15 millon (excluding the hotel), which would be paid back over a 20-year period. The time frame
is estimated to be five years for the entire planning and construction process , with play beginning
in the spring of 2003. It is anticipated that the golf course would employ about 50 people
including grounds , maintenance , and clubhouse personnel.
Chair Appezzato emphasized that there wil be many more meetings and furher discussions about
topics including the sand , financing, and compatibility with the wildlife refuge , as well as review
by the Golf Commssion , Economic Development Commssion , and others.
Hugh McKay, Hugh McKay Associates , asked how this new golf course will affect the Chuck
Corica Golf Complex.
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Dana Balle , General Manager of the Golf Complex , came forward to reply to this inquiry. He
said that he does not feel it wil have any effect because the Golf Complex is a low-end
economical course and this new course would cater to a different tye of customer.He also said
the anticipated $65 green fee is probably conservative; due to high local demand , he feels the Golf
Complex could proba.!Y charge that much.
8. Oral report from the BRAG updating the AR on current activities
BRAG Chair Lee Perez advised that the BRAG would like the ARR to closely monitor the
interim leases being granted so that they remain short-term and do notcol1flct with long-term
leases and the Reuse Plan. They also feelthereneedsto be another community Ileeting and hope
to have one in the fall. They wiUbe meeting with theD.S. Fish alldWildlife Service shortly and
plan to review the air museum business plan in the next few weeks.
Richard Neveln , Alameda citizen, said he had been told that the original Pan Am hangar is located
on the FISC propert, and , if that is tre, perhaps there should be some historic review and
preservation plan for that building by the BRAG. Elizabeth Johnson , ARR Associate Planner
stated that the Navy has done a comple e historic and cultural resources survey of the FISC
propert, and none of the strctues qualify as being "historic " anddigible forthe National
Writtenreportfrom the Executive Director updating the. AR on:
1. Manex EntertaimnentIass Ilusions
2. Building 5s11blease
3. Letter to Union Pacific regarding railroad right-of-way
There was no further discussion of the Executive Director s written report.
Richard Neveln , Alameda citizen , asked how much of Building 5/5-A is being subleased. Ms.
Miller stated that 300 000 square feet in Building 5 is being leased , and there are separate
negotiations underway for Building 5-
D. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items)
Richard Neveln , Alameda citizen , stated that this weekend is the Fourth of July and many
communities are having airshows. He feels there needs to be some serious discussion and
planning of developing aviation-related tourisllat Alameda Point.
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Alternate Brooks announced that the 9th Congressional District Offce had just received a fax
from the Deparment of Commerce that the AR has received a $1 650 000 grant from the
Economic Developm nt Administration for construction of infrastructure and building
The general meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 7:30 p., at which time the Board
entered into closed session.
Respectfully submitted
Patti Van MarkAR Secretar
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