1998-09-02 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, September 2 199
The special session was convened at 5:00 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding to address the
following item:
; Attendees: Chair Appezzato , Member DeWitt , Member Kerr, Member Daysog (arrived at 5:30
), Alternate Sweeney, Alternate Brooks , Alternate Friedman , Alternate Ornelas , Alternate
Chair Appezzato adjourned the special session at 5 :45 p.m. and iITediately convened the regular
meeting. He announced that the Board had met in special session , and that direction was given to
the r al property negotiator.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor , City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember , City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas , City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks , alternate to Sandre Swanson , District Director
9th Congressional District
MarkFriedman alternatetoWilmaChan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor , City of San Leandro
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Elihu Harris , Mayor , City of Oakland
Ex-officio: Lee Perez , Base Reuse Advisory Group(BRAG)
Gail Gredy, Alameda Unified SchooL District
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 1 , 1998.
3.- B. Recommendation to authorize finalizing negotiations and executing an interim .lease through
the term of the Master Lease with the Homeless Collaborative for Building 101.
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C. Recommendation to award contractto Team Ace Joint Venture in the amount of$149 544
to upgrade Building90 at Alameda Point.
D. Report from the Executive Director recommending approval of the recommended priorities
for the AR's 1999 grant application to the Economic Development Administration.
Speakers : None.
Member DeWitt questioned the amount of the contract in Item 3-C because the bid by Teml1 Ace
Joint Venture is for $124 620 , while the contract is in the amount of$149 544.Speculation was that
this probably represented a 20% contingency amount; Chair Appezzato requested a follow-up report
clarifying this.
; Alternate Brooks inquired about what , ifany, preference is giyen to local contract bidders , since
Team Ace Joint Venture is located in Kansas. AR Executive Director K.ay Miller indicated.that
these tyes of contracts are awarded under the Economic Development Administration grant, which
has fairly stringent requirements. Chair Appezzato requested a follow-up report regarding the
bidding process , especially as it relates to local contractor preferences.
Member DeWitt moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The . motion was seconded by
Member Daysog and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: O. Abstentions: 1
(Leonhardy as to Item 3-C only); Absent: O.
A. Consideration of a Special Events Policy for Alameda Point.
ExecutiyeDirector Miler explained that the Plannng Board asked the AR to adopt a policy for
specific types of events allowable at Alameda Point inorderto streamline the approval process. This
Special Events Policy will be in effect after adoption by the AR Board.i Memb er Kerr asked
whether the Navy will accept theguidelinesestablished.inthePolicy, and Ms. Miler replied that
they have stated they canot guarantee approval of all events which meet the requirements outlined
in the Policy.
Alternate Sweeney inquired about how the maximum attendance figures of 6 000 (daytime) and
000 (late night or where alcohol.is served)were determined. ARPlanner Elizabeth Johnson
indicated that these figures were recommended by the Police Chief.. There was further discussion
about whether the 6 000 figure should apply to the total attendance for a multi-day event or 6 000
per day in the case of a multi-day event. It was recommended that this be clarfied to indicate 6 000
at any given time.
Alternate Ornelas recommended a requirement for liability insurance coverage by applicants. Ms.
Miller stated that there is already a requirementfor insurance for licensees and lessees , so this could
be added to the Policy also.
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e Perez, BRAG Chair, indicated that the BRAG feels that smaller groups would not be able to
work through this complex process. The BRAG recommends that there be an appeal process which
includes a $300 refundable fee.
ARRA General Counsel Terr Highsmith stated that the intention of the policy is to restrict the
appeals process to the two criteria already included because the process should be the basis for
decision. Member Kerr felt that staff wil apply the standards fairly andrecommendedleaving the
policy as written.
Member Daysog moved , and Member Kerr seconded, that the Special Events Policy be
approved with the following amendments: designate maximum attendance of 6 000 people at
any given time, and add a requirement that the applicant must obtain general liabilty
. insurance. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 9. Noes: O. Abstentions:
0; Absent:
B. Authorization to amend the sublease for two HOl1elessCollaborative agencies (United
Indian Nations and Bessy Coleman Court) to allow occupancy of the units
Member Kerr inquired whether this would present a problem if title for the property does not pass
from the Navy to theARCity. Executive Director Miller stated that the HOl1elessCollaborative
would have a recourse for a direct conveyancefrointheNavy.
Alternate Friedman moved, and Alternate Leonhardy seconded, to authorize the amendment
of the sublease for two Homeless Collaborative agencies (United Indian Nations and Bessy
Coleman Court) to allow occupancy of the units. The motion passed by the following voice
vote: Ayes: 9. Noes:O. Abstentions: .0; Absent:O.
Presentation by the Port of Oakland regarding distribution Of dredge spoils
Executive Director Miler indicated that this presentation is to provide further information on the use
of sand from the Port of Oakland, as recommended in the golf course feasibility study. LenCardoza
Dredging Manager at the Port of Oakland, distributed packets containing samples of the sand.. He
explained that the 50 foot dredging project is to accommodate large. container ships and. that the
sediment is Merrtt sand , which has received the highest classificatiOn fordeanliness (nO hazardous
waste) fromgovemmental regulatory agencies.. The Port would pay the City $3-10 per cubic yard
for the sand (exact price to be determined) and would accept all liability for its cleanliness. The
project would take four years to complete (authorization in 1998 , .design and permitting in 1999 , and
construction from 2000-2004).
Richard Neveln , interested citizen, asked whether there would be a strong odor to the sand after it
has been deposited and while it is drying out , as this could adversely affect events and tourism at
Alameda Point.
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Mr. Cardoza stated that a strong odor is usually due to vegetation , and there is no vegetation in this
sand because itis so old (300-600 000 years old). The sand has passed all toxicity and biological
Kurt Bohan , interested citizen, asked how the sand would be washed, since the salt water could make
grass cultivation difficult.
Mr. Cardoza stated thatsalthas not been a problem in other areas in the past; rainall and other normal
water activity removes the salt from the sand. He also pointed out that top soil wil be placed over the
sand to aid cultivation.
Bil Smith , interested citizen , inquired aboutthe stability of the sandin the event of an earthquake and
whether there needed to be. a layer of rocks and boulders deposited first, followed by the sand , top soil
, and.vegetation , as was done at Treasure Island.
Mr. Cardoza indicated that he has not looked at seismic issues associated with Alameda Point , but that
this project isnotanalog()us to Treasure Island.
B. Presentation of alternative golf course plan by Hugh McKay Associates
KenHansen introduced the team from Hllgh McKayAssociates whopresented.analtemativeplanfor
a privately-financed golf course resort and convention area at Alameda Point. There would be two
championship golf courses , as well as a 200-room lodge and conference center, golf museum and golf
academy. They estimate thjlt the total project would cost $33-47 IIllion to bllild and generate revenue
to the City of approximately $20-30 million over a ten-year period.
Kurt Bohan , interested citizen, recommended that the AR and City strongly consider this proposal
rather than a City-financed and operated golf complex as previously proposed.
Chair Appezzato pointed out that so far the AR has olly commssioned a feasibility study for a golf
course and that no decision has yet been made about how.to proceed because there . are many issues
stil to be resolved.
C. Oral report from the BRAG updating the AR on current activities
BRAG Chair Lee Perez stated that the BRAG will become a member of the Education , Technology
and Business Consortium.. He also mentioned that plans
are underway for an Alameda PointOpen
House , tentatively scheduled for Satuday, October 24; furher details about this Will be available next
month. Also , the second draft ofthe Navy s cleanup plan is being prepared and wil be presented to
the RAB in September.
Written report from the Executive Director updating the AR
1. EDA grant of$500 000 for design and engineering work on Tinker/Tynan project
2. Hornet gala grand opening on October 17
3. Alameda Point Open House on October 24
4. Second quarter lease revenue report
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Chair Appezzato noted that lease revenue income is exceeding projections , and congratulated the
ARR on this achievement.
E. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items)
Dana Kokubun, Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge , introduced herself as the new program
director. She is in the process of identifying the users of the planned interpretive center at the Refuge
and outlined the group s plans for continued outreach with local elementary schools.
Richard Neveln , interested citizen , presented photos of buildings at the FISC property which he
believes have s9me historic significance and should be preserved.
Bil Smith , interested citizen , recommended taking advantage of the FISC property to provide
affordable housing in Alameda.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 7:45 p.
Respectfully submitted
Patti Van Mark
ARRA Secretary
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Wednesday, October 7,1998
Present:Chai'rRalph Appezzto Mayor , City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt , Councilmember City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr , Councilmember , City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas , City of Alameda
Mark Friedman , alternate to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor , City of San Leandro
Absent:Tony Daysog, Councilmember City ofAlaneda (present for special session only)
Sandre Swanson , District Director 9thCongressiollal District
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Elihu Haris , Mayor , City of Oakland
Ex-offcio: Lee Perez , Base Reuse AdyisoryGroup (BRAG)
Gail Greely, Alameda Unifed School District
Appro al of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 2 , 1998.
Recommendation to adopt plans and specifications and authorize call for bids for
roof repair of Building 9 , and authorization for Executive Director to enter into all
agreements for award ofthe construction contract (No. P.W. 09-98-23).
Authorization for additional allocation of fuds in the amount of$118 764 for Building
530 upgrades (No. .. 11-97-29).
Speakers : None.
Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent. Calendar. The motion was seconded
by Alternate Ornelas and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O.
Abstentions: 0; Absent: 3.
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Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARR on current activities
BRAG Chair Lee Perez reported that there was no BRAG meeting in September. Discussions
about the restructuring of the BRAG are ongoing, and a progress report wil be made shortly.
Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARR
1. Alameda Point Open House on November 14 , 1998.
Executive Director Miler indicated that the date of the Open House was moved from October 24
to November 14 , 1998 to allow more time for publicity and preparations.
There has been a
meeting with some of the Alameda Poil1ttenants , who are 19oking forwardto publicizing their
. businesses and bringing people out to view their facilities. TheBRAG: Community Involvement
Committee is organizing.theeyent.
Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items
Executive Director Miler noted that the USS Hornet Museum wil have its grand opening on
October 17 , and there wil be anElectricVehic1e (EV) EXPQ onQctober24-25 at Alameda Point.
The Northwest Territorywil.opened for the EVExpo.
Also , the City Engineering and Public Works Departments wil be moving out to Building 1 on
October 16-17. As a result , the ARRA Facilties staff',ilLbe moving into the west wing. of
Building 1. The ARR office wil beclosedOctober 16 due to the moves.
Member DeWitt remarked that , according to the leasing status report , Buildings5and5-A are to
be leased , although the master plan had marked them for demolition. He questi()n.edwhy the
master plan is not being followed regarding these two buildings. Executiveoirector Miler stated
that the ARR..oard had previously approved the lease for Building 5andthatthe tenants are in
the process of obtaining their use permit. The prospective tenants for Builciing5-A may have some
problems obtaining a use permit(dueto parking), so they are going through the permit process
before coming to the ARRBoard.. These buildin.gs werel1arkedfor demolition because it was
not thought that they were leasable; however , it would cost moretodel1olish thenl than the rent to
be obtained from leasing them.
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The general meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at.5:45 p., at which time the Board
entered into closed session.
Respectfully submitted
Patti Van Mark
ARR Secretary
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Wednesday, November 4 , 1998
The meeting convened at 5:35 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor , City of Alameda
Sandre Swanson , District Director , 9th Congressional District (arrived at 5:45 p.
Barbara Kerr , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Councilmember , City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternate to CouncilmemberKarin Lucas , City of Alameda
Mark Friedman, alternate . to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Absent:Albert DeWitt , Councilmember , City of Alameda
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to SheliaYoung, Mayor , City of San Leandro
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Elihu Harris Mayor , City of Oakland
Ex-officio: Diane Lichtenstein , Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 7 , 1998.
Speakers : None.
Alternate Friedman moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded
by Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: O. Abstentions: 0;
Absent: 4 .(Member Swanson arrived at 5:45 p.
A. Recommendation regarding the next step in assessing options for development and
financing of agolfcourse in the Northwest Territory
Executive Director Kay Miller indicated that staff recommendation is to move forward with the
214 acre golf course concept. The GolfGommission and Golf Manager should analyze the
proposal and consider financing options. The larger golf course design which was proposed is
not feasible because it would require major changes to the Reuse Plan , including elimination or
relocation of the sports complex. The Recreation & Park Commission has already stated there is
not another suitable location at Alameda Point for the sports complex , and it is much too popular
to be eliminated.
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Ken Hanson , BRAG member , spoke as a proponent of the larger golf course proposal.
indicated that at the last BRAG meeting, the two golf course proposals were referred to the Land
Use Subcommittee for review, and requested that the ARR Board not make any decisions
regarding the golf course until after the BRAG has made its recommendation.
Chair Appezzato stated that the ARR Board was not being asked to make any recommendation
regarding a golf course proposal at this meeting.
Hugh McKay, Hugh McKay Associates , designer of the larger golf course project , indicated that
his group has looked at the site and believes it could work in harmony with the sports complex.
Chair Appezzato inquired if Mr. McKay and his group have met with the Golf Commission or
. Recreation & Park Commission. Mr. McKay stated they have not.
Gail Wetzork, Chair of the Recreation & Park Commission , said that there has been a lot of time
and money already spent putting together plans for the sports complex and that it would be very
expensive to have to move it. He also stated it would be unfair to the citizens of Alameda to
eliminate it.
Chair Appezzato recommended that the two golf course designs be reviewed by the City
Recreation & Park Commission , Golf Manager and Golf Commission, and Economic
Development Commission , as well as the BRAG. He added that the building of any type of golf
course is contingent upon suitable financing arrangements. There are also details to be worked
out with the Port of Oakland about the dredge spoils.
Sherry McCarthy, Recreation & Park Director , stated that there have been meetings with
numerous groups for the past four years regarding the design of the sports complex , that the plan
was previously approved by both the BRAG and the ARR Board , and that grants and revenue
streams are already moving forward. The current design would not be compatible with a larger
golf course , and the Recreation & Park Commission is very opposed to eliminating the sports
Kurt Bohan , interested citizen , recommended that the golf course proposals be considered from
a preservation standpoint. He said the hotel design would cause problems for planes being
brought in for the Western Aerospace Museum.
Member Daysog moved, and Member Kerr seconded , that the City of Alameda Golf
Commission , Golf Manager , Recreation & Park Commission , and Economic Development
Commission review options for development and financing of a golf course in the
Northwest Territory and make recommendations back to the ARR. The motion passed
unanimously by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Abstentions: 0; Absent: 3.
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A. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARR on current activities
BRAG Vice Chair Diane Lichtenstein provided an update about the plans for the Open House at
Alameda Point to be held Saturday, November 14. She said that some of the tenants wil have their
businesses open for tours , and there wil be displays about the wildlife refuge and other areas of
interest to the public.
Ms. Lichtenstein voiced the BRAG's concern about the condition of the Big Whites following the
lead-based paint abatement work which is now complete. The BRAG is also reviewing the
Community Reuse Plan to determine if that is being properly implemented.
Written report from the Executive Director updating the ARR I. New Deputy City Manager
2. Status of EIRIEIS
3. Lead-based paint abatement update
4. Fuel line removal project
5. Open House on November 14
Executive Director Miler introduced David Berger, the new Deputy City Manager for Community
and Economic Development. Mr. Berger wil oversee activities of the ARR and City Planning,
Economic Development and Community Development Departments.
Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items
Doug deHaan , BRAG member , stated that the BRAG has always been in favor of having the
sports complex and would not want it to be eliminated. However , there may be other places for it
including some of the East Bay Regional Parks area.
Member Daysog mentioned that in today San Francisco Chronicle there is an article about the
redevelopment of HamiIton Air Force Base in Novato.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 6:30 p.
Respectfully submitted(/;J
Patti Van Mark
ARR Secretary
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Wednesday, December 2 1998
The meeting convened at 5:35 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Sandre Swanson , District Director, 9th Congressional District
James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas , City of Alameda
Mark Friedman , alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors
District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Sheila Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro
Absent:Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Elihu Harris , Mayor, City of Oakland
Ex-officio: Lee Perez , Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG)
A. Approval of the minutes ofthe regular meeting of November 4 , 1998.
Speakers : None.
Member Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by
Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: O. Abstentions:
0; Absent: 3.
A. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a
ten-year sublease on Building 169 with the U.S. General Services Administration.
Alternate Sweeney questioned whether there are any fixtures and if the building is just a vacant
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Executive Director Miller indicated she cannot answer the question specifically, however , Staff
Reports does indicate the total cost for building improvement would not exceed $10 000 dollars.
Alternate Friedman moved, and Alternate Ornelas seconded the staff recommendation.
The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: O. Abstentions: O. Absent: 0
8. Report recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute an interim lease
through the term of the Master Lease with Dignity Housing West for 30 West Housing apartment
Executive Director Miler stated that this is an action similar to a number of actions the Board
has taken in beginnng to interim lease the housing units to members of the Homeless
Collaborative. These leases are needed to be executed prior to the Record of Decision in order
, for these providers to go forward with their federal funding.
Alternate Friedman moved, and Alternate Ornelas seconded the staff recommendation.
The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: O. Abstentions: O. Absent: 0
C. Report and recommendation by the Executive Director for approval of a six-month
proposed 1999 budget for AR lease revenue.
Executive Director Miller advised that Nanette Balls from AR Staff is available to answer
any questions on the Staff Reports.
Member Kerr inquired who is the environmental consultant.
Executive Director Miler indicated they contracted through the City Attorney s office , through
the same attorneys that they are using for the FISC negotiations , Shute Mihaly, with their
subcontractor Peter Russell. The contract has been extended to inolude work for AR and , it is
therefore , an effcient process because they are dealing with many similar issues on the FISC
Member Kerr inquired on the 1999 AR fund balance projection. The ending balance on June
, 1999 , is down to $2 947., which is a little bit thin.
Deputy City Manager Berger indicated that they did look beyond the ending period for the next
six months , and in fact , the ending balance projected is $561 000. The reason that it is down to
that level is because there is some front-end loaded cost related to matching the EDA grants for
the entire year s worth of improvements. So the second six month's expenditures would not
contain EDA matching amounts which equates to about $550 000 according to AR Staff
Member Balls. The OEA grant is also funded for the entire year match at $650 000. The next
six months did not include those figures. The fact is that we took the revenue and divided it by
two but we could not do that with the expenditures because we had an obligation to put the full
match for federal grants in the first six months. This is just the transition budgets so that we can
do a fiscal year budget that matches the City s fiscal year budget. It will be much more effcient
for the operation to have a fiscal year that matches the City s fiscal year.
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Member Kerr questioned the requirement for the matching funds and whcther they are actually
paid by July 1. Deputy City Manager Berger deferred the question to AR Staff Member
Balls. Staff Member Balls indicated that they are just budgeted, they are incumbered for that
time period. Member Kerr remarked that there is actually money in the ball that has not been
spent yet. Staff Member Bans indicated yes.
Executive Director Miler noted that the AR Staff have had a lot of learning experience from
operating one year of these revenues. With this experience under their belt , they have a better
handle on where some of the cost and anticipated cost are going to be. The biggest unanticipated
expenditures have been on building maintenance.
Alternate Friedman moved , and Member Kerr seconded the staff recommendation. The
motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Abstentions: O. Absent: O.
D. Report from the Executive Director recommending endorsement of AR's proposed
grant proposal to the Office of Economic Adjustment for the 1999-2000 fiscal year.
Speakers: None
Member DeWitt moved, and Member Kerr seconded the staff recommendation. The
motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: O. Abstentions: O. Absent: O.
A. Oral report from the BRAG updating the AR on curent activities.
Lee Perez , BRAG Chair, reported how very pleased he was with the open house. Hepublic1y
thaned the staff for all the work they did and particularly congratulated Andrine Smith, the
Chairperson of BRAG Community Involvement Group and all of the volunteers under her. He
added it was a very good experience and the open house offered an opportunity for the
community to come in to see what is going on at Alameda Point. BRAG will continue to discuss
how it sees its future role. There are some things that are still holding fire , such as the soon to be
scheduled meeting of the Museum Task Force.
Chair Appezzatonoted how impressed he was with BRAG and the hundreds ofvoluntcers who
have contributed their time.
Lee Perez , BRAG Chair, expanded in saying that this whole community is known for real
Member De Witt noted that he really liked this type of open house where each of the businesses
open their doors where an individual can go in and observe what that business is about. He is
interested in seeing this type of open house in the future.
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Diane Lichtenstein , BRAG Vice-Chair, added that the tenants were thrlled to have this
opportunity where the public can see them and for them to get exposure. This is a good formula
that they will do again.
Member Kerr , noted it was an excellent forum because people were able to see what is going on
in the Base by walking through the businesses. This type of open house goes a long way into
familiarzing people of Alameda of what is going on at Alameda Point and getting them to see
and appreciate it.
B. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items).
. Executive Director Miler indicated that there are a couple of items that need to be reported. The
Board asked a number of the Boards and Commissions in the City to look at the golf course
issue. In the interest of effciency, the BRAG is hosting a joint workshop on the golf course
issues and inviting the Golf Commission , the Parks and Recreation Commission , and the EDC
so that they can all be given information jointly, share and talk among and between their various
groups. This will take place in December. They will not be taking formal actions but wil be
back in January or February with recommendations.
Chair Appezzato asked if there are stil discussions with the Port of Oakland about some kind of
tipping fee for clean dredge spoils.
Executive Director Miler indicated yes. Since the Water Resources Act did not pass the last
congressional session , the project has been delayed. However , they have had very productive
discussions with the Port and thill there is an expectation that there is going to be a tipping fee.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services advised us verbally, and soon will be announcing their Refuge
Management Plan. They expect to be circulating the document for public comment very shortly
and hold a public meeting early in January. As soon as we have an official notice ofthat
schedule , we will advise you formally.
Tomorrow we will be offcially submitting to the Navy our revised EDC application. We have
with your authorization, informally begun discussions with the Navy EDC Team about the major
concept of the business deal. We will be meeting with their entire Navy negotiating team next
week to start to get into the details of the business plan.
Finally, I would like to say that this is my last offcial meeting with the Board as Executive
Director. I have enjoyed this experience and enjoyed working with all of you. Thall you for the
Tom Paulseck , Restoration Advisory Board Committee (RAB), indicated that he was in a
meeting last night where he was informed that the Big Whites and the CPO Housing at the
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Alameda Point have had the remediation completed but that the units were not ready for renting.
This is a revenue producing item and would like to know when they would be available?
City Attorney Terr Highsmith , indicated that they are stil waiting for the Navy s contractor, IT
Corp. to provide certification that the lead base paint abatement was properly done for each
individual unit. We are in discussions right now with the Navy regarding the tenus of the prime
lease between the AR and the Navy regarding the liability the City wil be assuming in
accepting these properties.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 6:00 p.
Respectfully submitted
Marites WardAR Secretary
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Wednesday, January 6 1999
The meeting convened at 5 :43 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor , City of Alameda
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Jerr Brown , Mayor, City of Oakland
Mark Friedman , alternate to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of
Supervisors , District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Sheila Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Roberta Brooks , alternate for Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Beverly Johnson , Councilmember, City of Alameda
James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Barbara Kerr, City of Alameda
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 2 , 1998.
Counci1member De Witt advised that he did not see his name as being present at the meeting of
December 2 , 1998 , and noted that he was present.
Member DeWitt moved approval of the minutes as amended for December 2,1998, and for
the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the
following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: o. Abstentions: 1 (Johnson - minutes).
A. Oral report from BRAG
Diane Lichtenstein , Vice Chairperson of the BRAG , noted that BRAG Chair Lee Perez was out
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of town for the last BRAG meeting, and requested that she present the BRAG report. The last
BRAG meeting was ajoint meeting with the Department of Park and Recreation , the Golf
Commission , some members of the Economic Development Commission and the BRAG. The
purpose ofthe meeting was to discuss the two different proposals for the golf feasibility study.
The next task will be to report to the individual agencies , and make a recommendation to the
Golf Commission as to which way each commission wished to go. The Golf Commission would
then appear before the BRAG or the City.
The most current business plan for Hanger 41 will also be discussed regarding the Western
Aerospace Museum/Alameda Naval Air Museum.
The Fish and Wildlife plan wil be discussed , and a public meeting will be held on Saturday,
January 16 , 1999. The BRAG wil discuss that meeting, as well as the continuing restructuring
ofthe BRAG organization.
B. Oral report from the Deputy City Manager (non-discussion items).
Deputy City Manager David A. Berger reported that several significant activities that were
planned for January:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released the draft "Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive
Conservation " plan. On January 14 , 1999 , from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Historic High School
cafeteria , there will be a public meeting on the draft. The deadline for comments will be
February 15 , 1999. Staff has been reviewing the plan, and will have a report and
recommendation regarding a possible City AR position on the next Board agenda.
The Naval Facilities Command , both in Washington, D.C. and in the San Bruno regional facility,
have been engaged in an internal discussion regarding the draft environmental impact statement.
The discussion could result in a delay of the certification of that document by three to four
months past the mid-June target date. He noted that staff shared its strong concerns with the
local Navy representatives , and he wil meet with the EF A West Captain Hunter on Friday,
January 8 , 1999 , to discuss the current status. Captain Hunter indicated that it would be the
highest priority for him to expedite the process.
There will be a meeting on January 19 , 1999 , of Navy and City AR engineering
representatives to review the infrastructure upgrade assumptions in each party s respective
valuation of the Economic Development conveyance. Both sides were in agreement that was the
key issue in reaching an acceptable business term. Kay Miller will coordinate the effort in her
new roll as a part-time consultant.
In addition, Kay Miler wil meet with outside legal council with the State Lands Commission
Staff to review the assumptions in the Tidelands Trust matter. A report would be presented at the
next meeting.
G)recycled paper h:\1-06-99..min
Wednesday, February 3,1999
The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present:Chair Ralph Appezzato , Mayor , City of Alameda
Mark Friedman , alternate to Wilma Chan , Alameda County Board of
Supervisors , District 3
Kathleen Ornelas , alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Albert De Witt , Councilmember, City of Alameda
Beverly Johnson, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Absent:Roberta Brooks , alternate for Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Jerr Brown , Mayor, City of Oakland
Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 6 , 1999.
Approval of the minutes of the special AR meeting of January 14 , 1999.
Receive report by the AR staff recommending the authorization to expend existing
City General Fund appropriation for Alameda Point activities.
Receive report and recommendation by AR staff for approval of a six -month proposed
1999 budget for AR market rate housing lease revenue.
Member DeWitt moved approval ofthe minutes as presented for January 6,1999, and for
the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed by the
following voice vote: Ayes - 5. Noes: O. Abstentions-
Receive report and approval of the recommendations from the Base Reuse Advisory
Group (BRAG) and AR staff regarding U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge Management
Plan to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The public hearing was opened.
Ms. Janice Delfino , Ohlone Audubon Society, 18673 Reamer Road , Castro Valley, requested
that Alternative C be considered. She noted that when the Navy turned over the property to U.
Fish & Wildlife Service, it would be up to the Service to encourage and increase the least tern
colony. She believed that the Service should protect the reason for establishing a refuge, and
then , as time goes by, provide for public access.
The public hearing was closed for Reuse Authority discussion.
Chair Appezzato noted that he visited with the Fish & Wildlife Service the week before , and
brought up some concerns. He mentioned that AR rejected the premise that the City of
Alameda should pay for predator control outside the wildlife refuge , and have asked the Service
to fund predator control outside the refuge. That was an early agreement with the Service when
the acreage was increased from 390 to 565 acres. Secretary Garamendi agreed in principle
that , and AR asked to continue that principle. Chair Appezzato also had a face-to-face
discussion with Mr. Barr of the Fish & Wildlife Service , and they would do their best to fund
whatever is possible to make this a viable refuge.
Chair Appezzato also said that the beautiful land of the refuge should not be marred with the
chain link fence or barbed wire. The alternatives were not discussed, because the decision should
be worked out between the City of Alameda and the Wildlife Service.
He also indicated that the U.S. Navy was able to use the entry and exit from the carrier piers
without harm to the least tern.
Planner Elizabeth Johnson noted that all ofthe alternatives in the Management Plan were
consistent with the other restrictions that were discussed with Fish & Wildlife , and everyhing
had been worked out , with the exception of the predator fee.
Member Kerr noted that the proposed fence would not only be unattractive , but would also be
opaque , stretching from the Bay to the Estuary, and out to the Northwest Territories. She added
that the narrow channel created an unnecessary danger for small craft , and emphasized that she
wished to promote safety as much as possible.
Chair Appezzato noted that Mr. Barr s name should be added to the copy ofthe letter , and that
the Washington office should get a copy as well. He added that a restricted lagoon would not be
a viable option.
Alternate Ornelas shared the concern about the fence , especially the barbed wire on top and the
image it would project. She also questioned the need for the slatting on the fence. In response to
her question regarding the need for barbed wire , Planner Johnson responded that it was standard
issue in all urban refuges , to control access from people. An alternative is being sought for the
barbed wire.
Chair Appezzato noted that the people in Washington objected to an eight foot high barbed wire
fence , and that would be closely examined. Planner Johnson noted that a higher fence with no
slats would be effective, so that possible trespassers would see there was nothing to get to.
Chair Appezzato emphasized that the City was committed to making the Wildlife Refuge work
and that tremendous compromises were made in the process. He noted that he would sign the
letter, and include the comments made during the public hearing.
Alternate Friedman moved approval of the staff recommendation , with comments. The
motion was seconded by Alternate Ornelas and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -
5. Noes: O. Abstentions-
B. Receive report of alternative recommendations from the BRAG and AR staff
regarding the no-cost leases for Buildings 77 and 41 for the Alameda Naval Air and Western
Aerospace Museum.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Douglas DeHaan, Alameda Naval Air Museum , 1305 Dayton Avenue , spoke in favor of the
issue. He noted the Museum would be a major impact in how the transportation issues would be
handled, especially during off-hours. The initial mission of the Museum was to be an education
conveyance; the BRAG has made it an economic conveyance as well.
Mr. Ron Reuther, ANA W AM , P.O. Box 14264 , spoke in support of the proposed museum at
Alameda Point. He believed that the potential of this Museum had a strong relationship to his
experience as a zoo director. He noted that the Base Reuse Plan said that the Museum would
have the ability to lease both buildings. In addition, if the Museum did not require all the space it
requested, or if it did not succeed, the AR would be able to immediately lease the facilities to
other job-generating uses.
Ms. Nita Rosen, Alameda Naval Air and Western Air Museum , 1045 Island Drive , spoke in
favor of the issue. She will be a coordinator for the gift store at the Museum. She believed that
the sentiments of the Mayor
, "
Honor our past and imagine future " was especially relevant in
regard to the mission of the Museum.
Chair Appezzato emphasized that the primary issue was financing of the Museum.
Ms. Diane Lichtenstein, BRAG , 633 Sand Hook, noted that the revenue projections made by
staff for the Hornet attendance , and that there was a 200 percent increase in attendance.
addition, there were 30 000 admissions to the Oakland Western Air Museums in the last year.
These figures lend credence to the projections , although she agreed with staff that the grant
projections were overly optimistic. While the $500 000 from the State would be greatly
appreciated , no check has yet been written.
Regarding construction costs , Ms. Lichtenstein noted that a very strong due diligence in that
regard. Professional estimators , architects and contractors were consulted , and the City has been
consulted regarding the realism of the financial figures. The business plan took an excessive
amount of time , which has been frstrating, although the effort is going in the right direction
Ms. Lichtenstein noted that the Board assured the BRAG that they were on track , and she
recommended that they give them the few months to prove their performance. She noted that theAR staff was doing its job - to lease Alameda Point - and over 1 million square feet have
been leased to date , bringing 1 000 to the Point. She noted that the potential ofthe Museum
would be well worth the wait; they are asking an additional five months. She noted that the
Museum was not meant to be a moneymaker , but ifthe AR could wait until July 1 , 1999 to
make the lease permit.
Chair Appezzato noted that was a reasonable request. In response to the Chair s question
regarding what would happen between now and July 1 , Ms. Lichtenstein responded that they
expected them to get the funding and have a strong business plan in hand.
Mr. Benjamin Hance , Western Aerospace Museum , noted that the launch of the Museum boiled
down to "show me the money." The Museum intended to use their own money to improve the
City s buildings , which he considered a fair trade. The City was not expected to support the
Museum. The use of Buildings 77 and 41 is seen as a unique opportunity, and they would like
the chance to enhance the opportunity.
Chair Appezzato noted that the AR supported the effort, but added that the Authority was also
charged with making the Base work. The major question before the AR has been where the
line should be drawn regarding viability. He added that the General Fund should not be used in
this project.
Mr. Jonathan Goldman , WAMANAWAM , 35 Embarcadero Cove , Oakland , noted that the
Museum was not asking for money from the General Fund , nor for capital contribution from the
City. They are asking for the opportunity to make their vision whole, which included the Hornet
Building 77 , and the indoor exhibit space that Hangar 41 would provide.
Chair Appezzato suggested that the staff should be directed to look for tenants for the space , to
provide additional incentive to the Museum Board , and the City would have a tenant for the
space. Mr. Goldman replied that the City and the Museum Board shared the same vision.
Mr. Franz Steiner, ANA W AM, 501 14 Street, Oakland, presented a visual presentation of the
vision for Building 77 and Hangar 41. In response to Member Daysog s question, Mr. Steiner
responded that the cost to occupy Hangar 41 and turn it into a museum was $450 000.
Considerable funds have been raised , but monies will be easier to obtain once the project is
further along.
Ms. Marilyn York , ANA W AM , noted that she would like to see Hangar 41 preserved as a
monument to the thousands of people who worked in Alameda, and made it a gateway to the
Pacific. She emphasized that their selfless dedication should be recognized, and their sacrifices
during World War II should be honored. She added that the once in a lifetime history that took
place on the home front in Alameda must be preserved.
Ms. Barbara Baack , Alameda Naval Air Museum, emphasized that it was important not to let the
aircraft deteriorate and suffer corrosion. These buildings are important for future generations to
understand the military history of Alameda. Young people, seniors , and tour groups can benefit
from the combined museum effort , and she asked the Authority s support in delaying their
decision untilJuly 1 , 1999.
The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion.
Chair Appezzato noted that he could support not terminating negotiations at this point.
emphasized that the funds need to be raised , and did not want the City to be viewed as a
charitable organization.
Member Daysog supported Chair Appezzato in extending the decision until July 1 , and also that
the AR should not turn away any prospective leaseholders during that time period.
Alternate Ornelas supported the suggestion to delay the decision regarding the lease until July 1.
She expressed concern about allowing staff to market the property in a parallel effort , because it
may hinder the Museum Board's efforts to secure funding. It would be important to have a finite
deadline , however , to provide a catalyst to complete the business plan..
Member Kerr noted that Hangar 41 is not the only hangar on the Base that needs to be leased.
She noted that the $500 000 got through both houses in Sacramento , and reached the Governor
desk. At that point , he decided to shift the money elsewhere , but it did gain the support of
Senator Perata. She considered it likely that with a new governor, the $500 000 could be
approved. She agreed that the deadline should be extended until the final deadline of July 1.
In response to Member Johnson s question regarding marketing efforts for the property,
Facilities Manager Ed Levine responded that they have intentionally not marketed the property.
It was offered on an exclusive basis to the Museum, but there have been inquiries on Hangar 41.
Mr. Levine noted that he has been hesitant to market it until the fate of the Museum has been
Chair Appezzato noted that it would be irresponsible to wait until July 2 to find an alternate
Mr. Levine noted that staff s position is to assess the viability of the business plan , based largely
on whether the Museum Board has the money in hand to finance the project. If the plan was seen
to be viable AR would recommend finalizing the details of the lease , and executing the lease.
In addition, any other potential renter would have to yield to the Museum.
Alternate Friedman moved approval to adopt the BRAG recommendation , and to extend
the deadline until July 1 , 1999. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed
unanimously by the following voice vote: Ayes - 5. Noes: O. Abstentions-
Receive BRAG report and recommendations regarding tourism as a means of economic
development at Alameda Point.
The public hearng was opened.
Mr. Hugh McKay, McKay Associates/Muirhead Group, noted that tourism has not come forward
as a development issue in the past. He believed that tourism could create opportunities not only
for Alameda Point, but for the balance of the City as well. He added that the tourism efforts
could be fast-tracked , with the help of private enterprise to assist the museums and the parks.
believed that a destination resort hotel with a five-star restaurant and 36 hole golf complex could
be implemented.
Mr. Ron Reuther, ANA W AM , P.O. Box 14264 , spoke strongly in favor of the matter of tourism
for Alameda, and believed that the city site was unparalleled in the world. He added that the
more tourism destinations there were in the area, the more people would come to visit them.
Mr. Vince Mackel , 1020 Dayton, noted that the committee was in need of a master plan , which
would increase the attendance at both museums. He observed that the Reuse Plan was not a
master plan, and was more of a statement. He suggested that an outside professional group be
used to create a comprehensive tourism master plan to benefit the museums , and the community
at large. In addition , a master plan would be able to provide tangible evidence of the vision
imagination and interpretations to financiers and other crucial parties.
The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion.
Member Daysog noted that the phrase "highest and best use " was a red flag for the Alameda
Point area. On one hand , a hotel could be a substantial revenue generator, but on the other hand
it cuts into a separate vision of a recreation center. He noted that he did not buy off on point
number one at face value , and while it was true, there should be additional phrasing to suggest a
complementary or pre-existing community visions as established in the community reuse plan.
Member Daysog asked whether the proponents for the other golf course were involved in this
review process. Ms. Joan Konrad , BRAG , responded that they did not contact the Golf Course
Commission. They made an assumption that they wanted a revenue source from a golf course on
the Northwest Territory, and that they should have one that provided the most revenue. She
emphasized that a top quality development would attract more tourism to Alameda, and that the
details could be outlined at a later date. The Golf Course Commission would be involved in the
next phase.
Member Daysog noted that the Muirhead Golf Course would be bigger, and would be a greater
revenue source.
Ms. Konrad did not believe there was a contradiction with the Reuse Plan. Ms. Johnson noted
that a revenue generation criterion could lock the AR into a corner.
Member Daysog suggested adding the phrase to Item number 1
, "
consistent with the community
reuse plan.
Member Johnson agreed with Chair Appezzato s suggestion of putting in the phrase "highest and
best use " and recognizing revenue generation.
Ms. Lichtenstein suggested that it would clarify the issue to say, "the objectives of the
development of the Northwest Terrtory and Northern Shores should include the following." She
suggested omitting the development of a golf course complex , because the golf course is not
being alluded to. They are alluding to the concept that tourism in that area should be an
important component of the economic viability.
Chair Appezzato noted that the Base Reuse Plan is undergoing EIS/EIR review , and cannot be
changed dramatically without affecting that process.
Member Johnson noted that the language should be changed to
, "
... of a quality consistent with
the goal of tourism.
Member Kerr questioned whether this was a good time to pass an item like this , given the fragile
state of the EIR.
Member Daysog responded that by declaring a reaffirmation of the goals and principles , theAR would be saying they are not changing the Reuse Plan. Chair Appezzato noted that it was
extremely critical to stay with the current Reuse Plan.
Member Daysog moved acceptance of the BRAG recommendations and report, with the
modifcations. The motion was seconded by Member Johnson and passed by the following
voice vote: Ayes - 5. Noes: o. Abstentions-
Receive BRAG report and recommendations from the BRAG and AR staff regarding
the future role and responsibilities of the BRAG.
The public hearing was opened.
There were no speakers on this item.
The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion.
Mr. Lee Perez , BRAG Chair, noted that the BRAG and AR recommendations were the same
except for one item. The only difference was in regard to who they could advise and work with.
The relationship should change in a few months , and the difference in that sense is minor.
Chair Appezzato agreed , providing it continues to evolve , and that the BRAG makes changes as
it sees it better supports the mission of the BRAG and the Reuse Authority.
In response to Member Daysog s question regarding City Council's designation of the Reuse
Authority after the AR sunsets , City Counsel Highsmith responded that the Joint Powers
Agreement could allow a vote at the end of April to terminate the AR. Alternatively, the
body could choose to reconstitute the form of its membership. In order to take conveyance of the
property, the City needs a Local Reuse Authority to continue in some form through the point in
time where the conveyance of all the property has been accepted.
In addition , Counsel Highsmith advised that the letterhead would still say "AR" on it.
Member Johnson advised that this was a significant issue , especially whether the BRAG had the
ability to comment on matters within its jurisdiction to other boards or commissions.
Chair Appezzato noted that as long as the issue is within the subject matter jurisdiction of
, and the communication is consistent with previous positions taken by the AR , then
BRAG may communicate that position to other commissions.
Mr. Perez advised that the BRAG has had no interest in going beyond the BRAG's scope of
issues regarding the Base conversion. The BRAG would like the freedom from time to time to
maintain ongoing communication with others boards and commissions. He noted that once theAR is reconstituted , this issue will be easier to change.
Counsel Highsmith advised that a BRAG member could communicate as a private citizen. Any
member of the BRAG could do so if the subject matter was within the jurisdiction of the
to which they are advisory, and was consistent with an existing AR position.
Chair Appezzato noted that even City Council members are not able to appear before the
Planing Board , for instance , and speak on behalf of the Council.
Council Highsmith advised that the BRAG is in an advisory position to the AR , but not to the
Planning Board.
Mr. Perez emphasized that the BRAG was fluid , and that if changes were necessary, they would
make them.
Member Daysog noted that the phrase "as the committee shall select" was very good , but
wondered why a five year sunset period was selected. In addition, he believed that it should be
stated that the Alameda Point Advisory Committee is not a redevelopment project area
committee as defined by California Redevelopment law, as amended.
Member Daysog moved acceptance of the BRAG recommendations and report, with the
modifications. The motion was seconded by Alternate Ornelas and passed by the following
voice vote: Ayes - 5. Noes: O. Abstentions-
Mr. Bil Smith , 732 Central #16 , noted that the tourism industry lacked an advocate , and
suggested that an additional consultant or tourist agency be used to facilitate communication
between all parties in the tourism effort.
The general meeting was closed by Chair Appezzato at 7:55 p.
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act.
Respectfully submitted