1998-12-02 ARRA MinutesD lJ APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 2, 1998 The meeting convened at 5:35 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Barbara KeIT, Councilmember, City of Alameda Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional Distiict 2-A James Sweeney, alternate to Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda Mark F1iedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Sheila Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro Absent: Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda Jay Leon.hardy, alternate to Elihu Han-is, Mayor, City of Oakland Ex-officio: Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) CONSENT CALENDAR 2-A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 4, 1998. Speakers: None. Member Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: 0. Abstentions: O; Absent: 3. ACTION ITEMS 3-A. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a ten-vear sublease on Building 169 with the U.S. General Se1vices Administration. Alternate Sweeney questioned whether there are any fixtures and if the building is just a vacant warehouse. @recycled paper h:\12-2-98 .min Executive Director Miller indicated she cannot answer the question specifically , however, Staff Reports does indicate the total cost for building improvement would not exceed $10,000 dollars. Alternate Friedman moved, and Alternate Ornelas seconded the staff recommendation. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 0. Absent: O 3-B. Report recommending authorization to finalize negotiations and execute an interim lease through the term of the Master Lease with Dignity Housing West for 30 West Housing apartment units. Executive Director Miller stated that this is an action similar to a number of actions the Board has taken in beginning to interim lease the housing units to members of the Homeless Collaborative. These leases are needed to be executed prior to the Record of Decision in order . for these providers to go forward with their federal funding. Alternate Friedman moved, and Alternate Ornelas seconded the staff recommendation. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 0. Absent: O 3-C. Report and recommendation by the Executive Director for approval of a six-month proposed 1999 budget for ARRA lease revenue. Executive Director Miller advised that Nanette Banks from ARRA Staff is available to answer any questions on the StaffRepmis. Member Kerr inquired who is the envirorunental consultant. Executive Director Miller indicated they contracted through the City Attorney's office, through the same attorneys that they are using for the FISC negotiations, Shute Mihaly, with their subcontractor Peter Russell. The contract has been extended to include work for ARRA and, it is therefore, an efficient process because they are dealing with many similar issues on the FISC property . Member Kerr inquired on the 1999 ARRA fund balance projection . The ending balance on June 30 , 1999, is down to $2,947.00, which is a little bit thin . Deputy City Manager Berger indicated that they did look beyond the ending period for the next six months, and in fact, the ending balance projected is $561,000. The reason that it is down to that level is because there is some front-end loaded cost related to matching the EDA grants for the entire year's worth of improvements. So the second six month's expenditures would not contain EDA matching amounts which equates to about $550,000 according to ARRA Staff Member Banks. The OEA grant is also funded for the entire year match at $650,000. The next six months did not include those figures. The fact is that we took the revenue and divided it by two but we could not do that with the expenditures because we had an obligation to put the full match for federal grants in the first six months. This is just the transition budgets so that we can do a fiscal year budget that matches the City's fiscal year budget. It will be much more efficient for the operation to have a fiscal year that matches the City's fiscal year. ®recycled paper 2 h:\ 12-2 -98 .min n u Member Kerr questioned the requirement for the matching funds and whether they are actually paid by July 1. Deputy City Manager Berger deferred the question to ARRA Staff Member Banks. Staff Member Banks indicated that they are just budgeted, they are incumbered for that time period. Member Kerr remarked that there is actually money in the bank that has not been spent yet. Staff Member Banks indicated yes. Executive Director Miller noted that the ARRA Staff have had a lot of learning experience from operating one year of these revenues. With this experience under their belt, they have a better handle on where some of the cost and anticipated cost are going to be. The biggest unanticipated expenditures have been on building maintenance . . Alternate Friedman moved, and Member Kerr seconded the staff recommendation. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 0. Absent: O. 3-D. Report from the Executive Director recommending endorsement of ARRA's proposed grant proposal to the Office of Economic Adjustment for the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Speakers: None Member DeWitt moved, and Member Kerr seconded the staff recommendation. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 0. Absent: 0. ORAL REPORTS 4-A . Oral rep01i from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. Speakers: Lee Perez, BRAG Chair, rep01ied how very pleased he was with the open house. He publicly thanked the staff for all the work they did and particularly congratulated Andrine Smith, the Chairperson of BRAG Community Involvement Group and all of the volunteers under her. He added it was a very good experience and the open house offered an opportunity for the community to come in to see what is going on at Alameda Point. BRAG will continue to discuss how it sees its future role. There are some things that are still holding fire, such as the soon to be scheduled meeting of the Museum Task Force. Chair Appezzato noted how impressed he was with BRAG and the hundreds of volunteers who have contributed their time. Lee Perez, BRAG Chair, expanded in saying that this whole community is known for real involvement. Member DeWitt noted that he really liked this type of open house where each of the businesses open their doors where an individual can go in and observe what that business is about. He is interested in seeing this type of open house in the future. ®recyc led paper 3 h:\12-2-98.min Diane Lichtenstein , BRAG Vice-Chair, added that the tenants were thrilled to have this opportunity where the public can see them and for them to get exposure. This is a good formula that they will do again. Member Kerr, noted it was an excellent forum because people were able to see what is going on in the Base by walking through the businesses. This type of open house goes a long way into familiarizing people of Alameda of what is going on at Alameda Point and getting them to see and appreciate it. ORAL REPORTS 4-B. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items) . . Executive Director Miller indicated that there are a couple of items that need to be reported. The Board asked a number of the Boards and Commissions in the City to look at the golf course issue. In the interest of efficiency, the BRAG is hosting a joint workshop on the golf course issues and inviting the Golf Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the EDC, so that they can all be given information jointly, share and talk among and between their various groups . This will take place in December. They will not be taking formal actions but will be back in January or February with recommendations. Chair Appezzato asked if there are still discussions with the Port of Oakland about some kind of tipping fee for clean dredge spoils. Executive Director Miller indicated yes. Since the Water Resources Act did not pass the last congressional session, the project has been delayed. However, they have had very productive discussions with the Port and think there is an expectation that there is going to be a tipping fee. The U.S . Fish & Wildlife Services advised us verbally, and soon will be announcing their Refuge Management Plan. They expect to be circulating the document for public comment very shortly and hold a public meeting early in Januaiy. As soon as we have an official notice of that schedule, we will advise you formally. Tomorrow we will be officially submitting to the Navy our revised EDC application. We have, with your authorization, informally begun discussions with the Navy EDC Team about the major concept of the business deal. We will be meeting with their entire Navy negotiating team next week to staii to get into the details of the business plan. Finally, I would like to say that this is my last official meeting with the Board as Executive Director. I have enjoyed this experience and enjoyed working with all of you. Thank you for the opportunity . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Tom Paulseck , Restoration Advisory Board Committee (RAB), indicated that he was in a meeting last night where he was informed that the Big Whites and the CPO Housing at the ®recycled pap er 4 h:\12 -2-98.rnin ·' ., :i I I . n LJ Alameda Point have had the remediation completed but that the units were not ready for renting. This is a revenue producing item and would like to know when they would be available? City Attorney Teni Highsmith, indicated that they are still waiting for the Navy's contractor, IT Corp. to provide certification that the lead base paint abatement was properly done for each individual unit. We are in discussions right now with the Navy regarding the terms of the prime lease between the ARRA and the Navy regarding the liability the City will be assuming in accepting these properties. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERJ.'llNG BODY None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~~)~~ Marites Ward ARRA Secretary ®recycled paper 5 h :\ 12-2-98 .min