1999-08-17 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Tuesday, August 17, 1999
The meeting convened at 7:47 pm with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda
Sandre Swanson, Vice Chair, Ninth Congressional District for Barbara Lee
Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of
Supervisors, District 3
Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Beverly Johnson, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda
Absent: Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Jerry Brown, Mayor, City of Oakland
Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro
Richard Neveln, 1328 Park Street, expressed it is important to have adequate funds to build
projects and provide good planning for the formal Naval Air Station. Starting off with this bond
is a good first step in financing and something worthwhile for the ARRA to do. People all over
the region are taking notice of the good things that are happening at Alameda Point.
3 -A. Report and recommendation from the Deputy City Manager to adopt a Resolution
Approving an assignment agreement and approved related documents and officials actions
by and between ARRA and the City of Alameda in connection with the issuance by the
Alameda Public Financing Authority of its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition,
construction, installation and equipping of various capital improvements to Alameda Point
(the former Alameda Naval Air Station) and to finance the acquisition, construction,
installation and equipping of various capital improvements for the City of Alameda and
approving related documents and official actions.
Deputy City Manger David Berger stated on May 12, 1999, staff presented to the Council a
financing plan for the implementation of the Alameda Point project in the early years, following
cessation of Caretaker payments from the Navy which is scheduled to end on September 30,
1999. This plan was presented to Council by the financing teams of Evensen Dodge and Gardner
and Associates. Council was given four alternatives and selected one which they wanted staff to
proceed with. Deputy Berger indicated at that meeting, staff could get credit enhancement,
which is a lease - backed revenue bond and they have an offer from Union Bank of California,
backed by the Teachers' Retirement System of California, for a letter of credit, along with a
AAA rating on this bond issue. The minimum bond proceeds would be $6 million, as was stated
in the report.
Chair Appezzato asked the City Finance Director, Zenda James, if she supports this action.
Zenda James stated that she was part of the financing team that put this plan together. She
indicated that the report given to the Board was signed by both she and Deputy Berger.
Member Kerr asked Deputy Berger if the ARRA vote is simply to approve the assignment of
rents to enable the financing, not to approve the financing itself?
Deputy Berger responded that was correct. The Board is signing the lease revenues to the
financing authority through the City Council.
Member Kerr asked is this an assignment of revenues.
Deputy Berger responded yes, this is the action that is in front of the ARRA this evening.
Member Daysog stated there are a certain amount of dollars needed to pay for services at the
base and with the Cooperative Agreement sunsetting, there needs to be a way to generate the
dollars. We can produce bonds that pay for some of the infrastructure on the base and in turn the
ARRA, from that revenue, would pay for infrastructure. As ARRA money comes to pay for
capital things for historical Alameda, the service dollars that go to the base are replenished.
Member Daysog clarified that when we speak of Alameda, we are talking about the service
operating budget and capital budget.
Henry Gardner of Gardner, Underwood and Bacon, voiced to the Board that what they are doing
by this transaction is providing funding for two primary purposes: maintain the current
operations at the base and finance the early capital projects at the base. In order to make that
happen, two other entities have been brought into the process. One is the City of Alameda which
the bond will be funding a portion of their capital projects, which is the reason the Public
Financing Authority is involved and they will be the issuer. This will allow staff to continue
with the development activities at the base, necessary capital projects, makes no reliance of any
kind on the general fund and protects the City's funds.
Member Daysog stated the City now has a limited budget for services and now the City is going
to being paying for services on the base.
Henry Gardner reiterated to Member Daysog that the City of Alameda is spending no money for
this purpose. The City's general fund is in no way involved in the financing of anything at
Alameda Point. However, the City has to be involved in this financing, in order to achieve the
purpose of the bond.
Member Daysog asked Mr. Gardner about police funding.
Henry Gardner responded that this funding will allow for funding of those positions. It will
allow staff to maintain the police and fire services that are currently on the base.
Member Daysog asked Mr. Gardner will the City be able to maintain the level of services on
historic Alameda, since they will now be covering a greater part of Alameda, resulting in loss of
time for historic Alameda. Will the dollars from the ARRA free up historic Alameda into the
capital side and will it also replenish the lost dollars?
Henry Gardner stated this financing does not rely on general fund support in any way and does
not obligate the City in any way for this financing.
Member Johnson asked Mr. Gardner can they say they are not putting the general fund at risk.
Henry Gardner stated that they are not putting the general fund at risk. The general fund is not in
any way obligated for this financing.
Chair Appezzato stated they have three choices: they can do nothing for Alameda Point; tell the
Navy they do not want they property and can do what they want with it; or they can continue to
move forward and believe they are going to be successful in developing Alameda Point and
repay the bonds with the success they achieve at the base, without impact to the general fund.
Alternate Member Friedman motioned recommendation of staff's report for financing of
Alameda Point. Motioned was seconded by Member Daysog. Motion passed unanimously.
Member DeWitt stated part of the problem we are facing is that the Navy has decided to cut the
money for Caretaker funds they had been giving to us. The City is hopeful that someday soon
the Navy will turn the base over to them or either allow the base to be transferred to the City at
no cost. If they do that soon, that will help in these type of transactions. Member DeWitt stated
he knows the federal government is working on legislation that will transfer bases to the various
communities, possibly at no cost.
Chair Appezzato stated if the base were conveyed to the City tomorrow at no cost, they would
still have to do what they are doing, regardless if the Navy is paying certain fees. There have
been letters sent to congressional representatives for support for continuance of cooperative
funds. There is legislation sponsored by the President and Secretary of Defense to pass the
property on at no -cost to the City of Alameda.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
espectfu ly submitted,
ut etia Akil
ARRA Secretary