2001-05-02 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 2, 2001 The meeting convened at 5:38 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Beverly Johnson, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Absent: Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 2001. 2 -B. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of March 13, 2001. 2 -C. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of March 20, 2001. 3 -A 2 -D. Report recommending the Approval of Amendment #1 to the Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Government (Navy) and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority to include former Navy vehicles within the EDC. 2 -E. Report from the Development Services Director approving the temporary change of use and interim lease for Building 607 with the Alameda Point Collaborative. Member Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -3; Noes -0; Abstentions -0 (Member Johnson arrived after the vote). 1 3. ACTION ITEMS 3 -A. Report and recommendation from the Director of Development Services to authorize the Executive Director to amend the existing five year sublease (including a five year renewal option) with Simmba Systems to allow a second five year renewal option. There were no public speakers. The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion. Member Daysog moved approval of the recommendation. The motion was seconded by Member Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -4; Noes -0; Abstentions-O. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Oral report from APAC. Lee Perez, Chair APAC indicated that in mid -June APAC is working on having a community town forum to enlighten the community of their accomplishments, introduce existing Alameda Point tenants and inform the community of the future plans for Alameda Point, including introduction of the Master Developer. Member Kerr stated the community meetings that APAC have put on have been important for the City and are always well done. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction, or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda.) Richard Neveln, 1328 Park Street stated that development of the Northern Waterfront and the piers at the Base will be in need of dredging and the Port Services staff are doing a tremendous job to help the City of Alameda. However, more is needed as more waterfront developments occur at Alameda Point. The City of Alameda needs to create a Port authority of its own to operate and run the Port with professionals like the Port of Oakland, for the betterment of the citizens of Alameda. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 2 7. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR 5:45 p.m. Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA, U.S. Navy, and the Master Developer Under negotiation: Price and Terms Chair Appezzato announced the Board had met in special session and gave instructions to Real Property Negotiators. No action was taken. The closed session was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT Respectfu y, • Lucreti Akil, ARRA Secretary 3