2002-05-01 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, May 1, 2002
The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present: Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda, Chair
Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Beverly Johnson, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Absent: Albert DeWitt, Boardmember, City of Alameda
2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of December 10, 2001.
2 -B. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 6, 2002.
2 -C. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the March 6, 2002.
2 -D. Withdrawn.
2 -B
Member Kerr moved approval of the recommendation. The motion was seconded by
Member Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -4; Noes -0; Abstentions -1
(Member Johnson).
Member Kerr stated that at the December 10, 2001 meeting, the Board discussed the Legally
Binding Agreements that applied to the non - residential uses and in the minutes it states that they
were not yet written. It was explained at that meeting the use paragraphs would be available for
review after they were written. Member Kerr stated that she would like a copy of them if they
have been written for the non - residential ones, which are quite broad.
3 -A. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to various City employees acknowledging
their contributions to the management and maintenance of Alameda Point.
Chair Appezzato formerly presented certificates of appreciation to Bob Baldwin, Ken Bowman,
Gary Colbert, Regan Cruse, Mike Hampen, Ed Levine and Todd Williams for their contributions
to the management and maintenance of Alameda Point.
Ken Bowman stated that it was a real pleasure working for the City over the past six years which
has meant a lot to him.
Mike Hampen thanked the Board for the opportunity to have worked at Alameda Point, as it was
a perfect transition job from the Navy into the public sector.
Ed Levine thanked the members of the ARRA Board for receiving his commendation. Mr.
Levine stated that he has worked on the leasing program at Alameda Point over the past six
years. Upon entering, the Navy was still operational on the Base and there were no existing lease
agreements with the Navy at that time. Over the past six years, they have signed over 150 lease
agreements, in excess of $30 million of lease revenue for the ARRA. It has been a real joy in
working with the diversity of tenants which they successfully attracted to the former NAS. Mr.
Levine also expressed his appreciation to all of City of Alameda staff, including City Manager
Jim Flint, Public Works, Planning, City Attorney's office, Police and Fire.
Bob Baldwin stated that he has worked at Alameda Point over the past two years, which was very
different from any other job he was expected to do. It was challenging and different and led to
different maintenance jobs he had not performed before. The transition has been a rewarding
4 -A. Recommendation from the Executive Director to approve the Property Management
Agreement with Alameda Point Community Partners to carry out leasing and property
management activities at Alameda Point.
The public hearing was opened for Authority discussion.
Member Kerr stated that were duplicate addresses listed on Exhibit A -1, Part-1, Excluded
Properties of the Property Management Agreement (specifically on the top of Page 2 under
Pensacola and Unity Village addresses). These duplications should be corrected. Also, on the
map on the Excluded Properties regarding the Homeless Collaborative, Building 550 may be part
of the Collaborative and all the CPO houses, but they have not been filled in on this particular
map. There is also one on Barbers Point Road which is not included on the map. Member Kerr
stated that the maps should be double checked and corrected prior to signing of the actual
agreement and it would also be helpful if all the maps from this point forward had the current
street names on them.
Member Kerr further stated that on Exhibit B of the Property Management Agreement the
monthly money that will be turned over to ARRA is $208,000 and according to the Alameda
Point Management Plan, there is a comparative income statement dated February 27, 2002 which
states year to dates through July 2003. Member Kerr asked if the ARRA is on the same fiscal
year that the City is on?
Development Services Director Doug Yount responded yes, the ARRA is on the same fiscal
calendar as the rest of the City.
Member Kerr stated she would like a comparison of real month (year to date summary) before
APCP takes over and the budgeted amounts, in the near future.
Member Daysog asked with regards to unforeseeable weather conditions, in what way has the
ARRA and APCP structured any type of reserves, which have been set aside for those type of
events and cost of landscaping, which goes beyond what was originally considered in Exhibit E?
Jay Heckenlively, APCP General Manager responded that currently they are working with a
budget that has been approved by City staff and the constraints within that budget. The services
noted in the Property Management Agreement budget section are in accordance with the budget
that has been approved in the amount of $492, 800.
Member Daysog responded that if there is some El Nino and more staff are needed to maintain
the landscaping or certain buildings have gotten dry rot, is the sole budget is $492,800?
Mr. Heckenlively stated that is correct and that if new expenses arise that they were not expecting
in the past, APCP would have to come to the ARRA and figure out jointly how to address issues
like this, on a case by case bases.
City Manager Jim Flint responded that there is a small budget reflected in the current contract
budget agreement. We are hoping that APCP takes over this very small budget and builds on it
for the future to generate additional revenue and allow the ARRA to increase that budget and
have the resources to address unexpected conditions like El Nino.
Member Daysog responded that he appreciates staff being fiscally conservative, but would like to
see a reserve for unexpected weather conditions.
Attorney Korade stated that the Manager's responsibilities starts on page two, in paragraph two
through page seven under the Property Management Agreement.
Member Johnson asked if there is a map in the agreement of City occupied buildings (since there
is one for Excluded buildings)?
Director Yount stated that no there is not one currently included in the agreement, however staff
can provide one separately.
Member Johnson asked if there is an area designated for East Bay Regional Parks, which is
included on the list of Excluded Properties in the agreement?
Director Yount responded that the area commonly referred to as Term 1, was anticipated as
future park space and believes that it is excluded, however it is not shown on the Excluded
Properties list.
Member Johnson asked if the Piedmont Soccer field is a lease with the City of Piedmont?
City Manager Jim Flint responded yes, it is lease with the Piedmont Soccer Club.
Member Johnson requested that there should be an Excluded Properties map for the City of
Alameda, similar to the Collaborative, so there is a visual of what is being referred to in the
Property Management Agreement.
Member Daysog moved approval of the recommendation. The motion was seconded by
Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -4; Noes -0; Abstentions-O.
Member Johnson stated this is an important step the ARRA is taking on. Staff has done an
excellent job and their efforts should be recognized.
Member Daysog stated that the Base Conversion process has been successful to date and is proud
of this effort.
Chair Appezzato congratulated City staff on their efforts to date.
The public hearing was opened.
Richard Neveln, 1328 Park Street stated that public transit is the main source that will make
development at Alameda Point a blessing. Enhancements in public transit must be brought upon
by the developer including free shuttles to Bart, commuter check programs, support for creative
leasing and fee packaging that make public transit happen before there is congestion.
5 -A. Oral report from APAC.
APAC Chairman Lee Perez stated that City staff continues to keep them up to date on the
progress of the development on the base, including the Catellus project.
5 -B. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items).
(Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the
governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.)
There were no public comments.
Member Daysog requested that staff prepare an off - agenda report with regards to the status of the
environmental clean-up and how the City is progressing to date.
8 -A. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
8 -B. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA, Navy and Alameda Point Community Partners
Price and Terms
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA, Navy and Alameda Unified School District
Price and Terms
The Mayor announced no action was taken.
Chair Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
cretia Aki
ARRA Secretary