2002-12-04 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 4, 2002 The meeting convened at 5:36 p.m. with Acting Chair DeWitt presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Albert DeWitt, Acting Mayor, City of Alameda, Chair Beverly Johnson, Boardmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda Absent: Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to approve a contract amendment with William A. Barnes in the amount of $110,240 for consulting services and master planning in the development of Alameda Point. Member Kerr moved approval of the consent calendar item 2 -A. The motion was seconded by Member Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -3; Noes -0; Abstentions -0. 2 -B. Recommendation to authorize the Executive Director to execute a First Amendment to Alameda Point Property Management Agreement with Alameda Point Community Partners adding the Northwest Territory to the Agreement. Discussion of Item 2 -B. Member Kerr asked if APCP was going to take over the golf course project? City Manager Jim Flint responded that there is already a golf course project team in place with City staff and there are no intentions of transferring that responsibility to APCP. However, staff will work closely with APCP, as there is a connection for the construction (dredge) materials needed for the golf course improvement, in order to meet MARAD's standards and APCP will be able to assist in that effort. Member Kerr asked for an update status on the golf course, since BCDC rejected the City's initial golf course plan. Deputy City Manager Doug Yount responded that the BCDC Design Review Commission did not reject the plan, however, they requested additional modifications and additional areas to where the existing trail is currently designed. Staff is working with Alameda Parks and Trails, 1 G: \Comdev\Base Reuse& Redevp\ARRA\MINUTES\2002\Dec 4_02.Regular.doc the East Bay Regional Park District ( EBRPD), Bay Trail Consortium and BCDC to find the best location for the trail. Staff will return back to BCDC within the early part of next year (2003). City Manager Flint stated that staff has been informed that they must have holes along the water to create the appearance needed towards a viable and financially feasible project. If the City is not successful in meeting BCDC's request that the trail be parallel to the shoreline, then the City will not be able to proceed forward with the golf course project. The critical challenge is trying to meet the expectation of the immediate shoreline access, while having a financially viable golf course. City Manager Flint further stated that it is necessary that at least four holes are designed along the water and staff is trying to create a project that is satisfactory for everyone. Deputy City Manager Yount stated that staff is looking at several alternative designs, including having three holes along the water, specifically on the western portion of Alameda Point for trail access, as that will affect the viability and goals of the golf course project. This process involves a balancing of public access, public park views and a championship golf course. Member Johnson asked has there been any further communication from EBRPD and their role in the project. City Manager Flint responded that the recent communication from EBRPD indicating that they still have an interest, yet have no money, describes the extent of their role in the golf course project, which is somewhat ambiguous. Staff is proceeding forward as if there will not be a presence or any level of participation from EBRPD. Member Kerr moved approval of the consent calendar item 2 -B. The motion was seconded by Member Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes -3; Noes -0; Abstentions-O. 3. ACTION ITEMS There were no action items. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Oral report from APAC. Lee Perez, APAC Chairman stated that APAC continues to work with staff regarding the master developer and golf course projects. Mr. Perez reminded the ARRA Board that APAC is having their annual holiday party on December 18, 2002 at the house of Alice Garvin. 4 -B. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items). There was no oral report from the Executive Director. 2 G: \Comdev\Base Reuse& Redevp\ARRA\MINUTES\2002 \Dec 4_02.Regular.doc 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) There were no public comments. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY There was no communication from the Governing Body. 7. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: 7 -A. Property: Alameda Naval Air Station Negotiating parties: ARRA, Navy and Alameda Point Community Partners Under negotiation: Price and Terms ANNOUNCEMENT of ACTION TAKEN in CLOSED SESSION, if any. The Acting Mayor announced no action was taken. 8. ADJOURNMENT The Acting Mayor adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m. Respectfully, /tee Lucretia Akil ARRA Secretary 3 C: \WINDOWS\TEMP\GWViewer\Dec 402.Regular.doc