Resolution 03568RESOLUTION NO. 3568 APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY PLANNING BOARD 72 ILLJULJTih EU. 3568 an- provisions of JATtde•ips of the Charte' of the les. of nialueds and upon nomlnation apaointeS to the offi 9 of ..nenbar of of filensedu fsr a term commencinE c 1 July I, 1947, and. ex. iring • -, 952, and. until. hls suscessor is app. 1 sssularly .L.11frodo....1sed. and. ....,Tlled regular :meeting heansonfid,,S). on the 30th. day of June, 1947, 1",*, the of said City this ist day of JUJL.y, 1947. * * 'iaesointion 356S, LIJIUSSU U2 THE CITY 4 introduced.. ans.. adn,sted. by the. Council.. on. the 30th dsy of June, 191,74