2016-04-19 Regular CC Minutes Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -APRIL 19, 2016- -7:00 P.M. Mayor Spencer convened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie and Mayor Spencer – 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES (16-173) Mayor Spencer announced that landlord and tenant in the Rent Review Advisory Committee matter [paragraph no. 16-191] have reached an agreement and the item will not be heard. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (16-174) Mayor Spencer announced the City was incorporated April 19, 1854; stated the City of Alameda is 160 years old today. (16-175) Presentation by Dr. Joi Lin Blake, College of Alameda President, on the College of Alameda Promise. Dr. Blake provided a handout, outlined the program and showed a video. (16-176) Proclamation Declaring April 23, 2016 as Earth Day in Alameda. Mayor Spencer read the Proclamation and presented it to Kathleen Kearney, Library Board Member. Ms. Kearney made brief comments. (16-177) Michael John Torrey, Alameda, wished the City of Alameda a Happy Birthday. (16-178)Proclamation Declaring April 23-29, 2016 as Arbor Week in Alameda. Mayor Spencer read the Proclamation and presente d it to Doug Biggs, Ploughshare. Mr. Biggs made brief comments. (16-179) Proclamation Declaring May 2016 as Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Mayor Spencer read the Proclamation and presented it to Lynda and Martin Fong, Junell Ancheta and Aleki Siamu. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 Ms. Fong made brief comments. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA None. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Spencer announced that the Webster Street Business Improvement Area [paragraph no. 16-186] and the Sunshine Ordinance amendment [paragraph no. 16- 189] were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Vice Mayor Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] After the Webster Street BIA [paragraph no. 16-186], the City Clerk stated there are revised plans and specifications for Estuary Park Phase 1 Project, which were posted to the website with minor correctional changes; stated the motion is to approve the revised version of the specifications. (*16-180) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on March 15, 2016. Approved. (*16-181) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,610,126.29. (*16-182) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager or Designee to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for the Purchase of Two Firefighting Water Tenders in An Amount Not to Exceed $799,012.34. Accepted. (*16-183) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Re-open the Alameda City Recreation and Park Department Administrative Office on Fridays. Accepted. (*16-184) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for Estuary Park Phase 1 Project. Accepted. (*16-185) Recommendation to Approve the Park Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) Annual Assessment Report; and (*16-185A) Resolution No. 15140, “Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Park Street BIA of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17; and Set a Public Hearing for May 3, 2016 to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Park Street BIA.” Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 (16-186). Recommendation to Approve the Webster Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) Annual Assessment Report; and (16-186A) Resolution No. 15141, “Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Webster Street BIA of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17; and Set a Public Hearing for May 3, 2016 to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Webster Street BIA.” Adopted. Councilmember Daysog recused himself and left the dais. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of the W ebster Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) Annual Assessment Report; and adoption of the Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment on the Webster Street BIA of the City of Alameda for FY 2016-17; and set a Public Hearing for May 3, 2016 to levy an annual assessment on the Webster Street BIA. Vice Mayor Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 4. [Absent: Councilmember Daysog – 1.] (*16-187) Resolution No. 15142, “Terminating and Releasing a Grant of Easement (Waterfront at Harbor Bay).” Adopted. (*16-188) Resolution No. 15143, “Accepting a Grant of Easement to the City of Alameda from AMSTAR-105, LLC, for a Utility Easement Located Near the Corner of Harbor Bay Parkway and North Loop Road (Waterfront at Harbor Bay) and Directing the City Clerk to Record the Easement.” Adopted. (16-189) Ordinance No. 3151, “Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending, Adding and Deleting Sections of Article VIII (Sunshine Ordinance) of Chapter II (Administration) Concerning Local Standards to Ensure Public Access to Public Meetings and Public Records.” Finally passed. Mayor Spencer stated at the first reading she and Vice Mayor Matarrese opposed the motion; her concern is regarding Section 2-91.17, public comment by members of policy bodies; the Section includes language that could discourage members from speaking. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated he has similar concerns and does not feel the Section adds any value to the Sunshine Ordinance or improves transparency of City activities. Mayor Spencer stated staff added the language; it was not recommended by the Commission. Councilmember Oddie moved final passage of the ordinance amending Alameda Municipal Code by amending, adding and deleting Sections of Article 8, Sunshine Ordinance, Chapter 2 concerning local standards to ensure public access to public meetings and records. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft and Oddie – 3. Noes: Vice Mayor Matarrese and Mayor Spencer – 2. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (16-190) Resolution No._15144, “Amending the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budget and Approving Workforce Changes in the City Manager’s Office and Public Works Departments.” Adopted. The Finance Director gave a Power Point presentation. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether one or two projects drove the $2 million transfer tax increases or if it was generally across the board appreciation. The Finance Director responded there were a few fairly large transactions, which exceed $25,000, including business-to-business and some residential transfers; continued the presentation. Mayor Spencer requested clarification on the Utility User Tax (UUT) telecommunication services; stated staff should be more specific about whether landlines are included. The Finance Director responded telecommunications includes many different things, including landlines; landline revenue is decreasing as people stop using them. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether it is because people are using cell phones instead. The Finance Director responded in the affirmative; stated people also bundle services; continued the presentation. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired how a decline in fuel price can lead to a decrease in Public Works Department revenue. The Finance Director responded the Department buys fuel and charges it to other departments; the cost went down so the Department is not charging as much. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether there is a corresponding decline in the expenses of other departments buying the fuel. The Finance Director responded in the affirmative; stated once the cost is spread across several departments, the change is so small it does not warrant making the adjustment; continued the presentation. Mayor Spencer stated there is a second part of the item that Co uncil is being asked to Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 approve: workforce changes in the City Manager’s Office and Public Works Department; inquired if someone will be addressing the issue. The Finance Director responded that she will address the matter; continued the presentation. Mayor Spencer inquired about the dollar amount for the Information Technology Director which is shifting from Alameda Municipal Power to the General Fund. The Finance Director responded there will be no impact for FY 15-16 because the position was not filled until early spring 2016; the vacancy savings covers the additional 25% General Fund cost; in the mid-cycle update for FY 2016-17, staff will provide an update on the difference. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the Police Department expenditure is proposed to be reduced by $450,000 due to difficulty in filling vacancies as a result of retirements in the Department; and whether the money will be put back into the Police Department budget when suitable recruits are found and hired. The Finance Director stated that she worked with the Police Department to determine when vacancies will be filled; the Department has had quite a few unexpected retirements causing an additional savings. Vice Mayor Matarrese requested clarification on the impact of the overstatement of $2 million in sewer fund revenues; inquired how the City can lose $2 million in revenue and still hit the target for replacement; stated the FY 2015-16 budget was in the positive $1.2 million and next year’s budget is in the negative by $1.2 million ; he is concerned about the one time savings; the Fire Department trend went from $800,000 over to almost $1 million over budget; questioned looking forward, how the City can continue to be over budget one year, then face a deficit in the next year; he would like staff to come back and resolve the issue; the City will not be able to sustain the trend if it continues. The Finance Director responded the Fire Department expenditure increases are offset by the Department’s revenue; stated the net impact on the Department’s budget is under $357,000. Vice Mayor Matarrese inquired whether some of the programs are one time, not continual. The Finance Director responded a new program has been established by the State; the Department has to seek reimbursement from the State. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated the trend of the two year budget projects a deficit; inquired whether the City is looking at the $1.2 million hole or if the City is going to adjust the revenues to recalibrate the second year of the two year budget. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 The Finance Director responded in June, staff is going to present a mid-cycle update for FY 2016-17. The Acting Public Works Director stated there are two processes going on at the same time: the City is adopting a budget and setting sewer rates for the next 5 years; the mistake is the sewer rates are not set far enough in advance to plug the revenue number into the final budget. Councilmember Oddie inquired what are the next steps and when will Council receive an update; requested staff to make sure the update includes the full picture, not bits and pieces; stated Council needs a 5 year update. The Finance Director stated all the information will be included; the expenditures, revenues and labor costs for the fiscal year will come back to Council and will include the 5 year projection. Councilmember Oddie inquired suggested staff provide information on which projects or items are single or recurring expenditures and revenues. Councilmember Daysog stated the budget summary is projecting a 24% reserve ; previously the reserve was 38%; any reserve is a byproduct of the transactions on th e revenue side while holding expenditures; he likes the fact that the reserve is above 20%; noted the reserve is helping pay for the citywide transportation strategy. Mayor Spencer inquired if amending the fiscal year budget has to be done today. The Financial Director responded staff prefers it be done today because some departments are relying on the budget being set to move forward with projects. Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a deadline for the budget to be voted on. The City Manager responded staff would like the budget to be voted on as soon as possible so departments know how much their budget is going to be in order to move forward on projects. Mayor Spencer inquired why the Library is asking for an increase due to the minimum wage increase; questioned why other departments are not requesting the same increase, since other departments pay minimum wage. The Financial Director responded the Park and Recreation Department anticipated the increase in their budget, the Library budget did not consider the increase. Mayor Spencer inquired whether out of all the City departments the Library is the only one that will require an increase to cover the increase in the minimum wage. The Financial Director responded in the affirmative; stated other departments needing Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 additional funding to cover the increase have sufficient finding in other areas and are not requesting additional funding. Mayor Spencer inquired whether the budget discussion “parking lot” items will return to Council. The City Manager responded tentatively, the issue will return in September. Mayor Spencer inquired why other requests are being given priority over past Council requests. Councilmember Daysog responded there was a necessity to fund the rent stabilization program. The Assistant City Manager responded staff thought the parking lot issues were concluded; she is not aware of other parking lot issues; inquired what parking lot issues the Mayor is referring to. Mayor Spencer responded there are other items on the parking lot issues, such as the Alameda Museum request. The Assistant City Manager stated decisions were made about where the money would go and some requests were denied. Mayor Spencer stated some money was spent at that time ; other items were not funded because the City was waiting to see if there would be money remaining to fund the requests; now, the Council is being asked to make other expenditures; she would like to review the parking lot issues to see what items were not funded; new items are being raised; all items should be considered together because some parking lot items were not funded; she received emails regarding the Police Department reduction, which expressed concern regarding the need for increased Police on the streets, patrolling and more visibility; inquired what the response is in regards to more Police being needed. The Finance Director responded that she worked with the Police Chief and Captains to figure out the budget; stated the recruitment process for hiring Police Officers is challenging; Police have different standards and greater detail; the success rate for hiring has not been as good as hoped; the Department wants to fill all positions. Mayor Spencer stated the City needs people to apply to be Police Officers and is currently accepting applications. The Assistant City Manager agreed with Mayor Spencer. Mayor Spencer inquired if there will be less Police Officers on the street because of the retirements and not being able to fill the positions and what would be the impact on the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 community. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the question is not appropriate to ask the City’s Finance Director; inquired if the Assistant City Manager or the City Manager could weigh in; stated one reason why the Police Department is a high quality department is because of the stringent recruitment. The City Manager responded the Police Department is currently recruiting; the Police Chief is not asking for additional Officers, he is filling vacant positions. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated the $450,000 reduction has no impact; the Department can hire someone right now and has the budget to do so. Mayor Spencer stated an email was received from a member of the public regarding the issue. The City Manager stated the email was more of a compliment of the Police Department; the misinterpretation is that the increase in funds means there is a shortage of Police; confirmed there is no decrease in Police services. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the email alluded to the Police Department not being fully staffed on a shift, which is not her understanding. The City Manager stated that is not the case; the City of Alameda meets the minimum requirement for Police staffing. Mayor Spencer suggested having greater Police visibility on the streets. The City Manager agreed with Mayor Spencer. Mayor Spencer stated in the past, there was mention that Council would be exploring and reviewing the Fire Department expenditures and staffing; inquired when the issue would come back to Council. The Assistant City Manager responded the issue can come back to Council; stated the last time the issue came up was when Council considered the safer grants; there was not general consensus for staff to bring the issue back to Council. Councilmember Oddie moved adoption of the resolution amending the FY 2015-16 operating and Capital Improvement Program budget and approving workforce changes in the City Manager’s Office and Public Works Departments. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Spencer requested the motion be bifurcated into two separate motions. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 In response to Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft’s inquiry, the City Attorney stated the bifurcation has to be a friendly amendment or a substitute motion would have to be seconded. The City Clerk stated bifurcating could be done by voting on the two “be it resolved” sections separately. Mayor Spencer moved approval of bifurcating the motion, which FAILED due to a lack of a second. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated two items came up on the largest expenditures in the General Fund: the state of the Police Department and Fire Department budget; he would like the budgets evaluated; the Fire Chief has mentioned reallocating staff and ambulances on Bay Farm Island; the issue is worth discussing, especially if the City will be facing a deficit in the second part of the two year budget; the largest portion of the General Fund, Police and Fire trends, need to be reviewed to determine if can the City sustain the expenditures. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired if Vice Mayor Matarrese is referring to bifurcating the motion into two separate motions, to which Vice Mayor Matarrese responded in the negative. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated he would like evaluation and discussion when Council reviews the second half of the two year budget. Councilmember Oddie inquired where is the deficit. Vice Mayor Matarrese responded in the two year budget, FY 2015-16 projects a $1.176 million surplus and FY 2016-17 has a $1.229 deficit. Councilmember Oddie stated the numbers the Council is seeing today are an improvement over what the Council adopted last year. The City Manager stated the numbers with updated revenues and expenditures will come back as part of the mid-cycle; the shortfall and surplus might be different; calculations will include trends are on growth for Police and Fire personnel, revenue and expenditures. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated any time the City is beholding to the State it is cause for concern; if the budget bursts, the State is the first to pull back. The City Manager stated the safer grant information will be included. Vice Mayor Matarrese stated that he would like to make sure the City is not setting itself up for another fall. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 Councilmember Daysog quoted former Councilmember Doug deHaan: “make sure to keep an eye on the out years;” Council should not just looking at FY 2016-17, but the years beyond. Mayor Spencer inquired whether Council can see 5 year projections or preferably 10 to 15 year projections. The City Manager responded 5 years is typically as far out as a city goes because of the volatility of the economy. Councilmember Oddie stated that he would like to make sure there is not a false narrative that the City is running a deficit; in the first year of the 2 year cycle, the City is not running a deficit and has more revenue than expenses; the City’s fund balance has increased; the City needs to look long term about how positions will be funded. Mayor Spencer stated that she agrees; the City needs to look long term; the City has contracts that are long term and needs to look at liabilities that go beyond 2 years; in the future, she would like to see two actions brought in separate parts to allow two motions; she will not be supporting the single motion. Councilmember Daysog stated that he will support the motion because the positive revenue allows the City to get to the end of the fiscal year, which provided the ability to deal with immediate needs like the funding for rent stabilization; he will also support the motion because Council is giving authority to fill vacant positions, not add positions. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the State increased minimum wage to $15 an hour; it is difficult to live off of $15 an hour; Council should not begrudge the part time workers making minimum wage. On the call for the original question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese and Oddie – 4. Noes: Mayor Spencer – 1. (16-191) Recommendation to Authorize the Mayor to Send a Letter Encouraging the Owner to Comply with the Rent Review Advisory Committee (RRAC) Recommendations. Withdrawn. (16-192) Provide Direction to Staff Regarding General Plan Policies, Municipal Code Requirements and Potential Amendments to the General Plan and Municipal Code to address Development Sites with Mixed Use (MX) Zoning. The City Planner gave a Power Point presentation. Stated staff report Exhibit 3, the Alameda Marina Master Plan, needs changes; staff needs clarify the guidelines for preparing the master plan; the paragraph referencing Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 multi-family residential uses should be removed from the document; there is not enough land at the marina to preserve the existing maritime business and build houses; a shuttle crossing at the marina is not practical; she supports the changes proposed by Save Alameda’s Working Waterfront (SAWW): Dorothy Freeman, Alameda. Stated her business is exploring all options to remain in Alameda; one main objective is to maintain as many jobs as possible; they will continue to work with the City, the tenants and the community to fulfill their obligations under the tidelands lease, including the infrastructure improvements the marina desperately needs: Sabrina Svendsen, Svendsen’s Boat Works. Stated that he looks forward to continuing to work with the City, the tenants and the community on developing a master plan for Alam eda Marina that serves Alamedans; the plan will consider multi-family housing types to address Alameda’s housing shortage and preserve and enhance jobs, including traffic mitigation;: Sean Murphy, Bay West Development and Alameda Marina. Provided a handout; stated that he hopes to preserve Alameda’s unique, craftsperson, maritime employment; there used to be four boatyards, now Svendsen’s and half of Alameda Marina are the only places people can go get boats fixed in the City: Tomas Charon, SAWW . Stated that she is a business owner in the Alameda Marina; she appreciates Council looking at the issue and the value of the maritime jobs; there are a lot of interactions between the business owners in the area: Liz Taylor, Alameda. Stated the uses in the estuary have changed; there is an opportunity for commercial development and a need for housing developments; invited people to attend the Alameda Home Team panel discussions of the issues; suggested Council consider the opportunity to work with Oakland: Helen Sause, Alameda Home Team. Stated that he is concerned with housing being built in the Alameda Marina because of the trucks and tractors delivering items to his business; there is no parking in the area; inquired if the tractors will have the ability to turn with the bike lanes being added; stated a lot of people do business at 6:00 a.m., which will bother residents if housing is built: Brendan Sullivan Seriñana, Alameda Marina. Stated SAWW wants commercial, industrial, a little bit of retail and if there has to be housing, that it be work/live housing; dry storage cannot go away in the location; parking is very hard to find; she is concerned that the historic buildings not be overlooked and harmed: Nancy Hird, SAWW. Expressed surprise that a renter on the Rent Review Advisory Committee appeared speaking against affordable housing; stated he moved to Alameda because of the maritime focus in the community; he hopes the sailing community and the maritime community can work with the developer to preserve as much of the community as Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 possible for the City and the region; Alameda needs work force housing; housing is not at odds with preserving maritime jobs at the site: Brian McGuire, Alameda. Stated that he supports affordable housing; housing pays for infrastructure that Alameda needs; encouraged the City to move forward on developing plenty of affordable housing: Doyle Saylor, Renewed Hope. Stated bringing housing to the Alameda Marina would solidify the maritime tradition in Alameda and enhance economic viability; the recreational activities and jobs at the maritime need to be preserved; adding housing will not detract from the marina; more people living by the waterfront will get more people to go sailing and have boats; the money from the housing will support infrastructure: Laura Thomas, Renewed Hope. Stated the northern waterfront is a great asset; it is important to continue to create an environment to attract jobs; encouraged the Council to develop the northern waterfront and look at this project as a tremendous opportunity for growth: Karen Bey, Alameda. Stated that she supports the MX approach; the Alameda Marina is a primary resource for boaters; boaters are not allowed to use the marina currently and are being turned away; suggested maintaining the marina as it is and properly utilizing the property: Maggie Sabovich, Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association/Recreational Boaters of California. Thanked the Council for committing to the northern waterfront; stated $30 million is needed for infrastructure and fixing up the wharf; Tim Lewis Communities (TLC) has held tours to get public input on the master plan; urged Council to embrace the General Plan policies that exist and allow TLC to create the most of the mixed-use with the commitment to the public waterfront access which is mandated for the northern waterfront site: Mike O’Hara, TLC. Stated that he moved to Alameda for its charm and surrounding water; he sails small boats out of the marina; without the marina, there will be little left of Alameda’s maritime heritage: Brian Schumacher, Alameda. Stated that he and his friends have a lot of boats in the marina; urged Co uncil to keep the marina alive; invited people to attend the Island Yacht Club open house on May 28th: Paul Mueller, Oakland. Stated Alameda Marina is a unique community and there is nothing like it; dry storage is hard to find; the marina is a regional resource, not just for Alameda: Alan Hebert, Menlo Park. Stated the 84 businesses at the Alameda Marina represent about 200 workers: Gretchen Lipow, Alameda Citizens Taskforce. *** Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 Mayor Spencer called a recess at 10:10 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:20 p.m. *** Vice Mayor Matarrese stated there are three MX zones that are vastly different; it is important to maintain jobs and create new jobs; he would like staff review the SAWW guideline edits; the language needs to be stronger: “maintain the jobs” not “encourage jobs;” there should be heavy discussion on what kind of jobs will be created; Alameda Marina is an industrial site; he does not want residents coming to Council regarding the tractors or businesses starting at 6:00 a.m.; the deed restriction is an excellent idea; the interface between residential and commercial has to be considered; work/live units might provide the market rate income the developer needs to provide affordable housing or infrastructure; the goal for Alameda Marina is to take advantage of the many mariners and preserve and develop maritime businesses; he would like the Planning Board to consider the jobs that are being delivered; as the City goes through each site application, numbers are allocated towards the regional housing needs. Councilmember Oddie stated that he is concerned when people say there is a surplus of housing; there is not a surplus in housing, there is a shortage; encouraged people to look at the Legislative Analyst Office Report discussing California’s high housing costs; read part of the summary of MX Zoning that states there is flexibility; stated the guidelines are a little premature right now; adopting guidelines when there has not been a full community discussion is premature; encouraged SAWW and Renewe d Hope to continue to be involved in the process and work with the developer; stated he values preserving, protecting, maintaining and expanding the existing and new maritime economy; a lot of docks, wharfs and infrastructures in Alameda is deteriorating and needs fixing; he would like to see the City raise money for repairs; housing and development and traffic will always be an issue; the City needs to step up and address the housing issues. Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated local issues should not be looked at one at a time in a vacuum; there is a need to preserve the working waterfront and the maritime uses; it is possible to preserve the working waterfront on a smaller footprint and restore the uses; Alameda needs housing and any housing added takes pressure off the City’s current limited supply; the fees that developers pay in California are the highest in the nation and the City expects a lot from developers; she does not feel the rules should be changed in the middle of the process; suggested staying the course; stated that she feels the City can receive good projects out of the plan the way the regulations are now fashioned. Councilmember Daysog stated his vision is for the northern waterfront area to be aligned well with the Citywide Transit Plan; he would like residents and other stakeholders to work things out; if he does not like a project , he will not vote for it; his vision for the area is: a viable working waterfront area; he would like to know that whatever is done will result in real usage of alternative modes of transit; he would like to see variety in the area; he is accountable to the citizens of Alameda and is confident the end result will be something people will be proud of. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 Mayor Spencer stated that she has concerns when Council is asked to put something in writing and vote on an issue; it is important to give feedback as soon as possible to give the developers an opportunity to hear from the City; her priority is to the shortage of affordable housing and work force housing; there is not a shortage of market rate, high end housing; the City needs developers that can build housing that people in the middle can afford; she would like the City to look at live -aboard housing; she has heard people cannot find a space to live-aboard; live-aboard should count as housing; she feels work/live should count as housing because the City is trying to offer jobs that are mid- level and high-level so people can have a job in town and live here; supporting the remaining working waterfront is critical; Alameda is one of the few areas that has a working waterfront; questioned how the City can protect the jobs and the maritime; stated historical buildings are an important part of Alameda; she would like the building height to allow residents to see the water; when residential is placed right next to commercial, the City gets complaints; the project has to make sense. *** (16-193) Mayor Spencer stated a motion is needed to continue past 11:00 p.m. Councilmember Daysog moved approval [of continuing past 11:00 p.m.]. Mayor Spencer seconded the motion, which FAILED by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmember Daysog and Mayor Spencer – 2. Noes: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese and Oddie – 3, which did not allow discussion of the agenda item to be completed. *** CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no motion to continue at 11:00 p.m., Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 19, 2016 at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.