2016-02-29 Continued 02-24 CC Minutes
MONDAY- -FEBRUARY 29, 2016- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Spencer reconvened the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese,
Oddie and Mayor Spencer – 5.
Absent: None.
(16-085) Recommendation to Approve the Central Avenue Complete Streets Concept
Including Safety and Other Street Improvements.
Stated City staff worked with staff at Alameda schools to refine the plan; school staff
supports an annual walk and roll to school event each year; the School District wants
kids and their families to be healthy; expressed support for the plan: Dr. Sean
McPhetridge, Alameda Unified School District.
Stated traffic is already limited and the plan will limit it more : Mike Ratto, Alameda.
Stated that she owns a home on Central Avenue between 8th Street and Burbank
Street; she agrees with many aspects of the proposal; removing parking on her street
will impact the people in her neighborhood, several of whom are disabled: Rachel
Campos de Ivanov, Alameda.
Stated the current bicycle lane on Santa Clara Avenue is safer than the proposed plan;
he cannot support the plan because of the dangers to bicyclists: Jan Sutter, Alameda,
gave a Power Point presentation.
Stated that she supports a bike lane, but not the one proposed; suggested a bike light at
the intersection of Central Avenue and Webster Street; proposed alterations to the
proposal: Rosalinda Fortuna, Alameda.
Councilmember Daysog inquired where the bike light in Emeryville is located, to which
Vice Mayor Matarrese responded Christie Street.
Stated there will be more development and cars in a few years; he l ives on 6th Street
and Central Avenue; urged putting up a stop light at said corner to protect children and
pedestrians: Gerald Bryant, 6th Street Block Association.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
Stated Council has the decision to build a safer neighborhood; the number of people
injured at the intersection of Webster Street and Central Avenue is too many; everything
in the proposal is a step forward; the current project is a significant compromise to
please the business owners; the Council can rely on the professional recommendation
of Planning Staff and traffic engineers or side with business owners who are not
concerned with safety; the vote is a political one; not doing anything will result in more
chaos on the streets; safe streets and safe neighborhoods should be a prio rity: John
Knox White, Alameda.
Stated a few seconds of car delay should not be more important than safety;
infrastructure should be provided for people to travel safely: Brian McGuire, Alameda.
Read Assembly Bill 1358 regarding cities protecting all people on the roads; urged
enforcement of the 25 mph speed limit; stated the proposal will help th e issue: David
Stated the wide four lanes on Central Avenue encourage speeders; the City needs
more bike friendly streets; urged approval of the proposal: Aaron Bialick, Alameda.
Stated the bike lane will be great for the business community and home values; the
proposal will encourage travel at the posted speed limit; urged City staff to change the
name of the street in honor of the young boy who was killed riding to school: Randy
Rentschler, Alameda.
Stated the mission of Bike Walk Alameda is safer, protected bike lanes for Alameda;
other cities that have implemented bike lanes agree it is better; urged Council to
approve the proposal: Lucy Gigli, Bike Walk Alameda.
Urged Council to approve the proposal; stated the plan has been changed due to
requests from business owners; safety should be a priority: Dan Wood, Alameda.
Stated there should be a safe, dedicated place to ride from the east to the west side of
the island; he would feel safe from distracted drivers with protected bike lanes on
Central Avenue: Kyle Long, Alameda.
Stated that she has dealt with angry drivers harassing her as she bikes to school; urged
approval of the protected bike lane so that she feels safe: Sabina Leal, Academy of
Alameda (AOA).
Urged approval of the bike lane; stated bikers and youth need to be protected from
motorists; safety should be the number one concern: Andrea Leal, AOA.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
Showed a Power Point presentation; stated the staff proposal needs some changes;
made some recommendations; education and enforcement are important for bicyclists:
Eugenie Thomson, Alameda.
Stated that he lives on Central Avenue; he welcomes change but does not completely
agree with the proposal; he would like to make sure he has a parking space for his
vehicles: Ernie Alviar, Alameda.
Read Michelle Ellson’s comments, which stated that she would like a safe plan for
everyone on the roads; urged approval of the proposal; stated bike lanes would not hurt
the business district; the safety of the community is the number one issue; th e proposal
is about making a strategic decision to calm the streets; urged approval of the bike
lanes for the safety and welfare of the children in Alameda: Heather Little, Alameda.
Stated that she drives on Central Avenue all the time and people speed by her; she is
concerned about distracted drivers being a danger to bicyclists and pedestrians; urged
approval of the proposal: Lauren Daley, Alameda.
Stated that she lives on the corner of Sherman Street and Santa Clara Avenue; she has
witnessed a number of accidents; there is something compelling about protecting
children as they walk to school; stated she was hit by a driver going over 20 miles over
the speed limit; narrowing the roads will make drivers more cognizant; drivers do not
obey the 25 mph speed limit; there should not be a fatality before the City does
something about it: Malia Vella, Alameda.
Stated that he is thrilled to see the project recommended by the staff and the
community; every nationwide study on the economic impact of bike lanes and greater
pedestrian access has shown an increase in business and revenue : Jon Spangler,
League of American Bicyclists.
Stated that he bikes all over Alameda; there is never a backup on Central Avenue and
there is no need for four lanes; police are not enforcing the 25 mph speed limit; City
vehicles also do not obey the speed limits; he strongly supports the proposal to make
the streets safer for pedestrians and bicyclists: Aaron Thies, Alameda.
Urged Council to approve the proposal to make Alameda safe for bicyclists; stated
Alameda is the exception in change and development of bike friendly cities; bike paths
alleviate traffic congestion: John Zenner, Alameda.
Stated the proposal will revitalize the W est End and will increase safety; if it is not
implemented, there will continue to be injuries and deaths; urged approval of the
proposal: Armando Pastron Jr., Alameda.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
Stated that he lives on 9th Street and Central Avenue and he is in full support of the
proposal; doing nothing will force bicyclists to ride on the sidewalk; infrastructure
change is necessary because people are not obeying the 25 mph speed limit : Mike
Merit, Alameda.
Urged Council approval of the bike lane proposal; stated motorists do not drive 25 mph;
if the bicyclists and motorists are separated , there will be less accidents: Gordon
Williams, Alameda.
Stated that he is an avid bicyclists; the existing situation is not safe for children or bike
riders; studies show that improvements in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure improve
the business atmosphere and help alleviate traffic issues; urged Council approve the
project to make the streets safer for everyone : John McKean, Alameda.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft outlined how the City of Davis became a bike friendly
city; stated the main concern is the westbound traffic turning left from Central Avenue to
Webster Street; bike lanes help with childhood obesity; the City needs to make the road
safe for everyone; she strongly supports the project.
Vice Mayor Matarrese stated the plan to make the bike lanes on Central Avenue is City
policy and is in the Master Plan; he would like to see improvements made on Page
Street and Central Avenue and a crossing at McKay Avenue and Central Avenue;
clarified the plan is only a concept, not the actual design plan; he would like to see the
plan go forward with the area between Page Street and McKay Avenue being better
engineered for safety; when the City goes from concept to design , there needs to be an
exception process to test the risks against the State standards; the project is subject to
funding; if the City does not get $9,000,000 , the priority should be to put bike lanes in
front of the schools; staff needs to consider future development.
Councilmember Daysog stated the project is part of the Citywide transit strategy and will
encourage alternative modes of transit; the City has to begin to implement changes,
which will enhance safety for the children that travel across the Island; urged the
concept plan move forward; stated one issue raised is extending the length of the
approach to 8th Street and Central Avenue; changes to the intersection of Webster
Street and Central Avenue must ensure that the Alameda kids are safe; the concept will
slow down traffic; the safety of the kids trumps any other issue.
Councilmember Oddie acknowledged staff for their hard work; stated there is not a
consensus with the business district; the matter is a policy decision; questioned whether
the City values parking or delay, over safety; stated one casualty or serious injury is too
many; the proposal is just a concept, not the detailed plan; Council has a responsibility
to make the journey to school safe for children; narrowing the lanes from 4 to 2 will
result in less occurrences of a car speeding by when one car stops; he would like to see
the design further engineered to be the safest solution; educating bicyclists and drivers
on safety, and increase signage; he supports the concept plan.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
Mayor Spencer stated that she is concerned the Central Avenue and Webster Street
intersection changes are not safe; she is disappointed that the designs were changed
when they went from WABA to the Transportation Commission without circling back;
everyone needs to have the opportunity to resolve issues; requested clarification on
where children are supposed to go to proceed through the intersection.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the children traveling westbound going to
Encinal High School would need to abide by the rules of the road and get into the
through lane.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether they have to cut across the dedicated right turn lane.
The Transportation Coordinator responded that there would be a solid line and that is
the cue for motorists and bicyclists to get over; stated staff would look for a safer
solution for the intersection.
Mayor Spencer inquired if the matter would come back to Council or if it would go to the
Transportation Commission.
The Transportation Coordinator responded that it would go to the Transportation
Commission; stated the Council could request that the 30% design return to Council.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a way to connect Shoreline Drive through
upper Washington Park and McKay Avenue; inquired whether staff could make the area
a part of the project or review the route separately for bikers who do not want to go
down Central Avenue.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the area is not a part of the study because
bikers already go down Central Avenue; stated staff is trying to improve the safety of the
corridor that is currently being used by bicyclists.
Mayor Spencer stated bicyclists are concerned riding in the door zone; inquired how
much of the project has bicyclists riding in the door zone.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the East End section has dedicated space to
ride a bike; stated bicyclists are currently in the door zone.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the current plan leaves bicyclists in the door zone, to
which the Transportation Coordinator responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated unless there is a cycle track, the door zone cannot
be avoided; road users need to pay attention to their safety.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a connection to get to Paden Elementary
School; stated there is a sidewalk by Paden Elementary, inquired if it is legal to ride on
the sidewalk.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
The Transportation Coordinator responded that it is not legal for bicyclists to ride on the
sidewalk in commercial areas; stated that is not best practices.
Mayor Spencer inquired where the best practices are located.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the East End section is not best practices;
stated best practices begin at Paden Elementary School to Alameda Point.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether staff is considering all the comments from the
speakers, to which the Transportation Coordinator responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Spencer stated when she looks at the plan, she does not feel comfortable having
children ride across town; the section that is best practices is good; the rest of the plan
needs more work; to have children go into the through lane with trucks and traffic is not
safe; everyone needs to be safe; the concept does not make everyone safe.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she supports moving forward with the
concept; suggested looking into best practices.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether staff will reconsider the parts that are not best
The Base Reuse Director responded it is a concept plan; stated staff and engineers
have spent a lot of time on the plan ; engineers can come back after reviewing
alternatives that are the safest solutions; a 30% design will come back.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired what 30% means.
The Base Reuse Director responded 30% means staff is not at the detailed level of the
design stage; engineers have not configured every corner or detail of the design; 100%
means the project is done and ready for construction; staff is still willing to explore
potential options.
The Interim City Manager stated the original plan included best practices; the plan
changed because of compromises.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft urged moving forward with incorporating the
Mayor Spencer stated bulb outs make it more dangerous for bicyclists; certain aspects
need to be reviewed; the highest priority is around the schools and best practices; focus
should be on signals making it safe to cross the street.
The Base Reuse Director stated the project would occur over time in phases; the
sections would be prioritized based on funding.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the funding would be phased; suggested leaving
the order in which the funding occurs to staff at Council’s direction; stated separated
cycle tracks are currently in front of the schools; urged moving forward without focusing
on the little details; it is a solid concept with the suggestions Council raised.
Vice Mayor Matarrese concurred that the City needs to move forward with the project;
stated that he does not consider Webster Street and Central Avenue a little detail; staff
has to consider future development; there needs to be more engineering on Webster
Street and Central Avenue.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to give staff and the engineers
an opportunity to come up with other alternatives for Webster Street and Central
Councilmember Oddie stated that he would support moving forward with the staff report
serving as the baseline with other alternatives for the safest plan.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the original plan is the plan presented to WABA before
The Base Reuse Director stated a lot of alternatives were studied for the Webster Street
and Central Avenue corner; staff will review best practices to ensure safety issues are
Councilmember Daysog urged moving forward with the best bicycle oriented, safety
oriented solution for the intersection of Webster Street and Central Avenue; stated that
he is open to reviewing alternatives to the bike box.
The Base Reuse Director requested clarification on the Council direction: stated the
staff recommendation is 4 lanes on the Central Avenue westbound approach; another
option is to have bike lanes with loss of parking and significant increase in the delay at
the intersection.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to see all three options
analyzed and considered.
Mayor Spencer stated the consensus is looking at all three options; staff’s design is one
lane going westbound and two lanes going east; the commute is opposite of that in the
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated all the options can be reviewed.
Councilmember Oddie requested clarification on the baseline.
Councilmember Daysog stated the basline should be something that the staff and the
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
engineers consider the safest possible option.
Vice Mayor Matarrese inquired whether the plan is a concept and has not yet been
The Base Reuse Director responded engineers are reviewing the plan and doing
analysis, but design has not reached the design engineer level.
Vice Mayor Matarrese inquired whether anyone has actually measured the turning
radius for the large busses, to which the Base Reuse Director stated it is only a concept.
Vice Mayor Matarrese stated Council likes the concept subject to finer engineering; the
engineering can include a number of alternatives that have been discussed; the public
expectation is what the picture in the presentation shows.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of the Central Avenue Complete Streets
Concept; requested staff return to Council with the 30% drawings addressing the areas
of concern.
The Base Reuse Director stated staff will come back with alternatives and request
Vice Mayor Matarrese requested the motion be amended to specify the concern
regarding the intersection of Central Avenue and Webster Street; and that additional
reviews will take into account three main points: there are other modes of transportation
that complicate the intersection, it is a major arterial to exiting and entering the Island
during commute hours and that the area will be increasing in commercial activity.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that staff and engineers should consider a number
of factors, including but not limited to those three alternatives.
Councilmember Daysog expressed concerns about the intersection of Central Avenue
and 8th Street.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated there are other intersections would be reviewed.
Councilmember Oddie inquired if the baseline is the staff report, with the alternatives
and considerations discussed.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote – 5.
Mayor Spencer called a recess at 10:04 p.m. and reconvened the hearing at 10:07 p.m.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
(16-086) The Interim City Manager made an announcement regarding March 3 rd
mediation training being given for the Rent Review Advisory Committee.
The Interim Assistant City Manager made an announcement regarding the March 2 nd
City Council/East Bay Regional Park District Subcommittee meeting.
(16-087) Sandip Jariwala, thanked the Council for their commitment to the West End;
stated the Façade Grant Program is a great program to revitalize the W est End; urged
Council to reinitiate the program so that the businesses can make their establishments
more inviting and improve the business district.
(16-084 Continued) Consider Endorsing the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution
Prevention, and Habitat Restoration Program Measure, which will be on the June 7,
2016 Ballot. (Councilmember Oddie)
Councilmember Oddie stated the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is placing a
special parcel tax on the June 7th ballot in all 9 Bay Area counties; the parcel tax will
fund urban runoff from polluting the Bay, preserve critical habitat for fish and wildlife,
enhance public access to public space and protect homes and infrastructure from
flooding; requested support for the initiative.
Mayor Spencer inquired what percentage is needed for the measure to pass.
Councilmember Oddie responded that it needs a 2/3 vote to pass.
Vice Mayor Matarrese inquired if the Council can endorse the initiative.
Mayor Spencer inquired if sufficient notice has been given to the public that the Council
would be taking action on the merits.
The Assistant City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Spencer stated the notice to the public is that it would be put it on the agenda in
the future for the discussion on the merits.
Councilmember Oddie stated that he anticipated that Council would endorse the
The Assistant City Attorney stated if there are members of the public that wanted to
speak publicly on the item they might feel they were not given fair notice.
Continued February 24, 2016 Meeting
Alameda City Council
February 29, 2016
The Interim City Manager stated the item could come back on March 15th.
Vice Mayor Matarrese moved that Council direct staff to provide a staff report and
agendize the item for March 15th.
The Interim City Manager stated the matter will be placed on Consent.
Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote – 5.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft requested staff provide the Council with the text of the
ballot measure.
(16-088) Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.