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Alamedans United 496-2
NO.004 U001 OLSON HRGEL FISHSURN LLP 4 915108654048PP4067601 09/08/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded (c) whole dollars. NAME OF FILER Date of Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzlerfor Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for This Filing AREA CODEPHONE NUMBER I.D. NUMBER alepoStzftle) (520)522-2149 STREET ADDRESS CITY Alameda 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDWARE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Melia Vella OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD City Council Member: City of Alameda 1380521 STATE CA DISTRICT NO. 09/08/2016 Report No. 18135 0 Amendment to Report No. ZIPCODE (explambelm0 94501 No. of Pages SUPPORT X OPPOSE 2 4 INEPENOENT EXPENDITURE REPORT SEP 08 2016 CITY OF ALAMEDA 4-sIT Y CLERIC'S OFFICE CALIFORNIA 496 f;)F16 1,• ; F411 NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO.1LETTER 2. Independent Expenditures Made Atiachadrldionatinformationonapproprratelyiabefedcontinuationsheels. DATE 09/07/2016 09/07/2016 09/07/2016 09/07/2016 Reason for Amendment: www.neffile.com DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE Data for Voter Outreach/Support/Melia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1159.07 Printing/Support/Malla Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to data total $1259.07 4ebsite hosting/Support/Malia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1159.07 Printing/Support/Malia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1159.07 JURISDICTION FPPC Advice: advice Official Use Only SUPPORT AMOUNT OPPOSE 301.11 721.56 98.45 37.95 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) ppc.ca.gov (866/2754772) www.ippc.ca.gov NO.004 P002 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP 4 915108654048PP4067601 09/08/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report 495 ENDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 FORM - ID. NUMBER N.AMEOF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon.for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for School Board 2016 sponsored by public safety & labor organizations 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (IF COVAUTTEE. ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) 08/18/2016 Sacramento Area Fire Fighters Local 522 Political Action Committee 1121 L Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Committee 1Dot 746138 08/19/2016 San Francisco Fire Fighters Political Action Committee 1139 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94203 Committee 1E0 810802 08/22/2016 Hayward Firefighters Political Action Committee 22734 Main Street Hayward, CA 94511 Committee 1DO 880080 08/29/2016 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 595 PAC 6250 Village Parkway Dublin, CA 94566 Committee IDII 1273532 09/01/2016 San Jose Firefighters, 1AFF Local 230 Political Action Committee 425 East Santa Clara Street, Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95123 Committee [DO 743393 D9/06/2016 International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1230 Political Activity Committee 112 Blue Ridge Drive Martinez, CA 94553 Committee [DO 744488 'Aitijordonorandindependentexpenditum committees that do not receive contributions are not req uimd to compNitie Part 3. www.neffile.com CONTRIBUTOR CODE-,0. El ND D 0Th FrTY Loi is\2{vicc O0 El OTH PTY O SC DG 1\1) ccivi El 0Th El PTY ▪ scc U O COM O 0TH FiTY c2-3 scc O N) COM O 0TH PrY 0 SCC O IND COM O 0Th • PTY SCC IFAN INDtvIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (F SELF-EIVPLOYED, ENTER NAVE OF BUSINESS) "Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other PTY —Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee AMOUNT RECEIVED 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.D0 2,000.00 1388521 INTEREST RATES If loan, enter interest rate, if any Oh If loan, enter interest rate, if any (IA If loan, enter interest rate, if any . If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any oh, FPPC Form 496 (Janf2016) FPPC Advice: advice©fppc.ca.gov (856/275-3772) www. fp pc.ca.gov