Alamedans United 497-13NO.160 P001 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048 10/28/2016 497 Contribution Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Velia and Ashcroft for City Council , Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Het ti ch for AREA CODEJPHONE NUMBER (510)522-2249 D. NUMBER (1 apcalafto) 1 521 STREET ADDRESS CITY Alameda STATE ZIP CODE CA 94501 Date of This Filing l0/2e/2o/6 Report No. 2066 D El Amendment to Report No (explain below) No. of Pages 1 Dae SLamp 497CONTRIBUT1ON REPORT CALIFORNIA 11 497 FORM 71rOfficial Use Orly OCT 31 2016 TY OF ALAI\4EDi TY CLERK'S OFFIC_ 1. Contribution(s) Received DATE RECEIVED 10/27/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IFCONMITTEEALSOENTERI.O.NUMBERY Martz Holdings Inc. Danville, CA 94526 CONTRIBUTOR CODE g IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF•EMPLOYED, ENTF_R NAME ef BLIBINE&S) AMOUNT RECEIVED 0 IND El COM OTH • PTY • SCC 10,000.00 El Check if Loan Provide interest rate O IND O COM fJ OTH • PTY LI SCC EJ Check if Loan 5' Provide Lelerest rale 0 IND COM • OTH • PTY ▪ SCC El Check 0 Loan Promo Interest rate Reason for Amendment. www.neffile.corn *Contributor Codes IND— Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY O SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business en(ity) PTY— PollUcal Party SCC— Small Contributor Committee FPPC Advioe: advice rg, FPPC Form 497 (Janf2018) ppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc,ca.gov