Alamedans United 496-19ULSUN HHU*L 1- 15HBUI'N LLF' 'J151le1tib54b4U 1b/2Y/2W1b 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. MMIE OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Rratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Barrie and Hettich for AREACODEPHONENUMBER (510) 522-2149 STREET ADDRESS ID, NUMBER rAapp(rable) 1388521 crY Alameda 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure STATE CA ZIP CODE 94501 Date of This Filing 10/27/2016 Report No 20667 LJ Amendment to Report No (aKplail balsa) No. of Pages NDEPENDENV E)(PENI://TUFtE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 4 F II°11111-"■ar CITY OF ALAM 'DA CITY CLERK'S 0 FICE Usa Only NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Gray Harris OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD Board Member: Alameda USD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPDSE NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach addiUonal information on approprrafelylabeled confinua6on sheets. DATE 09/16/2015 09/22/2016 09/22/2016 09/24/2016 DESORPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOURT Consulting Cumulative to date total $2738.57 %,rinting Cumulative to date total $2738.57 [Printing Cumulative to date total $27313.57 781.25 45.87 14..26 Office Space Cumulative to date total $2738.57 29.25 Reason for Amendment: www.netfile.com FPPC Advice: advic e'A FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) pc.ca.gov (666/275-3772) www.Ippc.ca.gov NO.154 P0O2 OLSON HRGEL FISHBURN LLP 915108654048 10/27/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Brat zip r for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Ile tt ich for AREA CODEPHONE NUMBER (510) 522-2149 STREET ADDRESS 10. NUMBER Of apAlicatge) 1388521 CITY Alameda STATE ZIP CODE CA 94501 Date of This Filing 10/27/2016 Report No. 20667 o Amendment to Report No (explain below) No. of Pages 5 496 iNDEFENDENFEXPENDITURE REPORT Date Stamp CALIFORNIA FORM 496 For Official Use Only 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Gray Harris OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD Board Member: Alameda USD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED 13ALLOT NOJLETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. IndependentExpendituresMadeAtiachadditionalinfonnation on appropriate/I/labeled continuation & s. DATE 09/26/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT Office Supplies Cumulative to date total $2738.57 17.46 09/30/2016 Printing Cumulative to date total $2738.57 17.36 10/05/2016 10/09/2016 Office Space Cumulative to date total $2730.57 7.90 Office Space Cumulative to date total $2738.57 3.90 Reason for Amendment: www.neffile.coin • FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advioe: advice@fppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) wvntolppc.ca.gov NO.154 P003 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048 10/27/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler fo Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Rettich for AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (510) 522-2149 I.D. NUMBER ~cable) 1388521 STREET ADDRESS CtTY Alameda STATE ZIPCODE CA 94501 Date of This Filing 10/27/2016 Report No 20667 J Amendment to Report No. (evlain below) No. of Pages 5 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT Date Stamp CAUFORNLA 496 FORM For Officia I Use Only 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CAMDIDRIE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Gray Harris OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD Board Member: Alameda USD 2. Independent Expenditu DISTRICT NO, SUPPORT X OPPOSE NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO./LETTER s Made Attach adcfitionalinformation on appropriately labefed continuation sheers. JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE DATE 10/12/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPEND1TURF. Office Space Cumulative to date total $2738.57 AMOUNT 1.95 10/19/2016 Office Space .Cumulative to date total $2738.57 5.85 10/22/2016 Office Space Cumulative to date total $273.0.57 1.95 10/23/2016 Office Space 'Cumulative to date total $2738.57 1.95 Reason for Amendment* www.neffile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (86E1275-3772) vouve.fp pc.ca.gov NO.154 P004 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048 10/27/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashoraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER Amounts may be rounded to wtole dollars. 495 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT (510) 522-2149 STREET ADDRESS C.D. NUMBER asAcpOca■MaI 1388521 CITY Alameda STATE .ZIPCODE CA 94501 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure Date of This Filing 20/27/2016 Report No 20657 El Amendment to Report No (e1g3(ain below) No. of Pages DateStarno CALIFORNIA 496 FORM For Official Use Only NAIAE OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Gray Harris OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD Board Member: Alameda USD OISTR(CTNO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NOJLETrER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made Affachadditionalinfannation on approp' riefely labeled continua flan sheets. DATE 10/26/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT Office Space Cumulative to date total $2738.57 1.95 10/26/2016 Consulting Cumulative to date total $27357 440.19 Reason for Amendment' www.neffile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advicegrippc.ca.gov (866/275-9772) www.fppc.ca.gov Ga Additional Comments ° For Form 496 u1 OLSON NAGEL FISHBURN LLP + 91510865404B U) e11 C■J 10/27/2016 NAME OF FILER .D. NUMBER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor. Harris and Hettich 1388521 Svc SUL,1 S.d 2016 0uU by pu Cal C y um 7;r3pnl Did not reach $1000 untl 10/26/16 ADDITIONAL COMMENT CALIFORNIA FORM 496 Page of www.neffile.com